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Two experiments explored the functional character of 2 schedule-induced interim behaviors (pacing and retreat) and 1 terminal behavior (keypecking) that developed on fixed-time (FT) schedules of food delivery with a keylight that increased in brightness throughout the interstimulus interval. In Experiment 1, this ramp procedure was compared with a less discriminable ramp, and FT and Random Time (RT) procedures without a signal. Decreased discriminability expanded keypecking in the trial. The FT schedule eliminated only keypecking and the RT procedure eliminated keypecking and retreat while pacing remained. In Experiment 2, predictive and unpredictive ramps were added to the RT procedure. The data suggest that schedule-induced stereotypy can be divided into kinesic stereotypy (pacing), which arises from repeated reinforcer presentations, and taxic stereotypy, which is tied to an increase (keypecking) or decrease (retreat) in the momentary probability of reinforcement.  相似文献   

A two-state analysis of fixed-interval responding in the pigeon   总被引:15,自引:14,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The behavior of pigeons on six geometrically spaced fixed-interval schedules ranging from 16 to 512 sec is described as a two-state process. In the first state, which begins immediately after reinforcement, response rate is low and constant. At some variable time after reinforcement there is an abrupt transition to a high and approximately constant rate. The point of rapid transition occurs, on the average, at about two-thirds of the way through the interval. Response rate in the second state is an increasing, negatively accelerated function of rate of reinforcement in the second state.  相似文献   

After learning to peck a key when each peck removed a slowly increasing series of electric shocks, pigeons were placed on fixed-ratio and fixed-interval escape schedules. The resulting behavior was comparable to that of other species on ratio and interval escape schedules. Thus, while the pigeon apparently requires special techniques for the initial shaping of a key-peck response with negative reinforcement, this response, once obtained, can be subjected to intermittent schedules of negative reinforcement with no great difficulty.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated free-operant avoidance responding with pigeons using a treadle-pressing response. In Experiment I, pigeons were initially trained on a free-operant avoidance schedule with a response-shock interval of 32 sec and a shock-shock interval of 10 sec, and were subsequently exposed to 10 values of the response-shock parameter ranging from 2.5 to 150 sec. The functions relating response rate to response-shock interval were similar to the ones reported by Sidman in his 1953 studies employing rats, and were independent of the order of presentation of the response-shock values. Shock rates decreased as response-shock duration increased. In Experiment II, a free-operant avoidance schedule with a response-shock interval of 20 sec and a shock-shock interval of 5 sec was used, and shock intensities were varied over five values ranging from 2 to 32 mA. Response rates increased markedly as shock intensity increased from 2 to 8 mA, but rates changed little with further increases in shock intensity. Shock rates decreased as intensity increased from 2 to 8 mA, and showed little change as intensity increased from 8 to 32 mA.  相似文献   

A schedule-induced behavior paradigm was used to investigate the activity patterns of hyperactive children in a standardized situation. In Experiment I, 10 hyperactive and 10 normal control children matched for age, sex, and IQ were observed under conditions of baseline and schedule. Measures of a number of categorized activities were taken on a time-sampling basis. Hyperactive children were more active than controls in baseline and did not respond to the schedule, unlike the controls who became significantly more active in schedule conditions. In Experiment II, 12 hyperactive and 6 normal children were again subjected to the same experimental paradigm, but in two of the four experimental sessions the stimulant drug methylphenidate was administered in an attempt to reduce the amount of baseline activity. Results were substantially similar to those of Experiment I, with hyperactive children more active than controls in baseline and insensitive to the schedule. There was no overall effect of drug administration on the behavior of either group. There were some ratedependent effects of both drug and schedule conditions.  相似文献   

Excessive defecation, typically considered to be a concomitant of stress, was experimentally induced or eliminated under specific schedules of positive reinforcement of lever pressing by rats. The schedules were, by and large, those under which polydipsia is typically induced. In the first of three experiments, rats under fixed-interval 32-second schedules and variable interval 32-second schedules for food and water reinforcers defecated profusely, but not under fixed-interval one-second schedules or other small interval schedules. Somewhat higher rates of defecation were observed on variable interval 32-second schedules than on fixed-interval 32-second schedules. In a second experiment, fixed-ratio schedules were used, some of which resulted in responding such that reinforcement densities were similar to those on the interval schedules that induced defecation. Defecation was not systematically induced by these ratio schedules. In a third experiment, fixed-time schedules of food presentations were utilized. High rates of defecation were induced comparable to those induced by interval schedules of the same time parameter. No other behavior commonly termed "emotional" was observed in any of these experiments.  相似文献   

In two experiments, humans received tokens either on a fixed-interval schedule for plunger pulling or various response-nondependent fixed-time schedules ranging from 16 to 140 seconds. Locomotor activity such as walking, shifting weight, or pacing was recorded in quarters of the interreinforcement interval to examine the induced characteristics of that behavior in humans. While performance was variable, several characteristics were present that have counterparts in experiments with nonhumans during periodic schedules of food reinforcement: (a) first quarter rates, and sometimes overall rates, of locomotor activity were greater during intervals that terminated in a visual stimulus and token delivery than those without: (b) overall rates of locomotor activity were greater during fixed-time 16-second schedules than during fixed-time 80- or 140-second schedules; (c) rates of locomotor activity decreased during the interreinforcement intervals; (d) locomotor activity was induced by response-dependent and response-nondependent token delivery. These results showed that the rate and temporal pattern of locomotor activity can be schedule-induced in humans.  相似文献   

Schedule-induced polydipsia suppresses pituitary-adrenal activity in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of schedule-induced polydipsia (SIP) on pituitary-adrenal activity, as indicated by plasma levels of corticosterone, were examined in a series of experiments. Male (Experiments 1 and 3) and female (Experiment 2) rats were reduced to 80% of their free-feeding weight and given daily sessions on an intermittent-feeding schedule (fixed time of 60 sec). Half of the subjects in each experiment had water available during experimental sessions and the other half did not. Animals with water available in the experimental chamber exhibited SIP in all three experiments. In Experiment 1, blood samples were collected following (a) food consumption in the home cage, (b) a session on FT 60 sec, and (c) a session with pellets available in a cup in the experimental chamber. In Experiment 2, blood samples were taken prior to and following an FT 60-sec session, and following a session with pellets available in a cup in the chamber. In Experiment 3, pre- and postsession samples were obtained as in Experiment 2 (Part A). Subsequently, the opportunity to drink during sessions was removed, and the effect on corticoids was examined (Part B). The results indicate that (a) schedule-induced drinking suppresses pituitary-adrenal activity, (b) corticoid suppression may become a conditioned response to drinking in the chamber, and (c) corticoids return to presession levels following removal of water from the chamber. In view of these findings, it is hypothesized that SIP may serve an arousal-reducing role in intermittent-feeding situations.  相似文献   

Schedule-induced escape from fixed-interval reinforcement   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons trained to peck one of two keys for food were exposed to an ascending and descending series of fixed-interval values. A response on the second key produced an escape period consisting of a visual stimulus change. During escape periods, the fixed-interval timer continued to operate and even if it timed out, a response on the food key would not operate the feeder unless preceded by an escape-key response that terminated the escape condition. As the fixed-interval schedule was increased logarithmically through six values from 30 to 960 sec, the percentage of session time spent in escape as well as the frequency, duration, and rate of escape increased to a maximum and then decreased. One subject did not develop escape behavior to any significant degree. For all pigeons, escapes usually occurred after, rather than before, reinforcement.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were exposed to a discrete-trial schedule in which only responses spaced by at least 6 sec were reinforced. After 45, fifty-trial sessions, they failed to meet the spacing requirement in over 90% of the trials. When an alternative, non-contingent key (pecks on which had no consequence) was illuminated concurrently with the first key, the spacing performance of the three pigeons that pecked the non-contingent key improved so that they were obtaining 75% of the possible reinforcers. These data demonstrated the importance of collateral behavior in mediating spaced performance. It was suggested that pigeons may successfully refrain from responding on the spacing procedure only when another stimulus correlated with reinforcement is available for pecking, and that the form that collateral behavior takes may, in general, be non-arbitrary, and species dependent.  相似文献   

Schedule-induced licking during multiple schedules   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Schedule-induced polydipsia was studied in rats bar pressing under two-component multiple schedules of food reinforcement. The first component of the multiple schedule was a variable-interval 1-min schedule throughout the experiment. The schedule comprising the second component was varied over blocks of sessions in terms of rate and magnitude of reinforcement, and was either variable-interval 3-min (one pellet), variable-interval 3-min (three pellets), variable-interval 1-min (one pellet), or extinction. Water intake per session varied with the rate of reinforcement in the schedule comprising the second component and was highest when the schedule was variable-interval 1-min. Both bar-pressing behavior and licking behavior showed behavioral interactions between the two components of the multiple schedules. With magnitude of reinforcement held constant, a matching relationship was observed between lick rate and reinforcement rate; the relative frequency of licks in the constant component matched the relative frequency of reinforcement in that component. Bar pressing, however, showed only a moderate degree of relativity matching. During the schedule-induced licking, a burst of licking followed each delivery of a pellet (post-prandial drinking). The duration of these bursts of licking was observed to be a function of the inter-reinforcement interval.  相似文献   

The effect of variations in interreinforcement interval on the temporal and distributional relation between feeding and drinking was continuously monitored. Rats were housed continuously in an operant chamber in which water was freely available, but lever pressing was required to obtain food (45-mg pellets). Initially, pellets were delivered on a fixed-ratio 1 schedule of reinforcement, which was followed by testing on response-initiated fixed-interval 15-, 30-, and 60-second schedules. The total number of discrete, daily meals (a period in which several pellets were earned in succession) was slightly higher during the fixed-interval schedules than during the fixed-ratio 1, but there was no systematic effect of fixed-interval length on meal frequency. Total water consumption, in contrast, increased dramatically as the interval was lengthened: both subjects consumed two to three times as much water on the fixed-interval 60-second schedule as on the fixed-ratio 1. The increased water consumption was the result of an alteration in the distribution of drinking relative to eating. During the fixed-ratio 1 condition, drinking occurred infrequently following individual food pellets and represented the smallest percentage of total drinking; drinking occurred predominantly just before or after a meal. As the fixed interval was lengthened, however, the frequency of postpellet drinking gradually increased and eventually comprised the largest proportion of daily drinking.  相似文献   

Attention in the pigeon   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Superstition in the pigeon   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

As a result of a long-term, longitudinal project initiated in 1978, a pair of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) housed together in front of a mirror all their lives now exhibit relatively little interest in their reflection. Previous work has shown, however, that simply moving the mirror to a new location produces a short-term reinstatement of social responding to their images. As an extension of these findings, in this study the mirror was left in the same position but turned away from the cage. On turning the mirror back to face the cage 5 days later, both animals reacted as if confronted with another pair of monkeys and directed a burst of social responses at the mirror.  相似文献   

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