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Bekaert, Masclet and Caron's inventory of resilience factors (IRF-40) is a French measurement scale which measures the protection factors combining to bring about resilience in adolescents. This three-dimension measurement instrument has been worked out on the basis of a literary review aiming at identifying all the protection factors reported in the research studies. An exploratory factorial analysis with oblimin rotation carried out on a sample of 299 adolescents enabled to underline the three-dimension structure (familial protection factors: personal protection factors; extra-familial protection factors) including 40 items. The study of the internal consistency reveals high coefficients for the whole scale (0.91) as well as for the different dimensions (0.77 to 0.91). The examination of the convergent validity shows significant correlations with the life satisfaction scale (r = 0.61) and the psychological well-being scale (r = 0.72). As for the temporal stability (n = 73), a measure of 0.92 was obtained. The present research aims at completing the evaluation of the psychometric properties of the IRF-40 on a sample of adolescents. With the intention of bringing to light the structure of the instrument, a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) was carried out on 414 adolescents (average age = 14.96). The analyses carried out approve of the three-dimension structure of the scale. The study of the divergent validity (n = 123) has brought to light a high and significant correlation (r = –0.757) between the IRF-40 and Berndt and Kaiser’ s composite depression scale as well as a significant correlation between the IRF-40 and the under scale of the MDI-C (r varies between –0.294 and –0.563). In addition, the IRF-40 enables to differentiate the adolescents exposed to a traumatism and who have depression scores to those who experience no depression. Indeed, the participants not experiencing depression obtain significantly higher scores on the IRF-40 (U = 282.5; P = 0.001) in comparison with the participants experiencing depression. What is more, it appears that the latter score lower familial protection factors (U = 443.5; P = 0.001), personal protection factors (U = 390; P = 0.001) and extra-familial factors (U = 629; P = 0.001) than those who do not experience depression. As a conclusion, the results of the present study show a very probant image of the psychometric qualities of the IRF-40 and support its use on a population of adolescents.  相似文献   

This study concerns the confirmatory factorial analysis test of the correspondence between a theory of the definition of the interests proposed in a list of factors and the responses from 5304 subjects in two self-evaluation questionnaires. The questionnaires were provided by a professional advice and support IT tool, Inforizon. It allows the user to explore professional worlds, according to his particular interests. The principles at work are designed to overcome difficulties regularly encountered in the use of interest scores. The empirical structure of the responses to the questionnaires appears to be compatible with the definition model. A second stage is the exploratory research of the explanatory and parsimonious dimensions of the approximately circular organisation of the interest factors.  相似文献   

The study proposes us to define and to treat the social questions that the musculoskeletal disorders suppose. Indeed, an optimal prevention is articulated around the two poles of musculoskeletal disorders factors of risk, which are the biomechanics and psychosocial factors of risk. The aim of this article is also to create a collective reaction for mobilise every one which are concerned by this subject. The musculoskeletal disorders are one of the first causes of compensation working disease. The factors of risk in their occurred are mainly the repetitivite gesture, the implementation of the muscular force, the extreme articular amplitudes and also, but in a less proportion, the psychological stress felt by a person during his working time. All these elements will be developing in this study.  相似文献   

IntroductionCrohn's disease (CD), a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, has strong psychological and social repercussions related to the specificity of the symptomatology. To better understand how patients cope with the disease, coping strategies have been studied but without taking into account the specificity of the CD experience.ObjectiveOur objective is to identify the perceived coping strategies used by patients in relation to their illness experience.MethodUsing a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews and thematic content analysis with 33 CD patients in remission were conducted.ResultsOur results highlight that some of the coping strategies used are not taken into account by the coping scales frequently used in the literature. Indeed, the illness experience appears to be fundamental in the establishment of new strategies based on the experiential knowledge patients use to reduce the stress induced by a potential relapse. Moreover, coping strategies based on positive emotions are also implemented, and they enable patients to make sense of the disease.ConclusionThe coping strategies, i.e., “experiential knowledge” and “positive emotions”, may shed more light on the complexity of the illness experience of CD patients and allow us to make recommendations concerning the psychological support of patients.  相似文献   

In the event of irregular composition of the ordinal jurisdiction or omission of certain compulsory particulars in the decision rendered, the parties may challenge the external regularity of the decision. The pleas based on the contested decisions are formal and procedural defects. If successful, these means result in the annulment of the decision ordering the doctor to be disciplined. These means constitute a separated legal cause and can only be invoked within the time limit for appeal, unless they are of public order.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to try to make use of real numbers for representing an infinite analysis of individual notions in an infinity of possible worlds.As an introduction to the subject, the author shows, firstly, the possibility of representing Boole's lattice of universal notions by an associate Boole's lattice of rational numbers.But, in opposition to the universal notions, definable by a finite number of predicates, an individual notion, cannot (as Leibniz pointed out) admits this sort of definition, because each state of an individual subject is characterized by the values (present or absent, applicable or inapplicable) taken by an infinite number of predicates, each of whom may appear or disappear in the next state.The notion of degree of identification of an individual notion is then introduced and arithmetized by a rational number.As an individual notion can be defined by a convergent succession of degrees of identification, the real characteristic number of such an individual notion can be defined by the corresponding convergent succession of rational numbers, satisfying Cauchy's conditions for the convergence of successions.
Essai de représentation par des nombres réels d'une analyse infinite des notions individuelles dans une infinité de mondes possibles

Residential segregation is becoming a complex phenomenon in a great number of cities, in which case, it becomes important to use methodological approaches that allow us to take this complexity into account. This article presents a case study of the Montreal situation using a method describing segregation along five dimensions identified by Massey and Denton (Social Forces 67:281–315, 1988): equality, concentration, aggregation, exposition and centralisation, as well as a set of fifteen segregation indices, and seven variables describing the immigrant population. Results indicate that Montreal, in 2001, appeared as a multicultural city characterized by a plurality of immigration patterns of urban insertion.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of work engagement on altruistic performance and emotional exhaustion as well as the moderating effect of the positive and negative affectivity traits. Data were collected through questionnaires among a sample of 279 employees working in a variety of industries. Results indicate that positive and negative affectivity exert distinct moderating influences on the effects of the dimensions of work engagement. Positive affectivity accentuates the positive effect of physical engagement on altruistic performance and the negative effect of emotional engagement on exhaustion. Negative affectivity acts as a moderator in the relationship between emotional engagement and exhaustion such that emotional engagement considerably reduces the risk of exhaustion among individuals with high levels of negative affectivity.  相似文献   

This study, conducted with militaries, examines the effects of having a job in a counter-stereotypical environment on women's success in professional evaluations, depending on the feminization rate of their professions. The scores of 1050 women and 1011 men in an examination have been analyzed. Both intergroup variability, women have lower scores than men whatever the nature of the questions, and intragroup variability, women have different level of performance in technical knowledge depending on the feminization rate of their profession, have been noticed. This research questions the role of assessment measures in regards to professional inequalities and the way feminization must be considered in traditionally male organizations.  相似文献   

This study aims at identifying gender differences in network structure and, hence, at understanding the underlying nature of gender inequalities in organisations. The hypotheses address four ego-network characteristics: network size and density, and ego’s centrality and brokerage. Contrary to the existing body of literature, none significant isolated gender difference in network structure is identified. Instead, those gender differences are triggered exclusively by organisational status, that is to say, they are due to the increased level of power. Thus, organisational status is considered as moderating the relationship between gender and network structure’s characteristics. Some further perspectives are suggested to clarify and generalise the phenomena observed.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2020,2020(165):141-144
Soap is a cosmetic product in common use during this pandemic period. It enables barrier gestures to be carried out. Capable of preventing pathology (COVID-19), it should, therefore, be marketed under a drug status. If we consider the history of soap, we realize the complexity of its status. Depending on the period, it has been considered as a hygiene product and/or as an excipient or an active ingredient allowing the production of a drug or cosmetic making it possible to treat both scabies and burns, to carry out purges or to put at the point of preparations to soften or whiten hands or to lengthen eyelashes. The use of the term “soap”, being extremely overused, the establishment of regulations to clarify this situation is essential.  相似文献   

Careers in the French Navy are determined by successive certifications allowed military to have more and more managerial responsibilities. Women are unequally represented in the hierarchy. Military identity is deeply associated with male characteristics (Sorin, 2003). Women encounter difficulties to be perceived as military in their own right (Héritier, 2011), but also to articulate their identity as women with their professional identity, de facto in opposition (Toulgoat, 2002). On the one hand women's family life is seen as incompatible with service life (Caraire & Léger, 2000), on the other hand, within the crews of warships, their skills are underestimated (Matthews, Ender, Laurence, & Rohall, 2009). The objective of this study is to model the effects of professional identifications and self-assessment of competences on the success of military women in professional certifications. We interviewed 154 students in training to become “experienced operators” (including 73 women) with an average of 3.32 years of duty (SD = 2.11) and 61 students in training to become “team leader” (including 20 women) with an average of 9.28 years of duty (SD = 3.30). The questionnaire measures self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977), performance expectations compared to their colleagues (Rosenthal, Crisp, & Suen, 2007), identification to the professional group (Laplante & Tougas, 2011) and identification to the organization (Tougas, Rinfret, Beaton, & de la Sablonniere, 2005). The final score at the end of the training is considered as an indicator of success. While women are as successful as men in the certification “operator”, they are less successful in the certification “team leader”. The structural equation model (path analysis) (χ2(15, n = 215) = 21.32, p = .13; CFI = .982, GFI = .976, RMSEA = .044) emphasizes the centrality of professional identifications to succeed in training. Women are less identified with sailor than men and feel less able to succeed, they develop lower performance expectations and they underestimate their performance compared to their colleagues, which has a negative effect on their success in training. In parallel, changes in family life are associated with reduced professional identifications, but this effect is independent of the sex of the individuals. Women are therefore exposed to two independent sources of influence limiting their career development: gender, which leads to less professional identifications and to compare unfavorably with their colleagues, and family status. These results highlight the importance of the dynamic of self-realization processes throughout the career.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2019,2019(158):130-136
A lot of connected objects can be sold on the Internet and in some general stores. These products can be used in a health environment; they can help to promote a healthy lifestyle. But they do not always have a well determined legal status, that is established to protect the patients or the healthcare professionals. The connected objects can support innovation. They can become an essential help for the patients and the healthcare professionals, nevertheless they can be at the origin of physical injuries, if they are badly used.  相似文献   

This review is organized in three sections in order to evaluate if expressive writing (namely, to report emotions and deep thoughts concerning positive or negative personal experiences) has a beneficial impact on the physical and psychological well-being of writers. Part 1 reviews studies that showed a beneficial influence of expressive writing. Part 2 is devoted to the examination of the theories for explaining the processes of emotional and cognitive regulation at work during writing disclosure (Disinhibition theory, Cognitive-processing theory, Self-regulation theory, Exposure theory). Findings of several meta-analyses designed to probe the power and validity of results and models are presented. The necessity of a better understanding of the processes by which expressive writing can transform emotional state and intrusive thoughts among writers is examined within the framework of concepts of cognitive psychology involved in writing productions. It is now crucial to use the knowledge of the cognitive approach of written productions for identifying the cognitive-emotional operations that are involved in disclosures and their dependency upon attentional resources of working memory.  相似文献   

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