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This study examined the effects of counselor language switching and counselor ethnicity on bilingual Mexican American participants' emotional self‐disclosure. Counselor language (English only and Spanish with English) was crossed with counselor ethnicity (Mexican American and European American) to produce 4 treatment conditions. Judges' observations revealed that the European American counselor who language switched elicited the most emotional expression from participants. Este estudio examinó los efectos que un cambio de idioma por parte del consejero y la etnicidad del consejero tienen sobre la auto‐revelación emocional de los participantes México Americanos bilingües. El idioma del consejero (sólo inglés, y español con inglés) se combinó con su etnicidad (México Americano y Euro Americano) para generar 4 condiciones de tratamiento. Las observaciones de los jueces revelaron que el consejero Euro Americano que cambió de idioma obtuvo el mayor número de expresiones emocionales de los participantes.  相似文献   

Children's emotional expression and language both develop during infancy and early childhood, yet these two communication systems have been studied primarily in isolation. This study focuses instead on assessing the relation between them just as productive language emerges during toddlerhood. Seventy‐seven typically developing, firstborn toddlers and their families were recruited at 13 months of age. Using an extreme groups design, earlier and later talkers were selected based on their MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory production scores. Laboratory visits occurred at 15, 21, and 30 months; home visits occurred at 3‐month intervals from 15 to 30 months. Observational and parent report measures assessed child language, emotional expression, temperament, and overall developmental functioning. Parents also reported on parenting stress and family life events. Overall, results support a significant relation between emotional expression and productive language that varies according to the specific emotion, a finding that may resolve earlier contradictory results in this area. Earlier talkers expressed more joy/pleasure than did later talkers, but later talkers expressed more fear and anger than did earlier talkers. Potential contributions of various child/family factors were explored. Child temperament is proposed as influencing this relation through its effects on the child's transactions with the caregiving environment.  相似文献   

梁亮  吴明证 《应用心理学》2009,15(4):334-338
探讨了婚姻关系中自尊、情绪表达、情绪表达冲突与婚姻满意度之间的关系。186名被试完成了自尊、情绪表达、情绪表达冲突与婚姻满意度问卷。结果发现:低自尊导致了高情绪表达冲突,且高情绪表达冲突不利于伴侣的情绪表达和婚姻满意度;自尊通过情绪表达和情绪表达冲突影响婚姻满意度;男性的情绪表达冲突高于女性,且自尊通过情绪表达冲突影响婚姻满意度的间接效应在男性中更为明显。  相似文献   

This lecture addresses the task of psychotherapy as enabling both patient and therapist to feel personally alive, sensibly responsible and to be able to experience compassion and civility. Freud's notion of the end of analysis issuing in a capacity for common unhappiness is examined. The metaphorical nature of psychotherapy is the frame for understanding these concepts.He is associate editor of  相似文献   

张辉华 《心理学报》2014,46(11):1691-1703
基于社会网络视角, 分别以社会资本的关系性维度为中介变量, 以社会资本的结构性维度为跨层调节变量, 探讨了个体情绪智力对任务绩效的影响。通过收集模拟网络实验背景中46个项目团队210位个体的调查数据, 运用多元统计分析方法对提出的假设模型进行了实证检验。研究发现:在控制个性的前提下, 关系性社会资本在个体情绪智力影响任务绩效过程中起到中介作用, 结构性社会资本(咨询网络密度)跨层正向调节影响个体情绪智力与任务绩效的关系。结果表明, 不同层次的社会资本及其维度在情绪智力影响绩效过程中扮演着不同角色, 运用社会资本概念框架有助于解释情绪智力的作用机制。  相似文献   

情绪复杂性:探讨情绪功能的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪复杂性指个体情绪体验的多样性、广泛性和深刻性。可从情绪觉察能力和混合情绪两个角度测量情绪复杂性。情绪复杂性既受个体注意分配能力, 社会认知技能和某些人格特质的影响, 也与所处情境密切相关。此外, 情绪复杂性还存在年龄与文化差异。维持情绪复杂性对个体的认知功能和身心健康有重要意义, 如增加个体的环境适应能力和帮助个体从压力中更快恢复。正念训练和情绪聚焦疗法是两种增进情绪复杂性的心理干预手段。  相似文献   

This paper provides a perspective on current issues and challenges in the investigation of the neurobiology of language. It is proposed that the speech/language deficits of aphasic patients reflect impairments in the processing components involved in accessing language. More specifically, it is hypothesized that many of these deficits result from changes in the activation level of word candidates in the lexicon. Because word recognition and lexical access processes are crucially involved in virtually all aspects of language processing, such an impairment has repercussions throughout the components of the linguistic grammar. It is suggested that the intersection of such language behaviors with the identification of underlying neural systems will define future research directions. Methodological and technological issues are discussed as they impact on current and future research.  相似文献   

"情绪劳动"要求与情绪耗竭:情绪劳动策略的中介作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章目的是通过量表调查法来研究情绪劳动要求、情绪劳动策略和情绪耗竭之间的关系,以及验证情绪劳动要求和策略量表的结构维度.研究使用调查某大型公司营业厅和客服人员的424份有效问卷进行分析.验证性结构方程模型分析显示,情绪劳动要求和情绪劳动策略量表具有良好的结构效度;结构方程模型分析显示,情绪劳动策略在情绪劳动要求和情绪耗竭之间起到一定的中介作用.具体为:专注度分别通过表面行为、深度行为和中性调节影响情绪耗竭;规则性通过中性调节影响情绪耗竭;严格性通过表面行为和深度行为影响情绪耗竭;多样性可以直接或通过表面行为影响情绪耗竭.  相似文献   

What can be done to help college students who are not native speakers of English learn from computer‐based lessons that are presented in English? To help students access the meaning of spoken words in a slow‐paced 16‐minute narration about wildlife in Antarctica, a representational video was added that showed the scenes and animals being described in the narration (Experiment 1). Adding video resulted in improved performance of non‐native English speakers on a comprehension test (d = 0.63), perhaps because the video improved access to word meaning without creating extraneous cognitive load. To help students perceive the spoken words in a fast‐paced 9‐minute narrated video about chemical reactions, concurrent on‐screen captions were added (Experiment 2). Adding on‐screen captions did not improve performance by non‐native English speakers on comprehension tests, perhaps because learners did not have available capacity to take advantage of the captions. Implications for cognitive load theory are discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Autistic Disorder (AD) is a phenotypically heterogeneous condition characterized by impairments in social interaction, communication, and the presence of repetitive behavior and restricted interests. It is a model syndrome to investigate neural interaction and integration at the nexus of language and social cognition. This paper considers the problems of language acquisition in AD from an evolutionary and ontogenetic context. Following a review of normal language development during the formative years of brain development, we examine what is known about infant linguistic and nonlinguistic precursors of language acquisition in AD and examine how anomalies of several processes relate to language abnormalities manifest by the early elementary school years. Population heterogeneity and practical limitations inherent to the study of children currently limit a comprehensive understanding of the significance of specific neurological abnormalities in relation to observed deficits. However, convergent evidence implicates anomalies of a widely distributed neural network, involving superior temporal sulcus, superior temporal gyrus, supramarginal gyrus, insula, inferior frontal gyrus, hippocampus, amygdala and cerebellum. These anomalies reflect the cumulative effects of genetic, epigenetic and environmental influences. Neuropsychological studies of language in AD provide an important means to define the phenotypic variation resulting from alterations in neural architecture. By mapping broad relationships between key symptoms, neuropsychological impairment and neural substrate, information derived from these studies enable a level of analysis that bridges the gap between the genome and the syndrome. Further study of children during the critical first 2 years of life using behavioral, electrophysiological, and functional neuroimaging methods is essential.  相似文献   

My intent is to bring a key group of critical terms associated with the emotionsbitterness, sentimentality, and emotionalityto greater feminist attention. These terms are used to characterize emoters on the basis of how we express ourselves, and they characterize us in ways that we need no longer be taken seriously. I analyze the ways in which these terms of emotional dismissal can be put to powerful political use.  相似文献   

Research on the psycholinguistic processing of conceptual metaphors has produced contrasting results in recent years. There have also been criticisms that in experimental studies of metaphor processing, linguistic stimuli are mostly intuition-based and not designed objectively based on the original language use data. To address these issues, we studied the processing of conventional metaphoric expressions in Persian language using corpus data. A reading time experiment was designed to test whether conventional metaphoric expressions activated conceptual metaphors. A corpus of 50 million word tokens was used to study the conventional patterns of metaphoric expressions usages and construct experimental items. Fifty five Persian speakers read a set of scenarios containing non-conventional metaphor, conventional metaphor and non-metaphor expressions on computer and the reading times of the following novel target sentence in each condition were recorded by DMDX stimulus presenter program. Comparing mean reading times using one-way ANOVA revealed that reading target sentence after conventional metaphor scenarios had been significantly faster than non-metaphor scenarios, but slower than non-conventional scenarios. The results show that conventionality has a weakening effect on the strength of metaphoric expressions to activate conceptual metaphors.  相似文献   

通过幼儿情绪表现规则知识的访谈、家庭情绪表露问卷和幼儿社会行为评估问卷调查,考察了112名3~6岁幼儿情绪表现规则知识的发展及其与家庭情绪表露、社会行为的关系。结果表明:(1)幼儿的表情调节知识存在显著的年龄差异,大班幼儿比小班幼儿具有更高的表情调节知识、更倾向于掩饰消极情绪;(2)幼儿的表情调节知识与情绪表达的人际支持、工具支持的结果期望存在显著正相关,即幼儿掩饰消极情绪是因为预期情绪表达不会得到他人理解和帮助;(3)幼儿报告面对父母同伴教师不同在场者时具有不同的情绪体验,且幼儿的人际支持结果预期存在年龄和在场者的交互作用;(4)家庭情绪表露与幼儿的人际支持的结果预期存在显著正相关、与工具支持的结果预期存在显著负相关;(5)倾向于掩饰消极情绪的幼儿表现出更多的亲社会行为,认为表达消极情绪会带来不良结果的幼儿表现出更多的害羞退缩行为。  相似文献   

外语学习与教学是一个非常复杂的习得过程,它涉及到各种因素。或许由于我国教育体制的局限,长期以来在教学过程中,尤其是英语教学过程中,过分强调英语成绩、识记能力而忽视教学过程中的情感因素、认知因素,致使教学目标单一、片面化、效率低下。为解决这些问题,必须在英语教学中融入情感因素,发挥其在英语教学中的作用,改变传统的英语教学模式,优化教学效果。  相似文献   

A commonly held belief is that language is an aspect of the biological system since the capacity to acquire language is innate and evolved along Darwinian lines. Written language, on the other hand, is thought to be an artifact and a surrogate of speech; it is, therefore, neither natural nor biological. This disparaging view of written language, even though propounded by some renowned linguists and biologists, has not gained universal acceptance. Dissenters such as linguists from the Prague circle who claim that written language is an independent system that deserves a status equivalent to that of spoken language have developed their argument along linguistic parameters. The present article also endeavors to show that written language is as natural as spoken language but does so from a biolinguistic perspective. Biolinguistics defines language as a product of biological adaptation in the Darwinian sense (Givon, 2002 Givon, T. 2002. Bio-linguistics, Philadelphia: John Benjamins.  [Google Scholar]) and considers language to be innate and species specific (Jenkins, 2000 Jenkins, L. 2000. Biolinguistics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). The present article presents evidence to show that, similar to spoken language, written language has adaptive value, evolved over time, and is relatively independent of spoken language. The Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, which has a history of about 4,000 years, is used for examining the proposition that written language evolved along Darwinian lines as much as spoken language did. It is concluded that written language is yet another manifestation of the natural endowment of the human mind and may not be treated as a proxy for speech. The educational implication is that, in literacy instruction, written language should be given as much importance in today's schools as elements of spoken language, such as phoneme awareness and phonological awareness.  相似文献   

9~11岁儿童对失败学习情景的情绪反应和情绪表达研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
徐琴美  鞠晓辉 《心理科学》2005,28(2):447-450
本研究对180名9-11岁儿童在失败学习情景下的情绪反应和情绪表达进行了研究。结果表明:(1)儿童在失败学习情景中情绪表达的意愿受年龄影响。(2)儿童在失败学习情景中的情绪表达原因受年龄和观众背景影响。儿童隐藏情绪的原因主要是害怕消极的后果,表达情绪的原因是为了得到积极的结果。(3)儿童在失败学习情景中情绪表达和隐藏的策略受年龄、性别和观众背景的影响。(4)儿童的后继行为受年龄的影响。  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that writing about upsetting experiences can improve physical health. In an attempt to explain this phenomenon, 72 first-year college students were randomly assigned to write about either their thoughts and feelings about coming to college or about superficial topics for three consecutive days. Measures of language use within the writing samples and cognitive measures of accessibility and schematic organisation were collected in the weeks before and after writing. As in previous studies, writing about college was found to reduce health centre visits for illness and to improve subjects' grade point average. Text analyses indicated that the use of positive emotion words and changes in words suggestive of causal and insightful thinking were linked to health change. Improved grades, although not linked to these language dimensions, were found to correlate with measures of schematic organisation of college-relevant themes. Implications for using written language to understand cognitive and health processes are discussed.  相似文献   

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