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《Personnel Psychology》1982,35(3):687-776
Book reviewed in this article: Wieland , George F. (Editor) Improving Health Care Management: Organization Development and Organization Change. Bass , Bernard M. Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: A Survey of Theory and Research. (Revised and Expanded Ed.) Maccoby , Michael . The Leader: A New Face for American Management. Lippitt , Gordon L. Organization Renewal: A Holistic Approach to Organization Development. (Second Edition) Fleenor , C. Patrick and Scontrino , M. PETER. Performance Appraisal: A Manager's Guide. Christie , Bruce . Face to File Communication: A Psychological Approach to Information Systems. Nollen , Stanley D. New Work Schedules in Practice: Managing Time in a Changing Society. Johnson , Laverne C, Tepas , Donald I., Colquhoun , W. P. and Colligan , Michael J. (Editors) Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Shift Work. Ellig , Bruce R. Executive Compensation–A Total Pay Perspective. Hunt , James G., Sekaran , Uma and Schriesheim , CHESTER A. (Editors) Leadership: Beyond Establishment Views. Meister , David . Behavioral Research and Government Policy: Civilian and Military R &D. Van De Ven , Andrew H. and Joyce , William F. (Editors) Perspectives on Organization Design and Behavior. Buehler , Vernon M. and Shetty , Y. Krishna . (Editors) Productivity Improvement: Case Studies of Proven Practice. Katz , Ralph . (Editor) Career Issues in Human Resource Management. Williams , Richard . Career Management and Career Planning: A Study of North American Practice. Kahn , Robert L. Work and Health. Veninga , Robert L. and Spradley , James P. The Work Stress Connection: How to Cope with Job Burnout. Appelbaum , Steven H. Stress Management for Health Care Professionals. Marshall , Judi and Cooper , Cary L. (Editors) Coping with Stress at Work: Case Studies from Industry. Belbin , R. Meredith . Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail. Nixon , Bruce . (Editor) New Approaches to Management Development. Cummings , Thomas G. (Editor) Systems Theory for Organization Development. Boydell , Tom and Pedler , Mike . (Editors) Management Self-Development: Concepts and Practices. Pati , Gopal C. and Adkins , John I., Jr . with Glenn Morrison. Managing and Employing the Handicapped: The Untapped Potential. Barton , Paul E. Worklife Transitions: The Adult Learning Connection. Hackett , Penny . Interview Skills Training: Practice Packs for Trainers. Hersey , Paul and Blanchard , Ken . Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources. (Fourth Edition) Carby , Keith and Robinson , Shelagh . (Editors) Personnel File. Siegel , Laurence and Lane , Irving M. Personnel and Organizational Psychology. Foulkes , Fred K. and Livernash , E. Robert . Human Resources Management: Text and Cases. Heneman , Robert G., Ill and Schwab , Donald P. (Editors) Perspectives on Personnel/Human Resource Management. (Revised Edition) Thomason , George . A Textbook of Personnel Management. (Fourth Edition) London, England: Institute of Personnel Management, 1981. Kaumeyer , Richard A., Jr . Planning and Using a Total Personnel System. Blasingame , Margaret C. A Selected Bibliography on Employee Attitude Surveys. Blasingame , Margaret C, Schneider , Katie R. and Hawk , Donald L. Performance Appraisal Bibliography of Recent Publications (1981 Edition). Schneider , Katie R. Human Resource Accounting: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Rosenzweig , Mark R. and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 33 (1982).  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1983,36(1):119-239
Book Reviewed in this article: Argyris , Chris . Reasoning, Learning, and Action: Individual and Organizational. Dunnette , Marvin D. and Fleishman , Edwin A. (Editors) Human Performance and Productivity. Volume 1: Human Capability Assessment. Howell , William C. and Fleishman , Edwin A. (Editors) Human Performance and Productivity. Volume 2: Information Processing and Decision Making. Alluisi , Earl A. and Fleishman , Edwin A. (Editors) Human Performance and Productivity. Volume 3: Stress and Performance Effectiveness. Dunnette , Marvin D. and Fleishman , Edwin A. (Editors) Human Performance and Productivity. Volume 1: Human Capability Assessment. Howell , William C. and Fleishman , Edwin A. (Editors) Human Performance and Productivity. Volume 2: Information Processing and Decision Making. Alluisi , Earl A. and Fleishman , Edwin A. (Editors) Human Performance and Productivity. Volume 3: Stress and Performance Effectiveness. Zander , Alvin . Making Groups Effective. Sherman , Susan W. and Robinson , Nancy M. (Editors) Ability Testing of Handicapped People: Dilemma for Government, Science and the Public. O'Brien , Richard M., Dickenson , Alyce M. and Rosow , Michael P. (Editors) Industrial Behavior Modification: A Management Handbook. Mc Cormick , Ernest J. and Sanders , Mark S. Human Factors in Engineering and Design. Macdonald , Charles R. Performance Based Supervisory Development: Adapted from a Major AT&T Study. Cascio , Wayne F. Applied Psychology in Personnel Management. Farrow , Dana . Using Applied Psychology in Personnel Management. Maier , Norman R. F. and Verser , Gertrude Casselman . Psychology in Industrial Organizations Wille , Edgar and Hammond , Valerie . The Computer in Personnel Work Chadwick -Jones , J. K., Nicholson , Nigel and Brown , Colin . Social Psychology of Absenteeism. Miner , John B. Theories of Organizational Structure and Process. London , Manuel and Stumpf , Stephen A. Managing Careers. London , Manuel and Stumpf , Stephen A. Managing Careers. Lansbury , Russell D. (Editor) Performance Appraisal. Gruneberg , Michael M. and Oborne , David J. Industrial Productivity: A Psychological Perspective. Mobley , William H. Employee Turnover: Causes, Consequences and Control. Burley -Allen , Madelyn . Listening: The Forgotten Skill. Bacharach , Samuel B. and Lawler , Edward J. Bargaining: Power, Tactics, and Outcomes. Oborne , David J. Ergonomics at Work. Colantuono , Susan L. Build Your Career: A Workbook for Advancing in an Organization. Baden , Clifford and Friedman , Dana E. (Editors) New Management Initiatives for Working Parents: Reports from an April 1981 Conference. Schermerhorn , John , R., Jr ., Hunt , James G. and Osborn , Richard N. Managing Organizational Behavior. Matteson , Michael T. and Ivancevich , John M. Managing Job Stress and Health. Staw , Barry M. and Cummings , L. L. (Editors) Research in Organizational Behavior: An Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews. Volume 4 (1982). Thomson , Andrew and Warner , Malcolm . (Editors) The Behavioural Sciences and Industrial Relations: Some Problems of Integration. Reason , Peter and Rowan , John . (Editors) Human Inquiry: A Source-book of New Paradigm Research. Mitchell , Terence R. People in Organizations: An Introduction to Organizational Behavior. Asplund , Gisele and Asplund , Göran . An Integrated Development Strategy. Robbins , Stephen P. Personnel: The Management of Human Resources. Tosi , Henry L. and Hamner , W. Clay . (Eds.) Organizational Behavior and Management: A Contingency Approach. Patton , Thomas H., Jr . A Manager's Guide to Performance Appraisal. Livingston , Samuel A. and Zieky , Michael J. Passing Scores; A Manual for Setting Standards of Performance on Educational and Occupational Tests. Reber , Ralph W. and Van Gilder , Gloria . Behavioral Insights for Supervision. Humphrey , Peter . How To Be Your Own Personnel Manager. Bronner , Rolf . Decision Making under Time Pressure. Smith , Robert C. Equal Employment Opportunity: A Comparative Microanalysis of Boston and Houston. Lehrer , Robert N. Participative Productivity and Quality of Work Life. Woodcock , Mike and Francis , Dave . Organization Development through Teambuilding: Planning a Cost Effective Strategy. Moffatt , Thomas L. Land That Job George , Claude S. Supervision in Action: The Art of Managing Others. Cross , Michael . U.S. Corporate Personnel Reduction Policies: An Edited Collection of Manpower Layoff, Reduction and Termination Policies.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1978,31(2):365-447
Book Reviewed in this article: Bowers , David G. and Franklin , Jerome L. Survey-Guided Development I: Data-Based Organizational Change. Hausser , Doris L., Pecorella , Patricia A. and Wissler , Anne L. Survey-Guided Development II: A Manual for Consultants. Franklin , Jerome L., Wissler , Anne L. and Spencer , Gregory J. Survey-Guided Development III: A- Manual for Concepts Training. Nadler , David A. Feedback and Organization Development: Using Data-Based Methods. Mc Donald , John . The Game of Business. Beckhard , Richard and Harris , Reuben T. Organizational Transitions: Managing Complex Change. Dyer , William G. Team Building: Issues and Alternatives. Neff , Walter S. Work and Human Behavior. Weiler , Nicholas W. Reality and Career Planning: A Guide for Personal Growth. Hackman , J. Richard , Lawler , Edward E., III and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Perspectives on Behavior in Organizations. Heaton , Herbert . Productivity in Service Organizations: Organizing for People. Katzell , Raymond A., Bienstock , Penny and Faerstein , Paul H. A Guide to Worker Productivity Experiments in the United States 1971-1975. Yoder , Dale and Heneman , Herbert G., Jr . (Editors) Administration and Organization: Volume VI, AS PA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations. Gyllenhammar , Pehr G. People at Work Sheppard , Harold L. and Rix , Sarae E. The Graying of Working America: The Coming Crisis of Retirement-Age Policy. Larwood , Laurie and Wood , Marion M. Women in Management. Hornbruch , Frederick W., Jr . Raising Productivity: Ten Case Histories and Their Lessons. Suskin , Harold . (Editor) Job Evaluation and Pay Administration in the Public Sector. Reubens , Beatrice G. Bridges to Work: International Comparisons of Transition Services. Adams , John , Hayes , John and Hopson , Barrie . Transition: Understanding and Managing Personal Change. Sturdivant , Frederick D. Business and Society: A Managerial Approach. Sturdivant , Frederick D. and Robinson , Larry M. The Corporate Social Challenge: Cases and Commentaries. Gray , Jerry L. and Starke , Frederick A. Organizational Behavior: Concepts and Applications. Gray , Jerry L. and Starke , Frederick A. (Editors) Readings in Organizational Behavior: Concepts and Applications. Hamner , W. Clay and Schmidt , Frank L. (Editors) Comtemporary Problems in Personnel. Lefton , Robert E., Buzzotta , V. R., Sherberg , Manuel and Karraker , Dean L. Motivation through Performance Appraisal: Dimensional Appraisal Strategies. Petersen , Dan . Safety Supervision. Viola , Richard H. Organizations in a Changing Society: Administration and Human Values. Kovach , Kenneth A. Organization Size, Job Satisfaction, Absenteeism and Turnover. Sundberg , Norman D. Assessment of Persons. Shout , Howard F. Start Supervising.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1981,34(2):365-449
Argyris , Chris . Inner Contradictions of Rigorous Research. Naylor , James C, Pritchard , Robert D., and Ilgen , Daniel R. A Theory of Behavior in Organizations. Neugarten , Dail Ann and Shafritz , Jay M. (Editors) Sexuality in Organizations: Romantic and Coercive Behaviors at Work. Szilagyi , Andrew D., Jr . and Wallace , Marc J., Jr . Organizational Behavior and Performance. (Second Ed.) Miner , John B. Theories of Organizational Behavior. Leviatan , Uri and Rosner , Menachem . (Editors) Work and Organization in Kibbutz Industry. Lansbury , Russell D. (Editor) Democracy in the Work Place. Appleyard , John . (Editor) Humanization of Work in Western Europe. Huber , George P. Managerial Decision Making. Day , Janis . A Working Approach to Human Relations in Organizations. Jacobson , Beverly . Young Programs for Older Workers: Case Studies in Progressive Personnel Policies. Klein , Stuart M. and Ritti , R. Richard . Understanding Organizational Behavior. Machlowitz , Marilyn . Workaholics: Living with Them, Working with Them. Groves , Robert M. and Kahn , Robert L. Surveys by Telephone: A National Comparison with Personal Interviews. Shain , Martin and Groeneveld , Judith . Employee-Assistance Programs. Erickson , John R., Mc Govern , Katherine Savers and Sampson , Richard T. (Editors) Equal Employment Practice Guide: Vols. I and II. Washington, D. C: Federal Bar Association, Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity of the Council on Labor Law and Labor Relations. Mc Connell , John H. Complying with EEO: An Action Guide for Managers and Personnel Staff. Jain , Harish C. and Carroll , Diane . (Editors) Race and Sex Equality in the Workplace: A Challenge and an Opportunity. Cannon , James . Cost Effective Personnel Decisions. Francis , G. James and Milbourn , Gene , Jr . Human Behavior in the Work Environment: A Managerial Perspective. Gruneberg , Michael M. Understanding Job Satisfaction. Bedeian , Arthur G. Organizations: Theory and Analysis. Evan , William M. (Editor) Frontiers in Organization and Management. Kirkpatrick , Donald L., Coverdale , David S. and Olsen -Tjensvold , Reynolds . HOW to Select and Train New First-Line Supervisors. Highman , Arthur and De Limur , Charles . The Highman-de Limur Hypotheses. Higham , Martin . The ABC of Interviewing. Mill , Cyril R. Activities for Trainers: 50 Useful Designs. Renton , Michael . Getting Better Results from the Meetings You Run. Jardillier , Pierre . Les Conditions du Travail. Hamner , W. Clay . (Editor) Organizational Shock. Wasserman , Paul and Mc Lean , Janice . (Eds.) Training and Development Organizations Directory: A Reference Work Describing Firms, Institutes.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1976,29(4):617-710

《Personnel Psychology》1976,29(3):448-518

《Personnel Psychology》1983,36(4):899-1032
Book Reviewed in this article: Juch , Bert . Personal Development: Theory and Practice in Management Training. Rychlak , Joseph F. Personality and Life-Style of Young Male Managers: A Logical Learning Theory Analysis. Osipow , Samuel H. Theories of Career Development. Toch , Hans and Grant , J. Douglas . Reforming Human Services: Change Through Participation. Goodman , Paul S. and Associates . Change in Organizations: New Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Schön , Donald A. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. Gallessich , June . The Profession and Practice of Consultation. Fineman , Stephen . White Collar Unemployment: Impact and Stress. Sudman , Seymour and Bradburn , Norman M. Asking Questions: A Practical Guide to Questionnaire Design. Bailey , Robert W. Human Performance Engineering: A Guide for System Designers. Guzzo , Richard A. and Bondy , Jeffrey S. A Guide to Worker Productivity Experiments in the United States 1976-81. Hollinger , Richard C. and Clark , John P. Theft by Employees. Steers , Richard M. and Porter , Lyman W. Motivation and Work Behavior. Manuso , James S. J. (Editor) Occupational Clinical Psychology. Cooper , Cary L. (Editor) Stress Research: Issues for the Eighties. Paine , Whiton Stewart . (Editor) Job Stress and Burnout: Research, Theory, and Intervention Perspectives. French , John R. P., Jr ., Caplan , Robert D. and Harrison , R. Van . The Mechanisms of Job Stress and Strain. Allen , Robert W. and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Organizational Influence Processes. Schlesinger , Leonard A., Eccles , Robert G. and Garbarro , John J. Managing Behavior in Organizations: Text, Cases, and Readings. Szilagyi , Andrew D., Jr . and Wallace , Marc J., Jr . Organizational Behavior and Performance. Hackman J. Richard , Lawler , Edward E., III, and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Perspectives on Behavior in Organizations. Lewis , Phillip V. Managing Human Relations. Johns , Gary . Organizational Behavior: Understanding Life at Work. Feldman , Daniel C. and Arnold , Hugh J. Managing Individual and Group Behavior in Organizations. Scanlan , Burt and Keys , Bernard . Management and Organizational Behavior. Halloran , Jack . Applied Human Relations: An Organizational Approach. Pearlman , Kenneth , Schmidt , Frank L. and Hamner , W. Clay . (Editors) Contemporary Problems in Personnel. Heneman , Herbert G., III, Schwab , Donald P., Fossum , John A. and Dyer , Lee D. Personnel/Human Resource Management. Holley , William H. and Jennings , Kenneth M. Personnel Management: Functions and Issues. Schlesinger , Leonard A. Quality of Work Life and the Supervisor. Eckles , Robert W., Carmichael , Ronald and Sarchet , Bernard R. Supervisory Management: A Short Course in Supervision. Phillips , Keri and Fraser , Tony . The Management of Inierpersonal Skills Training. Sherwood , John J., Faux , Susan N. and King , Donald C. Management Development Strategies: Highlights of the Literature. Ewing , David W. Do It My Way or You're Fired: Employee Rights and the Changing Role of Management Prerogatives. Wallace , Marc J., Jr. and Fay , Charles H. Compensation Theory and Practice. Kaufman , Roger and Stone , Bruce . Planning for Organizational Success: A Practical Guide. Bernardin , H. John . (Editor) Women in the Work Force. Rogers , Rolf E. and Mc Intire , Robert H. Organization and Management Theory. Crawford , C. C. and Demidovich , John W., et al . Crawford Slip Method: How to Mobilize Brainpower by Think Tank Technology. Prince , Melvin . Consumer Research for Management Decisions. Daftuar , Chittranjan N. Job Attitudes in Indian Management: A Study in Need Deficiencies and Need Importance.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1982,35(1):189-250
Book reviewed in this article: Hofstede , Geert . Culture's Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. Lawler , Edward E., III. Pay and Organization Development. Evans , Paul and Bartolomé , Fernando . Must Success Cost So Much? The Human Toll of Corporate Life. Radford , K. J. Modern Managerial Decision Making. Johnstad , Trygve . Group Dynamics and Society: A Multinational Approach. Sgro , Joseph A. (Editor) Virginia Tech Symposium on Applied Behavioral Science (Volume 1). Cummings , L. L. and Staw , Barry M. (Editors) Research in Organizational Behavior: An Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews. Volume 3 (1981). Gruenfeld , Elaine F. Performance Appraisal: Promise and Peril. Swezey , Robert W. Individual Performance Assessment: An Approach to Criterion-Referenced Test Development. Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane Srygley . Productivity–The Human Side: A Social Dynamics Approach. Rosow , Jerome M. (Editor) Productivity; Prospects for Growth. Goble , Frank G. Productivity: Getting Employees to Care. Cascio , Wayne F. and Awad , Elias M. Human Resources Management: An Information Systems Approach. Duncan , W. Jack . Organizational Behavior. (Second Edition) Du Brin , Andrew J. Human Relations: A Job Oriented Approach. (Second Edition) Beatty , Richard W. and Schneier , Craig Eric . Personnel Administration: An Experiential'Skill-Building Approach. (Second Edition) Herbert , Theodore T. and Lorenzi , Peter . Experiential Organizational Behavior. Dessler , Gary . Personnel Management: Modern Concepts and Techniques. (Second Ed.) Nieva , Veronica F. and Gutek , Barbara A. Women and Work: A Psychological Perspective. Adams , John D. (Editor). Understanding and Managing Stress: A Book of Readings. Fenn , Margaret . In the Spotlight: Women Executives in a Changing Environment. Bedeian , Arthur G. Organizations: Theory and Analysis.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1974,27(1):145-208
Book reviews in this article: Hall , Douglas T. and Schneider , Benjamin . Organizational Climates and Careers: The Work Lives of Priests Back , Kurt W. Beyond Words: The Story of Sensitivity Training and the Encounter Movement. Dirken , Johan Maurits . (Editor) Funtional Age of Industrial Workers: A Transversal Survey of Ageing Capacities and a Method for Assessing Functional Age. Warr , Peter B. (Editor) Psychology at Work. Peskin , Dean B. The Doomsday Job: The Behavioral Anatomy of Turnover. Howell , William C. and Goldstein , Irwin L. Engineering Psychology: Current Perspectives in Research. Huse , Edgar F. and Bowditch , James L. Behavior in Organizations: A Systems Approach to Managing. Taylor , James C. and Bowers , David G. Survey of Organizations: A Machine-Scored Standardized Questionnaire Instrument. Finnigan , John . The Right People in the Right Jobs. Pfeiffer , J. William and Heslin , Richard . Instrumentation in Human Relations Training: A Guide to 75 Instruments with Wide Application to the Behavorial Sciences. Byham , William C. and Bobin , Donna . (Editors) Alternatives to Payer and Pencil Testing: Proceedings of a Conference. Noland , Robert L. (Editor) Industrial Mental Health and Employee Counseling. Weiner , Hyman J., Akabas , Sheila H. and Sommer , John J. Mental Health Care in the World of Work. Randell , G. A., Packard , P. M. A., Shaw , R. L. and Slater , A. J. Staff Appraisal. Paterson , T. T. Job Evaluation, Volume 1: A New Method Katzell , Mildred E. and Byham , William C. (Eds.) Women in the Work Force: Confrontation with Change. Lynch , Edith M. The Executive Suite—Feminine Style. Miner , Mary Green and Miner , John B. A Guide to Personnel Management. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972. Byham , William C. and Bobin , Donna . (Eds.) Changing Employee Behavior: Proceedings of a Conference. Wilson , James A. (Editor) with the assistance of William C. Byham. The Four-Day Work Week: Fad or Future?: Proceedings of a Conference. Scott , W. E. and Cummings , L. L. Readings in Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. Hollander , Stanley with the assistance of Stephen R. Flaster. Management Consultants and Clients. Editor's Note Assessment of Sexual Function: A Guide to Interviewing. Benedek , Therese . Psychoanalytic Investigations. Bry , Adelaide . Inside Psychotherapy. Carlisle , Howard M. Situational Management: A Contingency Approach to Leadership. Comrey , Edward M., Backer , Thomas E. and Glaser , Edward M. A Sourcebook for Mental Health Measures. Cummings , L. L. and Schwab , Donald P. Performance in Organizations: Determinants and Appraisal. Drake , Richard I. and Smith , Peter J. Behavioural Science in Industry. Dunnette , Marvin D. (Editor) Work and Nonwork in the Year 2001. Engel , Herbert M. Handbook of Creative Learning Exercises. From Diagnosis to Treatment: An Approach to Treatment Planning for the Emotionally Disturbed Child. Galbraith , Jay . Designing Complex Organizations. Jun , Jong S. and Storm , William B. Tomorrow's Organizations: Challenges and Strategies. Koberg , Don and Bagnall , Jim . The Universal Traveler: Margulies , Newton and Wallace , John . Organization Change: Techniques and Applications. Miller , George A. (Editor) Communication, Language, and Meaning: Psychological Perspectives. Morgan , Henry H. And Cogger , John W. The Interviewer's Manual. Partin , J. Jennings . (Editor) Current Perspectives in Organization Development. The Right to Die: Decision and Decision Makers. Roeber , Richard J. C. The Organization in a Changing Environment. Wolman , Benjamin B. Victims of Success: Emotional Problems of Executives. Woody , Robert H. and Woody , Jane D. Sexual, Marital and Familial Relations: Therapeutic Interventions for Professional Helping.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1976,29(2):255-324
Book reviews in this article: Davis , Louis E., Cherns , Albert B., et al . (Editors) The Quality of Working Life. Volume One: Problems, Prospects, and the State of the Art. Volume Two: Cases and Commentary. Steers , Richard M. and Porter , Lyman W. Motivation and Work Behavior. Strauss , George , Miles , Raymond E., Snow , Charles C. and Tannenbaum , Arnold S. (Editors) Organizational Behavior: Research and Issues. Zoll , Allen A., Jr . Explorations in Managing Valentine , Raymond F. Productive Interviewing: I. The Selection Interview. Hinrichs , John R. Productive Interviewing: 2. The Exit Interview. Faber , Don . Productive Interviewing: 3. Appraisal and Career-Counseling Interviews. Bassett , Glenn A. Productive Interviewing: 4. The Problem-Employee Interview. Approaches to Test Validation. Bennis , Warren . Warren Bennis on Leaders: An Endangered Species? Feinberg , Mortimer R. Corporate Bigamy: Living with Job and Family. Dichter , Ernest . Everyday Creativity. Employee Attitude Surveys. Kaufman , Harold G. (Editor) Career Management: A Guide to Combating Obsolescence. Kellogg , Marion S. What to Do About Performance Appraisal. Wiliams , Richard L. and Moffat , Gfneh . (Editors) Occupational Alcoholism Programs. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1975. Pp. xiii + 282. Gardner , Ward and Taylor , Peter . Health at Work. Wright , H. Beric . Executive Ease and Disease. Jones , Alan and Whittaker , Peter . Testing Industrial Skills. Katzell , Raymond A., Yankelovich , Daniel , Et al. Work, Productivity, and Job Satisfaction: An Evaluation of Policy-Related Research. Champion , Dean J. The Sociology of Organizations. Higginson , Margaret V. and Quick , Thomas L. The Ambitious Woman's Guide to a Successful Career. Ammerman , Harry L., Essex , Duane W. and Pratzner , Frank C. Rating the Job Significance of Technical Concepts: An Application to Three Occupations. O' Neill , Michael E. and Martensen , Kai R. Criminal Justice Group Training: A Facilitator's Handbook. Fromkin , Howard L. and Sherwood , John J. (Editors) Intergroup and Minority Relations: An Experiential Handbook. Wortman , Max S., Jr . and Sperling , Joann . Defining the Manager's Job. Kline , Paul . Psychology of Vocational Guidance. Rosenzweig , Mark R. and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors). Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 27. Ackerman , Robert W. The Social Challenge to Business. Adams , John D. (Editor) New Technologies in Organization Development 2. Athearn , Forden . How to Divorce Your Wife: The Man's Side of Divorce. Baer , Walter E. Strikes: A Study of Conflict and How to Resolve It. Banet , Anthony G., Jr . Creative Psychotherapy: A Source Book. Barbach , Lonnie Garfield . For Yourself: The Fulfillment of Female Sexuality. Becker , Selwyn W. and Neuhauser , Duncan . The Efficient Organization. Berwitz , Clement J. The Job Analysis Approach to Affirmative Action. Burke , W. Warner . (Editor) New Technologies in Organization Development I. Cohen , Arthur M. and Smith , R. Douglas . The Critical Incident in Growth Groups: A Manual for Group Leaders. Cohen , Arthur M. and Smith , R. Douglas . The Critical Incident in Growth Groups: Theory and Technique. Csikszentmihalyi , Mihaly . Beyond Boredom and Anxiety. D'Aprix , Roger M. In Search of a Corporate Soul. Eckles , R. W., Carmichael , R. L. and Sarchet , B. R. Supervisory Management: A Short Course in Supervision. Fernandez , John P. Black Managers in White Corporations. Filley , Alan C., House , Robert J. and Kerr , Steven . Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior. Finch , Frederic E., Jones , Halsey R. and Litterer , Joseph A. Managing for Organizational Effectiveness: An Experiential Approach. Ford , David L., Jr . (Editor) Readings in Minority-Group Relations. Freud , Anna . The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense. Hall , Edward T. Beyond Culture. Mahler , Walter R. How Effective Executives Interview: A Guide to Intelligent Inquiry and Counseling. Mc Cormick , Ernest J. Human Factors in Engineering and Design. Miller , Kenneth M. Psychological Testing in Personnel Assessment. Moore , Larry F. (Editor) Manpower Planning for Canadians: An Anthology. Myers , M. Scott . Managing without Unions. Nash , Allan N. and Carroll , Stephen J., Jr . The Management of Compensation. Parker , L. Craig , Jr . and Meier , Robert D. Interpersonal Psychology for Law Enforcement and Corrections. Randolph , Robert M. Planagement—Moving Concept into Reality. Roeber , Joe . Social Change at Work: The ICI Weekly Staff Agreement. Rubin , Jeffrey Z. and Brown , Bert R. The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation. Schur , Max . Freud: Living and Dying. Shrader , Wesley . The Amazing Power of Hypnosis: What It Can Do for You. Thomason , George . A Textbook of Personnel Management. Wallace , Phyllis A. (Editor) Equal Employment Opportunity and the AT&T Case. Warr , Peter and Wall , Toby . Work and Well-being.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1983,36(3):647-737
Book reviewed in this article: Jaques , Elliott . Free Enterprise, Fair Employment. Klauss , Rudi and Bass , Bernard M. Interpersonal Communication in Organizations. Muchinsky , Paul M. Psychology Applied to Work: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Brown , L. David . Managing Conflict at Organizational Interfaces. Webster , Edward C. The Employment Interview: A Social Judgment Process. Peters , Thomas J. and Waterman , Robert H., Jr . In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies. Collins , Eliza G. C. (Editor) Executive Success: Making It In Management. Mild , George L. The Squat Pear Principle: Why Managers Rise or Fall. Plovnick , Mark S., Fry , Ronald E. and Burke , W. Warner . Organization Development: Exercises, Cases, and Readings. Katz , Alan S. The Professional Personnel Policies Development Guidebook. Bowey , Angela M. (Editor) Handbook of Salary and Wage Systems. (Second Edition) Mc Call , Morgan W., Jr ., Kaplan , Robert E. and Gerlach , Michael L. Caught in the Act: Decision Makers at Work. (Technical report Number 20.) Ungson , Gerardo R. and Braunstein , Daniel N. Decision Making: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry. Gibson , Price . Quality Circles: An Approach to Productivity Improvement. (Work in America Institute Studies in Productivity, No. 26.) Brown , Paul L. Managing Behavior on the Job. Kakabadse , Andrew . (Editor) People and Organisations: The Practitioner's View. Walker , Alfred J. HRIS Development: A Project Team Guide to Building an Effective Personnel Information System. Rowland , Kendrith M. and Ferris , Gerald R. (Editors) Personnel Management. Herschel N. Chait Associate Professor of Management School of Business Indiana State University Terre Haute, Indiana Sloane , Arthur A. Personnel: Managing Human Resources. Cummings , L. L. and Staw , Barry M. (Editors) Research in Organizational Behavior: An Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews. Volume 5 (1983). Mohr , Lawrence B. Explaining Organizational Behavior. Robbins , Stephen P. Organizational Behavior: Concepts, Controversies, and Applications, (Second Edition) Shaw , Lois Banfill , Unplanned Careers: The Working Lives of Middle-Aged Women. Crosby , Faye J. Relative Deprivation and Working Women. Agassi , Judith Buber . Comparing the Work Attitudes of Women and Men. Corporations and the Family in the 1980's. Glickman , Albert S. (Editor) The Changing Composition of the Workforce: Implications for Future Research and Its Application. Marsh , Arthur . Employee Relations Policy and Decision Making. Pareek , Udai . Organizational Role Pics Scale. Pareek , Udai . Organizational Role Stress Scale (ORS) Torbiörn , Ingemar . Living Abroad: Personal Adjustment and Personnel Policy in the Overseas Setting. Bell , Chip R. Influencing: Marketing the Ideas that Matter. Rosenzweig , Mark R. and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 34, 1983. Jain , Harish C. and Sloane , Peter J. Equal Employment Issues: Race and Sex Discrimination in the United States, Canada and Britain.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1980,33(1):163-253
Goodman , Paul S. Assessing Organizational Change: The Rushton Quality of Work Experiment. Mc Lean , Alan A. Work Stress. Forbes , Rosalind . Corporate Stress: How to Manage Stress on the Job and Make It Work for You. Stephenson , G. M. and Brotherton , C. J. (Eds.) Industrial Relations: A Social Psychological Approach. Davidson , William L. How to Develop and Conduct Successful Employee Attitude Surveys. Ramsay , Roland T. The Testing Manual: A Guide to Test Administration and Use. Kotter , John P. Power in Management: How to Understand, Acquire, and Use It. Yohalem , Alice M. The Careers of Professional Women: Commitment and Conflict. Mahoney , Thomas A. (Editor) Compensation and Reward Perspectives. Burgher , Peter H. (Editor) Changement: Understanding and Managing Business Change. Lawrence , W. Gordon . (Editor) Exploring Individual and Organizational Boundaries: A Tavistock Open Systems Approach. Nadler , David A., Hackman , J. Richard and Lawler , Edward E., III. Managing Organizational Behavior. Gordon , George G. and Cummins , Walter . Managing Management Climate. Sanzotta , Donald . The Manager's Guide to Interpersonal Relations. Cooper , Cary L. Learning from Others in Groups: Experiential Learning Approaches. Johnson , Robert G. The Appraisal Interveiw Guide. O'leary , Lawrence R. The Selection and Promotion of the Successful Police Officer. Smith , B. Babington and Farrell , B. A. (Editors) Training in Small Groups: A Study of Five Methods. Kinzel , Robert K. Retirement: Creating Promise Out of Threat. Kirschenbaum , Howard and Glaser , Barbara . Developing Support Groups: A Manual for Facilitators and Participants. Graham , Ben S., Jr . and Titus , Parvin S. (Editors) The Amazing Oversight: Total Participation for Productivity. Gannon , Martin J. Organizational Behavior: A Managerial and Organizational Perspective. Kanter , Rosabeth Moss and Stein , Barry A. (Editors) Life in Organizations: Workplaces as People Experience Them. Lubin , Bernard , Goodstein , Leonard D. and Lubin , Alice W. (Eds.) Organizational Change Sourcebook I: Cases in Organization Development. Goodstein , Leonard D., Lubin , Bernard and Lubin , Alice W. (Eds.) Organizational Change Sourcebook II: Cases in Conflict Management. Schoen , Sterling H. and Durand , Douglas E. Supervision: The Management of Organizational Resources. Crane , Donald P. Personnel: The Management of Human Resources. (Second Edition) Coleman , Charles J. Personnel: An Open System Approach. Glueck , William F. (Editor) Personnel: A Book of Readings. Patten , Thomas H., Jr . (Editor) Classics of Personnel Management. Cellucci , Anthony J. and Devries , David L. Measuring Managerial Satisfaction: A Manual for the MJSQ. (Technical Report No. 11) Silverstein , Pam and Srb , Jozetta H. Flexitime: Where, When, and How? Erickson , John R. and Mc Govern , Katherine Savers . (Editors) Equal Employment Practice Guide, Volumes I and II. Jackall , Robert . Workers in a Labyrinth: Jobs and Survival in a Bank Bureaucracy. Response to the review by Dr. James H. Reynierse in Personnel Psychology Vol. 32, No. 2.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1979,32(2):401-483
Book reviewed in this article: Knight , Kenneth . (Editor) Matrix Management: A Cross-functional Approach to Organisation. Mankin , Don . Toward a Post-Industrial Psychology: Emerging Perspectives on Technology, Work, Education, and Leisure. Bryant , Donald T. and Niehaus , Richard J. (Editors) Manpower Planning and Organization Design. Rackham , Neil and Morgan , Terry . Behaviour Analysis in Training. Suessmuth , Patrick . Ideas for Training Managers and Supervisors: Useful Suggestions, Activities, and Instruments. Hopkins , Davis S. Training the Sales Force: A Progress Report. Cascio , Wayne F. Applied Psychology in Personnel Management. Schneier , Craig Eric AND Beatty , Richard W. (Editors) Personnel Administration Today: Readings and Commentary. Souerwine , Andrew H. Career Strategies: Planning for Personal Achievement. Mueller , Robert Kirk , Career Conflict: Management's Inelegant Dysfunction. Crystal , Graef S. Executive Compensation: Money, Motivation, Imagination. (Second Ed.) Kaufman , Edward L. The Market for Executive Talent. Cohen , Allan R. and Gadon , Herman . Alternative Work Schedules: Integrating Individual and Organizational Needs. Walker , James . The Human Aspects of Shiftwork. Burke , W. Warner . (Editor) The Cutting Edge: Current Theory and Practice in Organization Development. King , Bert , Streufert , Siegfried and Fiedler , Fred E. Managerial Control and Organizational Democracy. Hollander , Edwin P. Leadership Dynamics: A Practical Guide to Effective Relationships. Golembiewski , Robert T. and Eddy , William B. (Editors) Organization Development in Public Administration. Part 1: Organization Developmerit Properties and Public Sector Features. Andrisani , Paul J., ET AL. Work Attitudes and Labor Market Experience: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys. Stead , Bette Ann . (Editor) Women in Management. Miner , Mary Green and Miner , John B. Employee Selection within the Law. Jackall , Robert . Workers in a Labyrinth: Jobs and Survival in a Bank Bureaucracy. Pande , N. R. W. A Study of Scores on Intelligence Test Batteries. Morrison , Ann M., Mc Call , Morgan W., Jr . and De Vries , David L. Feedback to Managers: A Comprehensive Review of Twenty-four Instruments. (Technical Report Number 18). Pöyhönen , Terhi . Man and Work in Psychology: A Selected and Partially Annotated Bibliography. Part 1: General Psychology for Occupational Psychologists. Part 2: Man at Work. Batten , Joe D. Tough Minded Management. (Third Edition) Thompson , David W. Managing People: Influencing Behavior. Hilgert , Raymond L:, Schoen , Sterling H. and Towle , Joseph W. Cases and Policies in Human Resources Management. (Third Edition) Margerison , Charles . Influencing Organizational Change: The Role of the Personnel Specialist. Ogden , Richard W. HOW TO Succeed in Business and Marriage.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1979,32(1):167-167
Book review in This Article: Katz , Daniel and Kahn , Robert L. The Social Psychology of Organizations. Dowling , William . (Editor) Effective Management and the Behavioral Sciences: Conversations from Organizational Dynamics. Peres , Richard . Dealing with Employment Discrimination. Cooper , Cary L. and Payne , Roy . (Editors) Stress at Work. Prien , Erich P., Jones , Mark A., Miller , Louise M., Gulkin , Robert and Sutherland , Margaret . Mental Health in Organizations: Personal Adjustment and Constructive Intervention. Figler , Homer R. Overcoming Executive Mid-Life Crisis. Schramm , Carl J., Mandell , Wallace and Archer , Janet . Workers Who Drink. Armstrong , J. Scott . Long-Range Forecasting: From Crystal Ball to Computer. Clark , Harry L. and Thurston , Dona R. Planning Your Staffing Needs: A Handbook for Personnel Workers. Mc Call , Morgan W., Jr . and Lombardo , Michael M. (Editors) Leadership: Where Else Can We Go? Roethlisberger , F. J. The Elusive Phenomena: An Autobiographical Account of my Work in the Field of Organizational Behavior at the Harvard Business School. Schein , Edgar H. Career Dynamics: Matching Individual and Organizational Needs. Hultarker , Örjan E. Models of Job Satisfaction. Sargent , Howard . Fishbowl Management: A Participative Approach to Systematic Management. Anthony , William P. Participative Management. Glaser , Rollin . Retail Personnel Management. Ramsay , Roland T. Management's Guide to Effective Employment Interviewing: Fair, Valid Methods for Hiring Qualified Personnel. Heneman , Herbert G., III and Schwab , Donald P. (Editors) Perspectives on Personnel/Human Resource Management. Keil , E. C. Performance Appraisal and the Manager. Bradford , J. Allyn and Guberman , Reuben . Transactional Awareness: Now I've Got You … In Business. Glueck , William F. Personnel: A Diagnostic Approach. Glueck , William F. Cases and Exercises in Personnel. Robbins , Stephen P. Personnel: The Management of Human Resources. French , Wendell L. The Personnel Management Process. Du Brin , Andrew J. Human Relations: A Job Oriented Approach. Duncan , W. Jack . Organizational Behavior. Richards , Max D. (Editor) Readings in Management. Organ , Dennis W. (Editor) The Applied Psychology of Work Behavior: A Book of Readings. Harrison , Jared F. Improving Performance and Productivity (Why Won't They Do What I Want Them to Do?). Behavior… And What You Can Do About It. Miner , John B. Motivation to Manage: A Ten Year Update on the “Studies in Management Education” Research.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1982,35(2):405-509
Book reviewed in this article: Nystrom , Paul C. and Starbuck , William H. (Editors) Handbook of Organizational Design. Volume 2: Remodeling Organizations and Their Environments. Nystrom , Paul C. and Starbuck , William H. (Editors) Handbook of Organizational Design. Volume 2: Remodeling Organizations and Their Environments. Bate , Paul and Mangham , Iain . Exploring Participation. Ouchi , William . Theory Z: How American Business Can Meet the Japanese Challenge. Sashkin , Marshall . Assessing Performance Appraisal. Macdonald , Charles R. MBO Can Work: How to Manage by Contract. Olson , Richard F. Performance Appraisal: A Guide to Greater Productivity. Ross , Joel E. Productivity, People, and Profits. Wexley , Kenneth N. and Latham , Gary P. Developing and Training Human Resources in Organizations. Tracey , William R. Human Resources Development Standards: A Self-Evaluation Manual for HRD Managers and Specialists. Pareek , Udai and Rao , T. Venkateswara . Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems. Megginson , Leon C. Personnel Management: A Human Resources Approach. (Fourth Edition) Jones , John E. and Pfeiffer , J. William . (Editors) The 1981 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators. Brown , Linda Keller . The Woman Manager in the United States: A Research Analysis and Bibliography. Treiman , Donald J. and Hartman , Heidi I. (Editors) Women, Work, and Wages: Equal Pay for Jobs of Equal Value. Fernandez , John P. Racism and Sexism in Corporate Life: Changing Values in American Business. Anderson , Howard J. Major Employment-Law Principles Established by the EEOC, the OFCCP, and the Courts (December 1960-December 1980). Rosenbaum , Bernard L. HOW to Motivate Today's Workers: Motivational Models for Managers and Supervisors. Bennett , Roger . Managing Personnel and Performance: An Alternative Approach. De Montmollin , Maurice . Le Taylorisme a Visage Humain. Meltzer , H. and Nord , Walter R. (Editors) Making Organizations Humane and Productive: A Handbook for Practitioners. Bridge , John . Economics in Personnel Management. London, England: Institute of Personnel Management, 1981. Parnes , Herbert S. (Editor) Work and Retirement: A Longitudinal Study of Men. Coulson , Robert . The Termination Handbook. Taylor , Lynda King . Not for Bread Alone: An Appreciation of Job Enrichment. (Third Edition). Margerison , Charles . How to Assess Your Managerial Style. Hoffman , W. Michael and Wyly , Thomas J. (Editors) The Work Ethic in Business: Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Business Ethics. Zand , Dale E. Information, Organization, and Power: Effective Management in the Knowledge Society. Huchingson , R. Dale . New Horizons for Human Factors in Design. Sisk , Henry L. and Williams , J. Clifton . Management and Organization. (Fourth Edition) Steers , Richard M. Introduction to Organizational Behavior.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1977,30(1):81-153
Pfeiffer , J. William and Jones , John E. (Editors) The 1976 Annual Handbook/or Group Facilitators. Cohen , Arthur M. and Smith , R. Douglas . The Critical Incident in Growth Groups: Theory and Technique. Cohen , Arthur M. and Smith , R. Douglas . The Critical Incident in Growth Groups: A Manual for Group Leaders. Zangwell , Willard I. Success with People: The Theory Z Approach to Mutual Achievement. Revans , R. W. et al . Action-Learning in Hospitals: Diagnosis and Therapy. Canter , David . (Editor) Environmental Interaction. Rubin , Jeffrey Z. and Brown , Bert R. The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation. Mc Cormick , Ernest J. Human Factors in Engineering and Design. Low , Albert . Zen and Creative Management. Wieland , George F. and Ullrich , Robert A. Organizations: Behavior, Design and Change. Stein , Morris I. Stimulating Creativity. Bray , Douglas W., Campbell , Richard J. and Grant , Donald L. Formative Years in Business: A Long-Term Study of Managerial Lives. Jeanne B. Herman Associate Professor Graduate School of Management Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois Ferry , Ted S. and Weaver , D. A. (Editors) Directions in Safety. Landy , Frank J. and Trumbo , Don A. Psychology of Work Behavior. Yorks , Lyle . A Radical Approach to Job Enrichment. Hall , Douglas T. Careers in Organizations. Bowers , David G. Systems of Organization: Management of the Human Resource. Warr , Peter , (Editor) Personal Goals and Work Design. Levinson , Harry . Psychological Man. Odiorne , George S. Objective-Focused Management. Shwinger , Pinhus . Wage Incentive Systems. Berg , J. Gary . Managing Compensation: Developing and Administering the Total Compensation Program. Hinrichs , John R. Productive Interviewing: 5. The Information Interview. O'Leary , Lawrence R. Interviewing for the Decisionmaker. Baer , Walter E. Strikes: A Study in Conflict and How to Resolve It. Biderman , Albert D. and Drury , Thomas F. (Editors) Measuring Work Quality for Social Reporting. London , Keith . The People Side of Systems. Killian , Ray A. Human Resource Management: An ROI Approach. Chruden , Herbert J. and Sherman , Arthur W., Jr . Personnel Management. Chruden , Herbert J. and Sherman , Arthur W., Jr . (Eds.) Readings in Personnel Management. Hanson , Agnes O. (Editor) Executive and Management Development for Business and Government: A Guide to Information Sources.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1971,24(2):333-367
Books reviewed in this article: Morgan , John S., and Van Dyke , Richard L. White-Collar Blacks: A Breakthrough? Holding , D. H. (Editor) Experimental Psychology in Industry. Bass , Bernard M., and Deep , Samuel D. (Editors) Current Perspectives for Managing Organizations. Shull , Fremont A., Jr ., Delbecq , Andre L., and Cummings , L. L. Organizational Decision Making. Lopez , Felix M. The Making of a Manager: Guidelines to His Selection and Promotion. Emery , David A. The Corn pleat Manager. Zif , Jay Jehiel , and Otlewski , Robert E. Contract Negotiations-Player's Manual. Zif , Jay Jehiel , Walker , Arthur H., and Archey , William T. Managing the Worker—Player's Manual. Zif , Jay Jehiel , Walker , Arthur H., Orbach , Eliezer , and Schwartz , Howard . Reorganization-Player's Manual. Manpower and Planning. Yoder , Dale . Personnel Management and Industrial Relations. Desatnick , Robert L. A Concise Guide to Management Development. Gurin , Gerald . A National Attitude Study of Trainees in MDTA Institutional Programs. Finkle , Robert B., and Jones , William S. Assessing Corporate Talent: A Key to Managerial Manpower Planning. Cadwell , Raymond B. Barriers to Planned Change: A Study of Two Business Organizations. Evaluative Research: Strategies and Methods. Baer , Walter E. Grievance Handling: 101 Guides for Supervisors. Pilditch , James . Communication by Design: A Study in Corporate Identity. Levitt , Theodore . The Marketing Mode: Pathways to Corporate Growth. Prasow , Paul , and Peters , Edward . Arbitration and Collective Bargaining: Conflict Resolution in Labor Relations. Mussen , Paul H., and Rosenzweig , Mark R. (Editors) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 22.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1974,27(2):313-391
Book reviews in this article: Hill , Thomas M., Haynes , W. Warren and Baumgartel , Howard with the collaboration of Samuel Paul. Vroom , Victor H. and Yetton , Philip W. Leadership and Decision-making. Fleishman , Edwin A. and Hunt , James G. (Editors) Current Developments in the Study of Leadership. Roeber , Richard J. C. The Organization in a Changing Environment. Galbraith , Jay . Designing Complex Organizations. Tagliere , Daniel A. People, Power and Organization. Wolman , Benjamin B. Victims of Success: Emotional Problems of Executives. Jun , Jong S. and Storm , William B. Tomorrow's Organizations: Challenges and Strategies. Dunnette , Marvin D. (Editor) Work and Nonwork in the Year 2001. Rush , Harold M. F. Organization Development: A Reconnaissance. Partin , J. Jennings . (Editor) Current Perspectives in Organization Development. Pfeiffer , J. William and Jones , John E. (Editors) A Handbook of Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training. Engel , Herbert M. Handbook of Creative Learning Exercises. Drake , Richard I. and Smith , Peter J. Behavioural Science in Industry. Fleishman , Edwin A. and Bass , Alan R. (Editors) Studies in Personnel and Industrial Psychology. Davis , Gary A. Psychology of Problem Solving: Theory and Practice. Koberg , Don and Bagnall , Jim . The Universal Traveler: A Companion for Those on Problem-solving Journeys and a Soft-systems Guidebook to the Process of Design. Seidenberg , Robert . Corporate Wives–Corporate Casualties? Jain , Harish C. and Jain , Hem C. Staffing an Organization. Hampton , David R., Summer , Charles E. and Webber , Ross A. Organizational Behavior and the Practice of Management. Hepner , Harry W. Psychology Applied to Life and Work. Marks , Winifred . Preparing an Employee Handbook. Bowley , Arthur . Salary Structures for Management Careers. Mörgan , Henry H. and Cogger , John W. The Interviewer's Manual. Blase , Melvin G. Institution Building: A Source Book. Rosenzweig , Mark R. and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Annual Review of Psychology  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1977,30(4):679-756
Books Reviewed in this article: Lussato , Bruno . A Critical Introduction to Organisation Theory. Kanter , Rosabeth Moss . Men and Women of the Corporation. Cooper , Cary L. (Editor) Theories of Group Processes. Zenger , John H., Miller , Dale E., Florance , Jeannine and Harlow , Phoebe . How to Work for a Living and Like It: A Career Planning Workbook. Sarason , Seymour B. Work, Aging, and Social Change: Professionals and the One Life-One Career Imperative. Jones , John E. and Pfeiffer , J. William . (Editors) The 1977 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators. American Institutes for Research . Planning Career Coals: Fiore , Michael V. and Strauss , Paul S. How to Develop Dynamic Leadership: A Short Course for Professionals. Sikula , Andrew F. Personnel Management: A Short Course for Professionals. Du Brin , Andrew J. Managerial Deviance: How to Deal with Problem People in Key Jobs. Burack , Elmer H. and Smith , Robert D. Personnel Management: A Human Resource Systems Approach. Miner , John B. and Miner , Mary Green , Personnel and Industrial Relations: A Managerial Approach. Herman , Stanley M. and Korenich , Michael . Authentic Management: A Gestalt Orientation to Organizations and Their Development. Miller , Eric J. (Editor) Task and Organization. Huse , Edgar F. and Bowditch , James L. Behavior in Organizations: A Systems Approach to Managing. Pfeiffer , J. William and Jones , John E. (Editors) A Handbook of Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training: Volume VI. Gannon , Martin J. Management: An Organizational Perspective. Anderson , Carl R. and Gannon , Martin J. (Editors) Readings in Management: An Organizational Perspective. Eden , Colin and Harris , John . Management Decision and Decision Analysis. Mc Conkey , Dale D. How to Manage by Results. Jewell , Donald O. (Editor) Women and Management: An Expanding Role. Rudge , Fred . The Key to Increased Productivity: A Manual for Line Executives. Mc Gill , Michael E. Organization Development for Operating Managers. Miner , Mary Green and Miner , John B. (Eds.) Policy Issues in Contemporary Personnel and Industrial Relations. Blum , Milton L. Psychology and Consumer Affairs. Gilmer , B. Von Haller and Deci , Edward L. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Lord , Kenniston W., Jr. The Design of the Industrial Classroom. Sanford , Aubrey C. Human Relations: The Theory and Practice of Organizational Behavior. Fulmer , Robert M. Practical Human Relations.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1981,34(3):591-690

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