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易学的内容博大精深,其中许多思想和原则对当代企业管理具有重要的借鉴作用,本文试对此作一探讨.一、易学与企业管理的计划工作易学理论体系中蕴含的思想方法和哲学原理,反映了预测和决策的某些基本原则.对于今天的企业管理有启迪意义.1.易之方法与计划的基本原则企业在制订计划时,不仅要把企业发展放在社会经济系统的整体中进行思考,而且要将其放在自然系统与人类社会系统相互作用的认知框架中进行思考.这就需要建立相应的运作机制,它包括制订计划所遵循的客观原则和实际操作所依据的价值准则两个层面.在这些方面,易学中有丰富的相关思想可资参考.  相似文献   

微创人文思想的创立和实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创立与医学相关的人文思想即微创人文思想,其不是杜撰出来的,自从有了人类、自从有了目的在于治疗疾病的医生这个职业,医学这个学问,就有了这种人文思想.其具体实践应用还要做两件扎扎实实的工作.一是总结前人的想法、经验、教训及问题,给现在人以借鉴、学习,二是提出新的问题供大家研究、探讨、总结、宣传,以发展微创人文思想.  相似文献   

正全国各地的教堂从今年初因疫情缘故暂时关闭以来,已经好几个月了。这次疫情,极大地影响了我们的生活和工作,改变了我们的很多生活习惯。在等候教会重新开放的日子,我不禁开始思考"重启"的话题。教堂经过了几个月的关闭,再一次打开门恢复聚会对于我们来讲意味着什么?当我们开始安排和计划新的礼拜和聚会的时候,我们当以怎样的心态和想法面对?以下几个问题想要和大家一起思考一下:  相似文献   

正人生中,很多时候,要有"自以为非"的能力。但更多的时候,我们习惯于"自以为是",总觉得我们自己是对的,他人的想法不仅错误,而且荒唐无比。长期这样,人就会形成一种思维定势,具有强烈的排他性。过去的那些封建帝王,一言九鼎,从来没有觉得自己错过,那才是真正的荒唐。其实,道家思想是非常平和的思想,这种平和中有一种  相似文献   

新进路的丰富传统与前提可以在地理边界学这门有关边界的新学科中,区分出多个可以认为是传统的或者后现代的连续的理论进路。每个阶段都会看到结合而不是替代始终在不断加以完善的传统进路,来应用新的进路(明吉,1963;鲁姆莱和明吉,1991)。诸如历史地图绘制、类型地图绘制、功能地图绘制和政治地图绘制等等传统的进路,在一些理论著述中已经早有描述(科洛索夫和奥洛克林,1998;科洛索夫和图罗夫斯基,1998;科洛索夫和米罗年科,2001)。我们在这里将论述大多在20世纪90年代和最近10年之间出现的后现代进路。地缘政治进路全球化和一体化对于政治边…  相似文献   

佛教给我们留下许多宝贵的精神财富.在当下大家都很忙的情境下,我们做人应该有点禅的心胸、佛的境地,使我们的人生,赋予更多的灵气和思想.因为佛的思想和智慧,是可以帮助我们改变人生和命运的. 善于调心是智慧 行也禅,坐也禅,语默动静体安然.如果我们能去提炼生活和工作中的点点滴滴,那就是智慧了.所有我们要学会做一个用心的人.  相似文献   

在最基本的类冲动萌芽中,希望已经是超出单纯类冲动的东西,它已经吸收了充满幻想的想象能力、思想上的预先推定能力.希望是最卓越的人的冲动,希望连同社会劳动、概念构成和意识构成一道属于我们人类学特性的基础.想象的人乃是希望中的人.人类历史不仅是一部阶级斗争史,也是一部包括希望、计划、预先推定、诗作、教育、哲学论述、政治计划和斗争等的历史.希望和展望对于每一种政治都具有重要意义.预先推定-希望-梦不仅仅是马克思主义的范畴,也是革命的现实政治的范畴.  相似文献   

统筹兼顾是中国共产党人建设社会主义的一脉相承、与时俱进的发展方法论。以毛泽东为核心的第一代中央领导集体形成了均衡发展的统筹兼顾方法;邓小平则把统筹兼顾扬弃为非均衡发展的统筹发展方法;江泽民与时俱进地增添了可持续发展的统筹兼顾方法内涵;胡锦涛则概括提升三代中央领导集体的统筹兼顾思想,指出统筹兼顾是科学发展观的根本方法。总结揭示统筹兼顾思想的传承和演进,对于我们深人贯彻落实科学发展观具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

本文对元代玄教门人朱思本<舆地图>的地图科学思想进行考论,指出其地理科学思想方法有五大特色与创新:"使于四方"、"讯遗黎,寻故迹,考郡邑之因革",注重实地观察和田野调查;"参考古今,量校远近",强调地理文献知识与实地调查相结合的研究方法;"言之者既不能详,详者又未可信,故于斯类,姑用阙如"的科学规范和严谨态度;在地图绘制思想方法上,继承了中国传统的"计里画方"思想,并巧妙地运用"随地为图,乃合而为一"的全国性地图绘制方法;在地图图例方面,首创简捷明了系统的几何符号标示法.  相似文献   

早就听说商洛有一个麻风病院,可一直不知其究竟,甚至也不知其在何方何地.一个星期天,我们去商州天主堂,与本县刘神父交谈了一阵,他也说起这个麻风病院.这使我们多少对它有所了解,也更激发了去看一看的念头.后来,我将自己的想法告诉家人了,正好亲戚中有认识该院院长的,于是,他帮助我们联系,使我们的这个计划终于得以实现.  相似文献   

面对面和计算机群体决策在观点产生上的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郑全全  李宏 《心理学报》2003,35(4):492-498
以144名被试组成32个群体,通过实验室模拟实验,对群体规模、群体类型和交流方式等3个变量在观点产生的数量和质量等指标上进行了比较。结果表明:(1)在所有实验条件下,CM(以计算机为中介的)决策群体都比FTF(面对面的)决策群体产生了更多数量的有效观点;CM名义群体比FTF名义群体产生了更多数量的有效观点。有效观点和创新观点产生的数量,主要受产生式障碍和评价恐怖的影响。(2)交流方式影响群体创新观点的数量,但对观点产生的深度和广度没有影响。群体规模和群体类型影响观点产生的深度和广度。名义群体比互动群体产生范围更广的观点。一般来说,名义群体比互动群体产生的观点深度高。匿名性和平行沟通是促进群体成员产生大量创新观点的主要原因。(3)相对于传统的FTF头脑风暴法,运用电子头脑风暴法的群体成员对自己或群体所产生的观点用于解决实际问题的信心不足。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to explore the process of building on ideas in brainstorming. Although this is presumed to be an important role of brainstorming, this has never been explored experimentally. In one experiment individual and group brainstormers generated ideas which were subsequently presented to these same individuals and groups to combine and build on for additional ideas, either as groups or individuals. The combination process was influenced by whether the participants had previously brainstormed alone or in groups and the phase of the combination period (early vs. late). In a second study participants were presented lists of rare or common ideas to combine and build on either as individuals or groups. Although groups generated fewer combinations than nominal groups, they generated more novel and feasible combinations when combining rare ideas. These findings indicate that groups are able to benefit from the exchange process in building on each other's ideas and are interpreted in the context of past research on idea generation and evaluation in groups.  相似文献   

全球化迅速改变着传统的生活方式和观念, 影响着人们的国家认同建构。跨界民族的国家认同具有复杂性、模糊性和不稳定性, 在全球化时代受到的冲击更大。一旦跨界民族的国家认同偏低, 就会影响跨界民族的国家情感, 危及边疆地区甚至国家的社会稳定。本项目拟通过4个研究, 预期实现以下目标:①将国家认同分成文化认同和公民认同两种成分, 并编制符合民族实际状况的跨界民族国家认同问卷; ②探讨民族认同、穆斯林认同在群际歧视知觉与国家认同间的中介作用; ③理清民族内隐理论对国家认同的影响; ④探讨管理体制、民生政策、经济发展水平和民族政策对国家认同的影响, 并尝试建立跨界民族国家认同数据库, 及时把握跨界民族国家认同的动态建构过程。研究结果对完善民族政策、开展宣传教育具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Project Destiny     

Students with emotional and behavioral disorders present significant challenges to educators and community professionals in contemporary practice. At the same time, parents of middle school students experience parenting as a difficult time period that is laden with a variety of feelings. A central strategy for assisting both parents and professionals during this developmental period is to work collaboratively with one another. This sharing of ideas and strategies is helpful in attaining goals for students that are usually not met in the absence of cooperative team work. Furthermore, the recommended direction for service provision for these youth is to work through a coordinated, interagency approach across the community.

This paper presents the first year's methods and initial findings from Project Destiny, a three year study that is attempting to enhance the knowledge and strategies of professionals, parents and community teams for working with middle school students having emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD). Initial results from the project's work in three communities suggest that teachers at the middle schools have been interested and able in acquiring new knowledge and skills for working with the youth. These gains were evident in self-evaluations completed by the teachers. Additionally, 60% of parents of youth with EBD were recruited and participate regularly in parent support and advocacy groups. Efforts to integrate the project with local interagency teams have been somewhat less successful due to the current political and economic climate that has eliminated essential resource personnel on local teams. The Project Destiny model has merit for further replication and further analysis of student performance and will be completed in the final year of the project.  相似文献   

The conclusion that nominal brainstorming groups outperform interactive brainstorming groups has been exclusively based on studies of idea generation. This study tested whether the productivity advantage of nominal groups would also result in better idea selection. Nominal and interactive groups performed a task that involved idea generation and selection. Idea generation and selection were strictly separated for half the groups, but were combined for the other half. Nominal groups generated more ideas than interactive groups, and the ideas generated by nominal groups were more original and less feasible than the ideas generated by interactive groups. However, there were no differences among conditions in quality of the selected ideas. Further, idea selection was not significantly better than chance. This suggests that high productivity in brainstorming is not sufficient to lead to better solutions.  相似文献   

In the Introduction to the Treatise Hume very enthusiastically announces his project to provide a secure and solid foundation for the sciences by grounding them on his science of man. And Hume indicates in the Abstract that he carries out this project in the Treatise. But most interpreters do not believe that Hume's project comes to fruition. In this paper, I offer a general reading of what I call Hume's ‘foundational project’ in the Treatise, but I focus especially on Book 1. I argue that in Book 1 much of Hume's logic is put in the service of the other sciences, in particular, mathematics and natural philosophy. I concentrate on Hume's negative thesis that many of the ideas central to the sciences are ideas that we cannot form. For Hume, this negative thesis has implications for the sciences, as many of the texts I discuss make evident. I consider and criticize different proposals for understanding these implications: the Criterion of Meaning and the ‘Inconceivability Principle’. I introduce what I call Hume's ‘No Reason to Believe’ Principle, which I argue captures more adequately the link Hume envisions between his logic, in particular his examination of ideas, and the other sciences.  相似文献   

Victor Ferkiss 《Zygon》1982,17(2):133-150
The United States today is faced with a crisis of the liberal system stemming from a shortage of resources and ideas. Liberalism assumes that there will always be enough resources to meet all needs and that politics consists of the struggle of interest groups for resources to meet their particular needs. Liberalism is wrong on both counts: there are not enough resources and there is a common good which includes all particular needs properly understood. We must now revise our ideas and institutions in order to make the common good attainable. Various changes in ideas and institutions toward that end are suggested.  相似文献   

Much literature on group brainstorming has found it to be less effective than individual brainstorming. However, a cognitive perspective suggests that group brainstorming could be an effective technique for generating creative ideas. Computer simulations of an associative memory model of idea generation in groups suggest that groups have the potential to generate ideas that individuals brainstorming alone are less likely to generate. Exchanging ideas by means of writing or computers, alternating solitary and group brainstorming, and using heterogeneous groups appear to be useful approaches for enhancing group brainstorming.  相似文献   

Brainstorming research has claimed that individuals are more creative than groups. However, these conclusions are largely based on measuring creativity by the number of ideas generated, and researchers have tended to neglect other important components of creativity, such as the quality of developed ideas. These studies aim to address this gap in the literature and investigate how well individuals and groups develop ideas. The first study compared collaborative groups, nominal groups (i.e., groups composed of individuals working separately), and individuals on developing an original design for a language-learning game. No differences were revealed between conditions on the game ratings. In the second study, one idea was preselected and given to the participants for further development. Groups received higher ratings in the marketability and overall categories than both nominal groups and individuals, and higher ratings in the fun category than individuals. The qualitative data showed that groups discussed a wider range of topics and topics related to marketability more than individuals did. Thus it appears that there are benefits to developing ideas in a collaborative group rather than individually. Possible explanations for the present findings are explored.  相似文献   

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