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One important contribution of Carol Fowler's direct approach to speech perception is its account of multisensory perception. This supramodal account proposes a speech function that detects supramodal information available across audition, vision, and touch. This detection allows for the recovery of articulatory primitives that provide the basis of a common currency shared between modalities as well as between perception and production. Common currency allows for perceptual experience to be shared between modalities and supports perceptually guided speaking as well as production-guided perception. In this report, we discuss the contribution and status of the supramodal approach relative to recent research in multisensory speech perception. We argue that the approach has helped motivate a multisensory revolution in perceptual psychology. We then review the new behavioral and neurophysiological research on (a) supramodal information, (b) cross-sensory sharing of experience, and (c) perceptually guided speaking as well as production guided speech perception. We conclude that Fowler's supramodal theory has fared quite well in light of this research.  相似文献   

High and low self-monitoring women sampled and evaluated either a relatively pleasant-smelling perfume or a relatively less pleasant-smelling one. Some women were complimented as they sampled the perfume. Others were not given any feedback. The evaluations of high self-monitoring women were influenced only by the presence or absence of the compliment. Regardless of its actual smell, high self-monitoring women evaluated the aroma and quality of the perfume higher when they had been complimented than when they had not. The evaluations of low self-monitors were similarly influenced by the presence or absence of the compliment. In addition, however, their evaluations were significantly influenced by the actual smell of the perfume.  相似文献   

具身认知强调了身体在认知中的关键作用,主张身体的构造和状态、身体的物理属性及其大脑与身体的特殊感觉—运动通道对认知的形成产生了根本影响。具身认知的相关理论虽然直接或者间接承认身体对心智的塑造关系,但是存在一些观点的不一致,导致具身认知理论难以统一到相同的框架上来,具身认知大致可以归结为三种模型:概念隐喻理论,知觉符号理论和感知运动模拟隐喻理论。  相似文献   

道德理论形态:视角与会通   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高国希 《哲学动态》2007,3(8):10-16

According to Paul Tillich's understanding of religion as "ultimate concern," a religious dimension is implicit in all university curricula. A science-and-religion course, such as one taught at Southeast Missouri State University, can offer students the opportunity to integrate their worldview, taking seriously both religious ideas and scientific information. Assignments based on A. E. Lawson's model of a learning cycle provide a vehicle for evaluating significant student learning leading toward fuller integration. The stages of faith developed by James W. Fowler serve as a fruitfull framework for interpreting changes in student viewpoints. Fowler's six stages of faith are characterized. Examples from student writing assignments demonstrate shifts in the cognitive understanding of faith that coincide with Fowler's stages.  相似文献   

The purpose of this analysis is to review, through a critical theoretical lens, social psychology applied to work and organisations. In our reading of the applied social psychological literature four key issues emerged. These include the valorisation of a positivist epistemology, an owner/management perspective on workplace issues, a focus on intra‐psychic variables or internal mental states when accounting for organisational problems, and the ignoring of moral and ethical commitments in determining workplace research and practice. Each of these issues is then further analysed in light of insights from the field of Critical Management Studies. This alternative approach to organisational behaviour points to the ways in which applied social psychological theory and practice have the potential to disadvantage workers.  相似文献   

High and low serf-monitors tasted and evaluated a sample of cheese. Some participants were led to believe that the cheese was made in France, whereas others were led to believe that it was made in Kansas. In addition, the taste of the cheese was varied. For some, the cheese was relatively pleasant tasting; for others, it was less so. High self-monitors' evaluations were a function of country of origin. Regardless of its actual taste, high self-monitors evaluated the cheese more favorably when they believed it came from France than when they believed it was made in Kansas. In contrast, the evaluations of low self-monitors were a function of the cheese's actual taste. They evaluated the pleasant-tasting cheese more favorably than the less pleasant-tasting cheese regardless of its purported country of origin.  相似文献   

认知与身体:理论心理学的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶浩生 《心理学报》2013,45(4):481-488
文章站在理论心理学的立场,从具身的维度,探讨了认知与身体的可能关系。文章指出,自古希腊以来的西方文化中,二元论思想一直占据主导地位。柏拉图是二元论思想的最早代表,笛卡尔从认识论上确证了心、物二元世界的存在。传统认知心理学承袭了身心分离的二元论传统,视心智为独立于身体感觉运动系统的抽象符号信息加工。但是具身认知的兴起对二元论提出了挑战。从具身的维度来看,认知是身体的认知,身体是认知的主体。认知在以下三个方面表现出对身体的依赖性:a.身体限制着认知的特征与范围。有机体的身体结构、身体的活动能力限制了认知表征的性质和内容;b.身体不仅限制着认知加工,而且可以作为认知加工的一个组成部分,在大脑和身体之间分配认知任务,发挥着一种类似于分销商的作用;c.身体调节着认知,影响着思维、判断、情绪和动机等心智过程。上述事实说明,身心并非对立的二元,而是一体,身体与环境的互动造就了心智和认知。心智、身体、环境是一体化过程。  相似文献   

Sergio Herzog 《Sex roles》2007,57(7-8):579-592
Sexual harassment (SH) includes men as harassers and women as victims. It is defined in many Western countries as a criminal offense. However, the social response to SH may be characterized by clear leniency toward harassers. The present study investigated the roots of such response. Respondents from a large, representative, random, Israeli sample (630) were asked to evaluate hypothetical short crime scenarios, constructed by the factorial-survey approach, representing cases of sexual harassment and other offenses. The study hypothesized that respondents’ perceptions of SH scenarios will be affected significantly by their gender-role attitudes to women. The findings indicate that such criminal acts are perceived as serious by the whole public, challenging the consensual basis of the lenient approach to harassers.  相似文献   

Barbara Gormley 《Sex roles》2005,52(11-12):785-795
Adult attachment theory and research specifically related to men’s and women’s intimate partner violence (IPV) are reviewed. In an effort to help explain gender similarities, two different IPV patterns predicted by individual differences in adult attachment orientations are proposed. Gender differences are addressed, including by critiquing the assessment of outcome severity in previous research. Applications to practice and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

关于民族精神理论与实践的若干问题   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
党的十六大提出要坚持弘扬和培育民族精神 ,实际上提出了研究民族精神的概念及其与民族文化、民族凝聚力、民族复兴的相互关系问题。本文对这些问题分别做了概要的分析 ,并提出了相关实践对策.  相似文献   

In this paper, a number of theoretical issues concerning rational beliefs in REBT will be discussed. In particular, a distinction will be made between rational beliefs which appear rational but are only partially rational (called here, partially formed rational beliefs) and rational beliefs that are fully rational (called here, fully formed rational beliefs). Making this distinction has a number of benefits. For example, it helps explain how people transform their partially formed rational beliefs into irrational beliefs and it provides authors of counseling and psychotherapy textbooks with clear, accurate information to pass on to their readership (Dryden 2012). A number of other issues concerning rational beliefs will also be discussed.  相似文献   

权力作为人类社会的基本特征之一, 一直受到社会心理学家的关注, 实证研究成果丰硕, 理论构建也日益完善。首先, 权力从结构变量发展为心理变量, 有外显、内隐之分, 控制感是其核心要素。其次, 社会心理学领域最具代表性的3个权力理论为“接近-抑制理论”、“情境聚焦理论”和“社会距离理论”, 它们的理论基础各异, 关注的现象却存在交集。最后, 未来的权力研究可以从以下3个方向改进:(1)关注文化、动机、自我卷入等因素; (2)区别社会权力和个人权力; (3)融合各领域观点; (4)丰富研究方法, 以促进理论的发展。  相似文献   

UNTIL RECENTLY, EXPERIMENTS ON PERSON PERCEPTION HAD LED TO TWO UNWELCOME CONCLUSIONS: (1) people encode the race of each individual they encounter, and (2) race encoding is caused by computational mechanisms whose operation is automatic and mandatory. Evolutionary analyses rule out the hypothesis that the brain mechanisms that cause race encoding evolved for that purpose. Consequently, race encoding must be a byproduct of mechanisms that evolved for some alternative function. But which one? Race is not encoded as a byproduct of domain-general perceptual processes. Two families of byproduct hypotheses remain: one invokes inferential machinery designed for tracking coalitional alliances, the other machinery designed for reasoning about natural kinds. Recent experiments show that manipulating coalitional variables can dramatically decrease the extent to which race is noticed and remembered.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of whether culture and language in Singapore affect the interpretation of sexual harassment; that is, whether speakers from a different language and ethnic background will interpret the discourse domain of sexual harassment differently. Three studies constitute this research. The first study investigates whether certain cues relating to sexual harassment are judged equivalently across the ethnic groups. The second study examines how verbal space is conceptualized and ruled by the use of different languages used by different ethnic groups. The third study explores whether English, as a medium of communication, is a low‐context language. Results show that different ethnic groups perceived the cues differently; that ethnicity affects the interpretation of a single English phrase; and that English as used by Singaporeans is a high‐context language, which complicates the understanding of victims’ coping responses.  相似文献   

This article presents a new theory of refiexivity in systems of social meaning and action. It is argued that Russell's Theory of Logical Types, which formed the basis of the early work of the Palo Alto group, rests upon an inappropriate and largely outdated epistemology. The theory offered here rejects the assumption that reflexivity and paradox are coterminous. It is further argued that reflexivity is a natural and necessary feature of human systems of meaning. New analytic tools are offered for discerning problematic from nonproblematic reflexive loops. The new tools take the form of a symbol system that can be used to represent the rules that organize reflexive relationships. The theory also contains a set of statements designed to delimit conditions under which problematic reflexive loops have ramifications for persons' mental health.  相似文献   

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