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A widespread view consists in considering that validated psychotechnical tests enable one to measure intellectual abilities with the help of the scoring of observed performances. This paper (i) elaborates a falsifiable conception of ordinal measurement, (ii) shows that it is likely that the observed performances falsify it, and (iii) analyzes how psychometric modeling fulfils the comparative imperative that underpins the assessment of abilities. But the evaluative efficacy builds up to the detriment of scientific knowledge of the performance's determinants. The practice of psychological assessment is then thought of as a sociotechnics of assessment without measurement.  相似文献   

Organizational agility has become an increasing focus for companies and has led to the emergence of new developmental methods. This article presents the cross-evaluation as an approach to evaluating and developing inter-team interface efficacity. Though 360 degrees feedback collective processes are being evaluated, and during reflexive workshops they decide what improvements to make in their team functioning. Based on a literature review and more specifically on the theories of social identity and groupthink this article describes the scientific bases of the cross-evaluation method and the biases that can be involved and how to reduce them. It suggests new avenues of research and practical suggestions for practitioners about an inter-team development method.  相似文献   

IntroductionWhile user experience (UX) evaluation is a core concern within the field of human–computer interaction (HCI), there is currently no valid self-administered UX evaluation tool in French. The AttrakDiff 2 scale (Hassenzahl, Burmester, & Koller, 2003) is a UX evaluation tool, which relies on a theoretical model distinguishing pragmatic and hedonic qualities of interactive systems.ObjectiveThis paper describes the translation and validation of the French version of the AttrakDiff 2 scale in order to ease UX assessment in French-speaking users.MethodFollowing the cross-cultural methodology developed by Vallerand (1989), the questionnaire was translated by trilingual researchers before being back-translated and validated by a panel of experts. A pre-test was conducted on 26 participants. The characteristics of the French version of the AttrakDiff 2 scale were then evaluated through a quantitative online study involving a sample of 381 users.ResultsThe results confirm the expected 3 factors structure and a good internal consistency of each subscale. The links between factors are consistent with Hassenzahl's theoretical model (2003) where pragmatic and hedonic perceived attributes combine to form a judgment of attractiveness.ConclusionThe current French version of the AttrakDiff 2 scale is globally reliable with regards to the initial German version and presents satisfactory levels of validity and reliability.  相似文献   

Studies of psychology in the work place usually analyse job offers from an explicit and functional point of view, forgetting the more implicit and strategic dimensions associated with them. This activity of recruitment takes into account the understanding of the specific context of the job offer and of the structure of the organisation which is looking to recruit. The clinical case study described here takes into consideration these contextual elements of very small company and proposes recruitment methods which include a third party, emphasising the particular role of psychologists or consultancies as recruitment advisers.  相似文献   

The study aims to undertake the influence of sex roles of tutors in enterprises, supervising young adults in alternating training in Higher Education. On the basis of workplace mentoring models and works, twenty young adults have been interviewed. Half of them were supervised by a woman and the other half by a man. The results underline the key role of the variable sex to analyze the relationships in enterprises. They show that this variable has to be studied regarding the particular sexual division of work in each work context as well as with the social representations the young adults have of the occupations.  相似文献   

This article is about a case of successful introduction of a technological change in a police department. It presents the links observed between the approach used to manage the transition and the perception that end-users reported regarding their stress, their health condition, and their efficiency at work. End-users of the new system reported a high level of satisfaction towards the method used, with few problems related to their stress, their health condition, and their global efficiency. People who reported such problems also reported more problems integrating the change. Close guidance provided to workers at field level and active support to enhance a fast mastering of the new skills seem to have played a major role.  相似文献   

Job interview is a standardized situation that carries high stakes and involves impression management tactics. When an incident occurs in such a situation it could create embarrassment. Usually the expression of this self-conscious emotion positively affects others’ judgment. The aim of this study is to know whether this positive effect could also be observed in a job interview and whether it may vary depending on how embarrassment is expressed and with the personality of the job applicant. Contrary to what it is observed in an ordinary context, the absence of expression is favored by the recruiters; the expression of embarrassment is rather negatively perceived, especially when it is not controlled. The issue of emotional expressivity during interview will be discussed.  相似文献   

Malgré le refus que Wittgenstein semble avoir toujours opposé à l'idée d'une esthétique philosophique, son oeuvre et les nombreuses suggestions que contiennent ses divers propos se révélent riches d'enseignements, en particulier pour ce qui concerne les voies dans lesquelles certaines formes de discours sur l'art se sot engagées. La notion wittgensteinienne dejeu de langage est, sous ce rapport, éclairante. Elle permet de mettre au jour, ou du moins d'entrevoir, deux catégories de faits. Tout d'abord, elle offre une perspective critique intéressante sur le programme de ce que l'on s'est plu à nommer une poétique, dans le prolongement d'Aristote, de Jakobson et de Valéry. La poétique structuraliste, en particulier, se révéle solidaire d'une philosophie que ses ambitions théoriques ne suffisent pas à occulter. En second lieu, la notion de jeu de langage, chez Wittgenstein lui-même, est associée à une pratique d'écriture originale qui obscurcit les frontiéres que la philosophie, depuis Platon, s'est toujours souciée de tracer. Pour une poétique des jeux de langage, il existe, entre la poétique et la philosophie une double symétrie. La premiére — celle des structuralistes ou des néo-structuralistes —obéit à un programme plus philosophique qu'on ne croit; la second, en revanche, comme on le voit avec Wittgenstein, intégr une démarche poétique qui nous invite à penser à nouveaux frais ce que nous faisons.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a review of the research on core self-evaluation or positive self-concept, a broad personality trait indicated by four narrow traits: self esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control and emotional stability. We review evidence suggesting that the four core traits are highly related and load on a single unitary factor. We more generally investigate the construct validity of core self-evaluation through its relation with job satisfaction, job performance and the five-factor model. Finally, we also report on the development and validation by T. Judge of the first direct measure of the concept.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2016,2016(139):95-101
Loss of opportunity, which today is considered as a prejudice in its own right, both for the French Supreme Court and the Council of State, remains undeniably difficult to assess in practice. For many years, the issue of compensation for breach of duty of disclosure gave the various courts the ability to roadtest this concept. However, although the criteria defining this concept, of judicial origin, have been established, the modus operandi allowing the judge to quantify it does not exist. How can this portion of personal injury be determined in relation to the size of the opportunity lost? This is primarily a technical issue, similar to that of assessing a disability rate. However, this request does not feature in typical common law missions for judicial or administrative medical expertise. The judge alone is left to assess this probability, whereas the expert would be in a position, as far as possible, to provide scientific and statistical assistance enabling a better definition of loss of opportunity.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2015,21(3):293-303
The results of different studies on the best practices of the prevention of recidivism are clear: it is possible to reduce the risk of recidivism of offenders through efficient intervention. Structured risk assessment combined with practices based on risk, need and responsivity principals may reduce the risk of recidivism by up to 30%. These programs, developed primarily in Canada, require adaptations to better suit a French context. The present article proposes to revise the main stages essential to the introduction of a new evaluation and intervention strategy based on evidence, namely, the exploration, the preparation of the establishment, the creation and implementation themselves, the sustainability approach and the introduction of evaluative research studies. The advantages of considering such an implementation strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

IntroductionDropping out of school is a research topic with various dimensions: non-graduation, school leaving, absenteeism, school failure and school refusal. It involves processes determined by various factors – individual, social, familial and institutional. Individual determinants have specifically been studied in the recent literature. They involve demographic and academic indicators, behaviors, attitudes and mental health of the student, as well as specific types of school refusal. The aim of our study is to update knowledge in this specific field, and highlight underlying problems and methodological issues raised in the literature.MethodDropping out of school is defined as leaving school without a qualification. It involves a process of specific disengagement, which is non-reducible to the negative counterpart of school commitment. The present article is a review of literature from PsycInfo on the individual determinants of dropping out of school. It is based on 50 articles published between 2010 and 2017, related to the following topics: school dropouts, school leavers, school refusal, and academic failure. Five exclusion criteria were used: studies with single factor analysis, literature review, sample excluding secondary education, sample of less than n = 100, non-general, non-mixed, or composed of a sociodemographic minority.ResultsSchool performance and early risk behaviors (substance use disorders, sexuality) remain the best determinants of dropping out throughout the duration of schooling. Psychopathological factors, anxiety, depression and externalized disorders can play a direct or indirect role in the prediction of dropping out. Lack of psycho-emotional support strongly supports the intention to drop out. Motivation has an unequal predictive value, depending on the type of construct or theoretical model used. Inappropriate beliefs, low self-esteem, pessimism, creativity appear as indirect determinants of dropping out. School burnout, understood as emotional, physical and mental exhaustion due to education, directly causes a break between the student and the school.DiscussionMethodological bias can modify the significance of determinants such as gender, academic achievement and retention. Greater knowledge about the relationships between determinants, the profiles of at-risk students and temporalities should help clarify students’ trajectories and the processes at work in different school contexts. Recommendations to educational staff are put forward regarding the detection of individual indicators of dropping out.  相似文献   

IntroductionCoping is a central concept in sport and educational settings, given the stress caused by the involvement of skills, the uncertainty of the result, the failure and/or the obstacles during learning efforts. Understanding why and how individuals adopt or do not adaptive behaviors in these contexts is a major issue not only in terms of health and well-being but also in terms of performance optimization.Literature findingsThis literature review is based specifically on the studies in the fields of sport and education psychology.DiscussionThe specific features and common points of these contexts, the specific coping strategies, their antecedents and their outcomes as well as the methodological limitations and existing designs are highlighted.ConclusionPromising research perspectives are discussed to study coping in sport and academic contexts.  相似文献   

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