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We examined gender stereotypes and perceptions of aggression in 743 US psychology students at a northeastern university in the USA. Participants rated a vignette depicting torture of an Iraqi prisoner by an American soldier in which the gender of prisoner and guard were varied. The results showed that female participants viewed torture more negatively than male participants. Additionally, participants perceived the torture and killing of a female prisoner warranted significant compensation to her family. However, participants perceived violent acts by a male guard to be as serious as for a female guard, suggesting a shift in perceptions of gender role stereotypes. Our findings demonstrate a change in the gender role stereotyping for females in the military and suggest a number of future studies.  相似文献   

The abuse of prisoners by U.S. soldiers at Abu Ghraib had far-reaching consequences, leading many people around the world to question the legitimacy of U.S. goals and activities in Iraq. Drawing on extensive unclassified reports from multiple investigations that followed Abu Ghraib, this article considers both psychological and social-situational factors that contributed to ethical failures there. This analysis suggests that leaders need to be more attuned to the developmental stage of subordinates and take appropriate steps to reinforce ethical behaviors. From a psychological standpoint, young adults especially are strongly inclined to behave in accord with social conventions and pressures around them. Particularly in ambiguous circumstances, it is important that standards of behavior be clear and explicit throughout all phases of an operation and that leaders at all levels represent and reinforce those standards.  相似文献   

目的:研究服刑人员价值取向的特点,以及与普通民众价值取向的差异。方法:使用中国民众价值取向调查问卷对242名服刑人员及131名普通民众进行测量。结果:服刑人员价值取向存在显著的婚姻状况、学历、年龄、犯罪历史、犯罪类型等方面的差异;与普通民众有差异。结论:服刑人员的价值取向不同于普通民众。  相似文献   

Carolyn Gerald ascribes a role for Black writers that we as counseling psychologists feel is fitting for the Black counselor or educator. With great perceptiveness, she establishes a cause and effect relationship between image and self-concept. This article will convince readers that it is impossible to be Black in a world of white-controlled imagery without having a zero self-image. Black youth are bombarded with racial and cultural images that usually exalt whiteness and demean Blackness, and it is difficult, if not impossible, for them without wise guidance to exhibit behavior in accord with the beauty of Blackness. Black counselors, teachers, psychologists, and parents must help Black youth and each other to sort through or scrutinize more carefully the images projected on their sensory mechanisms and help effect the positive self-images essential for positive Black behavior.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(2-3):259-274
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

印光法师是中国近代佛教史上颇有作为的一位高僧。他以爱国爱教的精神,对儒教与佛教的关系、宗与教的关系,特别是对净土宗的思想理论和修行实践都做了深入细致的研究,作出了不朽的贡献,故被后世尊为净土宗的第十三代祖师。  相似文献   

The psychoanalyst needs to be in touch with a community of colleagues; he needs to feel part of a group with which he can share cognitive tension and therapeutic knowledge. Yet group ties are an aspect we analysts seldom discuss. The author defi nes the analyst's ‘professional novel’ as the emotional vicissitudes with the group that have marked the professional itinerary of every analyst; his relationship with institutions and with theories, and the emotional nuance of these relationships. The analyst's professional novel is the narrative elaboration of his professional autobiography. It is capable of transforming the individual's need to belong and the paths of identifi cation and deidentifi cation. Experience of the oedipal confi guration allows the analyst to begin psychic work aimed at gaining spaces of separateness in his relationship with the group. This passage is marked by the work on mourning that separation involves, but also of mourning implicit in the awareness of the representative limits of our theories. Right from the start of analysis, the patient observes the emotional nuance of the analyst's connection to his group and theories; the patient notices how much this connection is governed by rigid needs to belong, and how much freedom of thought and exploration it allows the analyst. The author uses clinical examples to illustrate these hypotheses.  相似文献   

马克思主义史学家霍布斯鲍姆为我们提供了一个认识马克思主义史学家的人生经历对其信仰发生影响的标本.他是一名坚定的共产党员、一位亲身经历了20世纪历史的人.霍布斯鲍姆笔下的20世纪历史就是在保存他生活经历和对世事洞察的记忆.马克思主义是霍布斯鲍姆认识20世纪历史的方法.个人的经历直接对霍布斯鲍姆的马克思主义史学观形成产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

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