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Growth in personality disorder research has been documented by previous authors up to 1995. The aim of the present study was to extend this by examining publications rates for individual DSM personality disorders over the period 1971–2005, and making projections to 2015 based on these data. It was found that personality disorder research has grown in absolute terms, and as a proportion of overall psychopathology research. Research output is dominated by borderline personality disorder, with strong publication rates in other conditions such as antisocial and schizotypal personality disorders. In contrast, several personality disorders such as schizoid and paranoid personality disorder have failed to attract research interest. Based on current projections, there is expected to be no research output in 2015 for schizoid personality disorder. It was found that the rate of publications for personality disorders was not influenced by the publication of the last three revisions of the DSM diagnostic criteria. Several potential explanations such as the difficulty in conducting certain types of personality disorder research, and the validity of the current DSM diagnostic taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which the DSM personality disorder dimensions are associated with discrete patterns of self-concept. Participants were 366 men and women who were receiving mental health services and who completed the Wisconsin Personality Disorders Inventory to assess the personality disorders and Benjamin's INTREX questionnaire to describe their "typical" self-concepts. Although there was some overlap between categories, most were associated with fairly distinct patterns of self-concept. The disorders also clustered together in meaningful ways along the major axes of Benjamin's interpersonal model of the self-concept.  相似文献   

Based on 100 turriecephalous patients 5 types of personality disorders are exhibited, which were found in association with turricephaly: I. the psychosocial disturbed, sociopathic type, II. the neurasthenic type, III. the vascular type, IV. the psychosis type, V. the craniostenosis type, strictly speaking.  相似文献   

Summary: Recent trends in test research as measured by references in Buros' Mental Measurements Yearbooks were investigated. The 24 tests with the greatest number of publications were identified, and growth trends of five major tests (Rorschach, MMPI, TAT, Stanford-Bhet, and SVIB) were shown. The correlation between test publications and test usage was .25. The authors speculated that future research trends might include increasing psychometric attention to behavioral assessment and test modifications for minorities. Based on a survey of psychologists' judgments of test quality, the authors concluded that good psychometric properties do not test leaders make.  相似文献   

Multiculturalism is probably the most important and most misunderstood psychological construct of this decade. This article identifies specific and uniquely valuable contributions of a multicultural perspective and demonstrates the importance of multicultural awareness training as a primary prevention strategy, directed toward preventing multicultural misunderstandings before they happen by training mental health providers to become more aware of their culturally learned assumptions and the contrasting cultural contexts of their clients. The development of recent multicultural theories will be reviewed to demonstrate how the definition of cultural theories have changed over time toward a broader and more complicated perspective. Finally practical applications of culture-centered theories will be reviewed through the presentation of a Cultural Grid for separating behaviors from expectations in each cultural context.  相似文献   

A brief but valid self-report measure to screen for personality disorders (PDs) would be a valuable tool in making decisions about further assessment and in planning optimal treatments. In psychiatric and nonpsychiatric samples, we compared the validity of three screening measures: the PD scales from the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, a self-report version of the Iowa Personality Disorder Screen, and the selfdirectedness scale of the Temperament and Character Inventory. Despite their different theoretical origins, the screeners were highly correlated in a range from .71 to .77. As a result, the use of multiple screeners was not a significant improvement over any individual screener, and no single screener stood out as clearly superior to the others. Each performed modestly in predicting the presence of any PD diagnosis in both the psychiatric and nonpsychiatric groups. Performance was best when predicting a more severe PD diagnosis in the psychiatric sample. The results also highlight the potential value of multiple assessments when relying on self-reports.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that psychiatric diagnosis should come to depend on endophenotypes, in order to define more precisely the mechanisms behind mental disorders. This construct is associated with the assumption that mental processes can be reduced to activity at a neuronal level. The approach has had a strong influence on the conceptual basis of proposals for DSM-5, but could be consistent either with categorical or dimensional diagnosis. However, application of endophenotypes to personality disorders is unlikely for the foreseeable future, given an insufficient knowledge of etiology and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Two issues pertinent to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5) proposal for personality pathology, the recovery of DSM-IV personality disorders (PDs) by proposed DSM-5 traits and the validity of the proposed DSM-5 hybrid model, which incorporates both personality pathology symptoms and maladaptive traits, were evaluated in a large undergraduate sample (N = 808). Proposed DSM-5 traits as assessed with the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 explained a substantial proportion of variance in DSM-IV PDs as assessed with the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4+, and trait indicators of the 6 proposed DSM-5 PDs were mostly specific to those disorders with some exceptions. Regression analyses support the DSM-5 hybrid model in that pathological traits, and an indicator of general personality pathology severity provided incremental information about PDs. Findings are discussed in the context of broader issues around the proposed DSM-5 model of personality disorders.  相似文献   

This article examines the definition of personality disorders (PDs) from a functional analytical framework and discusses the potential utility of such a framework to account for behavioral tendencies associated with PD pathology. Also reviewed are specific behavioral assessment methods that can be employed in the assessment of PDs, and how information derived from these assessments may be linked to specific intervention strategies.  相似文献   

Widiger TA  Samuel DB 《心理评价》2005,17(3):278-287
The purpose of this article is to provide a foundation for the development of evidence-based guidelines for the assessment of personality disorders, focusing in particular on integrated assessment strategies. The general strategy recommended herein is to first administer a self-report inventory to alert oneself to the potential presence of particular maladaptive personality traits followed by a semistructured interview to verify their presence. This strategy is guided by the existing research that suggests particular strengths of self-report inventories and semistructured interviews relative to unstructured clinical interviews. However, the authors also consider research that suggests that further improvements to the existing instruments can be made. The authors emphasize, in particular, a consideration of age of onset, distortions in self-perception and presentation, gender bias, culture and ethnicity, and personality change.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that each personality disorder (PD) is characterized by a specific set of beliefs was tested in a sample of 643 subjects, including non-patient controls, axis-I and axis-II patients, diagnosed with SCID-I and -II interviews. Beliefs of six PDs (avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive, paranoid, histrionic, borderline) were assessed with the Personality Disorder Belief Questionnaire (PDBQ). Factor analyses supported the existence of six hypothesized sets of beliefs. Structural equation modeling (SEM) supported the hypothesis that each PD is characterized by a specific set of beliefs. Path coefficients were however in the medium range, suggesting that PDs are not solely determined by beliefs. Nevertheless, empirically derived cutoff scores of the six belief subscales were reasonably successful in classifying subjects, percentages ranging form 51% to 83%. It appeared that there was a monotonical increase in scores on each belief subscale from non-patient controls, to patients without any PD, to patients with PDs (other than the pertinent PD), to patients with the pertinent PD. This suggests that PD-related beliefs are at least partly associated with (personality) psychopathology in general. Another explanation is that many patients' position on the underlying dimensions is not high enough to lead to a DSM PD diagnosis, but high enough to lead to an elevated belief score.  相似文献   

In the present study, a general model of personality was used to evaluate sex bias in the personality disorders (PD). This present study compared observed sex differences among the personality disorders (PD) with differences expected based on the Five Factor Model of personality functioning (FFM). Observed sex differences were obtained by metaanalyzing over 30 reports. Expected sex differences were computed using what is known about sex differences in the FFM traits and how these traits relate to the PDs. Agreement between observed and expected sex differences was quite good for eight of ten PDs. For histrionic PD, the obtained sex difference was larger than expected; for schizotypal personality disorder, an expected sex difference was not obtained. Implications of understanding sex differences in terms of the FFM are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To survey the opinions of personality disorder (PD) experts on possible revisions in the classification system for PDs in the DSM-V. METHOD: Four hundred members of two international associations, the Association for Research on Personality Disorders, and the International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, were asked to take a 78-item web survey. RESULTS: Of the experts who completed the survey (N = 96), 74% felt that the DSM-IV's categorical system of PD diagnosis should be replaced. Eighty percent felt that PDs are better conceived of as personality dimensions or illness spectra, than as categories. The most frequently endorsed alternative system for PDs was a mixed system of categories and dimensions. Most experts preferred the PDs to remain on Axis II. Only 31.3% wanted the term, "Borderline Personality Disorder," retained in the DSM-V. CONCLUSIONS: A clear majority of the PD experts were dissatisfied with the current diagnostic system for PDs.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined time-varying associations between schizotypal (STPD), borderline (BPD), avoidant (AVPD), or obsessive-compulsive (OCPD) personality disorders and co-occurring Axis I disorders in 544 adult participants from the Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study. The authors tested predictions of specific longitudinal associations derived from a model of crosscutting psychobiological dimensions (L. J. Siever & K. L. Davis, 1991) with participants with the relevant Axis I disorders. The authors assessed participants at baseline and at 6-, 12-, and 24-month follow-up evaluations. BPD showed significant longitudinal associations with major depressive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. AVPD was significantly associated with anxiety disorders (specifically social phobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder). Two of the four personality disorders under examination (STPD and OCPD) showed little or no association with Axis I disorders.  相似文献   

The central question addressed by this article is whether courses of treatment consisting of pharmacotherapy or pharmacotherapy combined with psychotherapy (combined therapy) produce different changes in personality pathology at follow-up after 40 weeks. We also examined whether recovery from depression has an influence on outcome. The study population consisted of 128 outpatients in whom personality pathology and severity of depression were determined at the start of the study. For 72 patients, personality pathology and severity of depression were determined again after 40 weeks. Of the group of 72 patients, 25 patients received only pharmacotherapy for 6 months, and 47 patients received combined treatment (pharmacotherapy and psychodynamic supportive psychotherapy). The antidepressant protocol provides for three successive steps in case of intolerance or inefficacy: fluoxetine, amitriptyline, and moclobemide. The combined therapy condition consisted of 16 sessions of Short Psychodynamic Supportive Psychotherapy in addition to pharmacotherapy. In the combined therapy condition there was a significant reduction in personality pathology in patients who recovered from depression but also in patients who had not. In the pharmacotherapy condition the significant decrease was restricted to patients who recovered from depression. The results were most striking for Cluster C psychopatology. Patients with cluster B pathology changed the least. Depressed patients with comorbid personality pathology appear to benefit most from a combination of pharmacotherapy and a form of short, psychodynamic, supportive psychotherapy.  相似文献   

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