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Ohne ZusammenfassungMit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Die Psychotherapie -  相似文献   

Test anxiety or exam anxiety is a prevalent problem among students. Therefore, a high proportion of students seek help in university counseling centers. Based on a theoretical review of psychological theories and models of test anxiety, a cognitive-behavioral training program for coping with test anxiety as well as the evaluation of the program is presented. The program includes elements of behavior training with video-supported role playing and simulation of (oral) test situations, enhancement of learning and preparation strategies including time management as well as cognitive intervention strategies and relaxation training. Evaluation of the workshop program shows significant reduction of test anxiety and the strengthening of self-efficacy. The group program also lends itself for application with other groups, such as school students or for the preparation of job interviews.  相似文献   

Summary There is quite wide-spread agreement about the relevance of pattern Pragnanz (Koffka, 1935) with respect to the human interpretation of visual patterns. There is less agreement about whether pattern Pragnanz is based solely on pattern information (static) or also on the history of the perceiver (dynamic). In Van Leeuwen and Van den Hof (1991), experimental data concerning serial patterns are presented within the framework of the dynamic-network approach initiated by Buffart (1986, 1987). These experimental data are claimed to give evidence against the static-coding approach initiated by Leeuwenberg (1969, 1971). In the present paper, however, I show first that Buffart's theoretical basis is incorrect, and that in fact Leeuwenberg's static-coding approach is the basis for the dynamic-network approach. Second, I show that those experimental data rather give evidence in favor of the static-coding approach, by using those same data for a test of the most recent static-coding model (Van der Helm & Leeuwenberg, 1991; Van der Helm, Van Lier, & Leeuwenberg, 1992). Finally, I propose a reconciliation between the two approaches, in the sense that the dynamic-network model could be shaped in such a way that it yields a simulation, and maybe even an enrichment, of the static-coding model.  相似文献   

In the new working world with its growing turbulences and increasing demands prevention is getting more difficult but at the same time increasingly necessary. New forms of working and of organization, the vanishing limits between work and private life and the promotion of patchwork patterns in both areas call for adequately differentiated prevention concepts. People have to be beside the enhancement of their qualification (performance enhancement) prepared for the future in their effectiveness and health (social competence, employability) as the individual aspect. The situation and the organization (structure) have to be preventively shaped in a way, that the desired interactions in the field of performance, health, security and life quality may be experienced. A blueprint for this purposes is presented here accompanied by practical instruments and propositions for prevention as for example bonification.  相似文献   

Previous studies were able to identify numerous predictors of aggressive and violent behavior in youth. Although it is to be expected that these predictors may behave differently with varying personal and situation-specific characteristics, no study has yet empirically examined whether predictors of youth violence really exhibit differential effects. The current study will fill this gap in the literature by asking how do some predictors of youth violence differ between slightly and highly criminal individuals? To answer this question a representative sample of German students of the ninth class from 2007 and 2008 was used (N?=?44,610). Using the technique of quantile regression the effects of the predictors sex, origin, risk seeking, number of delinquent friends, alcohol consumption, parental violence, interparental violence and violent victimization on the number of violent incidents were analyzed. The results showed that all predictors significantly influenced the number of violent incidents; however, the effects of all predictors also varied significantly with the intensity of criminal activity of offenders. Whereas all predictors were valid for highly criminal individuals, only some predictors also influenced the amount of violent crime in occasionally violent youth. These results have important implications regarding the identification of new predictors, theory building and practice. Additionally, the present approach of studying differential effects might prove useful to psychology and law in general. The more empirical research is individualized, the better this research can also be applied in practice.  相似文献   

During the last years psychosocial prevention became more and more established. The need for a focus on “early intervention” is a consequence of scientific research on the effects of psychosocial stress in infant development. Mental and neural development in the infant years is very modifiable, thus primary prevention has to centre on advancements in the immediate conditions of maturation. This is exceedingly important for children in families at risk. This article gives an overview of actual preventive measures, especially of those in the German-speaking countries.  相似文献   

The development of predictive tests for genetic diseases such as Huntington’s chorea, not only raises new ethical and psychosocial issues for people at risk for genetic diseases, but also poses a challenge for the professionals treating them. The number of patients facing these issues will grow considerably with future advances of the human genome project. While there is general agreement among geneticists and neurologists that concurrent psychosocial and psychotherapeutic counselling for patients considering getting tested should be a prerequisite for predictive test-ing, much less agreement exists in the field of psychotherapy on the form and content of psychotherapeutic counselling for patients with a genetic risk factor. By their very nature, hereditary genetic conditions are a family affair. Whatever the test result will be in the end, it will have repercussions on other family members. In conse-quence, this article argues in favor of a counselling approach that is family and re-source oriented. From their experience with a collaborative treatment project, the authors present the major topics which psychotherapists need to address when working with patients at risk.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In den vergangenen 50 Jahren konnten große Fortschritte in der Entwicklung und der Umsetzung des verhaltensmedizinischen Wissens über die Gesundheit von Individuen und Populationen erzielt werden. Allerdings kamen Gesundheitsförderung und Krankheitsprävention nicht allen Bevölkerungsschichten in und zwischen den einzelnen Ländern in gleichem Maße zugute. Die Ungleichheit der sozialen, psychischen und körperlichen Gesundheit zwischen den wohlhabendsten und ärmsten Bevölkerungsgruppen ist im Wesentlichen gleichgeblieben oder sogar gewachsen. Das Wissen darüber, wie solche Unterschiede in der Gesundheit entstehen, ist allerdings erst dann von Bedeutung, wenn es dazu verwendet wird, geeignete, langfristige und nachhaltige Präventionsstrategien auf mehreren Ebenen zu erarbeiten. Bei solchen Strategien spielen verschiedene Aspekte der globalen natürlichen ökologischen Umwelt und das Streben nach einer sog. gesundheitserhaltenden Umwelt eine wichtige Rolle. Mit dem wachsenden Einfluss der Globalisierung auf die Gesundheit stellt sich die Frage, welche Folgen jenseits der traditionellen nationalen Grenzen für die Krankheitsprävention und für die Gesundheitsförderung zu erwarten sind. Sie sollte uns anregen, darüber nachzudenken, dass die Verbreitung von wirksamen Interventionen auf institutioneller oder politischer Ebene nicht nur innerhalb eines Landes, sondern auch zwischen verschiedenen Ländern von höchster Wichtigkeit ist. In Anbetracht der global und schnell voranschreitenden ökonomischen und sozialen Veränderungen und des gewaltigen Einflusses von globalen Umweltveränderungen auf die Gesundheit müssen die Bandbreite und die Praxis der Verhaltensmedizin erweitert werden.Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Dipl.-Psych. Erika Nemény, Berlin und Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ehlert, Zürich  相似文献   

This article presents an overview on the concepts and the outcomes of current prevention and intervention measures for juvenile delinquency and offender rehabilitation. The main focus is on a discussion of recent evaluation results. Social skills training, parent training programs, family-oriented early intervention, and multimodal school-based programs are discussed as prevention measures. Cognitive-behavioral and family therapy as well as diverse concepts of offender rehabilitation (e.g., boot camps) are delineated as intervention measures. The article concludes with an integrated evaluation of these results and a discussion of general theoretical and strategic issues.  相似文献   

Depersonalization (DP) and derealization (DR) remain poorly recognized in clinical routine. Active exploration through structured interviews is strongly recommended, because patients rarely describe spontaneously their experiences with DP/DR. 143 psychosomatic, first-admission inpatients were interviewed about the 1-month prevalence of DP/DR using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV dissociative disorders. Additionally, the German questionnaires of the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale, the Dissociative Experiences Scale, the SCL-90-R and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems were used. In the sample we found a prevalence of 23.1% (N=33) for depersonalization-derealization syndrom (ICD-10 F48.1) and 7% (N=10) for secondary pathological DP/DR. A total percentage of 62.9% reported DP/DR to some degree or other. There was a noticeably high co-occurrence of anxiety disorders in patients with pathological DP/DR. Patients with pathological DP/DR were generally more impaired, suffered many more interpersonal problems and were particularly characterized by introversion. Considering the high prevalence of this phenomenon, more attention should be paid to DP/DR in routine diagnostic procedures, treatment and research.  相似文献   

The selection of dimensional spatial prepositions: automatic and not resource adaptive Summary. Speakers were required to generate dimensional spatial expressions in order to specify the position of a to-be-localized object (LO) relative to a reference object (RO). Placing LO in different positions around RO enabled us to establish the areas of application for the different German spatial terms. Canonical expressions (to the right of/ to the left of or above/ below) were only used if LO was placed horizontally or vertically aligned with RO. In all other directions combined expressions, e.g. 'rechts oben' (to the right and above) were used, which are common in German. These areas of application were of the same shape when subjects were under time pressure (Experiment 1). Additionally, a concurrent secondary task which was proven having high cognitive demands (Experiment 2) did not influence the area of application (Experiment 3). We conclude from these results that the selection of dimensional prepositions is automatic and that it is not resource adaptive. Zusammenfassung. SprecherInnen sollten ein zu lokalisierendes Objekt (LO) relativ zu einem Referenzpunkt (RO) sprachlich durch dimensionale räumliche Ausdrücke lokalisieren. LO wurde in unterschiedlichen Richtungen um RO platziert, sodass sich die Anwendbarkeitsräume für die verschiedenen räumlichen Ausdrücke im Deutschen bestimmen ließen. Die kanonischen Bezeichner (rechts von /links von oder über/unter) wurden praktisch nur bei direkt horizontaler oder vertikaler Lage von LO gewählt, in allen anderen Fällen wurden kombinierte Ausdrücke (z.B. rechts oben) benutzt. Diese Anwendbarkeitsräume änderten sich nicht, wenn die Personen unter Zeitdruck produzierten (Experiment 1). Eine gleichzeitig zu bearbeitende Nebenaufgabe, die das kognitive System stark belastet (Experiment 2), führte ebenfalls zu keiner Änderung der Anwendbarkeitsräume (Experiment 3). Wir schließen daraus, dass die Selektion der räumlichen Ausdrücke automatisch erfolgt und dass sie nicht ressourcenadaptierend ist.  相似文献   

Summary The intention of the paper is to describe Prägnanz-phenomena in terms of information theory. Two different concepts for the application of informational variables to perceptual processes are discriminated. For several reasons, Attneave's concept (1951) is preferred: In the sense of information theory single figures can be treated as signal structures; thus the degree of regularity in them should be specifiable in terms of informational variables.Two quasi-informational parameters are used to describe the degree of regularity in simple dot patterns.It was expected that perceived figural quality of dot patterns would increase with the redundancy of spatially distributed messages. At a constant word-length (= constant number of dots), the quality perceived should be the better the lower the entropy (or uncertainty) of the figure.In several experiments the information measures used turned out to be closely related to different operationally defined response-variables for figural quality, e.g. figural goodness-ratings and exactness of the reproduction of dot-positions. Besides, an inverse relationship is observed between interestingness-ratings and redundancy measures.The results are discussed in terms of information theory and psychological concepts. It is shown, that it has important implications on the psychological theory of perception to regard the human perceiver as an information-decoding-system. Apparently there must be some dynamically active system which enables the perceiver to utilize the redundancy of spatial brightness-distributions for sure and quick recognition.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Die Verstärkung von Primärprävention als Senkung der Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit von Krankheiten ist angesichts der Dominanz chronisch-degenerativer Erkrankungen und der wachsenden Ungleichheit von Gesundheitschancen in reichen Industrieländern eine zentrale Herausforderung zeitgemäßer Gesundheitspolitik. Die heute dabei verwendeten Konzepte und Methoden haben historische Wurzeln, deren Kenntnis Anregungen für ihre Verbesserung und weitere Entwicklung liefern kann. Moderne Primärprävention senkt Gesundheitsbelastungen und fördert gesundheitsdienliche Ressourcen, sie arbeitet mit spezifischen und unspezifischen Interventionen, gibt der Veränderung der Kontexte von Krankheitsentstehung und belastendem Verhalten Priorität und ist partizipativ angelegt. Das gilt für Interventionen auf der Ebene des Individuums ebenso wie für solche in settings/Lebenswelten und für bevölkerungsweite bzw. zielgruppenspezifische Kampagnen. Eine Verbesserung der Qualitätssicherung ist notwendig. Das im Jahr 2005 gescheiterte Präventionsgesetz sollte zwar lediglich den Beitrag der Sozialversicherungsträger zu dieser anspruchsvollen, gesamtgesellschaftlichen Strategie regeln, enthielt aber Festlegungen im Hinblick auf Ziele, Instrumente, Zuständigkeiten und Ressourcen, die auch für den nächsten Anlauf der Gesetzgebung richtungweisend sein sollten.
R. RosenbrockEmail:

Riccardo Luccio 《Axiomathes》2003,13(3-4):365-387
This paper is devoted to stress the importance of the contribution of Gaetano Kanizsato contemporary psychology. His theoretical ideas have in many respects been truly seminal. In particular, are emphasized his distinction between the primary and secondary process, his criticism of the concept ofPrägnanz, and his focus on self-organisation in a dynamic approach. To continue his work, the main task is to identify the rules and constraints that enable us to see the world as it appears. In the last years of his scientific work, his insight was that the non-linear dynamic approach may be the best way to achieve this goal, giving a more sound sense to the intuitions of Gestalt psychologie.Unfortunately, he died before he could reap the fruits of this insight. Here are reviewed the first results that some among his direct and indirect pupils have obtained in this direction.  相似文献   

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