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The prevention of major depression is an important research goal which deserves increased attention. Depressive symptoms and disorders are particularly common in primary care patients and have a negative impact on functioning and well-being comparable with other major chronic medical conditions. The San Francisco Depression Prevention Research project conducted a randomized, controlled, prevention trial to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing such research in a public sector setting serving low-income, predominantly minority individuals: 150 primary care patients free from depression or other major mental disorders were randomized to an experimental cognitive-behavioral intervention or to a control condition. The experimental intervention group reported a significantly greater reduction in depressive levels. Decline in depressive levels was significantly mediated by decline in the frequency of negative conditions. Group differences in the number of new episodes (incidence) of major depression did not reach significance during the 1-year trial. We conclude that depression prevention trials in public sector primary care settings are feasbile, and that depressive symptoms can be reduced even in low-income, minority populations. To conduct randomized prevention trials that can test effects on incidence with sufficient statistical power, subgroups at greater imminent risk have to be identified.  相似文献   

Even though Parenting Capacity Assessments (PCAs) are essential for child protection services to support placement decisions for maltreating families, presently no evidence-based PCA protocols are available. In this randomized controlled trial, we tested the quality of an attachment-based PCA protocol based on Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD). We recruited 56 parent-child dyads (Mage children = 3.48 years) in Dutch family residential clinics that conduct PCAs to support placement decisions. After pretest, families were randomized to receive the Regular Assessment Procedure (RAP) (n = 28), or an additional assessment based on VIPP-SD (n = 28). An immediate post-test and a 10-month follow-up were conducted. Multilevel models showed that therapists felt equally confident about their recommendations regarding child placement for both groups and that they equally often modified their initial placement recommendations. Moreover, children in the VIPP-SD group did not show fewer behavior problems and did not experience recurring child maltreatment less often than children in the RAP group. Thus, we found no evidence that PCAs incorporating the VIPP-SD protocol outperformed PCAs as usual. We discuss possible explanations why in the current study VIPP-SD did not seem to add to the quality of the RAP.  相似文献   

Training parents to help their children read: A randomized control trial   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background . Low levels of literacy and high levels of behaviour problems in middle childhood often co‐occur. These persistent difficulties pose a risk to academic and social development, leading to social exclusion in adulthood. Although parent‐training programmes have been shown to be effective in enabling parents to support their children's development, very few parent interventions offer a combination of behavioural and literacy training. Aims . This paper (1) reports on a prevention programme which aimed to tackle behaviour and literacy problems in children at the beginning of school, and (2) presents the effects of the intervention on children's literacy. Sample . One hundred and four 5‐ and 6‐year‐old children selected from eight schools in an inner city disadvantaged community in London participated in the intervention. Methods . This is a randomized control trial with pre‐ and post‐measurements designed to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention. The behavioural intervention consisted of the ‘Incredible Years’ group parenting programme combined with a new programme designed to train parents to support their children's reading at home. Results . Analyses demonstrated a significant effect of the intervention on children's word reading and writing skills, as well as parents' use of reading strategies with their children. Conclusion . A structured multicomponent preventive package delivered with attention to fidelity can enable parents to support their children's reading at home and increase their literacy skills. Together with the improvement in child behaviour, these changes could improve the life chances of children in disadvantaged communities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore whether a participatory, organizational intervention can reduce work-related risk factors, and thereby prevent stress-related ill health. We build on the job demand-control and effort-reward imbalance models of stress. It is a two-armed randomized trial, with one primary health care unit receiving the intervention and a two-unit control group. Validated questionnaires for the assessment of psychosocial work environment and health were administered, at the baseline and at 6 and 12-month follow up. The primary outcome was job strain. Secondary outcomes were effort–reward imbalance, exhaustion, sleep, and recovery. Group-level objective data on workload and data about relevant processes during the study were continuously collected. The changes in the intervention group with regard to job strain, effort-reward imbalance, exhaustion, sleep and recovery were not statistically different from changes in the control group. For the non-exhausted employees though, reward was significantly higher at follow up compared to baseline, but only in the intervention group. An important piece of information is that the objective workload was statistically significantly higher in the intervention group throughout the study. Not all the components of the intervention were implemented as intended. Context and process information, such as objective data and implementation fidelity are necessary for a valid interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an experimental test of coercion theory early onset model of delinquency. Results are from the Oregon Divorce Study-II, a randomized preventive intervention trial with a sample of 238 recently separated mothers and their sons in early elementary school. The objective was to experimentally manipulate parenting variables hypothesized to influence development of delinquent behaviors. Multiple-method assessment spanned 36 months. Because the intervention focused on parent training, we expected that any intervention effects on changes in child outcomes would be mediated by hypothesized intervening mechanisms. Linear growth models showed significantly greater reduction in boys' delinquency and deviant peer affiliation in the experimental group relative to the controls. Subsequent models using no method overlap in constructs demonstrated that the intervention effect on delinquency operated through growth in parenting and reduction in deviant peer affiliation.  相似文献   

Clinicians working in occupational health services often recognize features of embitterment in organizations; however, research on interventions for embitterment are scarce. The present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of an expressive writing intervention on working adults who experience workplace embitterment. Employing a randomized control trial we sought to test an expressive writing intervention for its effects on reducing embitterment, work-related rumination and sleep quality and assess whether the effect of the intervention was maintained over time by following up participants after one and three months. Findings partially supported our hypothesis as results showed that participants who completed the expressive writing intervention (N = 23) did not show significantly lower levels of embitterment, affective rumination, higher levels of detachment, either improved sleep quality, compared to participants who completed the factual writing (N = 21), when baseline values were controlled for. However, when looking at the mean scores embitterment and affective rumination levels diminished, detachment levels increased and sleep quality improved throughout the course of the intervention for both groups. Given the stability of embitterment and as findings from this study indicate embitterment diminished after a writing exercise irrespective of emotional disclosure taking place or not, further research and investigation are warranted.  相似文献   

Persistent unexplained infant crying in the first few months is a common source of distress for parents and is costly for the health services. The aim was to assess the merits of developmental and social conceptualizations of this phenomenon, compared to the clinical approach as represented by the concept of colic. From a community sample of 530 infants, 67 who met the ‘rule of threes’ definition of colic by fussing and crying for 3 or more hours per day at 4-5 weeks of age were chosen. To avoid confusion, these infants were called ‘persistent criers’. Groups of ‘evening criers’ (N = 38) and ‘moderate cries’ (N = 55) were also selected. These 160 infants were assessed by researcher measures of their consolability and by maternal diary measures of their amounts of fussing, crying and colic behaviour when 5-6 weeks old. The persistent and evening criers cried more than the moderate criers. However, irritable, ‘fussy’ behaviour was the predominant form of distress for all three groups of infants. Colic bouts–defined as ‘bouts of intense, unsoothable crying and other behaviour, perhaps due to stomach or bowel pain’–were rare even among the persistent criers and only 7% of these infants were found to be inconsolable. The results support growing evidence that normal infant developmental processes are central to this phenomenon. In addition, social interactions between infants and parents, and parental subjective variables, appear to be involved. Colic was distinguished as a rare and separate form of distress by the infants' mothers. Further evidence needs to determine whether colic is a distinct clinical phenomenon or an extreme degree of normal distress interpreted within a western cultural framework.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the efficacy of a self-paced, Internet-based marriage and relationship skills education program ("Power of Two Online"). The program integrated an online intervention with print supplemental resources. New and expectant parents (n = 79) were randomly assigned to the 2-month intervention or placebo-control group. Assessments were conducted at baseline, 1-month, and 2-month follow-up intervals. Latent growth curve modeling was used to examine differences between conditions for marital satisfaction and conflict management. Participants who received the intervention reported trajectories of improved marital satisfaction and improved marital conflict management over time relative to controls. Implications for widespread dissemination of marriage and relationship education as a primary prevention tool are discussed.  相似文献   

Chronic headache is a significant public health problem in Western nations. Although controlled trials demonstrate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of face-to-face behavioral therapy, most headache sufferers have limited access to these treatments. Delivery of behavioral interventions using Internet technology has the potential to reach a larger number of headache sufferers and reduce the burden of disease. This randomized controlled study evaluated an Internet-delivered behavioral regimen composed of progressive relaxation, limited biofeedback with autogenic training, and stress management versus a symptom monitoring waitlist control. Treatment led to a significantly greater decrease in headache activity than symptom monitoring alone. Thirty-nine percent of treated individuals showed clinically significant improvement on self-report measures of headache symptoms at post-treatment. At two-month follow-up, 47% of participants maintained improvement. Treatment had a significant impact on general headache symptoms and headache-related disability. There was a 35% within-group reduction of medication usage among the treated subjects. The Internet program was more time-efficient than traditional clinical treatment. Treatment and follow-up dropout rates, 38.1% and 64.8%, respectively, were typical of behavioral self-help studies. This approach to self-management of headache is promising; however, several methodological and ethical challenges need to be addressed.  相似文献   

This study tested Rachman's cognitive behavioral method for treating obsessions not accompanied by prominent overt compulsions. The cognitive behavioral treatment was compared to waitlist control and an active and credible comparison of stress management training (SMT). Of the 73 adults who were randomized, 67 completed treatment, and 58 were available for one-year follow-up. The active treatments, compared to waitlist, resulted in substantially lower YBOCS scores, OCD-related cognitions and depression as well as improved social functioning. Overall, CBT and SMT showed large and similar reductions in symptoms. Pre-post effect sizes on YBOCS Obsessions for CBT and SMT completers was d = 2.34 and 1.90, respectively. Although CBT showed small advantages over SMT on some symptom measures immediately after treatment, these differences were no longer apparent in the follow-up period. CBT resulted in larger changes on most OCD-related cognitions compared to SMT. The cognitive changes were stable at 12 months follow-up, but the differences in the cognitive measures faded. The robust and enduring effects of both treatments contradict the long-standing belief that obsessions are resistant to treatment.  相似文献   

Clinician-guided Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) programs are clinically effective at treating specific anxiety disorders. The present study examined the efficacy of a transdiagnostic Internet-based cognitive behavioural treatment (iCBT) program to treat more than one anxiety disorder within the same program (the Anxiety Program). Eighty six individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, and/or social phobia were randomly assigned to a treatment group, or to a waitlist control group. Treatment consisted of CBT based online educational lessons and homework assignments, weekly email or telephone contact from a clinical psychologist, access to a moderated online discussion forum, and automated emails. An intention-to-treat model using the baseline-observation-carried-forward principle was employed for data analyses. Seventy-five percent of treatment group participants completed all 6 lessons within the 8 week program. Post-treatment data was collected from 38/40 treatment group and 38/38 control group participants, and 3-month follow-up data was collected from 32/40 treatment group participants. Relative to controls, treatment group participants reported significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety as measured by the Generalized Anxiety Disorder - 7 Item, Social Phobia Screening Questionnaire, and the Panic Disorder Severity Rating Scale - Self Report Scale, but not on the Penn State Worry Questionnaire, with corresponding between-groups effect sizes (Cohen’s d) at post-treatment of 0.78, 0.43, 0.43, and 0.20, respectively. The clinician spent a total mean time of 46 min per person over the program, participants rated the procedure as moderately acceptable, and gains were sustained at follow-up. Modifications to the Anxiety program, based on post-treatment feedback from treatment group participants, were associated with improved outcomes in the control group. These results indicate that transdiagnostic programs for anxiety disorders may be successfully administered via the Internet.  相似文献   

An important forensic psychiatric measure, contacts with police, was compared in a randomized, controlled trial of 155 patients with severe mental illness with a previous admission within the past two years. The patients, who also had their personality status addressed formally before randomization, were allocated to community multidisciplinary teams or to hospital-based care programs after discharge from in-patient care and were followed up for one year. A total of 138 patients (89%) had at least one post-baseline assessment and of these patients, 16 (12%) had at least one police contact in the year of the study, most of which were emergency assessments. The data showed significantly greater numbers of police contacts in patients with increasing severity of personality disturbance. Patients with such disturbance were six times more likely to have police contacts than those with no personality disorder. There were significantly more contacts in patients with borderline and antisocial (dissocial) personality disorder allocated to community-oriented care compared with hospital-oriented care. These findings have important implications for risk assessment in severe mental illness.  相似文献   



The objective was to examine the effectiveness of a self-help treatment as a first line primary care intervention for binge eating disorder (BED) in obese patients. This study compared the effectiveness of a usual care plus self-help version of cognitive behavioral therapy (shCBT) to usual care (UC) only in ethnically/racially diverse obese patients with BED in primary care settings in an urban center.


48 obese patients with BED were randomly assigned to either shCBT (N = 24) or UC (N = 24) for four months. Independent assessments were performed monthly throughout treatment and at post-treatment.


Binge-eating remission rates did not differ significantly between shCBT (25%) and UC (8.3%) at post-treatment. Mixed models of binge eating frequency determined using the Eating Disorder Examination (EDE) revealed significant decreases for both conditions but that shCBT and UC did not differ. Mixed models of binge eating frequency from repeated monthly EDE-questionnaire assessments revealed a significant treatment-by-time interaction indicating that shCBT had significant reductions whereas UC did not during the four-month treatments. Mixed models revealed no differences between groups on associated eating disorder psychopathology or depression. No weight loss was observed in either condition.


Our findings suggest that pure self-help CBT did not show effectiveness relative to usual care for treating BED in obese patients in primary care. Thus, self-help CBT may not have utility as a front-line intervention for BED for obese patients in primary care and future studies should test guided-self-help methods for delivering CBT in primary care generalist settings.  相似文献   

It is taken for granted that disclosure can be beneficial to both the victims of extreme traumatic events and to their next of kin on the assumption that the past traumatic events must be the main cause of any current dysfunction. There is a danger that other sources of dysfunction, whether or not related to the original trauma, will thereby be neglected. This paper argues for a careful evaluation of the source of dysfunction and for the usefulness of structured writing assignments in the process of therapy. Two case studies of families including survivors of the Holocaust are presented to illustrate the technique of structured writing assignments and its theoretical underpinning.  相似文献   

We studied the efficacy and implementation outcomes of a culturally responsive parent training (PT) program. Fifty-four Chinese American parents participated in a wait-list controlled group randomized trial (32 immediate treatment, 22 delayed treatment) of a 14-week intervention designed to address the needs of high-risk immigrant families. Parents were eligible for intervention if they were Chinese-speaking immigrants referred from schools, community clinics, or child protective services with concerns about parenting or child behavior problems. Retention and engagement were high with 83% of families attending 10 or more sessions. Results revealed that the treatment was efficacious in reducing negative discipline, increasing positive parenting, and decreasing child externalizing and internalizing problems. Treatment effects were larger among families with higher levels of baseline behavior problems and lower levels of parenting stress. Further augmentation of PT to address immigrant parent stress may be warranted. Qualitative impressions from group leaders suggested that slower pacing and increased rehearsal of skills may improve efficacy for immigrant parents unfamiliar with skills introduced in PT.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the feasibility and short-term outcomes of Asthma: It's a Family Affair!, a school-based intervention for adolescents with asthma and their caregivers. Twenty-four ethnic minority families with a middle school student with asthma were randomized to immediate intervention or no-treatment control. Intervention students received six group sessions on prevention and management of asthma. Caregivers received five group sessions teaching child-rearing skills to support the youth's autonomy and asthma self-management. All students attended all sessions; caregivers attended an average of three. Two months post-intervention, relative to controls, intervention caregivers reported better problem-solving with children. Intervention students were more responsible for carrying medication, took more prevention steps, and woke fewer nights from asthma. The intervention resulted in positive short-term changes in family relations, asthma management by students, and health status.  相似文献   

A randomized control trial was performed on 75 dyads in Stockholm, Sweden, with infants under 1½ years. It recruited mothers who worried about the babies, themselves as mothers, and/or the mother–baby relationship. Two groups of mother–infant dyads were compared. One received only Child Health Centre care (the “CHCC” group) while the other received mother–infant psychoanalytic treatment plus CHCC (the “MIP” group). Significant treatment effects were found on mother‐reported depression, interviewer‐rated dyadic relationship qualities and externally rated maternal sensitivity, and near‐significant effects on mother‐reported stress, all in favor of MIP. The objective of this study is to investigate the predictive and moderating influences on outcomes by qualitatively assessed maternal and infant characteristics. The qualitative factors covered maternal suitability for psychoanalysis, and “ideal types” of mother and child, respectively. Outcome measures from two interviews with a 6‐month interval were depression (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (J. Cox, J. Holden, & R. Sagovsky, 1987 ), stress (Swedish Parental Stress Questionnaire (M. Östberg, B. Hagekull, & S. Wettergren, 1997 ), distress (Swedish Symptom Checklist‐90 (SCL‐90; L.R. Derogatis, 1994 ; M. Fridell, Z. Cesarec, M. Johansson, & S. Malling Thorsen, 2002 ) and infant social and emotional functioning (Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social–Emotional (J. Squires, D. Bricker, K. Heo, & E. Twombly, 2002 ), relationship qualities (Parent–Infant Global Assessment Scale (PIR‐GAS; ZERO TO THREE, 2005), and videotaped interactions (Emotional Availability Scales, Z. Biringen, J.L. Robinson, & R.N. Emde, 1998 ). Suitability for psychoanalysis predicted outcome only on the PIR‐GAS. Two overarching maternal ideal types were created, reflecting their attitude to the psychoanalytic process: “Participators” and “Abandoned.” The Participators benefited more from MIP than they did from CHCC on maternal interactive sensitivity. A contrasting, but nonsignificant, pattern was found among the Abandoned mothers. Two ideal types of babies emerged: those “Affected” and “Unaffected” by the disturbance, respectively. Among Affected babies, dyadic relationships and sensitivity among their mothers improved significantly more from MIP than they did from CHCC. The superior effects of MIP applied especially to Participator mothers and Affected infants. For Abandoned mothers and Unaffected infants, CHCC seemed to be of equal value.  相似文献   

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