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Mieke Donk 《Visual cognition》2013,21(2-3):201-220

Several psychophysical studies suggest that the quality of feature and positional information deteriorates differentially as a function of retinal eccentricity. Nevertheless, current models on visual search do not deal with such a difference. Two experiments have been executed in order to investigate whether eccentricity of target location affects the slope of the function relating reaction time (RT) to display size differently in a feature-search task compared to a task in which subjects search for the absence of a feature–that is, an absence-search task. The results showed that in the latter search rates strongly decreased when display elements were presented further from central fixation. In feature search there was no such effect. It is suggested that slope differences are related to the extent to which the attentional system is involved in compensating for inferior positional information in eccentric vision.  相似文献   

Further evidence for feature correlations in semantic memory.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The role of feature correlations in semantic memory is a central issue in conceptual representation. In two versions of the feature verification task, participants were faster to verify that a feature (< is juicy >) is part of a concept (grapefruit) if it is strongly rather than weakly intercorrelated with the other features of that concept. Contrasting interactions between feature correlations and SOA were found when the concept versus the feature was presented first. An attractor network model of word meaning that naturally learns and uses feature correlations predicted those interactions. This research provides further evidence that semantic memory includes implicitly learned statistical knowledge of feature relationships, in contrast to theories such as spreading activation networks, in which feature correlations play no role.  相似文献   

How do acoustic attributes of the speech signal contribute to feature-processing interactions that occur in phonetic classification? In a series of five experiments addressed to this question, listeners performed speeded classification tasks that explicitly required a phonetic decision for each response. Stimuli were natural consonant-vowel syllables differing by multiple phonetic features, although classification responses were based on a single target feature. In control tasks, no variations in nontarget features occurred, whereas in orthogonal tasks nonrelevant feature variations occurred but had to be ignored. Comparison of classification times demonstrated that feature information may either be processed separately as independent cues for each feature or as a single integral segment that jointly specifies several features. The observed form on processing depended on the acoustic manifestations of feature variation in the signal. Stop-consonant place of articulation and voicing cues, conveyed independently by the pattern and excitation source of the initial formant transitions, may be processed separately. However, information for consonant place of articulation and vowel quality, features that interactively affect the shape of initial formant transitions, are processed as an integral segment. Articulatory correlates of each type of processing are discussed in terms of the distinction between source features that vary discretely in speech production and resonance features that can change smoothly and continuously. Implications for perceptual models that include initial segmentation of an input utterance into a phonetic feature representation are also considered.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: Interpretation bias (IB), defined as the tendency to interpret ambiguous social situations in a threatening manner, has increasingly been studied in children and adolescents. Compared to Western samples, the relation between IB and social anxiety in Chinese youth has received little attention. The present study was to mainly examine the relationship between IB and social anxiety among Chinese adolescents.

Design: Cross-sectional design was utilized.

Methods: IB, measured by the Adolescents’ Interpretation Bias Questionnaire (AIBQ), and social anxiety were surveyed among a group of high socially anxious Chinese adolescents (n?=?25) and a control group (n?=?29). Participants were asked to rate the likelihood of interpretations coming to mind in social/non-social situations and to choose the most believable interpretation.

Results: The high social anxiety group had more negative interpretations and beliefs in social situations, and the interpretation bias was particular to social anxiety versus depression. Additionally, the cognitive content-specificity hypothesis was supported; the high anxious group showed interpretation bias in social situations, but didn’t have more negative interpretations of non-social situations, after controlling for depression.

Conclusions: The present study yielded comparable findings as found in Western samples regarding the relation between IB and social anxiety.  相似文献   

Using Festinger's cognitive dissonance theory as a model, the extension to Barker's ecological theory, referred to as ecological dissonance theory, was developed. Designed to examine the motivational dynamics involved when environmental systems are in conflict with each other or with cognitive systems, ecological dissonance theory yielded five propositions which were tested in 10 studies. This summary of the studies suggests operationally defined measures of ecological dissonance may correlate with workers' satisfaction with their jobs, involvement with their jobs, alienation from their work, and to a lesser extent, workers' conflict resolution behavior and communication style.  相似文献   

A series of experiments, using a selective adaptation procedure, investigated some of the properties of the linguistic feature detectors that mediate the perception of the voiced and voiceless stop consonants. The first experiment showed that these detectors are centrally rather than peripherally located, in that monotic presentation of the adapting stimulus and test stimuli to different ears resulted in large and reliable shifts in the locus of the phonetic boundary. The second experiment revealed that the detectors are part of the specialized speech processor, inasmuch as adaptation of a voicing detector (as measured by a shift in the phonetic boundary) occurred only when the voicing information was presented in a speech context. In the third experiment, the detector mediating perception of the voiced stops was shown to be more resistant to adaptation than the detector mediating perception of the voiceless stops.  相似文献   

Recent studies have begun to test certain fundamental assumptions underlying popular models of feature perception. This research is continued here. It was discovered that every basic assumption that was open to test in the present study was disconfirmed. However, several new characteristics of line and curve feature perception were discovered: (1) Feature perception sensitivity was inversely related to the number of features present in a stimulus pattern, and the decision criteria for reporting a feature decreased with the number of features contained in a pattern; (2) the decrements in sensitivity reported in (1) were greater for features lying inside a pattern than for those on the exterior; and (3) feature perception sensitivity actually improved if another feature was known to be correctly perceived during the same trial. Likewise, feature sensitivity decreased if another feature was missed on any trial. At the present time, a system that first extracts global and then local (more detailed) featural information provides a basis that qualitatively accounts for our findings and is also compatible with several other studies in the literature.  相似文献   

Four experiments used the visual search paradigm to examine feature integration mechanisms. Reaction time to determine the presence or absence of a conjunctive target is relatively fast and exhaustive for low-density displays. Search rate is slow and self-terminating for high-density displays. Density effects do not arise when the target is defined by a unique feature. Two mechanisms are proposed for feature integration. A fast mechanism integrates features on the basis of coarse location information coded with the initial registration of the features. This coarse location mechanism requires that display items be spaced apart. A second, slower mechanism is used when objects are clumped together. The 2-mechanism hypothesis provides a resolution to conflicting findings in the visual search and illusory-conjunction literature. A possible interpretation of the findings with a single guided search mechanism for feature integration is also discussed.  相似文献   

In this article I explore the concept of surrender and its significance for Reiki practitioners. Reiki is a hands-on healing method with roots in spiritual practice. The term ‘surrender’ has been emphasised, not always explicitly, by Reiki practitioners in Britain. I posit that surrender within the Reiki context is indicative of an external authority and source of significance. This contributes to previous literature regarding internal self-authority or non-formative social authority and shows that an external authority provides a third form of influence for practitioners. I explicate the idea of surrender and demonstrate that the object of that surrender, understood as reiki energy, has agency and that the power of this agency is operationalised through authority. In effect, surrender illuminates a consideration of reiki as an agential external authority which is legitimised through practice and training, allowing for new forms of a transformed identity and a sense of freedom and autonomy from hegemonic discourses.  相似文献   

Three selective adaptation experiments were run, using nonspeech stimuli (music and noise) to adapt speech continua ([ba]-[wa] and [cha]-[sha]). The adaptors caused significant phoneme boundary shifts on the speech continua only when they matched in periodicity: Music stimuli adapted [ba]-[wa], whereas noise stimuli adapted [cha]-[sha]. However, such effects occurred even when the adaptors and test continua did not match in other simple acoustic cues (rise time or consonant duration). Spectral overlap of adaptors and test items was also found to be unnecessary for adaptation. The data support the existence of auditory processors sensitive to complex acoustic cues, as well as units that respond to more abstract properties. The latter are probably at a level previously thought to be phonetic. Asymmetrical adaptation was observed, arguing against an opponent-process arrangement of these units. A two-level acoustic model of the speech perception process is offered to account for the data.  相似文献   

Transfer appropriate processing (TAP) accounts propose that memory is a function of the degree to which the same neural processes transfer appropriately from the study experience to the memory test. However, in prior research, study and test stimuli were often similar physically. In two experiments, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded to fragmented objects during an indirect memory test to isolate transfer of a specific perceptual process from overlap of physical features between experiences. An occipitotemporoparietal P2(00) at 200 msec showed implicit memory effects only when similar perceptual grouping processes of good continuation were repeatedly engaged—despite physical feature differences—as TAP accounts hypothesize. This result provides direct neurophysiological evidence for the critical role of process transfer across experiences for memory.  相似文献   

The visual system groups elements within the visual field that are physically separated yet similar to each other. Although grouping processes have been intensely studied for a century, the mechanisms of grouping remain elusive. We propose that a primary mechanism for grouping by common fate is attentional selection of a direction of motion. A unique prediction follows from this account: that the visual system must be limited to forming only a single common-fate group at a time, and that attempts to find a particular common-fate group among other groups, or among nongroups, should therefore be highly inefficient. We show that this is true in searches for vertically oriented groups of moving dots among horizontally oriented groups (Experiment 1) and in searches for motion-linked groups among nonlinked objects (Experiment 2). Feature selection may limit the visual system to the construction of only one common-fate group at a time, and thus the experience of simultaneous grouping may be an illusion.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out in order to investigate the questions of exhaustive vs selfterminating and serial vs parallel processing in a simple visual search task. In the experiment, 1, 2 or 3 letters were placed on an imaginary circle round the fixation point. Two different letters were used, one of which was defined as the ‘signal’. Ss had to respond ‘yes’ when one or more signals were in the display, ‘no’ otherwise. The number of signals in the display was varied from ‘no signals’ to ‘all signals’.A decrease in latencies with increasing number of signals for a fixed number of elements presented was observed indicating a selfterminating search. A decrease in latencies with increasing number of elements when only signals were presented was taken as evidence for a parallel selfterminating process. A further analysis of the error data showed that a limited capacity system had to be assumed. It was shown that it was possible to construct the overall pattern of latencies over conditions from the error data obtained.  相似文献   

The results of a recent perceptual study (W. Ziegler & D. von Cramon, 1985, Anticipatory coarticulation in a patient with apraxia of speech. Brain and Language 26, 117-130) provided evidence for disturbed coarticulation in verbal apraxia. Further support for this finding is now provided by acoustic analyses. Formant frequencies and LP reflection coefficients were chosen to assess anticipatory vowel-to-vowel coarticulation and vowel anticipation in stop consonants, respectively. These parameters revealed a lack of coarticulatory cohesion in the speech of a patient suffering from verbal apraxia, explainable by a consistent delay in the initiation of anticipatory vowel gestures. The findings are discussed with respect to prosodic features and to theoretical and clinical concepts of verbal apraxia.  相似文献   

Subjects were asked to judge successively presented letter trigrams “same” or “different.” The different stimuli were divided into four groups; not confusable (NC), acoustically confusable (AC), visually confusable (VC), and both visually and acoustically confusable (VC & AC). Reaction times (RT) were lengthened only by the double confusability. It is argued that comparisons are normally made in both channels, so that confusability in a single channel has no effect since the alternative channel is unimpaired. RTs are only increased when both channels are slowed down. A further experiment confirms this interpretation. When the situation is manipulated so that only the visual channel is employed, the VC group shows the same increase as the VC & AC group.  相似文献   

Deterministic and probabilistic additive learning models forsignal detection/recognition replace the fixed criterion of classical detection models with one which shifts from trial to trial in the light of the preceding trial events. Data from a sinusoid in noise detection task without feedback and an auditory amplitude recognition task with feedback are used to test these models with respect to their predictions about asymptotic response frequency, and, where possible, by likelihood ratio tests. These and some previous experiments show that whether or not feedback is given subjects do not universally probability match, overmatch, undermatch, or keep response probability constant over discriminability, so that none of the testable special models can fit more than a proportion of subjects. The likelihood ratio tests confirm this conclusion for the special deterministic models. The six-parameter general deterministic model does nonsignificantly better than an ad hoc six-parameter response runs model in fitting the recognition data and significantly better than the five-parameter memory recognition model of Tanner, Rauk, andAtkinson (1970). Monte Carlo methods are used to confirm the applicability of asymptotic response frequency results to practically feasible sample sizes.  相似文献   

Evil as evidence     
Robert Pargetter 《Sophia》1982,21(2):11-15

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