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This research explored how engineering student views of their responsibility toward helping individuals and society through their profession, so-called social responsibility, change over time. A survey instrument was administered to students initially primarily in their first year, senior year, or graduate studies majoring in mechanical, civil, or environmental engineering at five institutions in September 2012, April 2013, and March 2014. The majority of the students (57 %) did not change significantly in their social responsibility attitudes, but 23 % decreased and 20 % increased. The students who increased, decreased, or remained the same in their social responsibility attitudes over time did not differ significantly in terms of gender, academic rank, or major. Some differences were found between institutions. Students who decreased in social responsibility initially possessed more positive social responsibility attitudes, were less likely to indicate that college courses impacted their views of social responsibility, and were more likely to have decreased in the frequency that they participated in volunteer activities, compared to students who did not change or increased their social responsibility. Although the large percentage of engineering students who decreased their social responsibility during college was disappointing, it is encouraging that courses and participation in volunteer activities may combat this trend.  相似文献   

Those Holocaust survivors who have found it impossible to discuss their experiences often face a bleak old age (Krystal, 1990). Some of those who have reached an audience, however, have been changed by the experience of writing. This paper analyzes the differences between those writers whose stories remain static, like Jerzy Kosinski, and others like Elie Wiesel, Gerda Weissmann Klein, and Aharon Appelfeld, whose accounts have become more complex as they aged.  相似文献   

The family of theories dubbed ‘luck egalitarianism’ represent an attempt to infuse egalitarian thinking with a concern for personal responsibility, arguing that inequalities are just when they result from, or the extent to which they result from, choice, but are unjust when they result from, or the extent to which they result from, luck. In this essay I argue that luck egalitarians should sometimes seek to limit inequalities, even when they have a fully choice-based pedigree (i.e., result only from the choices of agents). I grant that the broad approach is correct but argue that the temporal standpoint from which we judge whether the person can be held responsible, or the extent to which they can be held responsible, should be radically altered. Instead of asking, as Standard (or Static) Luck Egalitarianism seems to, whether or not, or to what extent, a person was responsible for the choice at the time of choosing, and asking the question of responsibility only once, we should ask whether, or to what extent, they are responsible for the choice at the point at which we are seeking to discover whether, or to what extent, the inequality is just, and so the question of responsibility is not settled but constantly under review. Such an approach will differ from Standard Luck Egalitarianism only if responsibility for a choice is not set in stone—if responsibility can weaken then we should not see the boundary between luck and responsibility within a particular action as static. Drawing on Derek Parfit’s illuminating discussions of personal identity, and contemporary literature on moral responsibility, I suggest there are good reasons to think that responsibility can weaken—that we are not necessarily fully responsible for a choice for ever, even if we were fully responsible at the time of choosing. I call the variant of luck egalitarianism that recognises this shift in temporal standpoint and that responsibility can weaken Dynamic Luck Egalitarianism (DLE). In conclusion I offer a preliminary discussion of what kind of policies DLE would support.  相似文献   

Academically talented students scoring in the 95th and 99th percentiles on the 1986 ACTs were compared to each other and to “high average” students scoring in the 80th percentile in terms of their choices for college majors, extracurricular plans, and desires for services. Academically talented students were found to be narrow in their choices of majors but broad in their extracurricular interests. Although uninterested in personal counseling, they are demanding of career counseling, independent study, and honors opportunities.  相似文献   

There is a considerable literature documenting the effects of a near-death experience (NDE) on persons who actually undergo the experience, in terms of their attitudes and opinions about NDEs. However, investigations of how much nonexperiencers know about NDEs and their attitudes towards them are in short supply. This study examined the relationship in people who have not had an NDE between attitudes toward and knowledge of near-death experiences. Subjects were undergraduate students, with a mean age of 32 years. The Near-Death Phenomena Knowledge and Attitudes Questionnaire was employed to assess attitudes toward and knowledge of NDEs. Results indicated that both knowledge and attitudes were relatively normally distributed, and that level of knowledge significantly predicted attitudes towards NDEs, accounting for 34 percent of the common variance.  相似文献   

This research was designed to examine the characteristics of sexual harasser behaviors in 118 published arbitration decisions. A qualitative coding process was used to describe behaviors in terms of their severity, type, duration, and frequency. The interrelationships between these characteristics were examined along with the individual’s record of discipline and past aggression. The results indicate that harassers tended to repeat the same types of behavior, and that severity generally increased over time. Although past discipline for sexual harassment appeared to reduce this escalation, it was not very effective in stopping the behaviors. Perpetrators who had engaged in gender harassment were more likely to have a record of aggressive behaviors. Additional comparisons indicate important differences in the behavior of perpetrators as categorized by type of behavior.  相似文献   

A considerable number of studies have focused on the relationship between prayer, health, and well-being. But the influence of some types of prayer (e.g., petitionary prayer) has received more attention than others. The purpose of this study is to examine an overlooked aspect of prayer: trust-based prayer beliefs. People with this orientation believe that God knows that best way to answer a prayer and He selects the best time to provide an answer. Three main findings emerge from data that were provided by a nationwide longitudinal survey of older people reveals. First, the results reveal that Conservative Protestants are more likely to endorse trust-based prayer beliefs. Second, the findings suggest that these prayer beliefs tend to be reinforced through prayer groups and informal support from fellow church members. Third, the data indicate that stronger trust-based prayer beliefs are associated with a greater sense of life satisfaction over time.  相似文献   

Developmental scientists have argued that the implementation of longitudinal methods is necessary for obtaining an accurate picture of the nature and sources of developmental change (Magnusson & Stattin, 2006 Magnusson , D. , & Stattin , H. ( 2006 ). The person in context: A holistic-interactionistic approach . In R. M. Lerner & W. Damon (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 1. Theoretical models of human development ( , 6th ed. , pp. 400464 ). Hoboken , NJ : John Wiley & Sons . [Google Scholar]; Morrison & Ornstein, 1996 Morrison , F. J. , & Ornstein , P. A. ( 1996 ). Cognitive development . In R. B. Cairns , G. R. Elder & E. Costello (Eds.), Developmental science (pp. 121134 ). New York , NY : Cambridge University Press . [Google Scholar]). Developmentalists studying cognition have been relatively slow to embrace longitudinal research, and thus, few exemplar studies have tracked individual children's cognitive performance over time and even fewer have examined contexts that are associated with this growth. In this article, we first outline some of the benefits of implementing longitudinal designs. Using illustrations from existing studies of children's basic cognitive development and of their school-based academic performance, we discuss when it may be appropriate to employ longitudinal (vs. other) methods. We then outline methods for integrating longitudinal data into one's research portfolio and contrast the leveraging of existing longitudinal data sets with the launching of new longitudinal studies to address specific questions concerning cognitive development. Finally, for those who are interested in conducting longitudinal investigations of their own, we provide practical on-the-ground guidelines for designing and carrying out such studies of cognitive development.  相似文献   

摘要 本文采用问卷调查和字词辨别反应时任务的方法,考察了大学生对个体姓名信息反应时与文化倾向性之间的关系。结果表明:(1)自陈式《垂直、水平个人-集体主义问卷》的集体主义维度上具有较低的区分效度,有待改善;(2)在视觉通路中,个体对自我的姓名、姓、名的加工时均具有一定的优先性,并发现个体对自我姓名的知觉模式为整体知觉;(3)姓名信息所蕴含的文化信息与文化倾向问卷中所测量的信息具有一定的相关,支持并验证了文化倾向问卷的内容效度;同时研究发现姓、名作为自我结构的标识物比姓名更佳。  相似文献   

3 scales measuring different aspects of attitudes toward disabled persons were translated into Turkish and administered to 212 college students at Gazi Institute, Ankara. These data were compared with findings from a sample of 269 New York college students previously reported by Siller and Chipman. Results confirmed the prediction of greater nonacceptance of disabled persons in the Turkish sample. Means from the Attitude Toward Disabled Persons scale and the Social Distance Scale differentiated the samples beyond the .001 level. However, the Feeling Check List data showed a reversal, with the Turkish sample rating significantly more positive feelings toward 6 of 7 disability categories. The latter finding is discussed together with results from the Social Distance Scale as possible consequences of different “public personality” systems.  相似文献   

Eric Silver 《Deviant behavior》2020,41(8):1033-1051

This study uses Moral Foundations Theory to examine the association between moral intuitions and college students’ attitudes toward drinking. The data consist of 1,447 college students sampled in 2017 at a large public university. Results show that students’ attitudes toward drinking are associated with their moral intuitions. Specifically, students whose moral intuitions emphasize purity are less favorable toward drinking, while students whose moral intuitions emphasize group loyalty are more favorable. Results also show that these moral intuitions are mediated by religiosity and (to a lesser extent) involvement in Greek life, respectively. The study suggests the importance of extending the conception of morality beyond individual-oriented concerns with harm and fairness to include group-oriented concerns with purity and loyalty.  相似文献   

In this study we sought to explore the biopsychosocial connections between relational adjustment, hostility, and physical functioning of individuals who attended psychotherapy. Assessments were given at therapy intake, 6 months post intake, and 12 months after therapy intake. Path analyses between relational adjustment, hostility, and physical functioning revealed a good fit to the data. Results indicated that therapy may interrupt the relationship between hostility at intake and later marital satisfaction. Individuals’ ability to function physically day to day at 6 months post therapy intake contributed to increased marital adjustment 12 months after intake. Clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

There is ample evidence that marital dissatisfaction is associated concurrently with demand/withdraw, the marital pattern of communication in which one spouse nags or criticizes while the other avoids. However, the connection between demand/withdraw and changes in satisfaction is less clear. Some studies suggest that demand/withdraw is associated with low but steady marital satisfaction; other studies imply that demand/withdraw predicts declines in satisfaction; and still others indicate that demand/withdraw foreshadows increases in marital satisfaction. The current longitudinal study of married couples (N = 46) examined the connection between demand/withdraw and changes in satisfaction. The results suggest that the correlation between demand/withdraw and dissatisfaction endures to some extent, but also that demand/withdraw predicts increases in wives' satisfaction. Comparisons of the current study to previous studies of demand/withdraw imply that the association between demand/withdraw and marital satisfaction may be more complex than heretofore assumed, suggesting that future research ought to consider whether different ways of enacting demand/withdraw vary in their impact on marriage.  相似文献   

Ratings of behaviors pertaining to inhibition were observed for 130 twins participating in a longitudinal study. Ratings were available for four ages (12, 18, 24, and 30 months) and from three sources at each age: direct observations obtained in a laboratory setting, direct observations obtained in conjunction with infant mental testing, and a temperament measure from a questionnaire completed by parents. For the individual twins, the age-to-age correlations were in the moderate range (.26 to .64). The situation-to-situation correlations were generally in the same range (.17 to .64). When the twins were recombined into twin pairs, within-pair (intraclass) correlations indicated that monozygotic (MZ) twins were more concordant than dizygotic (DZ) twins for each of the behaviors at each of the ages. Also, the MZ twins were more concordant for the direction and degree of behavioral change from age to age or from situation to situation. These data provide additional evidence for the biological influence on behavioral inhibition, a characteristic that has been studied in temperament and personality research. The results suggest that the trait of behavioral inhibition and a change in the trait are genetically conditioned. In addition, it is suggested that the concept of trait be expanded to include the person-centered biological regulation of change.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how African American male and female college students differ in their attitudes concerning rape. Two-hundred and ten college students completed a 12-item questionnaire designed to measure their views toward this issue. A 2-group multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed statistically significant differences between African American men and women, with men being more accepting of stereotypes and myths about rape. These differences are discussed in the context of sexism and rape myths. Strategies for changing students' attitudes toward rape are proposed.  相似文献   

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