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ABSTRACT In this Commentary for the special issue of the Journal of Personality, we discuss the uses and limitations of taxonomies in personality, drawing on the role of taxonomic efforts in other sciences. We endorse Mc Adams's concept of several “levels” (perhaps three: traits, motives and cognitive structures, and core unity themas or identity) for ordering and arranging the major variables of personality. We argue that these levels should be considered independent and distinct: Each level has its own range of convenience, and no level can be reduced to any other level. We suggest that the concept of conflict—within and across levels—is a useful way to understand certain problematic cases. Finally, we argue that the social macrocontext (gender, class, race, culture, and history) has unfortunately been neglected in most personality theories and taxonomies of variables. We illustrate the importance of social macrocontext with a brief discussion of the case of Maya Angelou.  相似文献   

There is limited research into the realities of science blogging, how science bloggers themselves view their activity and what bloggers can achieve. The ‘badscience’ blogs analysed here show a number of interesting developments, with significant implications for understandings of science blogging and scientific cultures more broadly. A functioning and diverse online community (with offline elements) has been constructed, with a number of non-professional and anonymous members and with boundary work being used to establish a recognisable outgroup. The community has developed distinct norms alongside a type of distributed authority and has negotiated the authority, anonymity and varying status of many community members in some interesting and novel ways. Activist norms and initiatives have been actioned, with some prominent community campaigns and action. There are questions about what science blogging—both in the UK and internationally—may be able to achieve in future and about the fragility of the ‘badscience’ community. Some of the highly optimistic hopes which have been associated with science blogging have not been realised. Nonetheless, the small group of bloggers focused on here have produced significant achievements with limited resources, especially when one considers this in the context of community values as opposed to some of the expectations attached to science blogging within scientific cultures more broadly. While the impacts of this science blogging community remain uncertain, the novel and potentially significant practices analysed here do merit serious consideration.  相似文献   


Retired professionals have unique needs and skills to offer in continuing service to society. In Protestant religious thought, all persons have a life-long calling to carry out, so, while employment may change or end, use of talents and skills should be continuous. Altruistic principles may help retired professionals to rethink later life “callings.” Churches and synagogues have an extraordinary challenge in assisting retired professionals to seek more than entertainment in their activities and to advocate for their meaningful participation in society.  相似文献   

Older persons have the same basic needs as other persons. Different cultures have different ways of responding to these needs. Studies of the experience of aging in various ethnic groups in the greater Boston area have identified patterns of mutual care which are often lacking in our individualistic society. Interactions of family, church, and community which have been observed have important implications for the development of more effective programs of ministry with the aging.He is a Faculty Affiliate of the Boston University Gerontology Center and has done cross-cultural research in Singapore.  相似文献   

Michaels (2000) reviewed some basic assumptions in the ecological approach in the light of recent experimental findings. Other reviews have also recently appeared (e.g., Stoffregen, 2000; Stoffregen &; Bardy, in press). Here, it is suggested that some assumptions underlying the ecological approach are actually restrictive. The consequences of relaxing them are discussed as well as the contribution that phenomenological methods might make.  相似文献   

Converging Technologies, Shifting Boundaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

As the world becomes more globalized, psychological and counseling issues have become more pronounced. As social justice issues become illuminated on a global scale, there is increased attention to women as identified victims of social injustices and human rights violations. This article examines the role of professional counselors working with women from an international perspective with the intention to heighten awareness and understanding of the interrelationship of global women's issues and effective counseling interventions.  相似文献   

As St. John's Lutheran Church in Stamford, Connecticut recognized that senior citizens comprised about 18% of its membership, the congregation decided to hire a full-time staff person to develop and direct a ministry program with the elderly. The program offers group meetings, information and referral, direct services, and visitation. It provides spiritual, educational, and fellowship opportunities, and supports the elderly's independence. Instruction about aging, and involvement of younger members in this ministry, has drawn the congregation together with a sense of understanding, community, and mutual responsibility. St. John's approach demonstrates the important role churches can have in the support network of the elderly.  相似文献   

Hestia was the ancient goddess of the hearth, the one who presided over the religious center of the household. It was here that offerings were made at the beginning and end of the family meal, and where the other household divinities were honored. She sanctified the interior of the home and the purity of the lineage of the patriarchal clan. As the circle of Greek identity grew, eternal fires sacred to Hestia burned at the center of ancient cities, including Rome, where Hestia was known as Vesta.

From a psychological perspective, Hestia personifies the religious function of the psyche—especially the forms that turn inward and protect a sacred center. An examination of the archetypal aspects of Hestia's myth sheds light on how the instinct for the sacred found expression during antiquity, and how these energies continue to live in the archetypal psyche.  相似文献   

Clergy and lay visitors often encounter the confused elderly, yet most seem to find it difficult to understand the relevance of their ministry to such persons. Many confused seniors have been active participants in their church or synagogue and have significant faith experiences. However, once they become confused, they are often seen as disruptive in services of worship and unreachable with the current tools of ministry. Thus, older adults who have Organic Brain Syndrome often become disenfranchised from the active life of their religious congregation. This article will summarize the findings of a study that culminated in the development of a model approach to ministry that combines the concepts of sensory stimulation, reality orientation, and worship to provide a focal point for ministry with the confused elderly. Once learned, this technique can be used successfully by anyone who is comfortable with leading worship. It can be applied in many settings, but is particularly useful in long-term care institutions.  相似文献   

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