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Eighty-six kibbutz-reared infants were observed in the Strange Situation with their mothers, fathers, and metaplot on three separate occasions between 11 and 14 months of age. Prior to each Strange Situation, sociability with male and female strangers was assessed. A-group and B-group infants were significantly more sociable than B4- and C-group infants. Relations with stranger sociability were strongest for Strange Situation classifications of infant-parent attachement. It was also necessary to abbreviate many of the Strange Situation sessions: usually the infants whose sessions were abbreviated obtained very low sociability scores and were classified in the B4- and C-groups. Findings confirmed previous relations between Strange Situation classifications and stranger sociability, but cast doubt on the appropriateness of considering the B4 subgroup as part of the “secure” B group. They also suggest that variations in stranger sociability (or its extreme negative pole, stranger distress) may in some cases determine variations in Strange Situation classifications, rather than the reverse.  相似文献   

Abstract. The social behavior of young children was assessed in a strange situation which was to become increasingly more stressful. The strange-situation procedure reported by Ainsworth & Wittig (1969) was repeated as closely as possible. Children between 1 and 11/2 years were accompanied by their mothers or by a female stranger in various combinations, or were alone, according to a prearranged sequence. The data were subjected to a commonality analysis (Masters & Wellman, 1974). Common changes in the frequencies of 20 behavior items were noted across the different episodes. The physicaldistance relationship between the child and its companion, the exploratory behavior of the child, and individual differences among the children were analyzed in light of Bowlby's attachment theory. The results gave some support to the findings reported by Ainsworth and her group, but also pointed to functional differences between the behavior items examined. The results on crying were compared with those of Ainsworth & Wittig (1969), showing a fair degree of agreement. Finally, the subjects were divided into groups according to an operationalization of the criteria given by Ainsworth et al. (1971). Often children, only three could unequivocally be placed in one of eight groups. This suggests that it may be difficult to use the group characterization proposed by Ainsworth et al.  相似文献   

This study tested whether or not cross-cultural differences in attachment classification distributions result from systematic differences in coding practices. First, we investigated whether or not the interactive scales have been scored consistently in several different cross-cultural samples. Second, the Richters, Waters, and Vaughn (1988) functions were applied to address the question of whether or not attachment classifications were consistently based upon the same pattern of interactive behaviors. Third, cross-cultural coding differences were described from a multivariate perspective. Data sets from seven investigators in six countries were available for analysis. Analyses on this “multinational data set” revealed that except for distance interaction, the interactive scales in the two reunion episodes were scored in accordance with the original coding rules. Furthermore, a good to reasonable agreement appeared to exist between the original classifications and those computed by the functions, except for infants older than 20 months of age. The multivariate principal component analysis showed that classification groups across cultures were more alike than cultures across classification groups. Our data showed, therefore, that attachment classifications have been consistently coded across cultures.  相似文献   

The social behavior of same-sex pairs of nursery school children was observed during two ten-minute play sessions. One half of the pairs played alone during both sessions, and the remaining pairs played in the presence of a passive adult supervisor. Child pairs who played alone were significantly less aggressive and exhibited a moderate but nonsignificant increase in the expression of positive or prosocial behaviors. Unsupervised pairs also tended to verbalize more and engaged in significantly more cooperative play. The absence of adults may encourage children to employ more mature social strategies to achieve a successful relationship with their playmates.  相似文献   

In long‐term studies of psychological development, the initial assessment of etiologically significant child behaviours is often carried out at a single point in time only. However, one‐time assessments of behaviour are likely to possess limited reliability, leading to attenuated longitudinal correlation coefficient magnitudes. How much this bias might have affected behavioural continuity estimates in longitudinal research is presently unknown. Using a data set from the Mauritius Child Health Project, we particularize the attenuating effects of single‐occasion behavioural assessments on consistency estimates of impulsive–aggressive behaviour over time. Specifically, two nursery teachers provided 15 consecutive weekly ratings of the aggressive behaviour of 99 four‐year‐old children. The same children were reassessed for the presence of externalizing behaviour problems at the ages of 8 and 10. There were substantial increases in both reliability and predictive correlation coefficient magnitudes when the preschool scores were aggregated across several weekly ratings. A further increase resulted after the two outcome assessments were combined into a composite score of school‐age externalizing symptoms. A generalized procedure, developed from the correction for attenuation formula, is introduced to describe the relation of aggregation to predictive validity in longitudinal research.  相似文献   

Children are exposed to differences in adult interactive styles from an early age. The Ainsworth Strange Situation. designed as a standard measure to activate attachment behaviors in the young child, allows us to examine the child's reaction to individual differences in strangers' styles. In the present study, the effect of 11 different strangers was examined to determine if different stranger styles influenced the scoring of behavioral ratings of the child's behavior in the Strange Situation. Boys and girls reacted differently to the different strangers. Eighteen-month-old children showed more variations in their reactions to different interactional styles than did 12-month-olds. Boys showed more resistance and avoidance to strangers who used more direction and initiation. Girls did not react this way. The results are discussed in terms of the child's expectations of sex-determined styles of interaction learned from past social interactions.This research was supported by Grant MH 37911 to the senior author from the Behavioral Sciences Research Branch, Family Processes Division, NIMH, U.S. PHS and Grant HD 17571 from the National Institute of Child Health and Development.  相似文献   

The attentional performance, activity, and off-task behavior of hyperactive boys with and without conduct problems and normal boys were compared on a cancellation task under three conditions: when performing the task alone, with mother present, and with experimenter present. Results indicated that both the hyperactive groups achieved poorer attentional scores than normal subjects in the alone and mother present conditions, but improved in the experimenter present condition. The performance of the hyperactive boys with conduct problems was particularly affected by this condition. The activity and off-task behavior scores of both the hyperactive groups were higher than controls in all conditions, although the hyperactive boys with conduct problems decreased in off-task behavior when the experimenter was present. Attention and behavior scores were not significantly correlated. The implications of these findings for assessment of hyperactivity, and the role of noncompliance in the attentional behavior of hyperactive children, are discussed.This study is based in part on the first author's Ph.D. thesis in the Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne.  相似文献   

Three groups of preschool children, 2–4 years old, were observed individually as they listened to a humorous tape recording either alone (Group 1), or after they had observed a nonlaughing (Group 2) or laughing peer model (Group 3) listen to the tape and then leave. There was a significant difference between the laughing model group and the nonlaughing model group in time spent smiling as well as significant differences in time spent laughing among the no model group, the nonlaughing model group, and the laughing model group. It was concluded that imitation learning plays a role in determining whether or not children will laugh or smile in a humorous situation.  相似文献   

Young children who attend out‐of‐home care (e.g., preschool) are more susceptible to infections than children who do not attend out‐of‐home care. Previous research suggests handwashing is effective in reducing risk of infection and illness. However, research suggests that individuals do not routinely wash their hands using methods that healthcare agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have determined best practice. We evaluated the effects of a multicomponent handwashing intervention package on correct handwashing across groups of preschool children. Furthermore, we measured the degree to which their hands were clean using premeasures and postmeasures. Results suggest the intervention package was effective at increasing both correct handwashing and cleanliness of participants' hands.  相似文献   

A potential mechanism that can explain preterm children's heightened risk for the development of later cognitive and behavioral problems is attention. Attention is the ability of an infant or child to orient to, to shift between and to maintain focus on events, objects, tasks, and problems in the external world, processes which are all dependent on the functioning of attentional networks in the brain. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the literature on attention development in children born preterm during the first 4 years of life. First, research examining the differences between preterm and full-term children indicates that early attention development in infants born preterm is less optimal and that these differences increase when infants grow into toddlers. Second, studies investigating individual differences within preterm populations reveal the influence of both biological factors and environmental factors. Third, individual differences in early orienting and sustained attention have been shown to be predictive of later attentional, cognitive and behavioral functioning in children born preterm. The importance of long-term follow-up studies, with a focus on individual developmental trajectories in orienting, sustained and executive attention, is emphasized.  相似文献   

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