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我国医学院校专业设置存在着趋同性现象,主要表现为专业涉及的学科门类趋同,各学校之间专业设置趋同和各学校新增专业趋同,原因主要在于学校被动扩招、缺乏专业设置自主权、追逐经济利益的办学思想以及学校之间的相互模仿.今后医学院校要加强专业建设,形成特色专业,培育独特优势.  相似文献   

调查护士专业自主性和工作满意度水平,并探究两者间关系,为提高护理人员工作满意度提供依据。采用横断面调查,借助一般资料调查表、护士工作行为量表和工作满意度量表对300名专科护士进行资料收集。护士专业自主性及工作满意度的得分分别为(171.80±19.73)分和(70.71±8.55)分。相关性分析表明,护士专业自主性水平与工作满意度水平呈正相关关系(P0.01)。专科护士专业自主性对工作满意度有积极正向影响,护理管理者可致力于多种路径提高护理专业自主性,营造良好的工作环境,提高护士工作满意度。  相似文献   

在作品中体现中国特色和美学精神是动画毕业设计指导中的重要原则。目前,动画专业毕业设计缺乏中国特色是高校动画专业教育面临的严峻问题,一味抄袭模仿欧美、日本动画的现象广泛存在。动画作品不仅是文娱产品,更是国家文化软实力输出的重要组成部分,缺乏中国特色的动画毕业设计往往成为了"文化垃圾"。  相似文献   

总结了目前新生儿疼痛管理方法与培训现状.疼痛管理方法包括非药物性止痛方法如口服蔗糖水、非营养性吸吮、襁褓包裹及袋鼠式护理等,药物镇痛如瑞芬太尼与丙泊酚用于小儿气管插管及其他;培训现状包括权威教科书上缺少关于新生儿疼痛管理知识、缺乏特异性调查问卷、缺乏专业师资及培训机构.认为在新生儿的治疗护理中医护人员要坚持科学的认识论,把握医学伦理学的要求,在日常的治疗护理中体现对新生儿的人文关怀,才能进一步提高医疗护理质量,达到医院与患者的双赢.  相似文献   

书籍装帧设计是一门相对较新、实践性和应用性都极强的专业学科。针对目前许多书籍装帧课程中片面重视技法表现,忽视文化底蕴,缺乏系统的理论指导与缺乏较完善的设计方法的现象,本文积极探索国内设计教育及书籍设计改革的经验,使学生在创新能力、文学修养和动手能力上都有所创新,从而改变院校书籍装帧设计的片面教学情况。  相似文献   

由于学习、生活环境的改变,很多新入学的大学生会出现不能适应大学学习、生活等诸多现象,其中学习不适居核心地位。我校护理专业专科从2003年开始实行走读,生源全部来自于北京。经过几年的学习,我们发现这部分学生相比以往同层次学生最大的不同就是学习成绩同比下降,尤其是不及格现象增多,极个别学生甚至在第一学期就出现四门不及格课程,这是我校自建校以来从未发生过的事情。通过调查我们分析出现这种现象的原因主要有以下几个方面。1.学习目标不明确,缺乏学习动力学生由中学时代的高考这一主要学习目标到大学时的学习目标的缺失,造成学习…  相似文献   

护理学产生于人类生存的需要,经历了从简单的清洁卫生护理到疾病为中心的护理、再到以病人为中心的整体护理、直到今天以人的健康为中心的护理发展历程,通过实践、教育、研究,不断得到充实和完善。我校是本地区最大的职业教育机构,而护理专业又是我校的特色专业,为满足我区护理人员的需求,增大我校护理专业学生的就业率,促进高职教育可持续健康的发展,护理专业在教学实践中不断充实和完善,护理专业的学生已有一个优越的理论学习环境和规范的操作训练环境。  相似文献   

自有人类开始,繁衍后代就成了女性的天然使命,也就逐渐衍生出帮助女性顺利分娩的特殊人群。不论在西方还是在中国,在历史上很长一段时期,这个行业是女性占据主导地位,二者在名称上有着很大的不同。二者相同的是,参与助产的人员大多是家庭中的有经验的女性或专门从事助产工作的助产士(或稳婆),大多也都来自生活困难的社会下层。由于各自的文化背景和科学发展的路径不同,以及男医的介入,西方社会逐渐衍生出具备新法接生技术的助产人员,而我国的稳婆最终为西式助产所取代。  相似文献   

临床上由于护士护理伦理的缺失常导致护患冲突,主要表现在护士对患者缺乏爱心、缺乏尊重、不以患者利益为重、护理计划的制定不当和对待患者不公平公正五个方面。通过列举临床案例来分析这些护理伦理的缺失,揭示护士丰富护理伦理知识对建立良好护患关系的重要性,从加强护理人员伦理素养养成、强调严格遵守护理伦理准则、加强护理伦理查房和把伦理道德纳入护理考核标准这四个方面措施来改善护理伦理缺失,减少护患冲突。  相似文献   

目的了解目前徐州市医院临床男护士心理健康状况,分析工作和生活压力的主来源及影响因素,探讨缓解男护士心理压力的可行性措施。方法采用自制调查问卷及压力自评量表,分别对徐州市医院临床男护士进行心理健康状况和工作生活压力来源两方面进行调查。结果临床男护士的心理健康状况存在问题,而工作生活压力主要来源于工作量大时间长、人员配备不足、福利待遇低、缺乏良好的人际关系、婚姻家庭及社会的理解等方面。结论临床男护士的心理健康状况差,各级护理管理者应采取有效的方法及措施,以缓解男护士的心理压力,提高他们的心理健康水平和护理工作质量。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between job characteristics and burnout, i.e., exhaustion, cynicism and lack of professional efficacy, in a sample of 115 (49- to 61-yr.-old) information and communications technology professionals. Questionnaire survey data were collected at two time points. In 1995 (Time 1), higher quantitative overload and lower job control were associated with higher exhaustion. Job control was negatively associated with lack of professional efficacy. In 2001 (Time 2), quantitative overload and information overload were positively associated with exhaustion, but with job control negatively. Use of new information was negatively associated with cynicism. In addition, job control and use of new information were negatively associated with lack of professional efficacy. Job characteristics at Time 1 were not significantly associated with burnout at Time 2 when job characteristics at Time 2 were controlled.  相似文献   

One focus of this paper is on the use of a personal computer and its applications programs as a professional productivity tool. The intent is to illustrate ways faculty can use computer technology in managing complexity and change in their professional lives. After briefly reviewing some conventional uses of personal computer applications programs, the paper describes techniques by which an electronic spreadsheet can be used to contribute to professional productivity. Examples illustrate the use of an electronic spreadsheet as a memory aid and tool in monitoring work habits and setting task priorities. A second focus is on the study of human-computer interaction. After suggesting the generality of certain phenomena, the paper describes some implications for research and for the design of computer applications programs.  相似文献   

内科专业型研究生主要来源是应届本科毕业生和住院医师,他们思维敏捷、思考活跃、独立思考能力强,但存在对专业知识储备相对较弱、临床基本技能差、科研能力薄弱等问题.按照专业研究生培养目标,我们要求研究生不但具有内科的基本技能和本专业的技能,而且具有团队合作、协同创新、医患沟通能力,同时还能结合临床实际,掌握临床科学研究的基本方法.因此,本文从专业研究生培养模式,探讨研究生培养的新途径,进一步提高研究生培养质量.  相似文献   

There is rapid growth in Greece's professional and research activity in counseling, despite the lack of a clear professional identity for the field. It is hoped this will be overcome through the newly started graduate programs. Opportunities, objectives, and strategies for counseling's advancement should be directed toward close and essential collaboration at a European and at an international level, which will blend elements of original and host cultures with academic knowledge and professional counseling experience.  相似文献   

大学生专业适应性、学习倦怠与学习策略的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用大学生专业适应性问卷、学习倦怠量表和学习策略问卷,对802名大学生进行了测试,考察了大学生专业适应性、学习倦怠和学习策略的基本状况,以及专业适应性、学习倦怠与学习策略的关系。结果表明:大学生的专业适应性、学习倦怠和学习策略整体情况良好,但也有相当比例的大学生缺乏有效的学习策略,专业适应不良并表现出学习倦怠倾向;专业适应性对学习策略有显著的正向预测作用;学习倦怠对学习策略有负向预测作用,并在专业适应性和学习策略之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

Novice teachers’ experience of teaching: a dynamic aspect of burnout   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article addresses the question of how novice teachers perceive their work environment and how their perceptions affect burnout. Data were obtained from a questionnaire administered to novice teachers at the beginning and at the end of the school year. It was found that (1) novice teachers experienced high levels of burnout as early as the beginning of their first year of teaching; (2) novice teachers’ perception of their work environment at the beginning and at the end of their first year significantly and meaningfully explained their sense burnout; (3) three variables contribute to predicting burnout at the beginning and at the end of the first year of teaching: (a) lack of appreciation and professional recognition from students; (b) lack of appreciation and professional recognition from the public, and (c) lack of collaborative and supportive ambience.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the necessity of revising the Ethics Code of the Psychology and Counseling Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran (PCOIRI) with respect to people’s rights and dignity and to avoid unfair discriminations toward sexual orientation and gender identity. It is said that confused diagnoses; wrong decision making; unethical practice; and the subsequent harm caused to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender clients result from the lack of a clear code and relevant guidelines. In addition, certain conditions in Iran (such as religious perspectives, laws, cultural biases, misunderstandings, a lack of local academic and scientific resources, and Western conspiracy theories) lead professional psychologists and researchers to avoid researching sexual minorities and gender identity, which negatively impacts the Ethics Code of the PCOIRI. Iranian and Western researchers have identified four primary sources to which psychologists and counselors can refer when faced with ethical dilemmas: developmental psychology, professional ethics codes, philosophy of psychology literature, and available researches and compilations on professional ethics. Finally it is suggested that, when dealing with homosexual clients and the related ethical dilemmas, Iranian psychologists and counselors need clear and specific guidelines and a professional ethics code developed from more appropriate reference points than legal and religious sources.  相似文献   

The research used Foucauldian techniques to explore how counsellors currently working for the NHS construct and manage their professional identities in the face of changes imposed on them by the institution. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with four counsellors and one doctoral student, all with substantial experience working for the NHS. A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis revealed four main subjectivities that were made available; feeling like part of a process at times; the NHS imposes limitations on their practice; feeling able to retain their professional standards despite the limitations and lack of influence; feeling proud of, and satisfied with the work they do. Places in which the participants explored ways of constructing a professional identity were also explored.  相似文献   

Institutional caregiving can have adverse effects on children, yet little is known about the caregivers of institutionalized young children. We surveyed staff in three Ukrainian Baby Homes about their attitudes toward the nature of their work and the needs of the young children in their care. Seventy‐one caregivers completed anonymous, semistructured surveys. Popular reasons for working in Baby Homes included benefits and convenient work shifts, morality, and affection for children. Caregivers reported both favorable aspects of the work (enjoyment of children, professional satisfaction) and work difficulties (conflicts, lack of cooperation, little administrative support). In addition, they noted deficiencies in care: high caregiver–child ratio, frequent care disruptions, and lack of stimulation. Direct caregivers (in‐room “nannies,” educators, and nurses) and other providers (e.g., clinic nurses, physicians, therapists) differed in university‐degree attainment, professional motivation, enjoyment of children, professional satisfaction, and perceptions of self as substitute mother. A number of potential “windows for change” were identified, including recognition of deficiencies in institutional care and possibilities for improvement. Implications for interventions are discussed, including the need to consider lack of staff support, high emotional stress, internal conflicts, beliefs and attitudes about institutionalized children and their biological parents, and differences in staff educational achievement.  相似文献   

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