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Jean Dirks 《Intelligence》1982,6(2):109-123
Two experiments investigated the extent to which 10-year old children's scores on the WISC-R Block Design subtest were affected by prior experience with a specific commercial game that involved blocks and matching patterns. Experiment 1 found that 12 10-year old children who happened to have experience with the particular commercial game scored approximately three scaled score points higher on the WISC-R Block Design subtest than 24 matched children without game experience. In Experiment 2, 24 children who did not have prior experience with this particular commercial game were randomly assigned either to a Game condition (involving two 15-minute sessions with the game) or to a No-Game condition (which involved no further game experience). Children in the Game condition subsequently increased their WISC-R Block Design scores more than children in the No-Game condition. Taken together, the experiments indicate that relatively brief interactions with a commercial game can cause a significant improvement in children's performance on an IQ subtest.  相似文献   

The effects of hierarchy item intensity and duration of presentation on intra-item fear decrement were assessed with regard to systematic desensitization. Forty-eight color slides of snakes were scaled and ranked for anxiety value with the psychophysical technique of magnitude estimation by 30 female snake phobics using two response methods: verbal report and a non-verbal report instrument, the hand dynamometer. Seven test slides, spanning the scale range, were shown for 257 sec to 42 additional subjects who rated their fear level on 10 separate occasions using the hand dynamometer and verbal report. For all slides significant fear decrement occurred as a function of duration and the fear decrement across time was greater for slides of higher intensity. Negative exponential functions with similar slopes were found to fit the data for each of the slides, indicating that for each slide the same percentage of the total amount of fear decrement was lost per unit of time. The implications of these results and techniques are discussed for desensitization theory, research and therapeutic procedure.  相似文献   

An operant method of training enuretic children had previously been evaluated by direct training of the child and parent. A manual describing the method was used by 13 parents in the present study with no professional assistance. Bedwetting was reduced from its pre-treatment level of 68% of the nights to 27% during the first week. 10% during the third month and 7% the sixth month. These results closely approximated those obtained previously with direct training.  相似文献   

This research investigated children's use of context to facilitate word recognition and comprehension-monitoring processes in the oral reading of connected prose as a function of grade level and decoding skill. Results indicated no overall contextual facilitation of word recognition accuracy, even in less skilled decoders, although there was evidence that less skilled decoders were assisted by context in decoding some content words. Children read word lists 50% more slowly than comparable selections of prose. The adoption of different and compensatory reading speed strategies in children's reading of prose and word lists renders the oral reading task an insensitive test of the contextual facilitation of word recognition accuracy. A qualitative analysis of the errors made in reading the prose passage showed that skilled decoders made (relative to less skilled decoders) a lower proportion of reading errors which, as first uttered, violated prior context, and a higher rate of contextually obligatory self-corrections, thus making a higher overall rate of contextually acceptable oral reading errors. These data were interpreted as suggesting that children's oral reading incorporates processing that occurs after lexical access, and that skilled decoders use context more effectively to monitor comprehension. In an oral reading task, this may counteract the tendency of less skilled decoders to rely more on context in the process of word recognition.  相似文献   

A concurrent verbal task was superimposed upon the performance of a practiced bimanual motor skill by right-handed Ss. Addition of the verbal task did not increase the total number of errors; however, a significant interaction between hands and conditions was observed. The right hand made significantly more errors under the verbal condition, while the left hand made non-significantly fewer errors under that condition. These findings were interpreted as supporting an attentional model rather than a model which proposes that addition of the verbal task causes control of the right hand to shift to the non-verbal right hemisphere.  相似文献   

This study examined the interaction between preferred modes of information processing (visual and verbal) and two cognitively-based anxiety-reduction techniques. One technique was based on the use of images as a coping strategy while the other employed a self-instructional approach. Thirty-six subjects reporting high levels of dental fear were assigned to one of three groups (two types of treatment and a no-treatment control). One-half of the subjects in each group had been identified as preferring the visual mode of information processing while for the other half the verbal mode was preferred. After treatment, subjects viewed an anxiety-inducing videotape depicting a visit to the dentist. Results indicated that, while both treatments were significantly effective in reducing self-reports of discomfort while viewing the videotape, there was no significant interaction between the type of treatment and preferred cognitive mode. The results were interpreted as indicating that treatment may override individual cognitive styles. Furthermore, the data suggested that the normal individual has the ability to adapt to divergent and non-preferred forms of information processing.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the effects of TV ads with celebrity endorsement on the product preference and understanding of 8- to 14-year-old boys. Study 1 compared two ads for a model racer. One had celebrity endorsement (by a famous race driver) and footage of real automobile racing featuring the celebrity (live action); the second had neither feature. Study 2 employed one ad for a different brand of model racer edited to generate a 2 (endorser presence) by 2 (inclusion of live racetrack action) factorial design. A total of 415 boys were exposed to one of the experimental ads or a control ad, embedded in a new animated children's adventure program. Preference for the advertised brand of model racer (pre- and postviewing) and a number of cognitive variables were assessed. Exposure to endorsement led to increased preference for the toy and belief that the celebrity was expert about the toy. Live action led to exaggerated estimates of the physical properties of the toy and the belief that the ad was not staged. The 8- to 10-year-olds associated the glamour of the endorser with the toy and were more reliant on his advice than were 11- to 14-year-olds. However, the two age groups were not differentially affected by the ads. Contrary to the speculation of many researchers, understanding about advertising intent and techniques and cynicism about ads had almost no influence on product preference after viewing.  相似文献   

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