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Due to a presently growing demand for evidence-based medicine different psychotherapeutic methods are facing increasing political pressure to demonstrate their efficacy. The realization of evaluative projects is not only in need of study patients but also of study therapists. Although many psychoanalysts support the general need for research the number of actual participants is rather low. In this paper the motives of psychoanalysts to decide for or against participation in evaluative research were investigated. Guided interviews were conducted with six psychoanalysts working in outpatient practice. The results support the hypothesis that in particular the need for security and protection influence a psychoanalyst willingness by causing either a driving or inhibition force. Both the intraindividual and interindividual areas of the interviews displayed unresolved ambivalences towards participation in psychotherapy research. It was concluded that changes in psychoanalytic training could have the most profound influence on the personal motivation to participate.  相似文献   

Objective. Clinical research on the quality of interpersonal relationships in individuals with unipolar depression supports the idea that the family plays a major role in the development and the course of major depression. In order to further explore how family functioning relates to unipolar depression, the authors examined changes in family functioning as viewed by the patients' spouses. Methods. Interview data from 54 spouses of patients with unipolar depression were analysed as part of the baseline assessment of a study on the economic and health burden experienced by families with mentally ill relatives. Results. Having a family member with a current major depressive disorder is a general stressor for families and has implications for the health and well-being of the patient's spouse. Depressive symptoms affect a wide range of aspects of marriage and family life and result in a process of adaptation and transformation of the patient's family. Thus, in assessing burden experienced by spouses particular attention should be paid both to the social environments and to different aspects of the relationship as perceived by the patient's spouse in order to further understand the factors mediating the interaction between major depression and family functioning.  相似文献   

This report is based on an oral presentation about the work of the Forensic Outpatient Clinic (FTA) of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, which was held on 15 June 2018 at the 22nd June Conference of the Association of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology Berlin. Besides the aspects discussed in this article the talk covered additional topics, such as trials concerning withdrawal from antiandrogens and the treatment of forensic patients with impaired intelligence. This present report is derived from practical work and focuses on completed treatment of sexual offenders in the FTA and on the known recidivism within this group of 16 persons up until the target date (1 May 2018).  相似文献   

In psychoanalytic psychotherapy with psychotic patients, a disturbance in time experience quite frequently turns out to be central to the psychotic experience as a whole. These patients experience disruptions in the flow of time that lead to a loss of temporal continuity. This loss of temporal structures causes damage in thinking functions: Relations like causality, finality and others which imply a temporal dimension, cannot be established any more. Parts of treatment histories serve to demonstrate the reconstruction of temporal continuity by the patient in psychotherapy. Object-relation-theory and Piaget’s experimental psychology provide the frame of reference for the understandig of the mental processes involved. At the beginning of the psychotherapy the patient experiences being together with the therapist and being separated from him as two discrete conditions of existing which have no links. The periodical reappearance of being together in combination with the awareness of the therapist’s continuous ongoing care encourages the patient to remember and to envisage the meetings with the therapist. The reliability of the alternation seems to stimulate a specific mental activity which creates connections allowing for transitions between the different conditions — in the sense of Winnicott’s transitional phenomena. Transitional phenomena which sometimes are quite concrete things bridge the gap between presence and future. Narrating serves as a link to the past. Through these creative ego-activities temporal continuity is regained providing the basis for strucured thinking and — very important — for the perception of one’s own personality and its continuity over time, thus generating a sense of identity. This process of reconstructing time is interesting in itself, because it sheds light on the psychodynamics of the restitutional processes after a psychotic illness. Moreover, it allows for hypotheses about the development of the inner time dimension in early childhood.  相似文献   

Criminal investigative case analysis is a method for identifying the perpetrator of a crime based on an analysis of the nature of the offence and the manner in which it was committed. Various aspects of the criminal’s personality makeup are determined from the choices before, during and after the crime. In German criminal procedural law it is a new investigative tool in preliminary proceedings to give the prosecutor extensive assistance to the police to profile unknown criminal subjects or offenders and to supply more evidence. The Federal High Court has decided that police officers who use this method are not expert witnesses whose evidence can be challenged in the main proceedings by the state attorney.  相似文献   

本文基于作者在苏黎世大学伦理学中心学术访问期间的观察,研究分析了以死亡辅助和银行保密制为代表的具有瑞士特色的伦理学问题,并从某种角度展示了应用伦理学在瑞士的发展图景。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Lage des phänomenal-taktilen Oben relativ zum physikalischen Oben an einem Hautbezirk in der Mitte des Unterarmes, ermittelt bei verschiedenen Stellungen des Armes im Raum. Dabei ließ sich eine Konstanz des taktilen Oben im Wechsel der Gliedlage feststellen. Die Übereinstimmung von phänomenal-taktilem und physikalischem Oben zeigte weder in gewohnten gegenüber ungewohnten, noch in räumlich ausgezeichneten gegenüber nicht ausgezeichneten Armstellungen nennenswerte Unterschiede. (Versuchsreihe 1, Abschn. 3, 6, 7.)Die. Lage des phänomenal-taktilen Oben erwies sich ferner als unbeeinflußt davon, ob die Muskulatur des Armes gelockert oder zum freien Halten des Armes angespannt ist. (Versuchsreihe 3, Abschn. 8.)Auch die unbemerkte Neigung einer Unterlagefläche, auf die der Arm aufgelegt war, blieb ohne Einfluß. (Versuchsreihe 4, Abschn. 9.)Gegenüber isolierter Lageveränderung der reizempfangenden Hautfläche konnte gleichfalls Konstanz des taktilen Oben festgestellt werden. (Versuchsreihe 5, Abschn. 10).Die Lokalisation der Berührung relativ zum Glied war unbestimmter und ungenauer als die Lokalisation der Berührung relativ zum objektiven Raum. (Versuchsreihe 2, Abschn. 7.)  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungErklärung der Abkürzungen Add.-Lstg. Additionsleistung - AZ Arbeitszeit - B/sec Anzahl der Blitze je Sekundes - KP Kurzpause - Lstg. Leistung - M Mittelwert (arithm. Mittel) - TZ Teilzeit - Vfr. Verschmelzungsfrequenz = Flimmergrenze - VL Versuchsleiter - Vp. Versuchsperson - Vpn. Versuchspersonen - Mittlere Abweichung vom Mittelwert - M Mittlerer Fehler des Mittelwertes  相似文献   

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