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Drivers were interviewed over cellular telephones in high‐ and low‐congestion conditions during a single commute. During each interview, state measures of driver stress and driver behaviors were obtained. Behavior responses were subdivided into six categories: aggressive, information seeking, planning, minor self‐destructive, distraction, and relaxation techniques. Both state driver stress and aggression were greater in high‐ than in low‐congestion conditions. No other behavior category differed between low and high congestion. Multiple regressions were calculated to determine the predictors of state driver stress. In low congestion, time urgency predicted state driver stress, while aggression predicted driver stress in high congestion. In both conditions, a trait susceptibility toward viewing driving as generally stressful was predictive of state driver stress levels, which further strengthens the use of the Driving Behaviour Inventory—General as a predictor of “trait” driver stress. Females and males did not differentiate on state stress or any behavior category. Aggr. Behav. 25:409–423, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Automobile drivers were randomly assigned to either a “music” or “non-music” group. The music group listened to their favorite music, while the non-music group abstained from any music or talk radio, during their entire commute to or from school⧹work. Using a cellular telephone, state measures of driver aggression, time urgency, and stress arousal were obtained during a single commute in low and high congestion conditions. No predictors of mild aggression were found in low congestion. In high congestion, a music X time urgency interaction was found. Mild aggression was lower among those listening to music but only at low levels of time urgency. Results are interpreted in terms of the distractibility and relaxation effects.  相似文献   

攻击性驾驶行为的综合模型(a comprehensive model of driver aggression)将“挫折-攻击”模型与一般攻击性模型相结合, 提出个人因素与情境因素对心理过程具有交互作用, 阐明了认知评估、情绪唤醒对攻击性驾驶行为的影响机制。该模型能很好解释在道路冲突中, 驾驶员的攻击性持续升级的原因, 以及为什么在道路攻击性驾驶行为事件中, “肇事者”和“受害者”的角色模糊不清, 这有助于更好地确定攻击性驾驶行为对交通事故和道路安全的影响, 对攻击性驾驶行为的对策研究具有重要价值。  相似文献   

The present study investigated differences in driver aggression for self and others within countries and cultural differences between driver aggression, aberrant, and positive driver behaviors across five countries (Estonia, Greece, Kosovo, Russia, and Turkey). It was predicted that drivers from these five countries differ significantly in terms of driver aggression for self and others, aberrant, and positive driver behaviors. In the study, 743 participants completed the questionnaire package, including the Driver Aggression Indicators Scale (DAIS), the short version of the Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) with items from the Positive Driver Behavior Scale, and the Demographic Information Form. Paired samples T-tests were conducted to examine the differences in driving aggression between self and others in the five countries. The results indicated that, except for Russian drivers, drivers reported that other drivers had higher driver aggression than themselves. To examine the cross-cultural differences, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) tests were conducted for the two dimensions of the DAIS (hostile aggression and revenge, and aggressive warnings) and the three dimensions of the DBQ with items from the Positive Driver Behavior Scale (errors, violations, and positive driver behaviors). Cross-country item-based comparisons were then made for the DAIS and the DBQ. The ANCOVA results showed significant differences in both item-based and subscale comparisons. Russian drivers were significantly different from other drivers in terms of hostile aggression and the revenge subscales of the DAIS and positive driver behaviors. Turkish drivers were significantly different from other drivers in several items of the DBQ, including errors and violations. The findings suggest that culture-specific strategies might be conducted for traffic-related anger management. Furthermore, differences in errors and violations among the five countries may be due to cultural differences. Positive driver behaviors might be better promoted in countries by drawing on their distinct cultural road safety strategies.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of electronic communication distractions, including cell-phone and texting demands, on true and false recognition, specifically semantically related words presented and not presented on a computer screen. Participants were presented with 24 Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) lists while manipulating the concurrent presence or absence of cell-phone and text-message distractions during study. In the DRM paradigm, participants study lists of semantically related words (e.g., mother, crib, and diaper) linked to a non-presented critical lure (e.g., baby). After studying the lists of words, participants are then requested to recall or recognize previously presented words. Participants often not only demonstrate high remembrance for presented words (true memory: crib), but also recollection for non-presented words (false memory: baby). In the present study, true memory was highest when participants were not presented with any distraction tasks during study of DRM words, but poorer when they were required to complete a cell-phone conversation or text-message task during study. False recognition measures did not statistically vary across distraction conditions. Signal detection analyses showed that participants better discriminated true targets (list items presented during study) from true target controls (items presented during study only) when cell-phone or text-message distractions were absent than when they were present. Response bias did not vary significantly across distraction conditions, as there were no differences in the likelihood that a participant would claim an item as "old" (previously presented) rather than "new" (not previously presented). Results of this study are examined with respect to both activation monitoring and fuzzy trace theories.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that risk of violent behavior is high in individuals who display psychopathic traits. However, prediction of general aggression, and in particular unprovoked aggression, in nonforensic men who possess such traits has received little experimental attention to date. This study examined the role of psychopathic traits in the prediction of unprovoked aggression in a nonforensic sample. One hundred and five men completed the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scales and competed in a sham aggression paradigm. These men were identified as unprovoked aggressors, provoked aggressors, and provoked nonaggressors contingent on their responses to the experimental paradigm. Findings indicated that men with high levels of psychopathic traits had a 30% greater probability of becoming aggressive in the absence of provocation relative to those with lower psychopathic traits. Results also indicated that unprovoked aggressors evinced more general aggression when provocation was initiated. Findings are discussed in terms of the importance of trait-based risk factors in the prediction of seemingly random, unprovoked aggression.  相似文献   

The present study tested Berkowitz' [1989: Psychological Bulletin 106:59-73] reformulation of the frustration-aggression hypothesis which states that any negative or aversive stimulus such as frustration, even if justified, will result in some measurable tendency to aggress, Participants' attainment of an expected gratification was either blocked in an unjustified manner, blocked in a justified manner, or not blocked at all. Degree of hostile aggression directed at the frustrating individual was measured. As predicted, justified frustration produced less hostile aggression than unjustified frustration, but even justified frustration produced more hostile aggression than no frustration at all. Results support Berkowitz' frustration-aggression reformulation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the applicability of Weiner's (1995, 1996, 2001, 2006) attributional model of social conduct to roadway environments. This model highlights the role of inferences of responsibility after making causal judgments for social transgressions. Study 1 employed written scenarios where participants were asked to imagine themselves driving on a major highway. The degree of controllability and intentionality of the driving act was manipulated experimentally by altering the specific event-related details provided to the participants. Study 2 extended this research to life events by having participants complete online driving diaries every 2 days, identifying their most negative/upsetting encounter with another motorist. The most anger-provoking event was selected from among 4 diary entries and participants were asked to respond to a questionnaire similar to that used in Study 1. Path analyses in both studies generally supported predictions derived from Weiner's model; the association between perceived controllability, intentionality, and dispositional locus of causality of the negative driving event and subsequent anger was mediated by perceptions of responsibility. Additional results in Study 2 suggested that low perceived controllability, intentionality, and dispositional locus of causality were associated with reduced perceived responsibility, which, in turn, facilitated feelings of sympathy. Anger was associated with aggressive responses to the offending driver, whereas sympathy was associated with prosocial responses. Recommendations were offered for improved driver safety, including the development of attributional retraining programs to combat self-serving attributional biases, teaching novice drivers about both formal and informal roadway communication, and the promotion of forgiveness among drivers  相似文献   

After being either attacked or treated in a more neutral manner by an experimental confederate, male subjects shocked the confederate while being stimulated by loud noise. Among previously attacked subjects, possession of control over offset of the noise led to the delivery of shocks significantly shorter in duration than those given by subjects who did not have control. Mere predictability of noise offset did not have the same effect. Subjects who could control the noise did not differ from those who heard no noise with respect to the duration of shocks given. Noise had no effect on shock duration among nonattacked subjects. In a follow-up study subjects who were given bogus information that they were aroused by noise were less punitive toward an attacking confederate than subjects given no such information. The overall conclusion is that noise facilitates aggression in subjects who have been instigated to aggress to the degree that noise-produced arousal is misattributed to the instigating stimulus.  相似文献   

Physical aggression of members of a powerful majority ethnic group against an opponent either from a powerless and discriminated against minority or from their own group was tested as a function of aggression directionality and aggressor's attitudes. It was hypothesized that under bidirectional aggression where the opponent could aggress as well, members of the powerful majority group would adjust their aggressive responses to that of their opponent's regardless of his ethnic origin and regardless of aggressor's attitudes. However. under unidirectional aggression where the opponent was powerless, it was expected that those subjects who held unfavourable attitudes toward members of the minority group would be more aggressive against an opponent of that group than against an opponent of his own ethnic group. Subjects who had neutral attitudes would be equally aggressive toward all opponents. Ninety-six 11th grade vocational high school male students of Western origin, were given the opportunity to administer electric shocks to an opponent who was either of Western or Oriental origin in a competitive situation, Subjects were selected according to their attitudes toward Oriental Jews. Half expressed negative attitudes, the other half neutral attitudes. Half of the subjects expected their opponent to reciprocate shocks, the others did not. Contrary to expectations it was found that the attitudes of subjects of Western origin towards Orientals did not effect their aggressive behaviour. When aggression could not be reciprocated, all subjects were more aggressive toward an opponent of Oriental than of Western origin. The findings showed that when aggression was bidirectional, all subjects adjusted their aggressive behaviour, to their opponents'. However, they were less aggressive towards an opponent of Oriental than of Western origin.  相似文献   

Winter-time slipperiness is a considerable source of elevated road accident risk, especially in northern countries such as Canada, Finland and Sweden. The national road administrations often offer a service to inform drivers of forthcoming weather and driving conditions in different regions. This study addressed the effects of adverse weather and traffic weather forecasts on driver behaviour in Finland. Drivers (n = 1437) answered a questionnaire on perceptions of weather, self-reported driving behaviour, pre-trip acquisition of weather information, and possible travel plan changes. The questionnaires were distributed and instantaneously collected in rural service stations in different weather and driving conditions. Data from traffic weather forecasts, automatic traffic counters and weather measurement stations concerning the same area (and road) were also collected. Acquisition of weather information for the trip was associated with low recent driving experience, increasing age, female gender, long trip in question and very poor (local) conditions perceived by the driver. Drivers who had acquired information had also made more changes to travel plans, but information acquisition did not have an effect on their on-road driving behaviour. However, they estimated prevailing risks higher than those who did not acquire weather information. Drivers generally considered the driving conditions better than the forecast, but significantly less so in darkness than in daylight or civil twilight. Leisure trips were clearly underrepresented during very poor driving conditions forecasts, suggesting that some trips are postponed as a result of adverse weather conditions or forecasts thereof. Drivers reported various kinds of compensatory behaviour during adverse conditions, including a 6–7 km/h target speed decrement. This corresponded to traffic flow speed measurements. The results suggest that the on-road driving behaviour is predominantly affected by the prevailing observable conditions, rather than traffic weather forecasts. It is suggested that if administrators wish to help drivers in adjusting their on-road behaviour in adverse weather conditions, the methods should be more local and technical by nature.  相似文献   

This study investigated shock-induced aggression as a function of housing rats in single or communal cages for varying periods of time before testing. Rates of fighting were unaffected by housing conditions when rats spent seven or 14 days in either of these settings before testing. Placing rats in these settings for 21 or 28 days before testing, however, did affect rates of fighting. Communal caging of subjects for 28 days before testing was particularly deleterious to shock-induced aggression. How rats are housed outside the experimental chamber is a variable affecting shock-induced aggression and should be considered both in designing future studies and as a topic for future investigation.  相似文献   

The effects of provocation of emotions and human physical aggression were examined using a competitive reaction time paradigm. Fifty-four males participated in the competitive task with a fictitious opponent. Participants were assigned to two conditions, low-constant provocation and increasing provocation. Aggression was defined as the intensity of electric shocks participants selected for the opponent to receive. Negative emotions (threat, harm) and positive emotions (benefit, challenge) were assessed at four times during the experimental task. The results revealed that both aggressive responding and harm emotions differed as a function of opponent's level of provocation. There was little compelling evidence that emotions served as an important intervening variable in the relationship between provocation and aggression. Aggr. Behav. 23:1–10, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Aggression Questionnaire [Buss and Perry, 1992, Journal of Personality and Aggression, vol. 63, pp. 452–459] was administered to women at menses and during the midluteal phase of their menstrual cycles to assess changes in reporting aggressive behavior as a function of menstrual phase. Men served as a control group, and also received the questionnaire twice, once at session I and once at session II. Women at menses reported a significantly higher level of physically aggressive behavior than during the midluteal phase. A similar but non‐significant trend was found for reporting verbal aggression. There were no changes in reporting of anger or hostility across the menstrual cycle. This produced a significant sex‐difference on reporting physical aggression between men and women at the midluteal phase but not at menses. Aggr. Behav. 29:531–538, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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