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Sociotropy and autonomy are 2 personality dimensions related to an individual's vulnerability to depression (A. T. Beck, 1983). The Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale (D. A. Clark, R. A. Steer, A. T. Beck, & L. Ross, 1995) and the Personal Style Inventory (C. J. Robins et al., 1994) were developed to assess these personality dimensions independent of each other. The present study is an examination of the relationship between the 2 scales and an attempt to specify the various factors that emerge when the items of the 2 scales are integrated. Participants (N = 514) responded to the Personal Style Inventory, the Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale, and the Beck Depression Inventory (A. T. Beck & R. A. Steer, 1987). A principal component analysis on all of the items of the 2 scales revealed a four-factor structure (2 sociotropy and 2 autonomy). The author examined the relationships between depression, the 4 factors, and the 2 original scales and discussed the results in the context of vulnerability to depression.  相似文献   

In this investigation, we evaluated the construct validity of sociotropy and autonomy as assessed by the revised Personal Style Inventory (PSI; Robins et al., 1994). Stories given to 6 cards of the Thematic Apperception Test (Murray, 1943) were coded for need for Achievement (McClelland, Atkinson, Clark, & Lowell, 1953) and need for Affiliation (Heyns, Veroff, & Atkinson, 1958). These scores were correlated with PSI Sociotropy and Autonomy, along with their component subscales. The construct validity of Sociotropy, Autonomy, and 5 of 6 component subscales were supported as hypothesized. Consistent with past research, there was no support for the construct validity of the Perfectionism/Self-Criticism subscale of Autonomy. In addition, separate analyses by gender suggested that the construct validity of sociotropy may be greater for women than for men. The results represent an important finding in that nonquestionnaire measures of interpersonal and achievement-related concerns were found to support the validity of the PSI, a need identified by the questionnaire's authors.  相似文献   

Honor is an important construct, mainly emphasized in collectivist cultures, such as Brazil. However, there is a lack of studies regarding honor in this cultural context. Therefore, the current research aims at proposing a short version of the Honor Scale (HS‐16) to the Brazilian context. Construct validity (i.e., factorial, convergent, and discriminant validity, as well as internal consistency and composite reliability) is reported in Studies 1 (n = 220) and 2 (n = 222), with participants from general population. In both studies, participants answered the Honor Scale and demographic questions. The authors find the HS‐16 to be a reliable and valid scale, thereby enabling its use in quantitative studies regarding the correlates of honor concerns.  相似文献   

Personal problem solving has emerged as an important construct in the cognitive-behavioral literature, yet there is a lack of clinically useful, performance-based measures practitioners can use to assess the personal problem-solving skills of their clients. Two studies evaluated the validity and reliability of a scoring system for measuring personal problem-solving processes via the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT; Morgan & Murray, 1935). In Experiment 1, undergraduate students (N = 87) completed two measures of personal problem solving, as well as three TAT cards, which were scored using the Personal Problem-Solving System (PPSS; Renan, 1990). In Experiment 2, an additional group of undergraduates (N = 56) responded to three TAT cards on two separate occasions and also completed a different measure of personal problem solving. Results from both studies supported the use of the PPSS for scoring TAT responses to assess personal problem-solving processes. Suggestions for future research are highlighted.  相似文献   

One-hundred and sixty-five undergraduate students completed measures of sociotropy, autonomy, and adjustment. Autonomy was associated with poor social adjustment but was not associated with work role adjustment. Sociotropy failed to evidence a significant relation with work role or social adjustment. In past research, autonomy has primarily been theorized to contribute to depression when achievement needs are not met. Our results raise the possibility that autonomy may be linked to depression through the pathway of low social support and interpersonal difficulties. In addition, the results suggest that sociotropic individuals may not have objectively poor social adjustment despite their concerns regarding this area. Likewise, autonomous individuals may not have better or worse work adjustment despite their efforts to achieve.  相似文献   

This study presents the preliminary results of research into the interrater reliability and construct validity of the Developmental Profile (DP). In the DP a number of developmental lines, such as Object-Relations, Self-Images, and Problem-Solving Capacities, are assessed and classified according to the level of functioning. A total of 108 profiles were assessed, drawn from three different categories of patients. The weighted kappa values for interrater reliability were sufficient. On the adaptive level, but also on the maladaptive levels Symbiosis and Resistance, significant differences were found between psychiatric patients, "normal controls" (dental patients) and somatic patients. No differences were recorded between the latter two groups. The conclusion is that the DP is a promising instrument, of which the reliability and validity has to be further investigated in order to contribute to scientific support for psychodynamic theory formation.  相似文献   

Replicates and extends prior work with the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) by providing psychometric data, further evidence of construct validity, and large-sample based normative data. Participants were 2,937 students (1,431 boys and 1,506 girls) in Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11. Students completed the SAS-A, the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS), and the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI). Results replicated a three-factor structure for the SAS-A, with good internal consistencies for its subscales. Normative data were subdivided by sex and grade group. Construct validity included replication of prior relations with general anxiety (RCMAS) and depressive symptomatology (CDI). Implications of these results for further use and norming of the SAS-A are discussed.  相似文献   

Sumi K 《Psychological reports》2008,102(2):595-596
The Japanese versions of the Interpersonal Relationship Inventory, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the Self-esteem Scale were administered to 153 Japanese college students. Weak to modest significant correlations between scores on the inventory and measure of life satisfaction and self-esteem provided further incremental support for construct validity of the inventory.  相似文献   

We examined the relations between sociotropy and autonomy and clinical features of depression. Beck (1983) proposed that sociotropy is related to a sense of deprivation and clinical features associated with reactive depression and that autonomy is related to a sense of defeat and clinical features associated with endogenous depression. Robins, Block, & Peselow (1989) found support for the hypothesis for sociotropy but not for autonomy, and they suggested that the autonomy scale may be problematic. We administered new measures of sociotropy and autonomy and a more comprehensive assessment of clinical features to 50 unipolar depressed inpatients. The results support the selective relations of both sociotropy and autonomy to the predicted sets of clinical features. This study adds to the growing evidence that these personality dimensions are important to the understanding of depression.  相似文献   

Scant research has examined the validity of instruments that permit observer ratings of psychopathy. Using a nonclinical (undergraduate) sample, the authors examined the associations between both self-and observer ratings on a psychopathy prototype (Psychopathy Q-Sort, PQS) and widely used measures of psychopathy, antisocial behavior, and negative emotionality. Self- and observer prototype correlations generally displayed predicted patterns of convergent and discriminant validity for the PQS. Future research using the PQS should focus on potential domains of incremental validity of peer-rated psychopathy beyond self-reported psychopathy.  相似文献   

Sociotropy and autonomy (Beck, 1983) are sets of beliefs, concerns, and behavioral tendencies that are proposed to create vulnerability to depression and other psychopathology and to influence its manifestation and treatment response. Other theoretical frameworks (Blatt, 1974) have made similar suggestions. We investigated the differential relations of sociotropy and autonomy to dimensional scores for each DSM-III-R personality disorder (PD) in a sample of 188 psychiatric patients, controlling for the other set of characteristics and for the other PDs. Histrionic and dependent PD traits were related specifically to sociotropy. Paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, and passive-aggressive PD traits were related specifically to autonomy. Borderline, narcissistic, avoidant, and self-defeating PD traits were related significantly and about equally to both sociotropy and autonomy. Obsessive-compulsive PD traits were not related consistently to either. Results were mostly as predicted and suggest that sociotropy and autonomy may be useful constructs for understanding and treating PDs.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the relationship of sociotropic and autonomous personality traits with response to pharmacotherapy for 217 depressed outpatients using the Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale. Sociotropy was related to nonendogenous depression, whereas autonomy was related to endogenous depression. Subjects who had high autonomous-low sociotropic traits showed greater response to antidepressants (and greater drug-placebo differences) than those who had high sociotropic-low autonomous traits (who showed no drug-placebo differences). Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that the sociotropy-autonomy, but not the endogenous-nonendogenous, distinction was a predictor of drug treatment response. The combination of endogeneity and autonomy predicted response to placebo. If replicated, these findings may enable better matching of patient traits to various treatment modalities for depression.  相似文献   

Teacher–child relationships are increasingly considered as contexts for children's development. While teacher reports are mostly used to study the developmental consequences of the three attachment-based dimensions of closeness, conflict and dependency, children's perceptions are important too. This study evaluated the construct validity of the newly developed Child Appraisal of Relationship with Teacher Scale (CARTS). To this end, data from a special education sample of children with emotional and behavioural disorders (N = 82; Mage = 8.75) and from a general education sample (N = 145; Mage = 8.15) were used. Results supported the reliability and construct validity of the CARTS scales and showed that children's relationship perceptions as assessed with the CARTS were uniquely associated with their feelings about their teacher as measured with the Feelings About School. In addition, child-perceived closeness and conflict converged in expected directions with teacher-perceived closeness and especially conflict in the relationship, as measured with a questionnaire and a diary.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was twofold: (a)to measure the alternate form reliability of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, and (b)to determine its construct validity by correlating it with the four scales of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). The alternate form reliability was .72. The Extraversion and Psychoticism scales of the EPQ were positively and significantly correlated with the narcissism measure, and the Lie scale showed a significant negative correlation. The Neuroticism scale showed a nonsignificant relationship with narcissism. In addition, the combined Extraversion and Psychoticism scales produced[ a Multiple R with the narcissism measure that accounted for significantly more of the variance in narcissism than did either measure alone.  相似文献   

A twin-based analysis of personality inventory scales yields information relevant to construct validity. If scales validly measure dimensions influenced developmentally either by environmental factors common to cotwins or by genetic similarities, these influences should be apparent in patterns of intraclass correlations and within-pair variance ratios for monozygotic and dizygotic pairs. Criteria for construct validity derived from adolescent twin statistics are illustrated with Wiggins' MMPI Content Scales. A type of discriminant validity indicates that some scales are not distinct in terms of the influences of familial similarity. Sex differences are examined.  相似文献   

Although Black inmates represent almost half the population of United States prisons and have been included in several studies of psychopathy, there appear to be no published studies to date addressing the validity of the psychopathy construct in Black inmates. Three studies were conducted to assess the validity of the construct in Black male inmates using Hare's Psychopathy Checklist (PCL). In Study 1, we examined the internal structure of the PCL and the relation of checklist scores to several constructs relevant to psychopathy. We observed differences between Blacks and Whites in the distribution of psychopathy scores, in the relation of psychopathy to measures of impulsivity, and in the congruence of the underlying factor structure of the PCL. In Study 2, Black psychopaths were found to manifest a pattern of passive avoidance deficits similar but not identical to that reported for White psychopaths in Newman and Kosson's study. Study 3 demonstrated that psychopaths of both races receive more criminal charges in a wider variety of offense categories than do nonpsychopaths. The psychopathy construct appears tentatively applicable to Blacks, although its components may be somewhat different than for Whites.  相似文献   

The authors examined religious practices of Hindus in the United States and developed measures of their religious pathways. Based on reviews of the psychology of religion, Hindu literature, and interviews with Hindus (N=15), 4 religious pathways were identified: devotion, ethical action, knowledge, and physical restraint/yoga. Items reflecting these pathways were generated and administered to a pilot sample (N=42) and then mailed to a sample across the United States (N=182). Consistent with Hindu theology, participants endorsed 4 religious pathways. Results indicated that the measures of the religious pathways possessed adequate psychometric properties and were predictive of mental and physical well-being. Additional findings emphasized the need to attend to age, marital status, and acculturation when studying religious practices among Hindus.  相似文献   

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