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The present study examined the direct and indirect effect of coaches’ transformational leadership on athlete well-being. Participants were 184 floorball players who completed questionnaires about perceived transformational leadership from their coach, need satisfaction, and sport-related well-being. The analyses revealed positive relationships between perceived transformational leadership, need satisfaction, and well-being. The results also demonstrated that the positive effect of transformational leadership on athletes’ well-being was mediated by athletes’ need satisfaction. Furthermore, the results from this study add the previously unexplored outcome athlete well-being to the positive effects of transformational leadership in sports, thereby extending our knowledge of the transformational leadership process.  相似文献   

张蕊  李锋 《应用心理学》2017,(3):221-231
通过对550位员工的问卷调查,探究员工工作情感在变革型领导行为与员工心理健康间的中介作用。结构方程模型结果表明:(1)变革型领导行为与员工心理健康得分呈显著负相关;与愉快情感呈显著正相关,与不愉快情感呈显著负相关;(2)高激活愉快情感与心理健康得分呈显著负相关,高、低激活不愉快情感与之呈显著正相关,且中介变革型领导行为与心理健康间关系。变革型领导会积极影响下属的工作情感,进而对其心理健康产生积极影响。  相似文献   

We developed and tested a model in which transformational leadership affects sports performance indirectly, through the mediating effects of intrinsic motivation. During the season, 168 university athletes provided data on their perceptions of their coach's transformational leadership and their own intrinsic motivation. At the end of the season, their coaches assessed the performance of the athletes. Using LISREL VIII, three models were estimated following the sequence of mediator tests outlined by Kelloway (1996, 1998). The proposed model received considerable support. The results isolate intrinsic motivation as a mediator of the relationship between transformational leadership and sports performance, suggesting that transformational leadership may enhance intrinsic interest in the task.  相似文献   

隋杨  王辉  岳旖旎  Fred Luthans 《心理学报》2012,44(9):1217-1230
通过对国内一家企业共785位员工及其直接主管的问卷调查, 考察了下属心理资本在变革型领导与下属工作绩效及满意度之间关系的中介作用以及程序公平对该关系的调节作用。研究结果显示:1)下属的心理资本与其工作绩效和满意度正向相关; 2)下属的心理资本部分中介了变革型领导对下属工作绩效及满意度的正向关系; 3) 下属的程序公平调节了变革型领导对下属心理资本的影响。具体而言, 下属的程序公平感越高, 变革型领导与下属心理资本的正向关系越强, 反之越弱; 4) 进一步地, 程序公平调节了下属心理资本对变革型领导-工作绩效和满意度的中介作用, 即:程序公平感越高, 变革型领导通过心理资本对下属的工作绩效和满意度所产生的作用就越强, 反之越弱。最后讨论了该研究的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

认真性与下属工作满意感--变革型领导的中介作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孟慧 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1237-1239
对85名企业管理人员的认真性特质、变革型领导风格与下属工作满意感的关系进行了研究,多元回归分析的结果表明,我国企业管理人员的认真性特质能够有效地预测下属的工作满意感,其中下属知觉的变革型领导是管理者的认真性和下属工作满意感之间关系的中介变量,而这一中介效用主要是通过变革型领导的两个子维度——领导魅力和智力激发来实现的。  相似文献   

Previous research has pointed to the importance of transformational leadership in facilitating employees' creative outcomes. However, the mechanism by which transformational leadership cultivates employees' creative problem‐solving capacity is not well understood. Drawing on theories of leadership, information processing and creativity, we proposed and tested a model in which psychological safety and reflexivity mediate the effect of transformational leadership and creative problem‐solving capacity. The results of survey data collected at three points in time indicate that transformational leadership facilitates the development of employees' creative problem‐solving capacity by shaping a climate of psychological safety conducive to reflexivity processes. However, the findings also indicate that psychological safety is related both directly and indirectly, through reflexivity, to employees' creative problem‐solving capacity. This study sheds further light on the ways in which transformational leaders help to develop and cultivate employees' capacity for creative problem‐solving.  相似文献   


Given the apparent magnitude of the problems related to workaholism, the current research was designed to provide evidence about the impact of both personal and organizational variables on determining health-damaging work habits of the employees. This paper presents a study aimed at clarifying the mediating role that work motivation plays in the relationship between the perceived transformational leadership style and workaholism. Based on the Self-Determination Theory and the Job Demands–Resources model, we hypothesized that transformational leadership should be directly related to the lower levels of workaholism, whereas the indirect effect of transformational leadership was expected to increase the levels of workaholism through work motivation of the employees. Two hundred and fifty Lithuanian employees participated in the empirical study. The results confirmed the expected relationship between transformational leadership and workaholism via work motivation showing that the negative role of transformational leadership in workaholism is explained by its positive influence on intrinsic motivation, as well as introjected, integrated, identified regulations, which, in turn, enhance the employees’ workaholism.  相似文献   

为了探讨变革型领导、教师社会情感能力、教师幸福感和教师职业倦怠之间的关系,研究采用变革型领导量表、社会情感能力量表、幸福感量表和职业倦怠量表对北京791名教师进行调查。结果显示:(1)变革型领导与教师职业倦怠显著负相关;(2)教师社会情感能力在变革型领导和教师职业倦怠之间起独立中介作用;(3)教师幸福感在变革型领导和教师职业倦怠之间起独立中介作用;(4)教师社会情感能力和教师幸福感在变革型领导和教师职业倦怠间起链式中介作用。变革型领导不仅是直接预测教师职业倦怠的重要外部环境因素,而且变革型领导还能通过教师社会情感能力和教师幸福感这两个内部因素的中介作用间接预测教师职业倦怠。  相似文献   

变革型领导与员工工作态度:心理授权的中介作用   总被引:45,自引:2,他引:45  
李超平  田宝  时勘 《心理学报》2006,38(2):297-307
研究的主要目的是考察变革型领导与员工满意度、组织承诺之间的关系,以及变革型领导的作用机制,即变革型领导是否会通过心理授权影响员工工作态度。利用14家企业744份调查问卷的结果,采用结构方程模型技术对变革型领导、心理授权、员工满意度、组织承诺之间的关系进行了交叉验证分析。结果表明,愿景激励与德行垂范对组织承诺与员工满意度有显著的影响,而领导魅力与个性化关怀只对员工满意度有显著的影响;心理授权对变革型领导与员工工作态度的关系具有一定的中介作用,愿景激励与德行垂范通过工作意义影响员工满意度与组织承诺;愿景激励通过自我效能影响组织承诺  相似文献   

Although transformational leadership (TL) is considered a kind of positive leadership, which can elevate followers in the long term, the mechanism of how TL influences employee well‐being remains a relatively untouched area. Based on survey data collected from 745 employees from the People's Republic of China (Beijing, n= 297; Hong Kong, n= 448), results revealed that employees' trust in the leader and self‐efficacy partially mediated the influence of TL on job satisfaction, and fully mediated the influence of TL on perceived work stress and stress symptoms. Implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed. Bien que le leadership transformationnnel (TL) soit considéré comme une sorte de leadership positif qui peut faire progresser les suiveurs sur le long terme, le mécanisme par lequel TL contribue à leur bien être reste relativement inexploré. Les résultats basés sur des données collectées auprès d’un échantillon de 745 employés de la République Populaire de Chine (Beijin, n = 297; Hong Kong, n = 448), montrent que la confiance des suiveurs dans le leader et l’auto‐efficacité sont en partie dus à l’influence du TL sur la satisfaction au travail et sont entièrement dus à l’influence du TL sur le stress perçu au travail et les symptômes de stress. Les implications de ces résultats pour la recherche et la pratique sont discutées.  相似文献   

Literature reviews have repeatedly emphasized the need to further investigate relationships between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and micro-organizational variables. The present research attempts to address this call by examining the direct and indirect relationship between individual perceptions of CSR and employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). Multiphasic data from 207 workplace supervisor–subordinate dyads recruited from an online panel were analyzed to show that organizational identification mediated the relationship between CSR and OCBs. Furthermore, supervisor transformational leadership style moderated the mediation, such that the indirect effect of the organizational identification on the relationship between CSR and OCBs became nonsignificant under low transformational leadership. Based on these results, we make suggestions for using embeddedness programs to improve perceptions of CSR.  相似文献   

本研究基于综合激励理论考察了领导效能和职业认同在胜任力与农村小学校长工作满意度关系中的链式中介效应,使用胜任力量表、领导效能量表、职业认同量表和工作满意度量表对随机抽取的269名农村小学校长进行调查。研究显示:(1)胜任力、领导效能、职业认同与工作满意度这四个变量均两两显著正相关;(2)胜任力、领导效能、职业认同均显著正向预测农村小学校长工作满意度,胜任力、领导效能会正向预测职业认同,胜任力会正向预测领导效能;(3)领导效能中介了胜任力与农村小学校长工作满意度之间的关系;(4)职业认同中介了领导效能与农村小学校长工作满意度之间的关系。因此,领导效能和职业认同在胜任力与农村小学校长工作满意度之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of inclusive leadership on employee well-being and innovative behavior. We also investigated the mediating role of person-job fit in these relationships. We tested these effects on a sample of 207 employees in five telecommunication companies in Vietnam, using a questionnaire survey. The results showed that inclusive leadership is positively related to employee well-being and innovative behavior, and that person-job fit mediates these relationships. The study makes theoretical contributions to the literature of leadership and organizational psychology, and suggests useful managerial implications for organizations to boost employee well-being and innovative behavior. Taking a cultural approach, this study provides empirical cross-cultural validity of the effect of inclusive leadership on employee well-being.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between failure-related action orientation and life satisfaction, with a primary focus on confirmation of the mediating role of forgivingness in Chinese college students. 277 participants (165 males and 112 females) from Mainland China completed a subscale of the Action Control Scale (ACS-90) called the Failure-related Action Orientation Scale (AOF), the Tendency to Forgive Scale (Brown in Personal Soc Psychol Bull 29(6):759–771, 2003) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al. in J Personal Assess 49(1):71–75, 1985). Results from structural equation modeling showed that forgivingness partially mediated the relationship between failure-related action orientation and life satisfaction. Moreover, AOF, forgivingness and life satisfaction did not differ across gender or age groups. Implications for the model of failure-related action orientation, forgivingness and life satisfaction in college students are discussed.  相似文献   

教师工作满意感与工作绩效:职业倦怠的中介效用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本研究通过考察398名幼儿园和小学教师的工作满意感、职业倦怠和工作绩效状况,采用纵向研究方法,借助于结构方程模型建构,以揭示其工作满意感、职业倦怠与工作绩效三者之间的关系。结果表明,(1)工作满意感对工作绩效存在显著的影响;(2)工作满意感通过职业倦怠中情感耗竭维度的中介作用影响教师的工作绩效;(3)职业倦怠中人格解体维度和成就感低落维度对工作绩效没有显著影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify the role of team resilience on different facets of effectiveness (team viability and quality of the group experience). Moreover, given the importance of team resilience for the organizational context, it was also our aim to contribute to the study of the conditions that promote team resilience, analyzing the role of transformational leadership. Finally, we examined whether the relationship between transformational leadership and team resilience stimulates positive team outcomes. Ninety teams (445 employees from 40 companies) were surveyed and path analysis was used in the test of the hypotheses. The results showed a positive direct effect of team resilience on both team viability and the quality of the group experience. Moreover, a positive relationship was also identified between transformational leadership and team resilience. Finally, support was found for the mediated effect of team resilience on the relationship between transformational leadership and the dimensions of team effectiveness considered. The findings of this study highlight the role of team resilience as an intervening process between transformational leadership and team effectiveness. Supervisors should promote team resilience, adopting transformational leadership behaviors, in order to contribute to increase team viability and the quality of the group experience.  相似文献   

This study examined the mediating role of job insecurity in the relationship between core self-evaluations (CSE) and job satisfaction, while also investigating the moderating role of job insecurity in the mediated relationship between CSE and life satisfaction via job satisfaction. Survey data were collected from a sample of 346 full-time employees in Taiwan. We found that job insecurity partially mediated the CSE-job satisfaction relationship. Moreover, we found that job insecurity moderated not only the relationship between CSE and job satisfaction but also the mediated relationship between CSE and life satisfaction via job satisfaction. Specifically, both the CSE-job satisfaction relationship and the CSE-job satisfaction-life satisfaction relationship became stronger when job insecurity was low. Our results emphasize the importance of raising employees' CSE, which is beneficial not only for diminishing their perceptions of job insecurity, but also for boosting their job and life satisfaction. Practical implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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