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The threshold stimulus for visual motion discrimination was analyzed into the constituent parameters of velocity, i.e., time and distance, with both of these primary variables subject-determined. It was found that, given a constant stimulus luminance, motion threshold was characterized generally by a “trade-off” or inverse power relationship between time and distance of movement. Earlier reports of energy constancy at threshold (R. H. Brown, 1955, 1957, 1958), implying threshold relationships incompatible with these, were confirmed only for the atypical conditions of high-velocity/low-Iuminance stimuli and were attributed to absolute visibility requirements. Under more general and representative conditions, threshold was relatively insensitive to luminance. The present results were also contrasted with earlier findings (Graham. 1968) of distance or “displacement” constancy at threshold, pertaining to movement between stationary start and stop positions.  相似文献   

An experiment is reported in which participants at 6 (n = 20), 9 (n = 20), and 24 years (n = 20) of age either received or did not receive practice on a rapid aiming task using the arm and hand. The purpose of the experiment was to document the changes in movement substructures (in addition to movement time) as a function of practice. After receiving 10 baseline trials, subjects in the practice groups received 30 practice trials followed by 10 retention trials on each of 5 days, while subjects in the no-practice group had only baseline and retention trials. Retention-only trials were divided into primary (reflecting the ballistic controlled part of the movement) and secondary (reflecting corrective movement adjustments) submovements. In addition, jerk (the 3rd derivative of movement displacement) was calculated as an estimate of the smoothness of the movement. Participants increased the primary submovement as a function of practice; however, the increases were substantially larger in the children (25-30%) than in the adults (10%). Participants also decreased jerk as a function of practice and the decreases were greater in children than in adults. The results suggest that with practice the primary submovement is lengthened so that it ends nearer the target, especially in children. Associated with the primary submovement covering a larger percentage of the movement length and time, movements became smoother.  相似文献   

This study is an extension of the contentanalysis conducted by K. Peirce [(1990) AFeminist Theoretical Perspective on the Socialization ofTeenage Girls Through Seventeen Magazine, SexRoles, Vol. 23, pp. 491-500]. Her study examined thecontent of Seventeen magazine for the years 1961, 1972,and 1985, and the impact of the feminist movement fromthe 1960s through the 1980s. The present study explored the content of Seventeen magazine in the years1945, 1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, and 1995 to determine ifthe articles that are presented have changed in responseto the feminist movement from the 1940s to the present day. These results would supportthe contention that there is a relationship between thecontent of Seventeen magazine, in terms of traditionalvs. feminist messages, and the women's movement. However, these changes are slight and still donot reflect the various roles of teenage girls.Implications for further research arediscussed.  相似文献   

John Rodker (1894-1955) was the founder of the British publishing house--the Imago Publishing Company--which undertook the republication of the complete works of Sigmund Freud in German just before World War II. Rodker, himself a writer as well as a publisher, was initially tempted by a psychoanalytic career; numerous obstacles, however, lay in his path. War, along with the complicated management of the royalties from Freud's writings, compromised the progress of what seemed to him to be 'a serious venture'. Besides Rodker, we meet numerous actors of the psychoanalytic movement: Anna Freud, Marie Bonaparte, Ernest Jones, James Strachey, all of whom had worked for the dissemination of Freud's writings. This paper shows how the English language gradually became the 'official norm' for psychoanalysts. According to the editors of the Standard Edition, at that time 'nothing new [was] being written' in German or in French. The failure of the Gesammelte Werke project signalled the end of an era in which psychoanalysis was mainly written about in German.  相似文献   

The broad outline of the psychiatric-neurological care of hospitalised patients in Dresden from 1885 to 1963 is sketched, with special reference to the work and achievements of E. Kraepelin (1885), S. Ganser (1886-1913), E. Reiss (1925-1933), H. Krisch (1933-1945), and J. Suckow (1955-1963).  相似文献   

National data on firearm suicides and accidental firearm deaths for persons aged 15-19 from 1955 to 1979 were examined to test hypotheses of increases in reported suicide rates as resulting from (1) improved accuracy in the determination and certification of suicide in equivocal firearm deaths; (2) actual increases in the rate of firearm suicides among teens; or (3) some combination of these factors. Data presented support the hypothesis of certification changes as the primary factor influencing suicide rates during the first 12-year segment, but suggest a period of actual growth combined with continued certification change from 1967 to 1979.  相似文献   

There is evidence to be inferred from statistics about health status and mortality rates that a large proportion of illness and premature death is preventable. Primary prevention programmes appear to have had only limited success when individuals need to take responsibility for preserving their own health. This paper examines the concept of primary prevention and its assumptions, including the need to increase the sense of personal power of individuals. It also deals with some of the problems for primary prevention policies and their implementation. Other primary prevention issues such as ethical and legal considerations. cost-benefits, foci of programmes, and the specification of goals and objectives, are considered. We propose public (government) policies to broaden the concept of health sciences for research and practice, and to give a high priority for resource allocation to prevention of illness and promotion of health, including funding of interdisciplinary research teams. We advocate taking a general systems theory approach to prevention, while enhancing and developing the sense of personal power of individual members of social systems.  相似文献   

The paper presents the Lewisham Community Child and Family Service (LCCFS), a community‐based intervention providing psychosocial help for children, young people, parents and families. The service is focused on early intervention, prevention and promotion in the improvement of local health. It works under a service framework based on inter‐agency collaboration, and a counselling model based on community and interpersonal partnerships, grounded in personal construct theory (Kelly, 1955). The policy demands and local need for accessible and acceptable mental health are discussed, and quantitative and qualitative findings of the needs assessment preceding the establishment of the LCCFS are presented, supporting the need for community mental health provision. The feasibility for the LCCFS to reconcile and meet the policy demands and the needs of parents with respect to child psychosocial help and services are discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is three decades since it was recommended that infants sleep on the back to reduce risk of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID). The SUID prevention program is known as “back to sleep” or “safe sleeping”, and this initiative is not questioned. Sleeping on the back is associated with, but not the cause of, the development of infant positional plagiocephaly, also known as deformational or a non-synostotic misshapen head when the skull sutures are open, not fused. This paper provides a synthesis of the history and impact of positional plagiocephaly. It includes a scoping review of plagiocephaly prevention facilitating motor development and reveals few articles on primary prevention which aims to prevent it developing in the first place. It is concerning that preschool-aged children with a history of infant plagiocephaly continued to receive lower developmental scores, particularly in motor development, than unaffected controls, and this may be a marker of developmental delay. Tummy-time (prone) for play is the mainstay of plagiocephaly prevention advice to minimize development of plagiocephaly and to facilitate infant motor development, particularly head control. While tummy-time has shown benefit for infant development, there is limited evidence of its effectiveness in preventing plagiocephaly and some evidence that it promotes only prone-specific motor skills. Most of the published literature is concerned with treatment post-diagnosis, in the form of reviews, or clinical notes. There is a plethora of opinion articles reinforcing tummy-time from birth for plagiocephaly prevention. The review shows that there are gaps in advice for early infant development of head control. An accepted test of head control in infants is “pull to sit” from supine which demonstrates antigravity strength of the neck flexors and coordination of the head and neck when the infant is drawn to sit from supine. This motor skill was cited as achievable by 4 months in the earliest paper on plagiocephaly in 1996. Physical therapists and others should revisit the mechanism of early infant head control development against gravity, particularly antigravity head, neck and trunk coordinated flexion movement in supine, as there has been little attention to early facilitation of this motor skill as a plagiocephaly prevention strategy. This may be achieved by considering “face time” as well as tummy time for primary prevention of plagiocephaly.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that reaction times are positively associated with intelligence was tested on 444 nine-year-old Japanese children. Intelligence was measured by the Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices, and 12 reaction time parameters were obtained to give measures of movement times, reaction times proper (decision times), differentiated into simple and complex reaction times, and variabilities. Factor analysis of the reaction time tasks indicated the presence of a general factor and three primary factors identifiable as movement times, simple reaction times, and complex reaction times. Of these, only complex reaction times showed significant associations with intelligence.  相似文献   

The author proposes a new hypothesis in relation to Winnicott's “Fragment of an Analysis”: that as early as 1955, in the case described in this text, Winnicott is creating the paternal function in his patient's psychic functioning by implicitly linking his interpretations regarding the father to the Freudian concept of Nachträglichkeit. The author introduces an original clinical concept, the as‐yet situation, which she has observed in her own clinical work, as well as in Winnicott's analysis of the patient described in “Fragment of an Analysis” (1955).  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the Holocaust, Jews around the world intensified their call for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. The Jewish Labour Bund, an Eastern European Jewish socialist party, had been, throughout its existence vehemently anti-Zionist, advocating instead its notion of doikayt (literally “here-ness”), which claimed that Jews should focus on building viable communities in any place in which they lived. This article will examine the way the movement remained steadfast in its opposition to Jewish statehood in the aftermath of the Holocaust and even in the wake Israel's establishment in 1948, and it will chart the process by which the Bund embraced Israel as quickly in 1955, looking at the rise of a Bund organization in Israel. I will argue that the Bund's position was neither desperate nor naïve. It was grounded in the Bundists' traditional enmity towards Zionism, and reflected their faith in a universalist answer to the problem of Jewish survival. This story complicates contemporary understandings of postwar Jewish and European history, and sheds new light on notions of diaspora and experiences of displacement.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that during rhythmic passive movement of the index finger, the amplitude of the motor evoke potential (MEP) of the first dorsal interosseous muscle (FDI) as the index finger moved through mid-range adduction, is significantly reduced compared to rest [Edwards, D. J., Thickbroom, G. W., Byrnes, M. L., Ghosh, S., & Mastaglia, F. L. (2002). Reduced corticomotor excitability with passive movement: A study using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Human Movement Science 21, 533-540]. In the present study we have investigated the time-course of this phenomenon. We found that MEP amplitude was significantly reduced at the mid-range position in the first cycle of movement (50+/-6% of resting baseline values), and did not vary across subsequent cycles (10 cycles in 50 s), but that MEP amplitude returned to baseline values within 1s of cessation of movement. The results suggest that the pattern of afferent discharge set up by the kinematics of the movement acting at spinal or supraspinal levels underlies the inhibition observed, rather than an effect of central origin or a cumulative effect of ongoing cyclic movement.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of the key term aidagara (‘betweenness’) in the philosophical ethics of Watsuji Tetsurō (1889–1960), in response to and in light of the recent movement in Japanese Buddhist studies known as ‘Critical Buddhism’. The Critical Buddhist call for a turn away from ‘topical’ or intuitionist thinking and towards (properly Buddhist) ‘critical’ thinking, while problematic in its bipolarity, raises the important issue of the place of ‘reason’ vs ‘intuition’ in Japanese Buddhist ethics. In this paper, a comparison of Watsuji's ‘ontological quest’ with that of Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), Watsuji's primary Western source and foil, is followed by an evaluation of a corresponding search for an ‘ontology of social existence’ undertaken by Tanabe Hajime (1885–1962). Ultimately, the philosophico-religious writings of Watsuji Tetsurō allow for the ‘return’ of aesthesis as a modality of social being that is truly dimensionalized, and thus falls prey neither to the verticality of topicalism nor the limiting objectivity of criticalism.  相似文献   

In a pursuit-tracking task consisting of 100 positioning movements between targets at 5 fixed positions, target location (proximity to the boundary of the task) varied independently of movement amplitude. Eighty-seven subjects performed 12 trials of the task, with target width (at 3 levels) as a between-subject variable. A microprocessor system detected the location of the end-point of each primary movement. Movement accuracy (measured as end-point dispersion not constant error) varied with target location but not movement amplitude, while movement time varied with both factors. The effect of target width on movement accuracy was less consistent. The observed effects are discussed in terms of a mass-spring model of muscular action. It is concluded that apart from having important consequences for the design of positioning experiments, these results call into question information-processing and impulse-variability theories which implicate movement amplitude in determining movement accuracy, and support theories which emphasize target location.  相似文献   

This article documents the beginning of the intellectual companionship between the founder of ethnomethodology, Harold Garfinkel, and Edward Rose, who is most often associated with his program of “ethno-inquiries.” I present results from archival research focusing on the contacts and collaborations between Rose and Garfinkel in the years 1955–1965. First, I describe the review process for Rose and Felton's paper, submitted to the American Sociological Review in 1955, which Garfinkel reviewed and after Rose's rebuttal recommended for publication. The paper induced Garfinkel to write an extensive commentary that has remained unpublished. Second, I discuss the 1958 New Mexico conference sponsored by the Air Force, which was an opportunity for Rose and Garfinkel to work together on topics related to common-sense knowledge and scientific knowledge. Third, I give an overview of the ethnomethodological conferences in 1962 and 1963, supported by an Air Force grant written collaboratively by Rose and Garfinkel. Here I focus primarily on Rose's research on “small languages,” which stimulated many discussions among the early ethnomethodologists. Rose's work and exchanges with Garfinkel demonstrate the former's affinity for miniaturization as a research approach and search for ways to empiricize topics of sociological theory in locally observable settings.  相似文献   


This research was designed to test the hypothesis that motor practice can enhance the capabilities of motor control in healthy controls (NC) and patients with a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and consequently results in better motor performance. Approximately half of the subjects in the NC (n = 31), AD (n = 28), and MCI (n = 29) either received or did not receive practice on a task of fast and accurate arm movement with a digitizer. Changes in movement time (MT), movement smoothness (jerk), and percentage of primary submovement (PPS) were recorded and compared among the three groups across six blocks of trials (baseline and five training sessions). For all subjects, practice improved motor functions as reflected by faster and smoother motor execution, as well as a greater proportion of programming control. Compared to unaffected matched controls, AD and MCI subjects exhibited a greater reduction in movement jerk due to practice. Movement time and PPS data revealed that motor practice appeared to reduce the use of “on-line” correction adopted by the AD or MCI patients while performing the aiming movements. Evidently, their arm movements were quicker, smoother, and temporally more consistent than their untrained peers. The findings of this study shed light on how MCI and AD may affect motor control mechanisms, and suggest possible therapeutic interventions aimed at improving motor functioning in these impaired individuals.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe purpose of this paper was to investigate whether physical self-efficacy mediates the relationship between movement competence (fundamental movement skills and perceived movement skill competence) and physical activity in children.MethodsA purposive sample of 860 children (47.7% female, 10.9 ± 1.16 years) were recruited and completed assessments for physical self-efficacy (Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Scale), fundamental movement skills (Test of Gross Motor Development-3), perceived movement skill competence (Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence), and physical activity (PACE+). A bootstrap mediation analysis was employed using movement competence as the predictor variable and physical activity as the outcome variable, and physical self-efficacy as the potential mediator of the relationship.ResultsThe results from a bootstrap mediation analysis yielded a statistically significant mediation effect for physical self-efficacy, with the entire model explaining approximately 10.3% of the variance of physical activity. The indirect effect of perceived movement skill competence through physical self-efficacy was significantly larger than the indirect effect of fundamental movement skills through physical self-efficacy. Neither sex nor age acted as a covariate.ConclusionMovement competence (fundamental movement skills and perceived movement skill competence) acts as a source of information for children's physical self-efficacy, moreover physical self-efficacy mediates the movement competence – PA relationship. Findings highlight the need for interventions to target and improve movement competence as a whole for children.  相似文献   

Perception-action coupling and expertise in interceptive actions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The goal of this experiment was to show that expertise in interceptive actions can be explained by a shorter delay in movement regulation. In this contribution, we tested tennis experts and non-experts using a simulated interceptive task. The experimental device simulated linear motion of an object toward a target on a horizontal runway. Participants had to intercept the simulated moving object with their right hand holding a cart that could slide along a horizontal track perpendicular to the runway. Three different velocity conditions were used: a constant velocity condition that maintained the initial velocity (2m/s) constant until arriving on the target; the decelerated and accelerated velocity conditions, in which the velocity suddenly changed (400 ms before its arrival on the target) from 2 to 1m/s or 3m/s, respectively. Timing accuracy and movement correction after the unexpected velocity change were analysed. The experts were more accurate in the decelerative case (-29 and -124 ms respectively), in the accelerative case (69 and 116 ms respectively), but not in the constant velocity case (2 and 13 ms respectively). Findings can be explained by the shorter visuo-motor delay (VMD: the time required to adapt the movement to the new velocity) for the experts (162 ms) than for the non-experts (221 ms). This shorter VMD offers more time to adapt the interceptive movement to the new velocity. These results can be interpreted as an optimization of the perception-action coupling with expertise.  相似文献   

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