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《Journal of personality》1938,6(3):243-253
Book reviews in this article
P ersonality : A Psychological Interpretation. By Gordon W. Allport.
T he N ature of H uman N ature and O ther E ssays in S ocial P sychology . By Ellsworth Faris.
S urprise and the P sycho-analyst : A Study of the Conjecture and Comprehension of Unconscious Processes. By Theodor Reik.
C hrist's P sychology of the K ingdom : A Study in Modern Psychology of the System of Jesus in the Gospels. By L. W. Lang.
V isual P erception . By M. D. Vernon.
P sychology of P ersonality . By Ross Stagner.  相似文献   

Book review in this article
R eligion and the S ciences of L ife, with other essays on A llied T opics . By William Mc-Dougall.
M emoirs of the U nemployed . Introduced and edited by H. L. Beales and R. S. Lambert. With Appendices on How the Workless Spend Their Money, and on the Psychology of the Unemployed from the Medical Point of View.
A S urvey of the S cience of P sychology . By J. R. Kantor.
T he D octor and H is P atients . By Albert Krecke. Translated by M. M. Green.
E xtra -S ensory P erception . By J. B. Rhine, with a Foreword by William McDougall, and Introduction by W. F. Prince.
T he U niverse and L ife . By H. S. Jennings.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
P sychology for the F ighting M an . By a Committee of the National Research Council with the Collaboration of Science Service.
T he P sychology of M ilitary L eadership . By L. A. Pennington, R. B. Hough, Jr., and H. W. Case.
T he G enetic and E ndocrine B asis for D ifferences in F orm and B ehavior . By Charles R. Stockard.
T he C reative U nconscious . By Hans Sachs.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1940,8(4):342-353
Book reviews in this article:
C ognitive P sychology . By Dom Thomas Verner Moore.
M ental D isorders I n U rba N A rea S. By R. E. L. Faris and H. W. Dunham.
F acts and T heories of P sychoanalysis . By Ives Hendrick, M.D.
A nalysis O f H andwriting . By Hans J. Jacoby.
M odes O f T hought . By Alfred North Whitehead.
T he P sychology O f C ommon S ense . By A. A. Roback.
H uman N ature W rit L arge : A Social-Psychologic Survey and Western Anthropology. By F. Creedy.
T he C ulture O f C ities . By Lewis Mumford.
H ereditary and E nvironmentat F actors I n T he C ausation O f M anic -D epressive P sychoses and D ementia P raecox . By Horatio M. Pollock.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1951,19(3):352-357
Book reviewed in this article:
A bnormal P sychology and M odern L ife By James C Coleman Chicago Scott
C linical S onnets By Merrill Moore
P hysiological P sychology By G L Freeman
P ersonality D evelopment and A ssessment By Charles M Harsh and H G Schrickel
P ersonality in P eptic U lcer By A J Sullivan, M D, and T E McKell, M D  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1937,5(3):252-260
Book reviews in this article
P sychology and the S ocial O rder . By J. F. Brown.
S ocial P sychology . By R. T. La Piere and P. R. Farnsworth.
T rait -N ames : A Psycholexical Study. By G. W. Allport and H. S. Odbert.
P rinciples of T opological P sychology . By Kurt Lewin. Translated by Fritz and Grace M. Heider.
S elf -C onsciousness S elf -T reated . By Dr. A. A. Roback.
T he S cientist in A ction : A Scientific Study of His Methods. By William H. George.
S ocial D eterminants in J uvenile D elinquency . By T. Earl Sullenger.
T he N ation's I ntelligence . By J. L. Gray.
T he F reedom of M an . By Arthur H. Compton.
M otivation of B ehavior : The Fundamental Determinants of Human and Animal Activity. By Paul Thomas Young.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1940,8(3):250-269
Book reviews in this article:
P sychology : The Science of Behavior. By Karl F. Muenzinger.
T he I ndividual and H is S ociety : The Psychodynamics of Primitive Social Organisation. By Abram Kardiner.
M inor M ental M aladjustments I n N ormal P eople. By J. E. W. Wallin.
T he C linical T reatment O f T he P roblem C hild . By C. R. Rogers.
P sychological F oundations O f P ersonality . By Louis P. Thorpe.
E xplorations in P ersonality . By Henry A. Murray.
P sychology and T he R eligious Q uest : An Account of the Psychology of Religion and a Defence of Individualism. By Raymond B. Cattell.
S keptic's Q uest . By Hornell Hart.
A n E xperiment with T ime . By J. W. Dunne.
A nalysis of F arercasia . By Gladys C. Terry and Thomas A. C. Rennie.
Y ou & H eredity . By Amram Scheinfeld, Assisted in the Genetic Sections by Dr. Morton D. Schweitzer.
P ersonality S tructure in S chizophrenia . By Samuel J. Beck.
T he S tartle P attern . By Carney Landis and William A. Hunt.
E motions and B odily C hanges : A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships, 1910–1933. Second Edition. By H. Flanders Dunbar.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1942,10(4):346-351
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P ractice of C linical P sychology . By Stanley D. Porteus, with the assistance of Mary Hunter and Colin J. Herrick.
H uman N ature in the L ight of P sychopathology . By Kurt Goldstein.
H unger for W holiness : M an's U niversal M otive . By Thomas H. Howells.
F oundations for a S cience of P ersonality . By Andras Angyal.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1937,6(2):156-161
Book reviews in this article
T he E volution of M odern P sychology . By Richard Müller-Freienfels.
T he P ower to L ove : A Psychic and Physiologic Study of Regeneration. By Edwin W. Hirsch.
T he G rowing C hild and H is P roblems . Edited by Emanuel Miller.
I ntroduction to the R orschach M ethod . By S. A. Beck.
H uman G enetics and I ts S ocial I mport . By S. J. Holmes.
T he P sychology of a S uppressed P eople . By J. C. Heinrich.
N ew F rontiers of the M ind . By J. B. Rhine.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1942,10(3):246-257
Book reviewed in this article:
T he A esthetic S entiment : A Criticism and an Original Excursion. By Helge Lundholm.
S ocial L earning and I mitation . By Neal E. Miller and John Dollard.
B ecoming a K woma . By John W. M. Whiting.
S moke F rom T heir F ires : The Autobiography of a Kwakiutl Chief. By Clellan S. Ford.
G eneral P sychology . By Raymond B. Cattell.
F actor A nalysis : A Synthesis of Factorial Methods. By Karl J. Holzinger and Harry H. Harman.
C hild P sychology for P rofessional W orkers . By Florence M. Teagarden.
P sychiatric C linics for C hildren . By Helen Leland Witmer.
H uman D evelopment and L earning . By Frank Seely Salisbury.
P ersonal A ggressiveness and W ar . By E. F. M. Durbin and J. Bowlby.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1941,9(3):246-249
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P romise of S cientific H umanism . By O. L. Reiser.
S ocial P sychology . By Charles Bird.
T he N ineteen F orty M ental M easurements Y earbook . Edited by Oscar Krisen Buros.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1939,7(3):259-264
Book reviews in this article:
C linical P sychology . By C. M. Louttit.
C linical and E xperimental S tudies in P ersonality . By Morton Prince.
A S ource B ook of G estalt P sychology. By W. D. Ellis.
A B iological A pproach to T he P roblems of A bnormal B ehavior. By Milton Harrington.
R ecent E xperiments in P sychology. By Leland W. Crafts, Theodore C. Schneirla, Elsa E. Robinson, and Ralph W. Gilbert.
S cientists A re H uman . (No. 6, Library of Science and Culture .) By Dr. David Lindsay Watson.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1938,7(2):166-171
Book reviews in this article
T he E go and T he M echanisms of D efence . By Anna Freud.
T he N eurotic P ersonality of O ur T ime . By Karen Horney.
S cience A nd P sychical P henomena . By G. N. M. Tyrrell.
N ationalism A nd T he C ommunal M ind . By E. Hanbury Hankin.
T he R ediscovery O f M an . By Henry C. Link.
A S ocial P sychology of S ex and H unger . By A. E. Ayau.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1942,11(2):173-179
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P sychology of H uman L earning . By John A. McGeoch.
S ex F ulfillment in M arriage . By Ernest R. Groves, Gladys H. Groves, and Catherine Groves.
A vocational I nterests P atterns . By Donald E. Super.
W isdom in C onduct. By Christopher Browne Garnett, Jr.
T he P roblem of C hoice. By William Henry Roberts.
T he H appy L ife. By Aurelius Augustine. Translated and annotated by Ludwig Schopp.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1936,4(3):258-263
Book review in this article
A n A utobiographical S tudy . By Sigmund Freud, M.D.LL.D. Authorised Translation by James Strachey.
T hought and L anguage . By Philip Boswood.
P sychology and R eligion . By David Forsyth.
T esting C hildren's D evelopment from B irth to S chool A ge . By Charlotte Bühler and Hildegarde Hetzer.
S cience and the H uman T emperament . By Erwin Schroedinger. Translated and with a Biographical Introduction by James Murphy. Foreword by Lord Rutherford of Nelson.
T he M ind of a D og . By F. J. F. Buytendijk. Translated by Lillian A. Clare.
A n I ntroduction to S pace P erception . By Harvey A. Carr.  相似文献   

Book review in this article
T he R iddle of the S phinx . By Geza Roheim. With a preface by Ernest Jones.
A D ynamic T heory of P ersonality . By Kurt Lewin.
P rinciples of G estalt P sychology . By K. Koffka. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1935.
T he S ubnormal M ind . By Cyril Burt.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1941,10(2):163-167
Book reviewed in this article:
O rganizing and M emorizing : Studies in the Psychology of Learning and Teaching. By George Katona.
T he E scape from F reedom . By Erich Fromm.
T he S ocial L ife of P rimitive M an . By Sylvester A. Sieber and Franz H. Mueller.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
D ynamics in P sychology . By Wolfgang Köhler.
H ow C haracter D evelop S. By Fritz Künkel and Roy E. Dickerson.
E xtra -S ensory P erception after S ixty Y ears : A Critical Appraisal of the Research in Extra-Sensory Perception. By J. G. Pratt, J. B. Rhine, Burke M. Smith, Charles E. Stuart, and Joseph A. Greenwood.
R epresentative P sychologist S. By Anthony C. Westerhof.
S tatistics A pplied TO E ducation AND P sychology . By Clarence T. Gray and David F.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1935,4(2):179-181
Book review in this article
D ictionary of P sychology . Edited by H. C. Warren.
P sychology : A Factual Textbook. By E. G. Boring, H. S. Langfeld, H. P. Weld.
N egro I ntelligence and S elective M igration . By Otto Klineberg.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1936,5(2):173-176
Book reviews in this article:
T he P sychology of B elief . By Helge Lundholm.
Z um P roblem der A ussersinnlichen W ahrnehmung . By Hans Bender.  相似文献   

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