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Little is known about the ability of human observers to process objects in the far periphery of their visual field and nothing about its evolution in case of central vision loss. We investigated implicit and explicit recognition at two large visual eccentricities. Pictures of objects were centred at 30° or 50° eccentricity. Implicit recognition was tested through a priming paradigm. Participants (normally sighted observers and people with 10–20 years of central vision loss) categorized pictures as animal/transport both in a study phase (Block 1) and in a test phase (Block 2). In explicit recognition participants decided for each picture presented in Block 2 whether it had been displayed in Block 1 (“yes”/“no”). Both visual (identical) and conceptual/lexical (same-name) priming occurred at 30° and at 50°. Explicit recognition was observed only at 30°. In people with central vision loss testing was only performed at 50° eccentricity. The pattern of results was similar to that of normally sighted observers but global performance was lower. The results suggest that vision, at large eccentricity, is mainly based on nonconscious coarse representations. Moreover, after 10–20 years of central vision loss, no evidence was found for an increased ability to use peripheral information in object recognition.  相似文献   

Masked pictures of objects were flashed so briefly that only 13.5% of them could be named. Forced-choice accuracy for the unidentified objects was at chance. When the pictures were shown again, about 15 min and 20 intervening trials later, without any indication of possible repetitions, naming accuracy increased to 34.5%. The priming was completely visual, rather than semantic or verbal, as there was no priming of same-name, different-shape images. This is the first demonstration of facilitatory visual recognition priming by unidentified pictures when the subject could not anticipate if, when, or where the previously unidentified picture was to be shown again. A change in the position of the object reduced but did not eliminate the priming, allowing a speculation that the locus of subliminal visual priming is at an intermediate stage in the ventral cortical pathway for shape recognition.  相似文献   

Three monkeys with fornix transection and three normal control monkeys performed a series of tasks which were variations of delayed non-matching. Experiment 1 showed that even at short retention intervals fornix transection impaired the spontaneous tendency to explore novel objects. Experiment 2 provided differential reward for non-matching and showed that the fornix-transected monkeys learned and performed non-matching normally even though the sample-match retention intervals were long throughout the experiment. Experiment 3 showed that non-matching performance was transiently more disrupted in fornix-transected than in normal monkeys when the testing procedure was changed, in a variety of ways, while maintaining the basic non-match rule. Experiment 4 required the monkeys to discriminate objects they had displaced from objects they had seen but not displaced; fornix transection produced in this task a substantial and stable impairment. These four experiments require a revised interpretation of the effects of fornix transection upon recognition memory and exploration. Particularly they contradict the hypothesis, suggested by previous experiments, that fornix transection produces a defect in discrimination of stimulus familiarity in long-term but not in short-term memory. They suggest rather that fornix transection impairs memory of instrumental responses.  相似文献   

We measured at the fovea the chromatic contrast threshold for stimuli modulated along different chromatic directions in the isoluminant plane of MBDKL colour space, considering the two cardinal axes (L/M) and S/(L + M) and other intermediate non-cardinal directions. This psychophysical determination was conducted as a function of stimulus size. The test stimulus was a foveal isoluminant Gaussian patch with a raised cosinusoidal temporal profile superimposed on a neutral background. The task was performed binocularly. The increment threshold was measured for three observers by a Bayesian adaptive psychometric method (QUEST). The Ricco area of complete spatial summation was estimated from the threshold-versus-area curves. The perceptive fields are smaller for the L/M-cone opponent direction than the S/(L + M)-cone opponent. The perceptive field sizes for the stimuli in non-cardinal chromatic directions and stimuli modulated at the (L/M)-cone opponent direction present similar values. Measurements were made at two luminance levels, 5 and 40 cd m(-2), but the differences found were small. The perceptive field sizes found could be associated with LGN area.  相似文献   

Prominent theories of action recognition suggest that during the recognition of actions the physical patterns of the action is associated with only one action interpretation (e.g., a person waving his arm is recognized as waving). In contrast to this view, studies examining the visual categorization of objects show that objects are recognized in multiple ways (e.g., a VW Beetle can be recognized as a car or a beetle) and that categorization performance is based on the visual and motor movement similarity between objects. Here, we studied whether we find evidence for multiple levels of categorization for social interactions (physical interactions with another person, e.g., handshakes). To do so, we compared visual categorization of objects and social interactions (Experiments 1 and 2) in a grouping task and assessed the usefulness of motor and visual cues (Experiments 3, 4, and 5) for object and social interaction categorization. Additionally, we measured recognition performance associated with recognizing objects and social interactions at different categorization levels (Experiment 6). We found that basic level object categories were associated with a clear recognition advantage compared to subordinate recognition but basic level social interaction categories provided only a little recognition advantage. Moreover, basic level object categories were more strongly associated with similar visual and motor cues than basic level social interaction categories. The results suggest that cognitive categories underlying the recognition of objects and social interactions are associated with different performances. These results are in line with the idea that the same action can be associated with several action interpretations (e.g., a person waving his arm can be recognized as waving or greeting).  相似文献   

Temporal judgements are often accounted for by a single-clock hypothesis. The output of such a clock is reported to depend on the allocation of attention. In the present series of experiments, the influence of attention on temporal information processing is investigated by systematic variations of the period preceding brief empty intervals to be judged. Two indicators of timing performance, temporal sensitivity, reflecting discrimination performance, and perceived duration served as dependent variables. Foreperiods ranged from 0.3 to 0.6 s in Experiments 1 to 4. When the foreperiod varied randomly from trial to trial, perceived duration was longer with increasing length of foreperiod (Experiments 1 and 3 with brief auditory markers and Experiment 4 with brief visual markers), an effect that disappeared with no trial-to-trial variations (Experiment 2). Longer foreperiods also enhanced performance on temporal discrimination of auditory empty intervals with a base duration of 100 ms (Experiments 1 and 5), whereas discrimination performance was unaffected for auditory intervals with a base duration of 500 ms (Experiment 3). The variable-foreperiod effect on perceived duration also held when foreperiods ranged from 0.6 to 1.5 s (Experiments 5-7). Findings suggest that foreperiods appear to effectively modulate attention mechanisms necessary for temporal information processing. However, alternative explanations such as assimilation or compatibility effects cannot be totally discarded.  相似文献   

The ability of monkeys to categorize objects in visual stimuli such as natural scenes might rely on sets of low-level visual cues without any underlying conceptual abilities. Using a go/no-go rapid animal/non-animal categorization task with briefly flashed achromatic natural scenes, we show that both human and monkey performance is very robust to large variations of stimulus luminance and contrast. When mean luminance was increased or decreased by 25–50%, accuracy and speed impairments were small. The largest impairment was found at the highest luminance value with monkeys being mainly impaired in accuracy (drop of 6% correct vs. <1.5% in humans), whereas humans were mainly impaired in reaction time (20 ms increase in median reaction time vs. 4 ms in monkeys). Contrast reductions induced a large deterioration of image definition, but performance was again remarkably robust. Subjects scored well above chance level, even when the contrast was only 12% of the original photographs (≈81% correct in monkeys; ≈79% correct in humans). Accuracy decreased with contrast reduction but only reached chance level -in both species- for the most extreme condition, when only 3% of the original contrast remained. A progressive reaction time increase was observed that reached 72 ms in monkeys and 66 ms in humans. These results demonstrate the remarkable robustness of the primate visual system in processing objects in natural scenes with large random variations in luminance and contrast. They illustrate the similarity with which performance is impaired in monkeys and humans with such stimulus manipulations. They finally show that in an animal categorization task, the performance of both monkeys and humans is largely independent of cues relying on global luminance or the fine definition of stimuli.  相似文献   

The authors measured memory for individual features (objects only or locations only) and the combination of those features (objects and locations) in 9-, 12-, and 21-year-old students with a yes or no recognition task. Analysis of recognition memory performance (d' scores) revealed that although age differences existed in memory for individual features, age differences were greater in the tasks that required memory for combined features (objects and locations). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that age remained a significant predictor of memory performance in the combination condition even after the authors statistically removed memory performance in object and location conditions and the interaction effects of object and location. These results provide evidence for developmental differences in the binding of features in memory.  相似文献   

Visual object perception is usually studied by presenting one object at a time at the fovea. However, the world around us is composed of multiple objects. The way our visual system deals with this complexity has remained controversial in the literature. Some models claim that the ventral pathway, a set of visual cortical areas responsible for object recognition, can process only one or very few objects at a time without ambiguity. Other models argue in favor of a massively parallel processing of objects in a scene. Recent experiments in monkeys have provided important data about this issue. The ventral pathway seems to be able to perform complex analyses on several objects simultaneously, but only during a short time period. Subsequently only one or very few objects are explicitly selected and consciously perceived. Here, we survey the implications of these new findings for our understanding of object processing.  相似文献   

Perirhinal cortex and area TE are immediately adjacent to each other in the temporal lobe and reciprocally interconnected. These areas are thought to lie at the interface between visual perception and visual memory, but it has been unclear what their separate contributions might be. In three experiments, monkeys with bilateral lesions of the perirhinal cortex exhibited a different pattern of impairment than monkeys with bilateral lesions of area TE. In experiment 1, lesions of the perirhinal cortex produced a multimodal deficit in recognition memory (delayed nonmatching to sample), whereas lesions of area TE impaired performance only in the visual modality. In experiment 2, on a test of visual recognition memory (the visual paired comparison task) lesions of the perirhinal cortex impaired performance at long delays but spared performance at a very short delay. In contrast, lesions of area TE impaired performance even at the short delay. In experiment 3, lesions of the perirhinal cortex and lesions of area TE produced an opposite pattern of impairment on two visual discrimination tasks, simple object discrimination learning (impaired only by perirhinal lesions), and concurrent discrimination learning (impaired only by TE lesions). Taken together, the findings suggest that the perirhinal cortex, like other medial temporal lobe structures, is important for the formation of memory, whereas area TE is important for visual perceptual processing.  相似文献   

《Trends in cognitive sciences》2022,26(12):1119-1132
A rich behavioral literature has shown that human object recognition is supported by a representation of shape that is tolerant to variations in an object's appearance. Such 'global' shape representations are achieved by describing objects via the spatial arrangement of their local features, or structure, rather than by the appearance of the features themselves. However, accumulating evidence suggests that the ventral visual pathway – the primary substrate underlying object recognition – may not represent global shape. Instead, ventral representations may be better described as a basis set of local image features. We suggest that this evidence forces a reevaluation of the role of the ventral pathway in object perception and posits a broader network for shape perception that encompasses contributions from the dorsal pathway.  相似文献   

We investigated the neurobiologies! basis of visual processes involved in object enumeration. Subitizing, the ability to rapidly and accurately enumerate four or fewer objects, is thought to depend on preattentive processing of visual stimuli, whereas counting of more numerous objects is thought to require serial shifts of attention. We attempted to distinguish between the hypothesis that the magnocellular (M) visual pathway is the preferential route for subitizing, and the alternative hypothesis that there is no selectivity for the M pathway or its counterpart, the parvocellular (P) visual pathway, in visual object enumeration. Green rectangles were presented on an equiluminant red background to impair M pathway processing. This slowed enumeration performance relative to a control condition in which object/background luminance differed, especially when the rectangles were relatively large and widely spaced and had constant retinal eccentricity. When low luminance contrast was used to impair processing along the P pathway, enumeration performance was slowed relative to a high-contrast control condition, especially when the rectangles were small and closely spaced. Overall, our manipulations affected enumeration performance without selectivity for subitizing or counting ranges and without altering the slope of the functions relating reaction time to numerosity. Thus, our results favor the hypothesis that visual enumeration does not depend preferentially on either the M or the P pathway.  相似文献   

When visual stimuli remain present during search, people spend more time fixating objects that are semantically or visually related to the target instruction than looking at unrelated objects. Are these semantic and visual biases also observable when participants search within memory? We removed the visual display prior to search while continuously measuring eye movements towards locations previously occupied by objects. The target absent trials contained objects that were either visually or semantically related to the target instruction. When the overall mean proportion of fixation time was considered, we found biases towards the location previously occupied by the target, but failed to find biases towards visually or semantically related objects. However, in two experiments the pattern of biases towards the target over time provided a reliable predictor for biases towards the visually and semantically related objects. We therefore conclude that visual and semantic representations alone can guide eye movements in memory search, but that orienting biases are weak when the stimuli are no longer present.  相似文献   

Components of visual memory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Visual recognition memory for a sequence of non-verbalized patterns is shown to have a large and clearly defined recency effect. This recency effect occurs with random list lengths and therefore cannot be due to differential processing of the end items. The effect is completely removed by just 3 s of mental arithmetic but survives for at least 10 s over unfilled intervals. Recognition memory for patterns at other serial positions is slower, less accurate, and shows no primacy effect; performance at these earlier serial positions is dependent upon the time for which patterns are initially presented, but is unaffected by the duration of the retention interval, mental arithmetic, and the time between patterns on initial presentation. These findings provide evidence that visual memory has two components that are closely analogous to the short-term (STM) and long-term (LTM) components of verbal memory. Visual STM, here called visualization, has a capacity of one pattern, cannot be activated LTM, and does not seem to be the gateway to LTM.  相似文献   

Results from a series of psychophysical experiments show that interocular suppression produced by continuous flash suppression (CFS) differentially affects visual features of a target viewed by the other eye. When CFS stimuli are defined by luminance contrast, target color can be reliably identified but percent-correct discrimination of target orientation is near chance. When the colored target is moving, color identification deteriorates with motion speed but direction of motion discrimination improves with target speed. Color’s immunity to suppression is also weakened when interocular suppression is induced by equiluminant CFS stimuli that presumably stimulate the chromatic pathway. These results are discussed in terms of functional segregation of achromatic and chromatic processing in the visual system.  相似文献   

In order to infer the temporal relations among iconic, short-term, and long-term components of visual memory, random dot patterns were used as memory stimuli in six recognition memory experiments. Experiment 1 demonstrated that recognition was still above chance for intervals up to 12 s. In Experiments 2 and 3, an intervening masking stimulus was found to be effective only if presented within the first 500 ms of the interval. The remaining three experiments employed a two-target task, with the second target replacing the masking stimulus. Recognition performance with the second target was the same as that in a single-target task, whereas performance with the first target was almost at chance level. Increasing the interval between the targets resulted in a gradual improvement in the recognition of the first target.  相似文献   

When visual stimuli (letters, words or pictures of objects) are presented sequentially at high rates (8–12 items/s), observers have difficulty in detecting and reporting both occurrences of a repeated item: This is repetition blindness. Two experiments investigated the effects of repetition of novel objects, and whether the representations bound to episodic memory tokens that yield repetition blindness are viewpoint dependent or whether they are object centred. Subjects were shown coloured drawings of simple three‐dimensional novel objects, and rate of presentation (Experiment 1) and rotation in depth (Experiment 2) were manipulated. Repetition blindness occurred only at the higher rate (105 ms/item), and was found even for stimuli differing in orientation. We conclude that object‐centred representations are bound to episodic memory tokens, and that these are constructed prior to object recognition operating on novel as well as known objects. These results are contrasted with those found with written materials, and implications for explanations of repetition blindness are considered.  相似文献   

Subjects were asked to rehearse word trigrams in a particular prefamiliarized male or female voice for 5, 10, or 15 sec. In Experiment 1, recognition performance improved with the amount of primary (maintenance) rehearsal only if the speaker's voice at test matched the rehearsal voice, but recognition performance improved with the amount of secondary (elaborative) rehearsal regardless of the sex of the speaker at test. With a visual testing procedure in Experiments 2 and 3, the amount of primary rehearsal given to a trigram had no effect on recognition performance unless the original voice context was reinstated mentally at test. These results suggest that: (a) Secondary rehearsal builds up semantic associations, whereas primary rehearsal serves to associate items with their physical characteristics at presentation. (b) There is an important memory search component in recognition as well as in recall. (c) Imaginal operations can yield a product in memory that is similar to that left by perceptual operations.  相似文献   

Change blindness is often taken as evidence that visual representations are impoverished, while successful recognition of specific objects is taken as evidence that they are richly detailed. In the current experiments, participants performed cover tasks that required each object in a display to be attended. Change detection trials were unexpectedly introduced and surprise recognition tests were given for nonchanging displays. For both change detection and recognition, participants had to distinguish objects from the same basic‐level category, making it likely that specific visual information had to be used for successful performance. Although recognition was above chance, incidental change detection usually remained at floor. These results help reconcile demonstrations of poor change detection with demonstrations of good memory because they suggest that the capability to store visual information in memory is not reflected by the visual system's tendency to utilize these representations for purposes of detecting unexpected changes.  相似文献   

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