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The criterion problem in short-term memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A clenched fist is a gesture often seen both within and outside sports that seems to communicate success or to function in self-encouragement or the encouragement of others. This “encouragement gesture” involves the contraction of forearm flexors, similar to the grasping action that is part of acquisitive approach actions. This gesture may be part of a physiological feedback mechanism that functions to increase or sustain levels of approach in challenging situations by signaling the sufficiency of resources (muscle strength). Here we show that for pleasant but not unpleasant words, subjects were faster in categorizing words while contracting their forearm flexors rather than their forearm tensors. This effect dissipated during the first minute of performance, which may reflect habituation of interoceptive feedback. The data further suggest that the effect is larger when experimenter and subject are of opposite sexes. The facilitated responding to pleasant stimuli suggests that contraction of the forearm flexors promotes approach.  相似文献   

实验一、二采用2*2被试间设计,以高中生为被试,探讨不同提问类型的学生在有无文章标记的条件下对阅读信息保持的影响,并验证文章标记效应的作用机制。实验一结论:在引入提问类型变量后,文章标记的“质量性假设”成立,而“数量性假设”比较复杂,只有在特定的条件下才成立。实验二结论:文章标记效应的产生机制更加符合策略转换假说。  相似文献   

从北京市一所普通中学四个年级随机选取学生169名为被试,采用开放式问卷法研究了学生在阅读理解背景下提问能力的发展特点,结果发现:(1)学生提问的频次变化范围较广,随着提问频次的增加,人数呈现波浪式下降趋势;(2)学生所提问题被分为三种水平:事实性问题,推论性问题和评价性问题;(3)随着年级的上升,学生提问水平逐渐增高;(4)学生提问性别差异显著,尤其是在高水平问题上,女生提问数量多于男生。  相似文献   

The author provides a full-fledged matrix derivation of Sherin's matrix formulation of Kaiser's varimax criterion. He uses matrix differential calculus in conjunction with the Hadamard (or Schur) matrix product. Two results on Hadamard products are presented.  相似文献   

John Bacon 《Synthese》1987,71(1):1-18
Conclusion My aim has been to adapt Quine's criterion of the ontological commitment of theories couched in standard quantificational idiom to a much broader class of theories by focusing on the set-theoretic structure of the models of those theories. For standard first-order theories, the two criteria coincide on simple entities. Divergences appear as they are applied to higher-order theories and as composite entities are taken into account. In support of the extended criterion, I appeal to its fruits in treating the various examples considered above and to the healthy intuitions of the non-noneists among us. Don't O(m) and E(m) comprise just the things we should have though existed according to a particular interpretation m of a language or a theory? Whatever the answer (and it will hardly be unanimous), I hope to have pointed the way towards a recognition of ontology as a worthwhile branch of modern theory.Earlier versions of parts of this paper were read at New York University, at the Australasian Association of Philosophy, and at the University of Sydney. I am very grateful to William Barrett, Keith Campbell, Gregory Currie, Kenneth Gemes, Toomas Karmo, and Stephen Read for comments and criticisms.  相似文献   

In this letter, a compatibility-momentum tensor is proposed based on the strain compatibility condition of continuum mechanics. By rescaling the compatibility-momentum tensor, we construct a so-called multiscale energy-momentum tensor and the corresponding L-integral, which is path-independent if the interior region of the integration contour is dislocation-free. By applying the invariant L-integral to the field of a mode III elastoplastic crack under small-scale yielding condition, we derive a multiscale criterion for macroscopically brittle fractures.  相似文献   

The Procrustes criterion is a common measure for the distance between two matricesX andY, and can be interpreted as the sum of squares of the Euclidean distances between their respective column vectors. Often a weighted Procrustes criterion, using, for example, a weighted sum of the squared distances between the column vectors, is called for. This paper describes and analyzes the performance of an algorithm for rotating a matrixX such that the column-weighted Procrustes distance toY is minimized. The problem of rotatingX intoY such that an aggregate measure of Tucker's coefficient of congruence is maximized is also discussed.We wish to thank Richard A. Harshman and C. F. Jeff Wu for valuable discussions in the early stages of this work. We would also like to thank Jos ten Berge, John Gower, and the Editor, Associate Editor, and referees whose comments and suggestions greatly improved this paper.  相似文献   

Studies in Philosophy and Education -  相似文献   

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