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The aim of this large-scale study was to find out which points along the contour of a shape are most salient and why. Many subjects (N=161) were asked to mark salient points on contour stimuli, derived from a large set of line drawings of everyday objects (N=260). The database of more than 200,000 marked points was analyzed extensively to test the hypothesis, first formulated by Attneave (1954), that curvature extrema are most salient. This hypothesis was confirmed by the data: Highly salient points are usually very close to strong curvature extrema (positive maxima and negative minima). However, perceptual saliency of points along the contour is determined by more factors than just local absolute curvature. This was confirmed by an extensive correlational analysis of perceptual saliency in relation to ten different stimulus factors. A point is more salient when the two line segments connecting it with its two neighboring salient points make a sharp turning angle and when the 2-D part defined by the triplet of salient points is less compact and sticks out more.  相似文献   

Children in prekindergarten, kindergarten, and second grade were tested on a delayed match-to-sample task using abstract visual patterns. The patterns varied both in type of visual organization (unstructured, diagonally symmetrical, vertically symmetrical, and horizontally symmetrical) and in amount of contour. Following the initial memory task, we attempted to train half of the children at each grade by directing their attention to axes of symmetry; the other half of the children received a control task. Subsequently, the subjects were given a second delayed match-to-sample test. On both pre- and post-training trials, structure influenced performance, especially in the two younger groups. Vertical and horizontal symmetry generally facilitated performance in the prekindergarteners, while all three types of symmetry facilitated performance in the kindergarteners. In addition, children generally responded more accurately to patterns with lower levels of contour. They also made more like-contour than unlike-contour confusions, indicating that quantitative aspects of patterns were encoded. Group differences suggested that both processing capacity and memory increase during the age range studied. Finally, there was no indication that training improved performance at any age.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to examine how the event-related potentials to fragmentation predict recognition success. Stimuli were abstract meaningless figures that were either complete or fragmented to various extents but still recoverable. Stimuli were first encoded as part of a symmetry discrimination task. In a subsequent recognition phase, encoded stimuli were presented complete along with never presented stimuli and participants performed an old/new discrimination task. Fragmentation stimuli elicited more negative ERPs than complete figures over the frontal, central and parietal areas between 180 and 260 ms, and over the occipito-temporal areas between 220 and 340 ms. Only this latter effect was modulated as a function of whether stimuli were recognized or not during the recognition phase of the memory test. More specifically, the effect occurred for stimuli that were later forgotten and was absent for stimuli that were later recognized. This ERP to fragmentation, the occipito-temporal N(frag), possibly reflects the brain response to encoding difficulty, and is thus predictive of recognition performance.  相似文献   

Four experiments on recognition of tone series are reported. The first experiment tested the accuracy of recognition in relation to length, contour complexity, and tonal structure of the series. Series comprised (1) 7 or 10 tones, (2) either a strong or a weak tonal structure, depending on the temporal ordering of the tones, and (3) few or many contour reversals. The second experiment used 7-tone series having either a strong or a weak tonal structure, depending on the mode (Ionian or Phrygian) in which the series was presented. Both experiments employed asamedifferent task in which a standard series was compared with either an exact or an inexact transposition, the latter type having one incorrectly transposed tone (mostly nondiatonic in Experiment 1 and always diatonic in Experiment 2) These experiments showed that (1) 7-tone series were better recognized than were 10-tone series, (2) series with a strong tonal structure were better recognized than were series with a weak tonal structure, and (3) contour complexity did not influence the responses. Two control experiments, using mistuned tone series, showed that the outcomes of Experiments 1 and 2 could not be attributed to nonmusical artifacts of the stimulus set.  相似文献   

Unlike in laboratory visual search tasks—wherein participants are typically presented with a pictorial representation of the item they are asked to seek out—in real-world searches, the observer rarely has veridical knowledge of the visual features that define their target. During categorical search, observers look for any instance of a categorically defined target (e.g., helping a family member look for their mobile phone). In these circumstances, people may not have information about noncritical features (e.g., the phone’s color), and must instead create a broad mental representation using the features that define (or are typical of) the category of objects they are seeking out (e.g., modern phones are typically rectangular and thin). In the current investigation (Experiment 1), using a categorical visual search task, we add to the body of evidence suggesting that categorical templates are effective enough to conduct efficient visual searches. When color information was available (Experiment 1a), attentional guidance, attention restriction, and object identification were enhanced when participants looked for categories with consistent features (e.g., ambulances) relative to categories with more variable features (e.g., sedans). When color information was removed (Experiment 1b), attention benefits disappeared, but object recognition was still better for feature-consistent target categories. In Experiment 2, we empirically validated the relative homogeneity of our societally important vehicle stimuli. Taken together, our results are in line with a category-consistent view of categorical target templates (Yu, Maxfield, & Zelinsky in, Psychological Science, 2016. doi: 10.1177/0956797616640237), and suggest that when features of a category are consistent and predictable, searchers can create mental representations that allow for the efficient guidance and restriction of attention as well as swift object identification.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted in which the central variable was the addition of verbal context on the test which was not present during study. Neither study showed context to be a relevant variable. Because verbal context effects (when they do occur) are presumed to result from a change of meaning, the broader role of word meaning in recognition was examined. Studies in which homographs were used to produce a change in meaning were reviewed with the conclusion that when appropriate controls are used the effects are too small to support meaning as a major factor underlying recognition. An experiment using homographs verified the general conclusion from previous studies. A review of studies was then undertaken to determine the influence of synonym distractors on recognition scores. If word meaning is critical in word recognition, the use of synonyms of study words as new words on the recognition test should produce large decrements. The evidence available did not support this expectation, and an experiment using both within-subject and between-subject comparisons showed at best only small effects. The general conclusion was that theories of recognition in which word meaning plays a dominant role cannot be supported. It is likely that word meaning is encoded during study of lists of words but is infrequently used in making recognition decisions.  相似文献   

The study explored age-related differences in the effects of context change on recognition memory by presenting object names (Expt. 1A) or their pictures (Expt. 1B) on background scenes. Participants later attempted to recognize previously presented items on background scenes that were original, switched, blank, or new. Older adults recognized fewer word stimuli than did younger adults, and context effects were larger for older adults. With pictures, however, the age-related decrement was eliminated and context effects were reduced. The beneficial effect of context reinstatement in older adults occurs despite the finding that they are less able to recall or recognize such contexts (Experiment 2). Older adults can use context information in recognition memory at least as efficiently as younger adults when suitable materials and conditions are provided.  相似文献   

Abstract.— A retroactive interference paradigm was employed for studying qualitative memory changes. The name given to an ambiguous visual figure after presentation influenced reproduction and, to a lesser extent, recognition of the figure, indicating that retroactive definition of meaning may lead to memory changes. The relation between the subject's own conception of the meaning of the figure and the name given by the experimenter involved several types of meaning retroaction, which were related to the results on the remembering tasks. The usual interpretation—in line with the permanent-memory hypothesis—attributing changed reproductions either to perceptual change or to interference with the activity of drawing, is not accepted, and a contextual theory of memory is suggested.  相似文献   

The author describes how her own internal change was a vital part of transformation between herself and two patients. She draws on Loewald's work as she discusses how change in her own internal relationship with her father was part of a lifelong emotional reorganization of Oedipal relations. She describes a process of mutual change whereby her and her patients' unconscious growth each stimulated the other. She suggests that the analyst's own emotional growth is a vital, not an incidental, part of psychoanalysis, as it brings new life to the work for patients as well as analysts themselves.  相似文献   

Probability matching is a suboptimal behavior that often plagues human decision-making in simple repeated choice tasks. Despite decades of research, recent studies cannot find agreement on what choice strategies lead to probability matching. We propose a solution, showing that two distinct local choice strategies—which make different demands on executive resources—both result in probability-matching behavior on a global level. By placing participants in a simple binary prediction task under dual- versus single-task conditions, we find that individuals with compromised executive resources are driven away from a one-trial-back strategy (utilized by participants with intact executive resources) and towards a strategy that integrates a longer window of past outcomes into the current prediction. Crucially, both groups of participants exhibited probability-matching behavior to the same extent at a global level of analysis. We suggest that these two forms of probability matching are byproducts of the operation of explicit versus implicit systems.  相似文献   

The phonological priming paradigm provides an interesting methodological tool for studying various components of the speech recognition process. However, concerns about response biases distorting the effects have been repeatedly voiced. This article reviews the main studies on priming and aims to distinguish effects under automatic processes from those under some level of strategic control. Both controlled and automatic processes appear to be responsible for the effects observed in phonological priming experiments. Nonetheless, with careful procedures, it is possible to separate them.  相似文献   

吴梅红 《心理学报》2023,55(1):94-105
动态基频(F0)轮廓有助于嘈杂环境下的言语识别,可以作为将目标语音从背景声中分离的知觉线索。本研究通过评估老年人与年轻人在言语掩蔽下聆听具有自然动态F0轮廓与对F0轮廓操作调节后的汉语语句的言语识别能力,探讨老龄化对F0轮廓线索在汉语言语识别去掩蔽作用中的影响。结果显示,在言语掩蔽下自然动态的F0轮廓比压扁或拉伸的F0轮廓更能帮助年轻人抵抗信息掩蔽识别目标言语;而老年人在言语掩蔽下却难以从动态F0轮廓线索中受益。研究结果揭示了老年人利用F0轮廓线索促进掩蔽下言语感知能力的老化特点。  相似文献   

Previous work has shown an advantage of middle spatial frequencies (SFs) in face recognition. However, a few recent studies have suggested that this advantage is reduced when comparison and test stimuli are spatially filtered in a similar way. In the present study, we used standard psychophysical methods, in combination with a match-to-sample task, to determine the SF thresholds for face matching under conditions in which: (1) comparison stimuli were unfiltered and (2) comparison stimuli were spatially filtered in the same way as test stimuli. In two experiments, we show that SFs closer to the middle band are sought out more in the former case than in the latter. These results are compatible with the idea that a middle band of SFs will be most useful for any visual task and that the breadth of this optimal middle band will vary depending on task characteristics.  相似文献   

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