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Anstis S  Gori S  Wehrhahn C 《Perception》2007,36(5):791-794
Gori and Stubbs (2006 Perception 35 1573-1577) have published some visual illusions elicited in observers who fixate very blurred disks while they move their head towards and away from them. We interpret these illusions as afterimages. We support this with examples of eccentric, colored, and striped afterimages.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - A white hourglass moving laterally across a black surface appears to bend in such a way that the narrow portion lags behind its true position, but only...  相似文献   

We describe and attempt to explain a new and unusual optical-geometrical illusion with three levels of distortion. The illusory figure is made up of three juxtaposed bands of the same width, which, when appropriately juxtaposed, appear to be of different widths. We hypothesised that the effect would depend on the combined action of various factors: (i) the band shapes and their reciprocal spatial position; (ii) the degree of coincidence of the sides of the juxtaposed bands; and (iii) the inability of the perceptual system to account for all the projective transformations. An experiment was conducted in which the shape of three stimuli was manipulated through affine transformation as well as variation of side lengths. The participants' task was to evaluate the width of the bands. The results revealed a robust and stable illusory effect; the factors that seem to influence the illusion most are band shape and conjoining side lengths.  相似文献   

Kanizsa (1972, 1974) has observed that the surface upon which a figure is amodally completed undergoes shrinkage. That observation is investigated here as a possible explanation of the Poggendorff illusion, on the assumption that the shrinkage of the surface behind the surface defined by the two vertical parallel lines results in displacement of the two visible segments of the oblique line. The first two experiments attempted to quantify the shrinkage of the amodal surface by measuring the enlargement of the vertical strip required to achieve perceived collinearity; the oblique lines intercepted the vertical strip at 45- and 30-deg angles. In both cases, the enlargement required to counterbalance the assumed amodal shrinkage was approximately 30%. In the third experiment, the oblique line was rotated to the horizontal, and again the perceived shrinkage of the amodal surface was approximately 30%. The application of this explanation to the Poggendorff illusion is discussed, as well as the relevance of this explanation to the common experimental finding that magnitude of the illusion is dependent upon the slope of the oblique line.  相似文献   

N D Haig 《Perception》1989,18(3):333-345
A new visual illusion is reported, in which a sine-wave grating appears to tilt when doubly sheared perpendicularly to the grating lines. It is shown that the illusory percept is related to the Münsterberg and Café Wall illusions. The probable mechanism at the root of all such illusions is postulated by reference to the neuroarchitecture of the retina and striate cortex.  相似文献   

Sun YH  Ge L  Quinn PC  Wang Z  Xiao NG  Pascalis O  Tanaka J  Lee K 《Perception》2012,41(1):117-120
We report a novel fat face illusion that when two identical images of the same face are aligned vertically, the face at the bottom appears 'fatter'. This illusion emerged when the faces were shown upright, but not inverted, with the size of the illusion being 4%. When the faces were presented upside down, the illusion did not emerge. Also, when upright clocks were shown in the same vertically aligned fashion, we did not observe the illusion, indicating that the fat illusion does not generalize to every category of canonically upright objects with similar geometric shape as a face.  相似文献   

Summary The method of fixed set (Uznadze, 1966) was applied to the size-weight illusion. After the repeated lifting of a small, heavy stimulus and a large, light one with both hands simultaneously, the size-weight illusion diminished. It increased after lifting a small, light stimulus and a large, heavy one. These changes in perception were explained as contrast effects caused by the sets which were fixed during the preceding lifts. The same method was applied to the weight-size illusion and the contrast effect was observed in some cases. The results of the application of the fixed-set method to the size-weight illusion and to the visual size perception were compared. All the results showed analogous patterns of conflicting states between the temporarily fixed set and the set that the subject prepares naturally for perception, such as the size-weight illusion. By way of conclusion, the size-weight illusion was assumed to be a kind of contrast effect in the light of Uznadze's theory of set.  相似文献   

Ashida H  Kitaoka A  Sakurai K 《Perception》2005,34(4):381-390
We report that anomalous motion illusion in a new variant of the Ouchi figure is well predicted by the strength of its Fourier fundamentals and harmonics. The original Ouchi figure consists of a rectangular checkerboard pattern surrounded by an orthogonal rectangular checkerboard pattern, in which illusory relative motion between the two regions is perceived. Although this illusion has been explained in terms of biases in integrating one-dimensional motion signals to determine the two-dimensional motion direction, the physiological mechanism has not been clarified. With our new stimuli, which consisted of thin lines instead of rectangles, we found that the perceived illusion is drastically reduced when the position of each line element is randomly shifted. This is not predicted by simple models of local motion integration along the visible edges. We demonstrate that the relative amplitude of the relevant Fourier fundamentals and harmonics leads to a quantitative prediction. Our analysis was successfully applied to other variants of the Ouchi figure (Khang and Essock 1997 Perception 26 585-597), closely predicting the reported rating. The results indicate that the underlying physiological mechanism is sensitive to the Fourier components of the stimuli rather than the visible edges.  相似文献   

Studies of the perception of time have demonstrated that large visual stimuli presented for the same duration as small stimuli will appear to have been presented longer. Two theoretical approaches have been offered to explain this effect. Both have emphasized the absolute amount of information in the stimulus. Thus, both would predict the effect when size is varied between sessions. The present study found no effect of size when size was held constant within sessions, but a substantial effect resulted when size was varied within sessions. Also examined was the range of stimulus durations used within a session. In one condition, patterns of various sizes were presented at 15, 30, or 45 msec, while in a second condition, the same patterns were presented to a different group of subjects at 15, 85, or 155 msec. The size effect was significantly reduced when longer time intervals were presented. A third group of subjects was shown patterns at even longer times but with a reduced range (155, 170, and 185 msec). Here the size effect was of equal magnitude to that of the 15-msec interval condition. The implications of these results are that current theoretical explanations of the filled-duration illusion rely on incorrect assumptions.  相似文献   

A stereoscopic illusion is produced by manipulating the binocular disparity of the irises in stereo pairs of human faces. These stimuli elicit unnatural percepts of the irises popping out of the face or sinking in inside the head.  相似文献   

Sunaga S  Sato M  Arikado N  Jomoto H 《Perception》2008,37(6):902-914
When a black and a white rectangle drifts across a stationary striped background with constant velocity, the rectangles appear to alternately speed up and slow down. Anstis (2001, Perception 30 785-794; 2004, Vision Research 44 2171-2178) suggested that this 'footsteps' illusion is due to confusion between contrast and velocity signaling in the motion detectors of the human visual system. To test this explanation, three experiments were carried out. In experiment 1, the magnitudes of the footsteps illusion in dynamic and static conditions was compared. If motion detectors play an important role in causing the illusion, it should be reduced in the static condition. Remarkably, however, we found that the illusory misalignment between the black and the white rectangle was even more prominent in the static condition than in the dynamic condition. In experiment 2, we measured the temporal-frequency properties of the footsteps illusion. The results showed that the footsteps illusion was tuned to low temporal frequencies. This suggests that the static illusory misalignment can contribute sufficiently to the dynamic illusory misalignment. In experiment 3, the magnitude of the illusion was measured with the rectangles drifting on a temporally modulated background instead of a spatially modulated background. If contrast affects the apparent velocity of the rectangles, temporal modulation of a uniform background should also cause the footsteps illusion. However, the results showed that the magnitude of the illusion was much reduced in this condition. Taken together, the results indicate that the footsteps illusion can be regarded as a static geometrical illusion induced by the striped background and that motion detectors play a minor role at best.  相似文献   

A novel illusion was observed when 12 tactile point-stimulators arranged in a circle were sequentially activated so that each quadrant was first traced in a clockwise manner, then counterclockwise, and again in a clockwise manner, after which the next quadrant was similarly traced. Under certain temporal conditions this stimulus pattern was experienced as a point moving through an overall circular path but looping inwardly about once per quandrant. The effects of variations in rate of presentation of such stimuli were investigated by having subjects make drawings of their perceptual experiences. Three skin surfaces were used (palm, fingers, and forearm), and all produced similar results except for lower confidence and reliability of drawings made from forearm stimulation. Pattern presentation rate, however, had a consistent and powerful effect, with the looping illusion most frequently observed at rates around 25 pattern points per s and with different perceptual organizations dominating as rates departed widely from this optimum. The illusory perceptual organizations were interpreted as compromises between past and present stimulation necessitated by the relative slowness of tactile processing of spatiotemporal patterns.  相似文献   

In this article, we present 84 nonobjects we created by using the colored object pictures from Rossion and Pourtois (2004). These nonobjects were explored on a number of measures, including object resemblance, visual complexity, and an object decision task (ODT). Object resemblance for nonobjects is a construct comparable to the “word-likeness” of phonotactically legal pseudowords. The nonobjects were rated as possible objects, showing similarity to real objects. Visual complexity ratings for objects and nonobjects were comparable. In the ODT, response times (RTs) were significantly longer for nonobjects than for real-object pictures. This RT difference is analogous to the word advantage, or lexicality effect, found in lexical decision tasks, in which responses for words are generally faster than those for nonwords. This nonobject set is freely available and has the advantage of having a companion set of real-object pictures. The nonobjects are available in color and in grayscale from brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

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