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Drawing on previous theorizing from both the prejudice and social anxiety literatures, a model of the antecedents and implications of intergroup anxiety is offered. It is argued that a lack of positive previous experiences with outgroup members creates negative expectancies about interracial interactions, which result in intergroup anxiety. This anxiety is posited to result in heightened hostility toward outgroup members and a desire to avoid interacting with outgroup members. Study 1 examined White participants' responses to interacting with Black people using a range of self-report measures; the associations between these responses supported the relationships outlined in the model. Study 2 explored White participants' responses to an anticipated interaction with a Black person or a White person. The findings revealed that high levels of anxiety about an interaction with a Black person, but not a White person, were associated with a lower likelihood of returning for the interaction.  相似文献   

王桢 《心理科学进展》2020,28(3):390-404
团队工作重塑是影响团队有效性的关键性因素。基于工作设计理论和团队运作模型, 提出了一个关于团队工作重塑的前因后果的理论模型, 旨在建立团队工作重塑的逻辑关系网络。首先, 对团队工作重塑的概念和内涵进行分析, 并探讨测量工具的维度。接着从多层分析视角, 考察领导行为、工作特征、团队人格构成、人力资源管理系统对团队工作重塑的影响, 以及团队主动性动机状态中介作用。最后分析团队工作重塑对团队有效性的作用机制。  相似文献   

  • This paper is focused on a study designed to investigate loyalty in retail banking. The research findings suggest that loyalty is the outcome of a cognitive rather than an affective process. The main antecedents of bank loyalty were found to be perceived value, service quality, service attributes, satisfaction, image and trust: constructs that are inter‐related and form a network of loyalty antecedents.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article investigates 2 possible antecedents of thought confidence and explores the effects of confidence induced before or during ad exposure. The results of the experiments indicate that both consumers' dispositional optimism and spokesperson attractiveness have significant effects on consumers' confidence in thoughts that are generated after viewing the advertisement. Higher levels of thought confidence will influence the quality of the thoughts that people generate, lead to either positively or negatively polarized message processing, and therefore induce better or worse advertising effectiveness, depending on the valence of thoughts. The authors posit the belief-polarization hypothesis to explain these findings.  相似文献   

The dimensionality and antecedents of emotional labor strategies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This investigation had two purposes. The first was to determine whether the display of naturally felt emotions is distinct from surface acting and deep acting as a method of displaying organizationally desired emotions. The second purpose was to examine dispositional and situational antecedents of surface acting, deep acting, and the expression of naturally felt emotions. Results supported a three-dimensional structure separating deep acting, surface acting, and the expression of naturally felt emotions. In addition, the dispositional and situational variables exhibited theoretically consistent and distinct patterns of relationships with the three emotional labor strategies. Overall, the results of this study expand the nomological network of surface acting and deep acting and suggest that the expression of naturally felt emotions is a distinct strategy for displaying emotions at work and should be included in research on emotional labor.  相似文献   

Data from a 25-year prospective study of 194 individuals indicated that teacher and peer reports of aggression, compliance, and self-control at age 8 distinguished high-agreeable from low-agreeable adults at age 33. Profile analyses revealed two behavioral types in childhood and two personality types in adulthood, with considerable continuity in the composition of these high- and low-agreeable types over time. High-agreeable childhood types had fewer disobedience and concentration problems than low-agreeable childhood types, and among boys, high-agreeable childhood types had better school grades and fewer behavior problems than their low-agreeable counterparts. High-agreeable adulthood types reported less alcoholism and depression, fewer arrests, and more career stability than did low-agreeable adulthood types.  相似文献   

物质主义是一种看重个体所拥有的财物的价值观。本文回顾了青少年物质主义的成因、测量与干预方法。青少年物质主义价值观的形成主要受家庭、同伴和媒体等因素的影响。常用的测量方法包含青少年物质主义量表、物质主义价值观量表—儿童版以及消费者卷入度等自陈量表,操作性测量工具——拼贴画,以及想象、观看社会榜样视频等启动青少年物质主义的方法。干预活动主要通过家庭、学校、媒体和社会等渠道展开。未来研究值得关注下述两点,一是从新角度考察环境对青少年物质主义价值观的影响;二是开展本土化的青少年物质主义研究。  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown systematic choice-supportive memory for past choices, wherein people tend to overattribute positive features to options they chose and negative features to unchosen options (Mather & Johnson, 2000, Mather, Shafir, & Johnson, 2000). In contrast, the present experiments showed no choice-supportive memory bias for assigned options. Rather than having a general motivation to recall the chosen or the assigned option in a more positive light, people appear to be influenced by heuristics that vary with context: In recalling past choices, people expect the chosen option to contain more positive and fewer negative features than do its competitors. In recalling past assignments, in contrast, people expect the assigned option to be remembered better than the unassigned alternatives. This vividness heuristic leads to systematic misattribution of new features to unassigned alternatives, but not in a manner supportive of the assigned option. Some implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships of three aspects of work schedules—shiftwork, length of workday, and work during weekends and holidays—with the perceived interrole conflict between work and nonwork. Personal background variables and characteristics of the work role itself were hypothesized to be directly related to the level of conflict and, in addition, to moderate the work schedules-conflict relationships. Subjects were 286 hotel employees. As expected all three aspects of work schedules were related to the level of felt work-nonwork conflict. Personal background variables were not related in any way to the level of conflict. Job satisfaction and organizational role conflict were found to be directly related to the level of interrole conflict and, in addition, to moderate the work schedules-conflict relationships. Together, job-related variables and the interactions among them accounted for over 50% of the variance in work-nonwork conflict.  相似文献   

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) was administered to 64 young adults whose mothers had participated 17 years earlier in the Sears, Maccoby, and Levin interview study of childrearing A permissive home atmosphere in childhood appears to be related to neurotic (including hypochondriacal) and psychotic disturbances in female young adults, while a cold home atmosphere is related to psychopathological disorders in young adult males Also for young adult males there tends to be an association between an excessively warm-nonpunitive home atmosphere in childhood and the development of strong anxiety and psychotic disturbances Phobic and psychotic disorders tend to have emerged from a cold-punitive home atmosphere for males For females a warm-punitive or permissive-punitive home atmosphere appears to be related to neurotic disturbances and the paranoid reaction These findings were examined with and without K scale corrections with no significant differences in results  相似文献   

Males taken into police custody for reported spouse abuse (n = 19) and a matched control group (n = 19) were asked to describe the drinking habits of their parents and the extent of intra-family violence witnessed by them as children. The retrospective data were compared to the participant's own present alcohol use and aggressiveness (CTS). Excessive paternal drinking and intra-family violence were recalled significantly more often by the spouse abusers than by the controls. A latent structure model suggested that the accumulated violence history was less well predicted by either paternal violence or present aggressiveness than by the direct and indirect effects related to drinking. Context-specific social learning could explain why the parental drunken violence behavior pattern witnessed by the child was repeated by the adult spouse abuser. Aggr. Behav. 23:239–243, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

222 students completed the Cognitive Processes Survey which assessed imaginal life, orientation toward imaginal life, and defensiveness. Subjects were separated according to number of weekly dreams recalled and tested for short-term memory with the Digit Span of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Analyses of variance showed that imaginal life differed significantly across low, average, and high dream recallers. Orientation toward imaginal life was significant for high dream recallers but not for low recallers. A t test for correlated Digit Span raw scores indicated significant differences between low and high dream recallers. Differences in dream recall seemed better explained by cognitive variables such as short-term memory than attitudinal factors such as defensiveness. Dream recall might be enhanced by increasing the channel capacity of short-term memory and increasing imaginal life through activities such as introspection, daydreaming, and meditation.  相似文献   

The theory of social information processing, which suggests that attributions affect aggressive reactions to another person's provocative behavior, was applied to the context of driving. Respondents were 150 male drivers, who were presented with three scenarios describing frustrating driving situations caused by another driver, male or female. Hostile and non-hostile attributions, and the preference for either aggressive or non-aggressive reactions were measured for each scenario. Aggregate image of drivers as well as driving-related emotions were also measured. A path analysis showed that irritability and competitiveness mediate the relationship between aggressive reactions, on the one hand, and hostility, anxiety, and drivers' image, on the other. Hostile attributions were found to be directed more toward male than toward female drivers and were related to a negative image of drivers. The results are discussed with regard to interpersonal aspects of driving behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract :  The paper argues that the story of Oedipus, however understood, conveys psychic truth of no greater or more central importance to human development than do the stories of many other myths. A distinction is made between sophisticated theories developed out of Freud's original concept of the Oedipus complex, and the adherence by some clinicians to his original sexual theory. The meaning of Sophocles' play Oedipus the King is found to lie in the clash between Oedipus' omnipotent narcissism ( hubris) and the power of the unconscious psyche, rather than in cross-generational sex. Emphasis is placed on the clinical usefulness of understanding all myths symbolically. The Oresteia by Aeschylus is offered as a story about pre-Oedipal (in the Freudian sense) psychic states. This trilogy shows symbolically the developing of an ego, the establishment of moral judgement and the integration of our shadow (the Furies). It also shows the parallel development of structures of law in society to replace instinctive blood feuds. It is suggested that had Freud chosen Orestes instead of Oedipus, the course of both psychoanalysis and of Western society would have had a different emphasis.  相似文献   

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