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进入21世纪,激进"萨拉菲派"在世界各地掀起一波又一波恐怖浪潮,"圣战主义"全球化并已成为一个危及国家、地区和国际安全的严峻问题,成为实行不同社会制度的国家都必须关切的头等大事之一,一些政府甚至不得不每天同恐怖分子作战。激进"萨拉菲派"从何而来、其激进意识形态是什么、未来发展趋势如何等问题始终萦绕在世人的心头。为此,本文力图做出简短的回答。  相似文献   

何谓最佳政治体制,从古希腊至英国革命时期始终是思想家们热衷探究的议题。自18世纪末启蒙时代直至19世纪70年代第三共和国确立,法国长期处于革命、复辟与战争接连不断的危机状态。激进的共和主义和理想化的自由主义,均不能解决法国大革命后复杂多变的政治和社会问题。以贡斯当和托克维尔为代表的法国自由派最重要的创新之处,在于根据大革命后的新局势将混合政体理论与分权制衡学说作了适当的调和,提出了适应新时代的代议制理论。他们认识到只有将大革命宣扬的自由、平等理念与法国的历史传统结合起来,才能实现持续稳定的政治秩序。以代议制为基础的立宪体制,是结束大革命和保障公民自由的最有效的解决方案。  相似文献   

贝多芬的故乡波恩城离法国很近,法国大革命攻打巴士底牢狱的炮声,给19岁的贝多芬带来了自由、平等、博爱的理想。1789年5月,贝多芬到波恩大学旁听哲学课,深受其文学教授E·施奈德尔的影响,有感于这位教授的革命精神与热情,他创作了一首合唱曲《谁是自由人》,表达了他要把自己的一切贡献给自由的事业,这时的贝多芬已经成为一个反对封建制度,拥护民主共和的进步青年了。但是由于当时德国经济的落后,政治上的保守,正像马克思所说:“德国人只能在政治上思考别的民族所做的”,所以贝多  相似文献   

本文尝试以"反君士坦丁主义"理念为切入点,结合当代激进改革派神学家尤达及其耶稣政治的伦理观,展开对激进改革派神学的介绍与阐释,提出激进改革派神学以反君士坦丁主义为基本理论预设,强调自由"联合体"的教会观、宣告以"上帝国"对抗"基督教王国"的终末论、门徒伦理及和平主义等观念,是一种独具伦理性、实践性、教派性、民众性与批判性的神学建构。  相似文献   

王确 《哲学动态》2013,(1):83-88
人类的美学进程的确值得反思,人们为了"美本身"而歧视"美的东西",为了"理念"把感性贬为手段,为了"合目的性"而使审美判断力沦为连接自然概念领域和自由概念领域的媒介,这种出于在有限中获得无限的考虑自然无可厚非,但我们无法回避美学是感性学,人的感性只发生在生活的感受、体验和情感反应之中这样一个事实,美学的真正家园是现实、是生活世界、是人的身体机能与日常  相似文献   

陈园 《美与时代》2007,(1):26-28
自由是整个艺术创造的核心,是艺术家们醉心追求的境界.在艺术创造的过程中,自由主要表现在艺术体验、艺术构思以及艺术传达三个阶段中.同时,在艺术创造中,自由与规律总是相伴而行的,艺术创造的自由的本质就在于前者对后者的超越,达到一种无规律而合规律的自由境界,真正展现"自由之舞".  相似文献   

1789年的法国大革命给人类政治文明留下了异常深刻的历史印记。然而,两百多年来,国内外学界对法国大革命价值属性的认定判若云泥,尤以声名卓著的两极对立性代表人物——卡尔·马克思和埃德蒙·柏克为最。站在政治伦理学的视角,通过对二者价值立场、研究方法、精神格局、写作风格的全面解析,可以揭橥其理论主张根本对立的思想根源;从法国大革命的人权价值理念、国家的解构与建构、代议制民主及现代政党特质、道德文脉的传承与创新、暴力革命与渐进改革五个层面,对二人理论逻辑所蕴含的张力结构进行深度比照与辨析;从马克思主义的立场、观点、方法等角度,亦可以对二者有关法国大革命伦理悖论的当代处境予以切时又切近的理论回应。  相似文献   

立足激进民主主义立场,对资产阶级政治革命和政治解放所确立的"自由"及其悖谬进行辩驳,是1843年青年马克思政治哲学思想变革的重要环节。这种辩驳主要从四个方面展开:一是围绕资产阶级政治革命所实现的国家与宗教的分离及政治国家的建立,辩驳"自由国家"及其唯灵主义;二是围绕资产阶级政治革命所实现的市民社会与国家的分离及世俗生活的塑造,辩驳"自由社会"及其利己主义;三是围绕资产阶级政治革命所导致的人的二重化及公民身份的建构,辩驳"自由公民"及其形式主义;四是围绕资产阶级政治革命所引发的精神解放,辩驳"自由精神"及其虚无主义。  相似文献   

道德责任是伦理学的核心概念。为确定道德责任,亚里士多德引入了"出于意愿"的概念,并借用"始因"来说明何为"出于意愿",由此引发了关于意志是否可以为始因即自由意志的争论。站在决定论的立场,尝试从相容论的角度,说明道德责任不必以自由意志为前提。  相似文献   

阿尔弗雷德·索恩-雷特尔,在当下的西方激进话语中正引发越来越多的关注。这些关注的主要焦点,是他在《脑力劳动与体力劳动》一书中提出的"现实抽象"概念。围绕"现实抽象"问题,建构索恩-雷特尔的思想史谱系,可以发现:破除商品交换形式背后的"超越论原则","商品形式中的无意识"即"意识形态现象的第三大陆"的发现,"后福特主义"中"一般智力"的剖析,构成了当代激进哲学话语中"现实抽象"概念的三大作用域,同时也折射了西方激进思想发现索恩-雷特尔的三种类型,或三个阶段。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the entanglement of the modern concepts of freedom, autonomy, and the modern notion of the subject and how a passion for and insistence on freedom has undermined the reconstruction of human subjectivity in Heidegger and Foucault, and how such passion has also limited the educational effort at addressing the problems brought to education by the modern notion of the subject. Drawing on Levinas, it suggests that a new understanding of freedom as heteronomy will allow us to envision an open subjectivity that is essential for education. Particularly, it looks at Gert Biesta’s recent campaigns for “subjectification” and “the gift of teaching” to analyze the underlying contradictions caused by the entanglement of freedom and subjectivity.  相似文献   

The Enlightenment brought with it a greater scientific interest in and attention to a wider range of human behavior. In 1789, there emerged during the French Revolution a case of what would be today called multiple personality disorder which came under the care of a local physician, Dr. Eberhard Gmelin. Gmelin had only recently become interested in mesmerism and tried this procedure with this patient. So started an ongoing and gradually increasing exploration of the role of hypnosis in multiple personalities. This paper contributes to the historical background of such psychodynamic concepts as dissociation, splitting, repression, consciousness, subconscious, and unconscious.  相似文献   



This cross-cultural study with employee–supervisor dyads in Russia and China examines links between harmonious and obsessive work passion and four job- and organization-focused outcomes (job satisfaction, intentions to quit, job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors) and two career-focused outcomes (career satisfaction and occupational commitment).


Data were collected from employee–supervisor dyads in Russia (N = 223) and China (N = 193). We undertook a series of hierarchical regressions to examine the hypothesized relationships.


We found considerable support for the harmonious passion–work outcome relationships and less support for the obsessive passion–work outcome relationships. In both Russia and China, harmonious passion predicted all six hypothesized outcomes. However, obsessive work passion predicted job satisfaction and occupational commitment in Russia, but was unrelated to any of the hypothesized outcomes in China. We also identified several culture-specific work passion–outcome relationships.


Our research extends the duality of the work passion construct to non-Western cultures. The examination of a variety of work passion outcomes provides a finer-grained approach to how two types of passion uniquely link to different work consequences. Several culture-specific findings refute the traditionally held assumption that harmonious passion relates to solely positive outcomes, whereas obsessive passion relates to solely negative outcomes. Collectively, the results augment the nomological framework of the passion construct. The study informs managerial practices by suggesting when work passion needs to be encouraged or tamed.


This is the first study that examines a variety of job-, organization-, and career-focused outcomes of work passion in non-Western organizations.

程志敏 《现代哲学》2003,1(2):97-101
哲学在于“指引”。思想是“真”,而非“实”。思想不是某种现实的东西,“真”也不在于符合实在,而在于意义本身。思想是“真”、“实”的统一体。分析哲学运动在“形式化”的进程中,更多地运行在“实”的而非“真”的层面上,因此这场“哥白尼式”的革命运动需要重新审视和定位。  相似文献   

In this article, I depict the shared belief in resurrection as subversive vis-à-vis political totalities. More particularly, I argue that the idea of resurrection as insurrection emerges against the background of the political realities of the Roman Empire and its diverse tools for controlling people through public spectacles of terror that heighten fear, helplessness, and indifference, thwarting motivations for resistance and insurrection. From this context, resurrection reveals a present-future possibility of an embodied care, hope, and freedom in spite of and not subject to principalities that aim to subjugate bodies and minds. Given this idea of resurrection, I use an emended version of Winnicott’s (1953, 1967, 1971) concept of potential space and Arendt’s (1958) space of appearances to portray the interpersonal and psychosocial dynamics that make it possible for people to retain care, hope, and freedom in resisting and subverting the political totalities that undermine each.  相似文献   

The Egyptian Revolution 2011 has shaken the Arab world and stirred up Middle-East politics. Moreover, it caused a rush in political science and the neighboring disciplines, which had not predicted an event like this and now have troubles explaining it. While many things can be learned from the popular uprising, and from the limitations of previous scholarship, our focus will be on a moral resource, which has occasionally been noticed, but not sufficiently explored: the role of humor in keeping up the spirit of the Revolution. For 18 days, protestors persevered at Liberation Square in Central Cairo, the epicenter of resistance; at times a few dozens, at times hundreds of thousands. What they did was to fight the terror of the regime, which reached absurd peaks during those days, with humor—successfully. We offer a social-functionalist account of the uprising, which includes behavioral as well as cultural levels of analysis, and illuminates how humorous means helped to achieve deadly serious goals. By reconstructing how Egyptians laughed themselves into democracy, we outline a social psychology of resistance, which uses humor both as a sword and a shield.  相似文献   

The present diary study investigates the moderating effect of passion on the relation between activity engagement and daily positive affect. In line with past research (Vallerand et al. 2003, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 756) it is suggested that people with an obsessive passion have more difficulties putting their passion aside to invest themselves in other activities, to a point where they fail to experience positive affect during these activities. A sample of 154 college students reported their daily activity engagement and positive affect over a 2-week period. HLM analyses show that the more people have an obsessive passion the more they experience accentuated decreases in positive affect during days when they do not engage in their passion compared to days when they do. In contrast, harmonious passion predicts daily positive affect on days when people engage in their activity. These results are discussed in light of previous research on passion and positive affect.
Geneviève A. MageauEmail:

Research shows that harmonious and obsessive passion are positively and negatively linked to well-being respectively (e.g., Vallerand et al. in J Personal 75:505?C534, 2007; Psychol Sport Exerc 9:373?C392, 2008). The present study investigated the psychological mechanisms underlying the different impact of the two types of passion on well-being. A theoretical model involving passion, ruminations, flow experiences, and well-being was tested. Results showed that the more people have a harmonious passion, the more they tend to experience flow in their favorite activity, which in turn predicts higher well-being. Obsessive passion did not seem to be systematically linked to flow in the favorite activity. In contrast, the more people have an obsessive passion, the more they tend to ruminate about their passionate activity while engaging in another activity, which did not seem to be systematically the case for people with a harmonious passion. These ruminations are negatively related to flow experiences in the other activity, which are positively associated with well-being. Flow and ruminations thus seem to contribute to the understanding of the link between passion and well-being.  相似文献   

After years of meditating, are you still saddled with many of the same personal conflicts and interpersonal inhibitions that plagued you before you began? Rubin explores the hidden flaws in the meditative method itself. He explores Buddhism's ambivalent relationship to emotional life, and the negative consequences of letting go of experience. Detaching from experience may result in renouncing vital aspects of ourselves, such as constructive passion. The author argues that real meditation is transformative not tranquilizing, fostering a dynamic way of living.  相似文献   



The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between forms of passion (harmonious and obsessive; Vallerand et al., 2003) and athlete burnout, and whether these relationships are mediated by self-determined motivation. The proposed model posited that because harmonious passion originates from an authentic self, it will be positively associated with self-determined regulation. Conversely, because obsessive passion originates from ego-invested structures within the self, it will be negatively associated with self-determined regulation. In turn, consistent with research examining the relationship between motivation regulation and athlete burnout, self-determined regulation was expected to be negatively associated with athlete burnout.


Cross-sectional survey.


This model was tested in 149 (M age = 16.2, s = 2.0, range = 12–21) male junior athletes who attended soccer academies in the UK. Participants completed the Passion Scale (Vallerand et al., 2003), the Sport Motivation Scale (Pelletier et al., 1995), and the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (Raedeke & Smith, 2001).


Harmonious passion was negatively related to a latent athlete burnout factor, whereas obsessive passion was unrelated to a latent athlete burnout factor. The relationship between harmonious passion and burnout was fully mediated by self-determined regulation.


The results suggest that harmonious passion may offer some protection from burnout for athletes due to higher levels of self-determined motivation.  相似文献   

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