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本文认为,我国古代特有的智能相对独立论,是刘劭多元智能论的理论基础.然后分析了他的四种智力、十种能力与十四种智能,以及他的多元智能论的特点和缺点.  相似文献   

辞世教育在于提升临终者生命的意义与品质。通过辞世教育使人们坦然面对死亡这个不可避免的人生课题,而死亡又是各类宗教最关注的内容,各宗教都有对死亡奥秘的深入诠释,对死后世界的详尽描述。宗教在辞世教育方面具有其独特性,辞世教育可以借鉴宗教智慧。  相似文献   

本文从不同角度分析了儒释之辩,对吕才"有了因,不再立生因",以及"去体留依而为喻"的合理性作了分析与论证,并指出了对因明传播与发展的贡献和弊端。同时,也肯定了玄奘将新因明传入中土的伟大业绩,以及在汉传因明本土化过程中的努力。  相似文献   

从明末至清末,中国伊斯兰教界发起了一场以译撰为特点,以会通儒家与伊斯兰教为内容的自觉文化活动,期间涌现了许多思想家,而王岱舆、刘智是其中的杰出代表。王岱舆首开了会通活动,而刘智则将会通活动推向了最高潮,他们的著作,无论在会通立场、会通方法、乃至理论体系构建方面,都进行了积极探索,为同时代乃至后代学者提供了有益的借鉴,为伊斯兰教中国化做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

In this paper I argue, against recent claims by Bermúdez (2007) and Toribio (2008), that within the debate about whether perceptual experiences are nonconceptual, ‘state nonconceptualism’ (or the ‘state view’) can be a coherent and plausible position. In particular, I explain that state nonconceptualism and content nonconceptualism, when understood in their most plausible and motivated form, presuppose different notions of content. I argue that state nonconceptualism can present a plausible way of unpacking the claim that perceptual experiences are nonconceptual once the notion of content it should presuppose is taken into account; and once this notion of content is clearly distinguished from the one usually presupposed by content nonconceptualism, the criticisms that Bermúdez and Toribio place against state nonconceptualism become ineffective.  相似文献   

在社会发展进程中,人们所形成的价值观、道德伦理观、世界观因社会体制、社会环境、传统文化而有所不同。中西方人的这些观念因受各自传统文化的影响而差异甚大。中国文化素以谦虚礼让、中庸平和、修身养性等作为为人处事的指南,而西方人则推崇个人奋斗、人格独立、个性张扬等。在这些显性的东西之后,无一不渗透着中国主流文化儒学的“仁、义、礼、智、信”的精神内涵,无一不透射着西方基督教文化“人神共世”的宗教蕴涵。因此,解读中西方文化本源的精神特质成为我们研究中西方文化交流的理性选择。  相似文献   

蕺山论学,规模宏阔,体广而义深。其义理阐释最终落归于《大学》“诚意修身之学”之建立。诚意之学,不仅涵盖了原先“知止说”的格局,而且在《大学》诠释史上别开“诚意为主”一系,从而更深入地诠释了《大学》义理思想,自立于阳明学和朱子学之外,全面确立了蕺山学作为心性合宗体系的理论建构。宗周基于《大学》的义理系统,对阳明的良知说展开了不遗余力的辩驳。其辩难核心是阳明良知“知善知恶”之知。蕺山学的基本特质,既不在于理论的雄辩,也不在规模的宏大,而在于经典文献阐释的精到。蕺山学之所以能够在宋明儒学的庞大阵营中占有一席,很大程度上得力于宗周的文献阐释能力。正是透过精致的文献阐释,宗周无处不展现其教化关怀和治道理想。刘宗周是继朱熹之后,能够从经典文献的精到阐释中,重新建构儒学体系的第一人,不愧为宋明理学的“殿军”。  相似文献   

Kim Sungmoon 《Dao》2009,8(1):29-48
This essay attempts a philosophical reflection of the Confucian ideal of “scholar-official” in Joseon Korea’s neo-Confucian context. It explores why this noble ideal of a Confucian public being had to suffer many moral-political problems in reality. It argues first that because the institution of Confucian scholar-official was actually a modus-operandi compromise between Confucianism and Legalism, the Confucian scholar-officials were torn between their ethical commitment to Confucianism and their political commitment to the state; and second, that because the Cheng-Zhu neo-Confucianism vigorously imported and indigenized by Joseon Koreans exalted the family over the state, Joseon neo-Confucian scholar-officials were torn between two competing moral obligations, filiality and loyalty. The essay concludes by discussing whether, given the problems with which the ideal of the Confucian scholar-official was frequently entangled, liberal individualism should be pursued as its normative alternative.  相似文献   

An alternate understanding of the role of organicism (Pepper, 1942) in contemporary developmental and constructivist thought is offered in reaction to Steenbarger's (1991) recent analysis of contextualist themes in counseling and development.  相似文献   

This study offers a new perspective on the much-discussed debate between French phenomenologist Jean-Luc Marion and postructuralist theorist Jacques Derrida on the question of ‘negative theology’ and the Christian mystical tradition. It argues that Marion's critique of Derrida betrays a fundamental misunderstanding, specifically, that it fails to recognise that Derrida is not interested in negative theology qua theology, but rather as a discursive practice with certain resources for the performative ‘unsaying’ of logocentric systems. It continues to show that Derrida's principal object is not the God of apophatic theology, but the broader, juridico-political implications of all ‘transcendental signifieds’. Finally, it suggests that Marion's oversight of these facts in his defence of the apophatic tradition unwittingly legitimates Derrida's critique, to the extent that it insulates the Christian tradition from external criticism, and thereby limits the responsiveness of that tradition to the demands of justice.  相似文献   

In the present research, we developed a familism scale comprised of two dimensions, namely support obligations and traditional norms, in order to examine cross-cultural and gender differences in a group of Indian (n = 107) and of Italian students (n = 106). We hypothesised and found that support obligations were judged more important than traditional norms in both groups. Moreover, the Indian participants considered both dimensions of familism more important than did their Italian counterparts. Indian women gave greater importance to traditional norms than Indian men did, while Italian women gave greater importance to support obligations than Italian men did. The social implications of cross-cultural and gender differences in familism are discussed.  相似文献   

文明对话成为当今世界的主题和话语交流的关键词,这是全球化驱动之下的一种必然的文化现象。特别是20世纪90年代以来,发生在东亚—太平洋区域的超越世界近代以降西方中心主义的“回儒对话”值得关注,这种基于文化自觉之上的两大古老文明间的对话意义尤其深远。中国穆斯林学者和国外穆斯林学者对儒教所持的不约而同的文明对话的态度与分析范式又值得研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

按照对"真"的结构分析,真理论可分为:内在论、符合论、融贯论和紧缩论。这四种方案各有其适用范围,但经过深入研究发现,除符合论以外的三种方案都存在棘手的难题。融贯论不能证成逻辑上的不矛盾律,不能合理地解决如何选择"支配性"信念系统的问题,并且它和内在论都不能解决偶然真问题。紧缩论的问题则是:若将"真"理解为提供一种认知担保,与其所主张的等值图式相结合,就可推出:信念p没有认知担保当且仅当非p有认知担保,这与实际情形不相符——关于p和非p,我们有可能都没有认知担保。为摆脱传统符合论的困境,可以通过列举"老生常谈"的方式,发展一种多元真理论:"真"在不同领域取决于不同的事物——在一个区域内取决于符合,在另一个领域内取决于融贯。"超可断定性"这一概念可以解释这种多元真理论的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper describes the work of a strategic team that came out from behind the one-way mirror. A debate among the team is enacted before the family as a strategy for change. The case of a family that refused to provide information illustrates an application of this method. The debate among the therapists represents a dilemma that is a strategically constructed isomorph of the family situation. From this position, therapists have the option of changing levels between themselves and the family, asking the family to help solve the therapists' dilemma so that they in turn can be free to help the family. The combination of the debate and the change of levels between the therapists and the family creates a therapeutic neutrality for the family. From their meta position, they observe the therapists' struggle to solve the family's problem, which is re-presented as a problem among the therapists. This perspective offers the family the choice of more adaptive solutions to their own dilemma.  相似文献   

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