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陈利 《社会心理科学》2006,21(4):121-126
社区民警是公安机关的基层单位,主要职责是维护社区稳定,保证社区人民生命财产安全。社区民警心理健康与否不仅关系到他们的正常工作与生活,也关系到社区百姓的安危。本文运用明尼达多项人格调查表(MMPI)和一般情况调查表,由专业测量人员主持,以100人左右为单位集体施测。对不同性别、不同年龄、不同文化程度的交警心理状况进行调查测试,结果显示辽宁省交通警察MMPI10个临床因子的均分都在常模范围内,说明辽宁省交通警察平均心理健康处于常态水平。但也存在一定问题,心理问题检出率是34.6%,基于以上调查结果。我们应给予社区民警心理健康更多的关注,尤其是男性、文化程度偏低、40~50岁年龄段的社区民警,尽快制定宁省社区民警心理卫生保健和干预对策,并早日付诸实施。  相似文献   

林刚 《社会心理科学》2005,20(5):184-188
依据心理学的基本理论,结合实际经验,对服刑人员在教育改造中如何进行心理测试工作进行了探讨,并结合实际情况,提出了心理测试是对服刑人员进行心理咨询的基础以及对如何进行心理咨询提出了可行性的措施。  相似文献   

为了解广州市监狱男性服刑人员情绪智力状况,采用随即抽样法对300名监狱男性服刑人员进行问卷调查。结果表明:①人口学变量对调控他人情绪、运用情绪的影响比较大,其次是自我调控情绪,最后是感知情绪。②学历高的、职业地位高的男性服刑人员更容易感知情绪。③学历高的、年龄小,家庭比较贫穷的男性服刑人员更容易进行自我情绪的调控。④在调控他人情绪方面,非独生、学历高、年龄大、入监前社会地位高的职业者、已婚、无期的男性服刑人员表现更好。⑤在运用情绪方面,非独生、学历高、年龄小、家庭经济状况比较富裕、无期的男性服刑人员表现比较好。结论:男性服刑人员在自我调控情绪、运用情绪方面表现比较好,总体情绪智力为中上水平。  相似文献   

女性服刑人员的心理健康与监禁因素的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李力 《社会心理科学》2004,19(2):120-122
目的:探讨女性服刑人员的心理健康与原刑期、余刑、关押时间等监禁因素的关系,方法:采用症状自评量表(scl-90)、服刑人员档案和自编项目问卷收集有关数据资料,对378名女性服刑人员进行测查。结果:方差分析结果说明原刑期、余刑、关押时间不同的各组被试.其症状总分有极其显著差异,三种时间越长,被试的症状总分越高。结论:女性服刑人员的心理健康有极其显著差异。三种时间越长,心理健康越差;时间越短,心理健康越好。  相似文献   

张龙 《社会心理科学》2004,19(4):120-121
归因与态度理论在服刑人员改造中的应用,有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

目的:了解监狱服刑人员的希望类型及特点,为从希望入手对监狱服刑人员进行心理干预的提供思路。方法采用问卷调查和访谈法。被试选自某市5所监狱,共83名服刑人员。结果:(1)服刑人员的希望主要分为六类:早日回家、监狱生活的改善、身体健康、出监后生活的好、国家强大与司法公正、其他;(2)不同刑期和不同服刑阶段的服刑人员希望类型有所差异。结论:(1)服刑人员的希望对结果的期待较多而实现的方式较单一;(2)增加实现希望的路径是对服刑人员进行心理干预的重要思路。  相似文献   

目的探讨降低服刑人员吸烟率的方法和措施。方法对Russell吸烟原因问卷进行修订添加一个社交需要维度以使其更符合中国国情,对修订后的问卷进行信效度检验符合要求后,采用分层随机抽样法抽取157名吸烟的服刑人员进行吸烟原因调查。结果服刑人员在各个因子上占的比列都较高,在享乐、镇静、刺激和社交等因子上比例更是达到了50%以上。结论服刑人员的吸烟原因和需求是多样化的,彼此间都占有较高的比例。引导服刑人员戒烟具有一定的意义和价值。  相似文献   

犯抢劫罪服刑人员心理特点及矫治对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1、目的:通过心理测试发现犯抢劫罪服刑人员的心理特征,并针对此类服刑人员的心理特征探讨相应矫治对策。2、方法:采用司法部监狱管理局“中国罪犯心理测试”课题组研制的《中国罪犯心理测试个性分测验——COPA-PI)》试用版进行测试。3、结果:经测试发现抢劫罪服刑人员的心理特征具有明显特点。4、结论:应根据相应心理特点采用对应的矫治对策,以提高改造服刑人员的针对性与有效性。  相似文献   

目的:探究社区矫正人员心理需求理论。方法:运用扎根理论,在文献查阅和田野调查的基础上编写访谈稿,抽取20人访谈,将访谈稿转录后筛出15份,运用Nvivo11软件分析。结果:社区矫正人员的心理需求包括三大类属:接纳现实,维护自我形象,恢复和重建;三大需求具有心理过程上的阶段性,并在回归社会和心理健康水平上有递进关系;针对社区矫正人员、其家人、社区矫正工作人员、社区矫正心理工作者,提出“明白事、接纳人、好发展”的建议。结论:初步得出有中国特色的社矫人员心理需求理论。  相似文献   

言亮(化名),1963年出生,本科文化,因犯抢劫、故意伤害罪被判处死缓。去年年底第二次婚姻破裂、家庭解体,求询者因此焦虑不安,说"如果手里有刀,如果我老婆在我面前,我会立即动手,这样才解心头之恨",精神压力较大,导致身体、改造生活受到较大影响。本案运用多种咨询技能及合理情绪疗法,经过六次咨询,心理问题得以解决。  相似文献   

Community psychology is rooted in community mental health research and practice and has made important contributions to this field. Yet, in the decades since its inception, community psychology has reduced its focus on promoting mental health, well‐being, and liberation of individuals with serious mental illnesses. This special issue endeavors to highlight current efforts in community mental health from our field and related disciplines and point to future directions for reengagement in this area. The issue includes 12 articles authored by diverse stakeholder groups. Following a review of the state of community mental health scholarship in the field's two primary journals since 1973, the remaining articles center on four thematic areas: (a) the community experience of individuals with serious mental illness; (b) the utility of a participatory and cross‐cultural lens in our engagement with community mental health; (c) Housing First implementation, evaluation, and dissemination; and (d) emerging or under‐examined topics. In reflection, we conclude with a series of challenges for community psychologists involved in future, transformative, movements in community mental health.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to examine clinician, supervisor, and organizational factors that are associated with the intensity of evidence-based treatment (EBT) focus in workplace-based clinical supervision of a specific EBT, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). Supervisors (n = 56) and clinicians (n = 207) from mental health organizations across Washington State completed online self-report questionnaires. Multilevel modeling (MLM) analyses were used to examine the relative influence of nested clinician and supervisor factors on the intensity of EBT focus in supervision. We found that 33% of the variance in clinician report of EBT supervision intensity clustered at the supervisor level and implementation climate was the only significant factor associated with EBT supervision intensity. While individual clinician and supervisor factors may play a role in EBT coverage in supervision, our results suggest that an implementation climate that supports EBT may be the most critical factor for improving intensity of EBT coverage. Thus, implementation efforts that address the extent to which EBTs are expected, rewarded, and supported within an organization may be needed to support greater coverage of EBT during workplace-based supervision.  相似文献   

大学生心理控制感对心理健康水平影响的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李祚山 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1100-1102
本研究采用《心理卫生症状自评量表SCL-90》和《内控性、有势力他人和机遇量表》对300名大学生进行测试,探讨大学生心理健康与心理控制感的关系。结果表明:大学生在SCL-90中至少有一个因子得分大于或等于3分的占学生人数的25.33%,在性别和年级之间心理控制感和心理健康均不存在显著差异,大学生心理健康水平低于全国正常成人常模;父母的文化和职业等社会因素对心理健康和心理控制感水平会产生一定的影响;与心理内控倾向者相比,心理倾向于外在控制的人正性情感少,负性情感多,精神症状多,总体心理健康水平低。  相似文献   

深入了解我省社区卫生服务发展中存在的问题,随机抽样,现场调查。调查分析发现,社区卫生工作在我省呈现出蓬勃发展的趋势,但也暴露出了许多新的问题。应继续加强人才队伍建设,加强对社区卫生服务机构的监管,依法严格社区卫生服务机构、从业人员和技术的准入管理,制定细化的技术规范、操作规程,建立系统的考核标准、评价体系。  相似文献   

This mixed-method study examined the impact of a novel activity group on engagement in care. Thirty-two participants were recruited from National Health Service (NHS) community mental health services in three inner-London boroughs. Participants undertook eight weekly sessions of supervised climbing. There was a significant quantitative improvement in the domain “individual progress” (Z = 2.12, p = 0.03). Qualitative data indicated a wide range of benefits. The study identified both direct and indirect benefits to continuity of care. The study validates the use of a climbing activity group to engage and benefit community mental health service users.  相似文献   

应用《心理健康素质测评系统·中国成年人认知风格问卷》对全国23个省、市、自治区的6432名成年人的认知风格进行了调查。结果发现:中国成年人的认知风格总体水平较好。比较不同人口学特征的成年人在认知风格各维度上的差异发现:(1)女性在灾难化维度上得分显著高于男性;(2)随着年龄的增长,成年人的认知风格总均分及各维度得分均呈上升趋势;(3)农村成年人认知风格总均分及各维度得分显著高于城市成年人;(4)随着受教育程度的提高,成年人的认知风格总均分及各维度得分呈下降趋势;(5)年龄段与受教育程度在选择性提取维度上存在交互作用,其中初中文化程度的老年组被试得分最高。  相似文献   

Mental health literacy (MHL) has utility for promoting peer-to-peer referrals to mental health support services among university students. However, there is a gap in the extant literature about the potential usefulness of MHL for supporting the mental health of community college students, a population facing a number of mental health conditions. The authors examined the construct validity and the utility of 3 dimensions of MHL as predictors of peer-to-peer referrals to the counseling center among community college students. Results of confirmatory factor analyses supported the dimensionality of the instrumentation and a hierarchical logistic regression analysis revealed that MHL was a significant positive predictor of peer-to-peer referrals to the counseling center. Implications for counseling practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

国外心理健康服务及其启示   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
徐华春  黄希庭 《心理科学》2007,30(4):1006-1009
在回顾了美国、瑞典等国家心理健康服务概况的基础上提出了以下启示:1.中国心理健康服务体系应以构建和谐社会理论为基础;2.在心理服务的教育与培训中,应当尽量兼顾普及知识与提高专业化水平两个目标;3.政府应当大力支持社区心理健康服务以及包含各种社区可用资源的综合性社区服务;4.中国心理健康服务必须从本国文化与国情出发,因此还需要更多这方面的文献总结与实际诃查工作;5.心理健康服务应当全面而有区别地实施予心理健康水平不同的人群。  相似文献   


This article examines the role of psychosocial and behavioral dimensions of terrorism that influence community preparedness and homeland defense efforts. Public health interventions will fail if people do not follow the recommendations. A broader public health model is applied to help identify the interactions between risk and safety appraisals, social factors, and behavioral response to uncertain and stressful situations. Community preparedness would benefit by linking disparate programmatic and advocacy initiatives that already exist. It stands to reason that improving the cohesiveness of existing systems of social organization would strengthen community resilience and serve as effective countermeasures for terrorism.  相似文献   

National surveys have shown that mental health problems are prevalent in long-term care and suggest that these settings are largely underserved by mental health services. Nursing home administrators are gatekeepers for mental health services in nursing homes. Administrators of Kentucky nursing homes were surveyed regarding their perceptions of mental health problems, current and future services use, satisfaction with services, and need for consultation. The response rate was 24%. Administrators appeared to underestimate mental health problems among residents. Most facilities were using at least one type of mental health service, but fewer residents received services than would be expected given the problem prevalence. Psychological services were underused, in spite of the fact that behavior management stood out as a major need. Psychiatry was more frequently used, but with less satisfaction. Results indicate significant financial and logistical barriers to mental health services. Future work is needed on developing, assessing, and disseminating models of effective service provision to long-term care.  相似文献   

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