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Adopting a motivational perspective on creativity, we theorized when and how perceived cognitive diversity in teams was associated with creativity by focusing on the mediating role of intrinsic motivation and the moderating role of learning orientation. We further expanded our contribution by examining these relationships at both the individual and team levels. We used a sample of 382 Chinese employee–supervisor pairs nested within 106 teams to test our hypotheses. The results revealed that, at both the individual and team levels, learning goal orientation significantly moderated the positive association between perceived cognitive diversity and intrinsic motivation such that the latter relationship became stronger as learning goal orientation increased. Furthermore, our findings confirmed that learning goal orientation enhanced the indirect positive relationship between perceived cognitive diversity and creativity through intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

Using data drawn from the adult population in Northern Ireland (N = 1,515), this article examines the relationship between perceived intergroup threat and psychological well‐being, taking into consideration the mediating role of social identification and the moderating role of political conflict exposure. Results by and large confirmed our predictions that perceived threat would be directly associated with poorer well‐being but would also exert a positive indirect effect on well‐being via increased social identification. However, these relationships were dependent on individuals' prior conflict exposure, such that the positive indirect relationship between perceived threat and psychological well‐being emerged only for two subpopulations: individuals who had high direct and high indirect exposure to conflict, and individuals who had low direct, but high indirect conflict exposure. No indirect effects emerged for individuals with relatively lower conflict exposure. Results are discussed with regard to their implications for research on the consequences of intergroup threat in political conflict settings and beyond.  相似文献   

This study examined relationships between pre‐service teachers' perceptions of future goals and motivation to complete current tasks required in teacher education courses. Using 351 pre‐service teachers' survey responses from two southern universities in the USA, a full‐structural modeling was conducted. Results showed pre‐service teachers' perceived endogenous instrumentality (value of the current course “content” to attain future goals) had a direct effect on their intrinsic motivation, and their perceived exogenous instrumentality (value of the current “grade” to attain future goals) had a direct effect on their extrinsic motivation. This research suggests students' understanding of a relationship between their course content and future goal encourages their motivation to learn for enjoyment. Furthermore, students' understanding of a relationship between the course grade of the current course and their future goal encourages their motivation to get a high course grade, not necessarily because they enjoyed the course content. This study contributes to understanding pre‐service teachers' cognitive/motivational characteristics and to developing appropriate learning environments of teacher education that align with pre‐service teachers' learning characteristics to promote their effective learning.  相似文献   

In the spirit of the mission of social justice in counseling, this study examined perceived racism as a moderator on the association between self‐concept (i.e., self‐esteem, shyness) and distress among African Americans. The authors examined whether perceived racism changed the relationship between self‐esteem/shyness and psychological distress by investigating a sample of 394 African Americans. With a moderation analysis, the authors found significant interaction effects of Self‐Esteem × Perceived Racism and Shyness × Perceived Racism on distress.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared perceived discrimination and its influence on psychological stress symptoms, and general health status in a nation‐wide probability sample of immigrants in Finland (N = 3595, 42% males, 58% females). The study represents an expansion of a previous work (Liebkind, K., & Jasinskaja‐Lahti, I. (2000a). Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 10, 1–16) by drawing on a representative sample of the adult immigrant population (age group 18–65), and by assessing not only perceived ethnic discrimination but also experiences of racist crimes. The results obtained regarding group differences in perceived discrimination were consistent with previous studies, with results from attitude surveys indicating the hierarchy among the host population regarding preferred immigrant groups, and with our predictions based on the length of residence, cultural distance and visibility of the different immigrant groups studied. Perceived racism and discrimination, especially everyday racism, was highly predictive of the psychological well‐being and general health status of the immigrants. The differences between grouping are discussed in the light of additional factors potentially mediating and moderating the effects of perceived discrimination on well‐being and general health. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

从自我决定论看动机访谈法疗效机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动机访谈法是以病人为中心、促使病人自己改变问题行为的咨询技术和方法。该文从自我决定论角度,解释了动机访谈法取得疗效的机理:动机访谈法起到满足病人基本心理需要(胜任感、归属感、自主性),推动病人产生自主动机的作用,促使病人提高适应性行为的质量和稳定性,提高心理健康水平,从而取得心理治疗效果。  相似文献   

吴晓波  周浩军  胡敏  李俊 《心理科学》2012,35(4):943-950
本文考察感知价值、满意度对继续使用意向的作用机理。基于相关理论与实证研究,我们首先提出3G用户继续使用意向概念模型与研究假设,然后通过实证研究对假设进行检验。研究结果表明感知价值和满意度决定继续使用意向。满意度是继续使用意向最强的预测因子。感知有用性和感知使用成本既直接作用于继续使用意向,也通过满意度间接作用于继续使用意向。感知易用性和感知形象提升直接作用于继续使用意向,而不需要通过满意度的中介作用。  相似文献   

The authors report the findings of a meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing motivational enhancement therapy with no treatment and alternative treatments. Mean effect‐size data are reported. Implications and suggestions for counseling practice and future research are provided.  相似文献   

Income inequality is commonly posited to elevate concerns about social status that undermine psychological health, but the empirical evidence is inconsistent. Here we propose that these inconsistencies conceal opposing processes: Income inequality prompts perceived competitiveness, which can both negatively predict psychological health via avoidance motivation and positively predict psychological health via approach motivation. First, we conducted a two-year longitudinal study (1,700+ participants from 500+ county identifiers) and provided support for our opposing processes model. Second, we conducted three pre-preregistered studies using an experimental-causal-chain design. We sequentially showed that induced income inequality increased perceived competitiveness (Study 2a; 444 participants), induced perceived competitiveness increased avoidance and approach motivation (Study 2b; 1,018 participants), and induced avoidance/approach motivation decreased/increased psychological health (Study 2c; 562 participants). These findings suggest that scholars should shift from studying the main effects of income inequality on psychological health to studying the psychological processes involved in the inequality-health relation.  相似文献   

检验了内部人身份感知(PIS)和基于组织的自尊(OBSE)在组织支持感(POS)对组织认同的影响过程中的角色和地位。采用多样本结构方程建模的方法,通过对中国2家企业的员工的问卷调查所获取的452份有效数据进行分析,结果表明:(1)POS对PIS和OBSE有直接的显著影响;(2)同时借助于PIS和OBSE的中介作用对组织认同产生间接的影响。  相似文献   

基于社会支持的缓冲器模型和自我调节理论,本研究探讨了领悟社会支持对中小学教师工作绩效的作用机理。通过对510名中小学教师的调查与分析,结果表明:领悟社会支持与中小学教师工作绩效呈显著正相关;心理授权在领悟社会支持与工作绩效间起中介作用;未来工作自我清晰度调节了心理授权在领悟社会支持与工作绩效之间的中介作用。较之低未来工作自我清晰度的教师,中介效应在高未来工作自我清晰度教师中更显著。  相似文献   

This study sought to evaluate the contribution of perceived physical fitness beyond the contributions of gender, body mass index (BMI), defensiveness, and estimated aerobic fitness on both physiological and self-reported stress responsivity to laboratory-induced stress. Ninety healthy individuals (45 males, 45 females) participated in the experiment. Participants completed a laboratory procedure measuring cardiovascular responses (i.e. pulse rate and blood pressure) and self-reported rating of anxiety (i.e. the anxiety scale from the Multiple Affective Checklist–Revised—MAACL–R) while performing stressful laboratory tasks (i.e. the Stroop Color Naming Test and Serial 7's). Estimated aerobic fitness (i.e. VO2max using the Bruce protocol) as well as perceived fitness (using a 10-point Likert scale) were also determined. Multiple regression and effect size results revealed that perceived fitness significantly contributed to the variance associated with both physiological and self-reported responses to laboratory stress. Specifically, perceived fitness significantly added to the variance beyond that attributed to gender, BMI, defensiveness, and estimated aerobic physical fitness while assessing pulse rate and MAACL–R anxiety scores. Overall results support the view that perception of fitness may be an important factor above and beyond aerobic fitness in its association with physiological and self-reported responses to stress.  相似文献   

Despite assertions in the literature that psychologists adopt culturally inappropriate strategies for working with Indigenous clients, there is little empirical evidence about this. The aim of this study was to document the self‐reported experiences of non‐Indigenous psychologists working with Indigenous clients, the factors that they felt constrain these interactions, and the clinical, assessment and communication strategies they perceived as effective in Indigenous contexts. Structured interviews were held with 23 psychologists, 18 females and five males, with age groups ranging from 20–30 to 50+. Thematic analysis of the data revealed that participants experienced contradictions between the typical Western white psychologists' ways of interacting with clients, which they had been taught and the typical ways in which relationships are structured in Indigenous communities. The results suggest that the Western model of psychological training does not work very well in Indigenous contexts, and that psychologists working in Indigenous contexts have to work out their own methods on a trial‐and‐error basis. This points to the need for more systematic cultural competence training. However, there is a lack of research into the effectiveness of psychological intervention from the viewpoints of Indigenous clients themselves.  相似文献   

潘静洲  周晓雪  周文霞 《应用心理学》2010,16(2):167-172,179
领导在组织中发挥着至关重要的作用。本研究探讨LMX对员工组织情感承诺的影响。引入心理授权作为中介变量,组织支持感作为调节变量。对于四个企业的423名员工进行问卷调查,运用相关、回归等统计方法对数据进行分析。结果显示:心理授权对于LMX影响情感承诺的中介作用显著,POS对于LMX影响情感承诺的调节作用不显著。领导作为组织与员工的纽带,对于增加员工对组织的情感依赖有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

College students are often used in the development stages of cognitive ability tests that are designed to be used in business settings. One criticism of this strategy is that there are important motivational differences between these two settings that may limit generalization from one setting to the other. Research has not investigated the degree to which motivational inducements may enhance the psychometric properties of the tests with this population. In the present study, a 162-item cognitive ability test was administered to 320 undergraduate students, 160 of whom were given experimental credit for their participation (control group) and 160 of whom were given experimental credit but were also told that the top 25% of scorers each would receive $20 (experimental group). Results of differential item functioning and confirmatory analytic analyses suggested that the cognitive ability test was essentially equivalent across the two groups. Implications for cognitive ability test development and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study sought to evaluate the association between perceived and aerobic physical fitness and both psychological functioning and physiological stress responsivity. Sixty nonsymptomatic participants (30 males, 30 females) participated in the experiment. Participants completed a series of personality and mood questionnaires as well as a laboratory procedure measuring cardiovascular responses (i.e., heart rate and blood pressure) while performing stressful laboratory tasks (i.e., the Stroop Color Naming Test and a sham IQ test). Aerobic fitness (i.e., VO 2 max using the Bruce protocol) as well as perceived fitness were also determined. Results suggest that perceived fitness was generally associated with positive personality and mood variables while aerobic fitness was not. Overall results support the view that perception of fitness may be as important or perhaps even more important than aerobic fitness in its association with psychological but perhaps not physical functioning.  相似文献   

The proportion dominance effect (PDE) refers to a higher motivation to help when the victims are part of a small (you can help 56 out of 60) rather than a large (you can help 56 out of 560) reference group. In two studies using different experimental paradigms, we investigated possible mediators of the PDE. Study 1 (N = 168) was conducted in three separate steps in order to test each link of the mediator model independently. Students read six vignettes where it was possible to help a fixed number of victims but where the size of the reference group was either small or large. When the reference group was small, helping motivation and perceived utility were higher, whereas sympathy toward the victims and perceived rights were not. A within‐subject mediation analysis showed that perceived utility mediated the PDE. Study 2 (N = 36) presented four versions of a single helping situation in a joint evaluation mode where the size of the reference group became gradually smaller in each version. All participants compared and responded to each version. Helping motivation increased as the reference group became smaller, and this effect was mediated by perceived utility rather than by distress, sympathy, or perceived responsibilities. Our results suggest that unlike, for example, the identifiability and singularity effects, which have been suggested to be mediated by emotional reactions, the PDE is mediated by perceived utility. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于PISA2015年中国四省市数据,探讨了感知的父母和教师支持、STEAM学习兴趣及自我效能感对学生STEAM学习的持续性动机的影响。结果发现:感知的父母和教师支持显著地正向预测STEAM学习兴趣和自我效能感;STEAM学习兴趣和自我效能感在感知的父母支持和持续性动机间起完全中介作用,而在感知的教师支持与持续性动机间起部分中介作用。研究拓展了STEAM教育下学习动机的研究范围,为后续增强学生STEAM学习的持续性动机提供了相应的参考。  相似文献   

歧视知觉的影响效应及其机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,歧视研究领域中的"强势心理学"现象开始减弱,研究者们逐渐重视弱势群体自身对于歧视现象的知觉与反应.本文在整合歧视知觉相关领域研究成果的基础上,首先就歧视知觉的概念内涵、测量进行阐述;继而从"风险"与"弹性"两个方面,分别探讨歧视知觉的消极影响效应与间接性的积极影响效应;最后从整合的视角,对歧视知觉影响效应的内在机制——拒绝认同理论进行讨论.未来歧视知觉领域的研究将会进一步细化群体成员资格;重视考察个体和群体歧视知觉的作用差异;加强探讨个体水平的中介变量的作用;更多关注儿童群体的歧视知觉问题.  相似文献   

This study employed the integrated threat theory to examine Serbian adolescents' attitudes towards the Roma. The sample consisted of 687 secondary school students (mean age 17), of whom 53% were females. In a survey‐based study, we assessed adolescents' national in‐group attitudes (i.e., nationalism), their feelings toward the Roma, and their perception of economic and symbolic threat. Findings suggest that perceived threat to either real resources or worldviews of the dominant group was related to more negative attitudes towards the Roma minority. Further, Romaphobia was positively related to adolescents' nationalism and this relationship was partially mediated by perceived economic and symbolic threat. The theoretical and educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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