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放弃治疗的伦理选择   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7  
放弃治疗在临床上是一个十分复杂的现象 ,只有将其放在“医学———文化”框架中进行全方位考察 ,才能从整体上加以正确把握。就伦理选择而言 ,放弃治疗必然面对诸多伦理冲突 ,临床医师若要化解伦理冲突 ,实现优化选择 ,就必须熟知和遵循基本的伦理准则。  相似文献   

麻醉后监测治疗室(post-anesthesia care unit,PACU)中医学高新技术设备对确保手术后患者的安全发挥极其重大的作用,然而PACU中也产生许多危机与伦理冲突。为了PACU的良性发展,我们认为如下伦理准则必须遵循:科学认定准则、最佳选择准则、精益求精准则、无伤准则、患者自主准则。  相似文献   

麻醉后监测治疗室(post-anesthesia care unit,PACU)中医学高新技术设备对确保手术后患者的安全发挥极其重大的作用,然而PACU中也产生许多危机与伦理冲突.为了PACU的良性发展,我们认为如下伦理准则必须遵循:科学认定准则、最佳选择准则、精益求精准则、无伤准则、患者自主准则.  相似文献   

关于新闻伦理的系统性研究至今尚不完善,在一些基本问题上仍存在争议。我们需要对新闻与道德的关系问题进行再探讨的同时,对新闻伦理、新闻道德与媒介伦理等易混淆的概念进行比较和分析。厘清新闻的道德性和新闻伦理中的基本概念,既有利于为新闻伦理的理论研究提供必要的逻辑前提,也能够为解决新闻实践中的冲突和问题提供理论基础。  相似文献   

全球化中的伦理认同与伦理冲突   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化不仅改变着世界各国经济、政治格局,而且在思想文化领域亦产生了深远影响。这种影响在伦理维度上以伦理认同与伦理冲突的矛盾现象凸显出来。面对全球化中伦理认同与伦理冲突并存的复杂态势,合理的战略选择应该是:理性审视和反思全球化中的伦理认同和伦理冲突,以生态价值观引导下的伦理多元主义应对全球化的文化挑战。  相似文献   

临床上由于护士护理伦理的缺失常导致护患冲突,主要表现在护士对患者缺乏爱心、缺乏尊重、不以患者利益为重、护理计划的制定不当和对待患者不公平公正五个方面。通过列举临床案例来分析这些护理伦理的缺失,揭示护士丰富护理伦理知识对建立良好护患关系的重要性,从加强护理人员伦理素养养成、强调严格遵守护理伦理准则、加强护理伦理查房和把伦理道德纳入护理考核标准这四个方面措施来改善护理伦理缺失,减少护患冲突。  相似文献   

金融监管的本质是对风险进行控制,保护金融的伦理基础即信用,其基本原则是,融资活动应当遵循诚实不欺的基本伦理准则;投资活动则应当遵循谨慎从事的基本伦理准则。金融监管的局限性在于无法消除金融危机的深层原因乃至不能有效防止不断翻新的投机欺诈行为。为了更加有效地防止不道德的金融行为和避免金融危机,我们还要针对危机的深层原因采取措施,同时补之以各种非监管措施,如加强新闻舆论对资本贪婪的监督作用以及在制度设计上让金融活动的决策者自己承担起风险责任。  相似文献   

近年来频繁出现的食品安全事件凸显出尖锐的食品伦理冲突问题。反思食品伦理冲突并寻求和解之道,既是食品伦理学的历史使命,也是人类追求善的生活方式的正当诉求。食品伦理冲突主要集中在三个层面:素食与非素食的伦理冲突;自然食品与人工食品的伦理冲突;食品信息遮蔽与知情的伦理冲突。这些冲突本质上是对食品道德法则的悖逆,因此和解路径就在于把握并信守食品道德法则。针对食品伦理冲突问题,必须秉持生命权之绝对命令,保障免于饥饿的权利,以此提升生活质量、实践善的生命目的。  相似文献   

近年来不少跨国公司出现了道德失效行为,造成这一现象的成因很多,其中最为复杂的就是多元文化碰撞引起的伦理冲突。实践证明,有效解决伦理冲突是使跨国公司在国际经营中立于不败之地的关键。鉴于此,本文从分析跨国公司的伦理冲突根源及表现着手,阐述跨国公司伦理冲突的作用机理,最后提出打破其伦理冲突恶性循环的有效路径,旨在为提高在华跨国公司及已经或即将"走出国门"的中国本土企业的伦理竞争力提供重要借鉴。  相似文献   

宣云凤 《学海》2006,(5):116-118
民办教育组织利益相关者的多元利益,必然导致伦理冲突,关键是制度伦理、组织伦理直至个人的道德建构。  相似文献   

The conceptions sources have of journalists influence whether and in what ways those sources engage with the news media. In this paper, I consider the contribution of Muslim sources to news in a context of perceived negativity. Scholarship on the content of British news stories about Muslims has found a consistently negative tone; my study examines the impressions of sources as co-producers of that content. My data come from qualitative fieldwork conducted in Glasgow, Scotland, studying relationships between journalists and Muslim sources through a combination of methods, with an emphasis on interviews. In these interviews, sources articulated an overwhelmingly negative conception of journalists and news organisations. I consider different constructions of negativity and what they suggest about how participants perceive the media, and I problematise the minority instances of positive conceptions. Finally, I evaluate why sources who identify as Muslim would bother participating in media production, given this perception of negativity. This discussion is informed by Couldry’s concept of ‘media meta-capital’ (Couldry 2003), which a macro-level power that imposes other fields of public life, and Schlesinger’s attentiveness to source strategies (Schlesinger 1990), a form of agency at the micro-level. This case study suggests that, whatever sources think of media coverage, their choice to contribute to its production is conditioned by strategic considerations, revealing development in the media’s relations with Muslims in Britain.  相似文献   

Since 2016, there has been an explosion of academic work that fixes its subject matter using the terms ‘fake news’ and ‘post-truth’. In this paper, I argue that this terminology is not up to scratch, and that academics and journalists ought to completely stop using the terms ‘fake news’ and ‘post-truth’. I set out three arguments for abandonment. First, that ‘fake news’ and ‘post-truth’ do not have stable public meanings, entailing that they are either nonsense, context-sensitive, or contested. Secondly, that these terms are unnecessary, because we already have a rich vocabulary for thinking about epistemic dysfunction. Thirdly, I observe that ‘fake news’ and ‘post-truth’ have propagandistic uses, meaning that using these terms legitimates anti-democratic propaganda, and risks smuggling bad ideology into conversations.  相似文献   

News reports of scientific research are rarely hedged; in other words, the reports do not contain caveats, limitations, or other indicators of scientific uncertainty. Some have suggested that hedging may influence news consumers’ perceptions of scientists’ and journalists’ credibility (perceptions that may be related to support for scientific research and/or adoption of scientific recommendations). But whether hedging does affect audience perceptions is unknown. A multiple‐message experiment (N= 601) found that across five messages, both scientists and journalists were viewed as more trustworthy (a) when news coverage of cancer research was hedged (e.g., study limitations were reported) and (b) when the hedging was attributed to the scientists responsible for the research (as opposed to scientists unaffiliated with the research).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Journalists often take themselves as having a moral duty to protect their sources. If the sources in question leak information from government departments, government ministers will consider themselves as having the moral right to demand that the journalists disclose the identity of those sources. This creates conflicts of value between what journalists and ministers consider to be right. It is argued not only that traditional moral theories cannot resolve such moral conflicts, but that they are in a sense a good thing. A world in which the conflicts occur may be considered to be better than one in which they are prevented from occurring, for one can expect to have both effective journalism and effective government only in the former. The most important consequence of this view is that it makes the professional ethics of journalism (and, by implication, those of other professions) into something more than the mere application of universal moral rules to the various situations in which those who work in the profession are liable to find themselves.  相似文献   

In the literature, relational recovery after infidelity is often described as a process going through different consecutive stages towards a reconciliation. We interviewed 25 injured partners and invited them to look back and talk about what helped them to recover from the pain and the conflicts caused by the relational infidelity of their partner. From their stories—through thematic analysis—four themes emerged: 1. talking, 2.the truth, 3. trust and 4. ethical imbalance. It furthermore struck us how the participants described their recovery process as an experience of being oscillated between connection and disconnection. These findings pointed us in the direction of developing a dual process model that fits with our participants' experiences of recovering after infidelity, while emphasizing the dynamic nature of their stories.  相似文献   

James Levine 《Ratio》2006,19(1):43-63
Frege's views regarding analysis and synomymy have long been the subject of critical discussion. Some commentators, led by Dummett, have argued that Frege was committed to the view that each thought admits of a unique ultimate analysis. However, this interpretation is in apparent conflict with Frege's criterion of synonymy, according to which two sentence express the same thought if one cannot understand them without regarding them as having the same truth–value. In a recent article in this journal, Drai attempts to reconcile Frege's criterion of synonymy with unique ultimate analysis by holding that, for Frege, if two sentences satisfy the criterion without being intensionally isomorphic, at most one of them is a privileged representation of the thought expressed. I argue that this proposal fails, because it conflicts not only with Frege's views of abstraction principles but also with slingshot arguments (including one presented by Drai herself) that accurately reflect Frege's commitment to the view that sentences alike in truth–value have the same Bedeutung. While Drai helpfully connects Frege's views of abstraction principles with such slingshot arguments, this connection cannot become fully clear until we recognise that Frege rejects unique ultimate analysis.  相似文献   

This study examines women’s representation in Spanish national online newspapers. For this purpose, we developed an automatic content analysis method to analyze an extensive sample of 34,235 news articles gathered from March to May 2006. Our general objective was to investigate possible gender bias in Spanish online news. To do so we focused on three journalistic routines, one at the individual level of the reporter (gender) and two at the media routine level (sections, publication day, and article length). The results of the estimated multivariate models revealed that women are still linked to traditionally “female” sections, such as people, society, and culture. Analysis of article length and publication day showed that women appear more frequently in shorter news items and in the Sunday news, which we interpreted as indicators of male association with newsworthiness. We also found differences in gender reporting since female journalists tend to include more women in the news they report than their male peers. These results provide evidence that online newspapers continue to perpetuate underrepresentation, stereotyping, and discrimination of women in web news thereby reinforcing gender inequality.  相似文献   

Three approaches are presented in this commentary on ethical conflicts in the practice of community psychology. The first is the prevention of such conflicts, in contrast with ways in which conflicts can be coped with or resolved. The second is a re-examination of the roles of the community psychologist, and of how a modification of these roles could reduce the likelihood that ethical conflicts would arise. And, finally, a more general problem is pointed out concerning the fact that communities do not generate funds sufficient to meet the needs of their citizens. Community psychologists are drawn into ethical conflicts revolving around the allocation of funds if and when these conditions prevail.  相似文献   


This paper argues that Foucault's late, unpublished lectures present a model for evaluating those ethical authorities who claim to speak truthfully. In response to those who argue that claims to truth are but claims to power, I argue that Foucault finds in ancient practices of parrhesia (fearless speech) a resource by which to assess modern authorities' claims in the absence of certain truth. My preliminary analytic framework for this model draws exclusively on my research of his unpublished lectures given at the Collège de France between 1982–84. I argue that this model proceeds in three stages: the truth‐teller is first established as independently authoritative, he is subsequently tested under conditions of risk, and the encounter concludes by generating trust and a relation of ‘care’ with the audience. Foucault's model results in an ‘aesthetics of existence’ organized around a set of ethical practices, and thus offers an alternative to other forms of ethical subjectivity. In so doing, this model also critiques the place for risk in liberal political institutions.  相似文献   

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