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Optimal social interactions can leave people feeling socially connected and at ease, which has clear implications for health and psychological well-being. Yet, not all social interactions leave people feelings at ease and connected. What explains this variability? We draw from the egosystem–ecosystem theory of social motivation (Crocker and Canevello 2008) to suggest that compassionate goals to support others explain some of this variability. We explored the nature of this association across four studies and varying social contexts. Across studies, compassionate goals predicted greater feelings of ease and connection. Results also indicate that a cooperative mindset may be one mechanism underlying this association: Findings suggest a temporal sequence in which compassionate goals lead to cooperative mindsets, which then lead to feeling at ease and connected. Thus, these studies suggest that people’s compassionate goals lead to their sense of interpersonal ease and connection, which may ultimately have implications for their sense of belonging.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of privilege in systemic oppression positions psychotherapists to engage in culturally oriented practice. Twenty-five practising psychotherapists were asked: ‘How can psychotherapists increase their awareness of social privilege?’ Participants sorted 68 unique responses into six concepts. The concepts included: make yourself uncomfortable; embrace humility; learn from the community; involvement in social action; seek critical knowledge; and find like-minded others in the profession. Recommendations for student training are offered.  相似文献   

Learned helplessness theory may provide a framework within which the correlates of sociometric status in children can be fruitfully investigated. Several parallels between learned helplessness and the characteristics of sociometric status groups are noted. It is argued that children who are rejected, and especially neglected, by peers are likely to manifest learned helplessness in social situations. In addition, reanalysis of Goetz and Dweck's (1980) study on learned helplessness in social situations provides data to support this viewpoint as: (a) rejected and neglected children resembled learned helpless children in regard to both attributions and behaviour following social rejection; (b) neglected children showed greater behavioural deterioration following rejection than rejected children. The implications of the proposed integration of research on learned helplessness and sociometric status are outlined, especially in relation to clinical disorders in children.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-two second- to fifth-grade (7- to 11-year-old) children with reading difficulties studied phonological awareness with or without explicit attention to articulation and with or without manipulation of sounds. They all studied identical phonics and read stories on the computer with speech and decoding support for difficult words. Regular-instruction controls received regularly scheduled language-arts or reading activities. After 40 h of training, children in all three trained conditions outperformed controls on all tests except math. Conditions that manipulated sounds showed advantages over the condition without explicit practice manipulating sounds, but only on the two measures of phonological awareness. Articulatory awareness training yielded no unique benefits during this training period. Individual differences in response to treatment related to initial levels of phonological awareness, naming speed, IQ, and grade. The similar outcomes of the three conditions suggest that specific variations in good phonological training may be less important than once thought for most children with reading difficulties.  相似文献   

Many studies directed at demonstrating perception without awareness have relied on the dissociation paradigm. Although the logic underlying this paradigm is relatively straightforward, definitive results have been elusive in the absence of any general consensus as to what constitutes an adequate measure of awareness. We propose an alternative approach that involves comparisons of the relative sensitivity of comparable direct and indirect indexes of perception. The only assumption required by the proposed approach is that the sensitivity of direct discriminations to relevant conscious information is greater than or equal to the sensitivity of comparable indirect discriminations. The proposed approach is illustrated through an evaluation of Avant and Thieman’s (1985) recent claim that an indirect measure of perception based on judgments of apparent visual duration provides a more sensitive indicator of perception than does a direct measure based on forced-choice recognition. Contrary to this claim, when direct and indirect indexes are measured under comparable conditions, an indirect measure based on judgments of perceived duration provides a less sensitive index of perceptual processing than do comparable direct measures. The proposed approach provides a general conceptual/methodological framework for using the dissociation paradigm in studies directed at establishing unconscious processes.  相似文献   

先前习得的空间不相容联结可以减少、消除甚至反转Simon效应, 这种现象被称为学习迁移效应。研究者已经在个人情境和社会情境中发现一些影响学习迁移效应的因素, 并提出短时记忆联结解释、自下而上的启动机制和反应对立策略等相关解释。未来研究需要澄清刺激-反应迁移的双向性以及学习迁移效应的认知神经机制和发展路径。  相似文献   

Behavioral assessment tests (BATs) are commonly used in studies of social phobia (SP). While previous studies have examined subjective anxiety during BATs, they have usually reported only mean or peak ratings. The current study examined whether there are different patterns of anxious arousal in anticipation of, and during exposure to, feared situations among individuals seeking treatment for SP (N = 153). A four cluster solution was judged to best describe the data, and the four clusters were labeled 'high anxiety,' 'increasing/high anxiety', 'moderate anxiety' and 'mild anxiety'. Before treatment, the cluster groups did not differ on person characteristics, subtype of social phobia, or levels of depressive symptoms. However, they did differ in terms of the severity of social phobia symptoms and the emotional valence of thoughts reported at the conclusion of the BAT. While members of all clusters benefited from cognitive-behavioral group therapy for social phobia, the clusters showed some differential response in amount of symptom reduction and likelihood of continuing to meet diagnostic criteria following treatment. The different emotional experiences of clients in the various clusters are explored and implications for cognitive-behavioral therapy are proposed. Finally, limitations of this study and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

One way of investigating perception without awareness is to utilize the phenomenon of binocular rivalry. The dichoptic viewing situation can be so arranged that a stimulus may be above identification level (when presented alone) but masked by contiguous stimulation, i.e. a brighter image to the other eye. This experimental situation was used to replicate an experiment of Smith et al. (1959) which claimed to demonstrate that differences in meaning between words registered below recognition threshold could affect associated conscious thoughts. In the two experiments reported here, a neutral face was paired with affect words presented subliminally and subjects were asked to rate its expression using a forced-choice indicator. Additional controls to those of Smith et al. were used. In Expt. I it was established that words presented outside of awareness had an effect on semantically related judgements, which was at least as great as that with the same words presented supraliminally. In Expt. II this was confirmed and it was found that increasing the similarity of contour between critical and control words of different meaning suggested differences between subliminal and supraliminal sessions. Responses tended to be meaning-related in the former and structure-related in the latter. It was suggested that the experiments have relevance to current theories of selective attention.  相似文献   

Cognitive-behavioral theorists (Clark & Wells, 1995: Clark, D. M. & Wells, A. (1995). A cognitive model of social phobia. In R. G. Heimberg, M. R. Liebowitz, D. A. Hope, & F. R. Schneier (Eds.), Social phobia: Diagnosis, assessment, and treatment (pp. 69-93). New York: Guilford Press; Rapee & Heimberg, 1997: Rapee, R. M., & Heimberg, R. G. (1997). A cognitive-behavioral model of anxiety in social phobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35, 741-756.) propose that individuals with social phobia form mental images of themselves as if from an external point of view. Research by Wells and colleagues has shown that, when recalling anxiety-provoking social situations, individuals with social phobia are more likely to take an observer perspective (seeing oneself as if from an external point of view) whereas control subjects are more likely to take a field perspective (as if looking out through one's own eyes). Furthermore, this pattern is specific to social events, as both groups recall non-social events from a field perspective (see Wells, Clark & Ahmad, 1998: Wells, A., Clark, D. M., & Ahmad, S. (1998). How do I look with my minds eye: perspective taking in social phobic imagery. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36, 631-634; Wells & Papageorigou, 1999: Wells, A. & Papageorgiou, C. (1999). The observer perspective: Biased imagery in social phobia, agoraphobia, and blood/injury phobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37, 653-658). In the current study, individuals with social phobia took more of an observer perspective than non-anxious controls when recalling high anxiety social situations. However, both groups took a predominantly field perspective for memories of medium or low anxiety social situations. As memory perspective has also been shown to be related to causal attributions, we examined this relationship in our sample. Memories of low, medium, and high anxiety social situations were differentially related to attributions for each group. Patients' attributions for their performance became more internal, stable, and global as the anxiety level of the situation increased, while the attributions of control subjects showed the opposite pattern.  相似文献   

Individuals with elevated social anxiety appear particularly vulnerable to marijuana-related problems. In fact, individuals with social anxiety may be more likely to experience marijuana-related impairment than individuals with other types of anxiety. It is therefore important to determine whether constructs particularly relevant to socially anxious individuals play a role in the expression of marijuana-related problems in this vulnerable population. Given that both social avoidance and using marijuana to cope with negative affect broadly have been found to play a role in marijuana-related problems, the current study utilized a new measure designed to simultaneously assess social avoidance and using marijuana to cope in situations previously identified as anxiety-provoking among those with elevated social anxiety. The Marijuana Use to Cope with Social Anxiety Scale (MCSAS) assessed behaviors regarding 24 social situations: marijuana use to cope in social situations (MCSAS-Cope) and avoidance of social situations if marijuana was unavailable. In Study 1, we found preliminary support for the convergent and discriminant validity and internal consistency of the MCSAS scales. In Study 2, we examined if MCSAS scores were related to marijuana problems among those with (n = 44) and without (n = 44) clinically elevated social anxiety. Individuals with clinically meaningful social anxiety were more likely to use marijuana to cope in social situations and to avoid social situations if marijuana was unavailable. Of importance, MCSAS-Cope uniquely mediated the relationship between social anxiety group status and marijuana-related problems. Results highlight the importance of contextual factors in assessing marijuana-related behaviors among high-risk populations.  相似文献   

Sixty subjects rated hypothetical P-O-X situations involving two persons and an unspecified but important “thing” for pleasantness, tension, and consistency. The situations varied in terms of whether P and O liked or disliked each other and whether P and O agreed or disagreed regarding X. Half of the subjects rated eight situations used by Gutman and Knox (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1972, 24, 351–357) in which a unit relation was induced between P and O by describing them as necessarily having to continue interacting with one another in the future. The other half of the subjects rated situations that were identical to those of the unit condition, except that stipulation of continued interaction was omitted, so that no unit relation was specifically induced. Results showed that preferences for agreement and attraction were stronger for pleasantness and tension ratings than for consistency ratings, while the preference for balance was stronger for consistency ratings than for pleasantness and tension ratings. When no unit relation was specified, the balance preference increased, whereas the attraction preference decreased. Moreover, the effect of attraction decreased more from the unit to the no unit condition for pleasantness than for tension ratings and more for tension than for consistency ratings. The results underscore the need to consider the influence of both the described characteristics of hypothetical social situations and the type of dependent measure employed on the weighting of preferences for balance, agreement, and attraction.  相似文献   

We evaluated a behavioral intervention for a 9-year-old girl with selective mutism. The intervention consisted of role play and video self-modeling. The frequency of spoken initiations, responses to questions, and communication breakdowns was measured during three social situations (i.e., ordering in a restaurant, meeting new adults, and playing with new children) and in three community settings. Results demonstrated increases in spoken initiations and responses and decreases in communication breakdowns across all situations and settings.  相似文献   

Among a sample of Belgian high school boys, the author attempted to determine on the basis of social identity theory (H. Tajfel & J. C. Turner, 1979) whether an outgroup's relevancy in intergroup comparisons influences the amount of intergroup discrimination. Relevancy was manipulated by the use of 2 trivial categorization dimensions that were orthogonally crossed. In 1 of the crossed categorization conditions, this procedure resulted in the formation of 4 groups, whereas in the 2nd condition, only 2 of these groups were effectively formed. Nevertheless, the participants in both conditions were instructed to evaluate 4 groups--either 4 actual groups (1st condition) or 2 actual and 2 hypothetical groups (2nd condition). In both conditions, the intergroup evaluations exhibited the same pattern--that is, they did not differentiate their ingroups from the partly overlapping groups but were clearly biased against the double outgroup.  相似文献   

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