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国外乐观研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乐观是积极心理学研究中的核心概念之一。综观国外有关乐观的研究成果,认为乐观是一个与个体的未来定向密切相关的概念,是影响人的身心健康的重要因素。主要介绍了有关乐观的概念,包括乐观的期望-价值模型论,人格特质论和解释风格论;单因素、二因素、三因素和等级模型的心理结构;以及相应的测量方法。在中国文化背景下有关乐观的神经生物学基础的研究和乐观对人的身心健康的影响机制的研究是未来的研究趋向  相似文献   

乐观、悲观倾向与抑郁的关系及压力、性别的调节作用   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
陶沙 《心理学报》2006,38(6):886-901
采用问卷法,考察了334名大学生的乐观、悲观两种一般结果期待倾向与其抑郁感受的关系,以及压力水平和性别的可能调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)乐观倾向、悲观倾向既显著相关又存在相对独立性,二者对于抑郁的作用在强度上有所不同。其中,悲观倾向对于抑郁变异的独立贡献率较高。(2)压力水平是认知倾向与抑郁关系的显著调节因素,主要作用表现为随着压力水平的增高,乐观倾向的保护意义具有增强的趋势。(3)性别也具有一定的调节作用,主要表现在悲观倾向对于男性大学生抑郁的影响作用更强。特别是在控制压力水平的情况下,性别对于悲观倾向和抑郁关系的调节作用更为明显  相似文献   

学校是典型的能力评价情境,学生的自我妨碍行为较为常见。自我妨碍行为的潜在认知机制是防御性归因模式,学生会有意无意地采取不努力等多种方式为学业成功设置障碍,这样在失败时以避免对自己做缺乏能力的归因,从而保护自我价值和他人心目中的能力形象。文章从自我妨碍行为的动机、结果、归因、影响因素等多方面进行了探讨,并在此基础上提出了一系列有效的预防和干预措施。  相似文献   

本文重点阐述了防御性医疗的概念及特点,分析了防御性医疗之动因,最后提出防御性医疗的干预策略,包括加强医务人员职业道德教育,提高人文服务水平;加强社会宣传,提升医务人员形象;加强沟通,重建医惠信任关系;强化内部管理,建立风险应对机制;完善医疗法律法规,积极构建法制环境下的现代医学模式.  相似文献   

张姝玥  蒋钦  谢丹菊 《心理科学》2013,36(2):458-462
研究考查了大学生对一般生活事件和意外事故的乐观与悲观偏差,并检验不同测量方法是否会产生不同结果。通过对273名大学生进行问卷研究,结果发现:(1)在直接和间接测量时,被试对一般消极事件、意外事故存在乐观偏差,对幸免于意外事故存在悲观偏差;但对一般积极事件,被试在直接测量时出现乐观偏差,在间接测量时为悲观偏差。(2)在两种方法中,被试对意外事故的乐观偏差皆高于一般消极事件,但一般积极事件与幸免于意外事故的结果在直接测量时有显著差异,而在间接测量中差异不显著。(3)在直接测量时,消极事件的发生频率越低乐观偏差越严重,积极事件的发生频率越低则悲观偏差越严重;在间接测量中事件频率与偏差结果相关不显著。  相似文献   

医患矛盾加剧的今天,医疗纠纷逐年增加,为了避免医疗纠纷,医生采取防御性医疗行为也不断随之增多.防御性医疗行为的存在是否具有合理性,成为探讨的焦点和难点.本文通过对防御性医疗行为的分类标准和分类类型进行探讨,希望对其合理与否的论证提供重要参考,且希望通过对它的分类更好的为其行使原则及后果的责任研究作下一步铺垫.  相似文献   

关于学生自我妨碍策略与学业不良的相关研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
沈烈敏 《心理科学》2006,29(3):618-620
本研究通过问卷法对240名小学高年级、初中、高中生进行了自我妨碍策略与学业不良的相关研究,其研究结果表明:小学高年级学生、初中生学业优秀者与学业不良者采用自我妨碍策略存在显著差异;高中生学业优秀者与学业不良者采用自我妨碍策略不存在显著差异;学业不良与自我妨碍预测因素即自我效能感、智力责任归因、自尊、抑郁存在相关,与惧怕否定没有显著相关等。  相似文献   

本文重点阐述了防御性医疗的概念及特点,分析了防御性医疗之动因,最后提出防御性医疗的干预策略,包括加强医务人员职业道德教育,提高人文服务水平;加强社会宣传,提升医务人员形象;加强沟通,重建医患信任关系;强化内部管理,建立风险应对机制;完善医疗法律法规,积极构建法制环境下的现代医学模式。  相似文献   

防御性医疗行为研究进展及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了防御性医疗行为在国内外的研究背景,指出防御性医疗行为在我国现行社会环境下存在的客观必然性,并分析了开展防御性医疗行为研究的重要性。探讨了防御性医疗行为的研究方法,通过德尔菲法初步给出了防御性医疗行为在我国的界定标准和开展具体调查研究的思路。  相似文献   

介绍了防御性医疗行为在国内外的研究背景,指出防御性医疗行为在我国现行社会环境下存在的客观必然性,并分析了开展防御性医疗行为研究的重要性.探讨了防御性医疗行为的研究方法,通过德尔菲法初步给出了防御性医疗行为在我国的界定标准和开展具体调查研究的思路.  相似文献   

《The Journal of psychology》2013,147(3):318-336
The author first examined the underlying factor structure of the defensive pessimism construct and its relations with achievement motives. The author used a sample of 542 Singaporean undergraduate students and found that defensive pessimism is a 2-factor construct that comprises (a) negative expectation, in which individuals worry about possible pitfalls, and (b) reflectivity, in which individuals put forth efforts to prevent possible pitfalls. Then, the author used a sample of 160 Singaporean undergraduate students for Study 2, which supported the proposed model in which mastery predicted the reflectivity factor of defensive pessimism, competition predicted the negative-expectation factor of defensive pessimism indirectly through the mediation of fear of shame, and negative-expectation factor predicted the reflectivity factor of defensive pessimism because, for the defensive pessimists, the act of worrying helps them to respond to their anxiety by initiating the planning process to direct efforts to prevent potential disasters.  相似文献   

关于学生自我妨碍等策略及相关研究的综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
沈烈敏 《心理科学》2005,28(4):929-932
本文介绍了在学校情境中学生采用的自我保护的两个策略,即自我妨碍与防御性悲观策略的研究。主要涉及到关于自我保护模型的纵向研究、自我妨碍和成就目标的延伸性研究、学业不良者自我妨碍研究,并结合研究的结果相应提出了在教育方面的建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of four individual factors (shyness, self‐esteem, social skills, and defensive pessimism) on the formation of friendships among undergraduate students. Freshmen (N = 93) completed a questionnaire assessing their shyness, self‐esteem, social skills, and level of defensive pessimism. Then, they answered questions about interpersonal indices (number of friends, satisfaction with friendships, their willingness to continue relationships, and their feelings of interpersonal friction). After 3 months, they completed a questionnaire about their anxiety state and behavior when talking with the people they had met since university admission. Moreover, they discussed the interpersonal indices they used in a pre‐questionnaire. Path analysis indicated that shyness directly leads to having fewer friends, whereas social skills lead to having more friends through extroversive behavior. Moreover, self‐esteem was positively related to an increase in the willingness to continue relationships, and reflection and pessimistic thinking (which is one component of defensive pessimism) led to a feeling of being fatigued from the effort of considering and respecting the reactions of others.  相似文献   

In Book Two, Chapter (1), of The Division of Labor in Society (1984) entitled "The Progress of the Division of Labor and Happiness", Emile Durkheim (1858–1917) stages a provocative encounter between the attitudes of optimism and pessimism, an encounter that reveals certain problematic assumptions regarding the status of hope in relation to the project of binding oneself to life under conditions of anomie. Durkheim's theoretical assault on the utilitarian-based optimism of his day is accomplished against the backdrop of a critical pessimism that is shown to be equally untenable. However, his critique leaves the question of the status of hope in relation to the question of human happiness unclarified and ambiguously framed, even as Durkheim defends hope against the despair of pessimism. The essay concludes with a critical appraisal of Durkheim's partial critique of pessimism and a few observations regarding the links between memory, expectation, pessimism, suicide, hope, and happiness.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty three outpatients with compensated chronic hepatitis C (CHC) completed the SF-36, BSI, and questions regarding the expected impact of CHC on their health. Respondents were categorized as optimists (N = 17, 13.8%), realists (N = 98, 79.6%), and pessimists (N = 8, 6.5%). Pessimism was associated with lower scores on nearly all SF-36 subscales (p < .001 –.03) and higher scores on 6 BSI subscales indicative of greater emotional distress (p < .05). Pessimism was not associated with demographics, liver disease severity, substance abuse, or comorbid medical conditions. However, pessimism was associated with the presence of a psychiatric comorbidity and self-reported health status (p < .05). We conclude that optimism/pessimism may be an important determinant of QOL and emotional status in CHC patients and that additional studies of cognitive predispositions and coping skills in CHC patients are warranted.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to test, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the hypothesis that individuals who use defensive pessimism as a strategy to manage anxiety are likely to act to prevent or mitigate negative outcomes. Across three crowd-sourced samples (Total N = 1416), defensive pessimism was correlated with self-reports of more precautionary behavior (Studies 1, 2, & 3) and fewer COVID-positive results (Study 3).  相似文献   

刘元  范翠英 《心理学探新》2011,31(2):118-121
进化心理学作为现代西方心理学三种新取向之一,提出了一些新的心理学观点与研究方向,但其理论本身体现出了一种悲观主义色彩。例如在对男女两性在伴侣选择和婚姻维持的心理行为机制的探究上体现出的一些人类高级情感,如爱情的缺失。文章探讨了进化心理学理论中悲观主义色彩在其主要理论假设中的体现,并简要地将其与另外两种取向———后现代心理学与积极心理学进行了对比。其目的是为了通过对进化心理学的反思,以推进心理学科的深入研究。  相似文献   

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