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五分析哲学:牛津日常语言哲学罗素、摩尔等创立的分析哲学被称为剑桥学派,但摩尔不同于罗素的是他没有参加逻辑原子主义和实证主义运动,而是倡导“常识哲学”,注重对日常语言的分析,对英国分析哲学有很大的影响,实际上是开了日常语言哲学的先河,但对牛津学派的形成具有决定性影响的还是后期维特根斯坦的思想。我们已经看到,从弗雷格、罗素、前期维特根斯坦、逻辑实  相似文献   

在当代西方哲学中,分析哲学运动被称作“这个时代最典型的精神风潮”。这场运动为哲学研究引入了“高度严格的标准”,它的主要特征在于“与理性精神和科学的结盟,并致力于推翻思辨的形而上学和消除哲学上的神秘性。在方法论上,它是与新的逻辑作为哲学洞见之来源相关联的,并且后来在哲学的语言转向之后与主要地和细致地关注语言及其用法相关联...  相似文献   

分析哲学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析哲学的一般性质分析哲学的观点一般地说,分析哲学是把“语言分析”作为一个研究主题的各种现代哲学的总称。但是,它并不是有关语言学的东西。它时常被人认为是方法,而不是综合性的哲学体系。这意味着分析哲学的课题在于探讨以往的思辨哲学或者批判形而上学。在分析哲学看来,以往的思辨哲学或者形而上学的争论和错误的根源都在于语言的误用。因而,“以语言逻辑分析克服形而上学”,就成了分析哲学的主题。维特根斯坦说:“哲学家们的大多数问题和命题的来由是我们不理解我们的语言逻辑。”因此,“哲学的目的是思想的逻辑净化”。也就是说,“一切哲学都是语言的批判”。可以说,他  相似文献   

仁,是一个古老的哲学命题,也是中华民族历代思想家对人际关系的沉思和伦理道德的调适。从“孔子贵仁”,到孟子“仁政”,再到朱子“仁统四端”,直到近代康有为、谭嗣同论仁,都植根于中国本土文化,追踪时代的脉动,不断更新其内容。从发展形式上观察,中华仁学是开放的而非封闭的,是动态的而非静态的,是新陈代谢的而非一成不变的。孔孟儒家的仁思想是中国古代哲学意义上的仁,而康有为论仁尤其是谭嗣同著《仁学》一书则是把儒学近代化,用近代价值观念对古代儒学进行了新的诠释和重建,把儒学的思想核心仁从传统引入现代。从仁思想发展的价值取向总体上判断,康有为谭嗣同对仁的新解说,标志着中国古典仁思想的终结和近代仁思想的形成。本文把康有为谭嗣同的仁思想称之为“新仁学”,以区别于前此的中世纪“旧仁学”,并从本质与特征上进行必要的归纳与演绎,以便从哲学思想发展史上审视它推动中华民族价值观念进步的意义。  相似文献   

“否定(negative)”是一个基本的哲学范畴。近年来,国际学术界对这一范畴的研究再次兴起热潮,这方面的文献涉及逻辑、哲学、语言学、计算机等领域。本文试图从逻辑与哲学的角度,对一些有代表性的“否定”概念的类型与特征进行一番分析。1.传统逻辑的否定概念从某种意义上说,传统逻辑作为二值逻辑,是以排中律的普适性为特征的。它断定某个命题或思想要么是真的,要么是假的,真与假构成一对否定概念,二者必居其一。因此,对“真”的否定得到的是“假”,对“假”的否定得到的是“真”。在传统逻辑的公理系统中,否定是一个逻辑常项…  相似文献   

方以智是明清之际唯物主义思想家。他对哲学、自然科学都作出了贡献。本文仅就方以智哲学思想的科学基础作些探讨,以就教于读者。 方以智的唯物主义思想主要表现在《物理小识》和《通雅》中。《物理小识》中“一切物皆气所为也。空皆气所实也。物有则空亦有则”(卷一,长白本,第3页)的光辉命题相似于笛卡尔的物质存在无真空说。 物质是运动的,运动是有规律的,方以智称之为“秩序变化之原”。他在《药地炮庄》中说:“物呈帝则,知而无知,出入以度,不  相似文献   

所谓后哲学,也就是元哲学(metaphilosophy),是指超越于哲学之上对哲学的一种理解。依我之见,维特根斯坦哲学的难点就在于其独特的哲学观,也就是其对“哲学”概念的元理解(即后哲学)。导致我们对维氏哲学认识混乱的原因之一就是因为我们在对哲学家的思想进行理解时,时常凭籍以往形式的某种哲学观,而大多忽略了哲学家本人的“哲学”概念的特殊理解。  相似文献   

“凡是不可说的东西,必须对之沉默。”这是维特根斯坦《逻辑哲学论》的最后一个命题;之后,《逻辑哲学论》就保持了沉默。但研究者不可能保持沉默,而必须说明“不可说”的究竟是什么,为什么要保持沉默。当然,经过研究者的爬梳剔抉、精心阐释,在汗牛充栋的研究文献面前,“不可说”的东西已然露出了各式各样的“真面目”。本文试图给出另外一种诠释方案,期望在维特根斯坦与哲学传统的关联中诠释其思想的可扩展性。一在《逻辑哲学论》中,维特根斯坦严格限定了“可说”之“说”的内涵:(1)只有判断或命题才可能对世界有所言说;(2)命题而非概念或名…  相似文献   

杜君小真早年就学于法语学校 ,后来长期在法国学习 ,回国后仍经常来往于中法文化交流的旅途之中 ,而任教于北京大学外国哲学研究所 ,专门从事法国哲学的研究、教学和翻译工作 ,研究法国哲学 ,已经是她终身的事业了 ;国内学界曾经有点冷寂的“法国哲学”研究领域 ,逐渐繁华起来 ,不能不说有她一份劳绩在内。近日她从文章中选了一些辑集出版 ,知道我也喜欢法国哲学 ,寄来嘱我写几句 ,阅读之后 ,想说下面这些意思。“哲学”好像是一个“生命体” ,有自己的“活动” ,有自己的运动轨迹。就西方来说 ,它的“摇篮”是古代希腊 ,中古是它的生命受到…  相似文献   

C.S.路易斯的重要概念“悦慕”(Joy),意为指向超验的自然渴望,是理解其宗教学思想的关键。这是因为悦慕涉及“真”与“因”两重宗教学论域。对“真”论领域的涉及在于:以悦慕为核心的渴望证明,其演绎、归纳和溯因式的论证构建秉承了“真”论域的证据基础主义思维原则;且学者对该证明的评判也遵循了这一原则。对“因”论域的涉及在于:将渴望证明之结论视为有保证的严格基本信念这一做法表明悦慕可以是一种能够产生宗教信念的认知机能,虽(根据自然主义-进化论模型)该机能未必真能产生真信念。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties and clinical utility of the Children's Automatic Thoughts Scale (CATS; Schniering, C. A., & Rapee, R. M. (2002). Development and validation of a measure of children's automatic thoughts: The Children's Automatic Thoughts Scale. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, 1091-1109) in a large sample of anxious youth. The participants were 891 referred children and adolescents. Participants completed the CATS and a wide range of symptom measures, and were assessed via a structured diagnostic interview. Previous community-based psychometric properties were confirmed. The scale was highly sensitive to treatment change, and showed evidence of cognitive specificity with reductions in threat and failure beliefs, but not in hostility beliefs following treatment. The CATS demonstrated good convergent validity with related anxiety and depression scales, and moderate discriminant validity was found across anxious, anxious-depressed and anxious-oppositional groups. Implications for the assessment of child anxiety, and difficulties around children "faking good" on anxiety measures are discussed.  相似文献   

Anchoring in judgments is the tendency for the final judgment to be biased toward the initial estimate through insufficient adjustment. In the context of the detection of deception, it has been used to explain phenomena such as negative absolute leakage and the truthfulness bias. We examined the influence of order of judgment type on attitude ratings, accuracy, and the truthfulness bias. Receivers of communications should tend to anchor their judgments on the sender's attitudinal position if asked to make attitude judgments first and on the sender's behavior if asked to make truthfulness judgments first. The results partly support these predictions. Negative absolute leakage, accuracy, and the truthfulness bias were not significantly different for those who made attitude judgments before truthfulness judgments. However, results show that accuracy decreased as the session continued and there was no difference in the confidence with which truth and deception judgments were made, but there was a positive relation between confidence and truthfulness bias.  相似文献   

Drekalović  Vladimir 《Philosophia》2019,47(4):1111-1126
Philosophia - Platonists in mathematics endeavour to prove the truthfulness of the proposal about the existence of mathematical objects. However, there have not been many explicit proofs of this...  相似文献   

党的十六大将“三个代表”重要思想和马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小乎理论一道确立为我们党的指导思想,并提出必须坚持马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论在意识形态的指导地位,用“三个代表”重要思想统领社会主义文化建设。以“三个代表”重要思想为统领,是十三年来我国社会主义文化建设取得重大成就的基本经验。十六大报告提出的关于社会主义文化建设的一系列新的科学论断体现了马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质。作为文化建设战线上的广大伦理学工作者学习和贯彻十六大精神,就是要更加自觉地以“三个代表”重要思想为统领,与时俱进,努力促进伦理学研究工作的开拓创新。  相似文献   

We established realness as the relatively stable tendency to act on the outside the way one feels on the inside, without regard for proximal personal or social consequences. In nine studies, we showed that realness is a) a core feature of individual differences in authenticity, b) generally adaptive but largely unrelated to agreeableness, c) highly stable, d) reliably observable in dyadic behavior, and e) predictive of responses to situations with potential for personal or social costs. Informants both perceive agreeable motives in real behavior and recognize that being real can be disagreeable. We concluded that realness represents an important individual difference construct that is foundational for authentic social behavior, and that being real comes with both costs and benefits.  相似文献   

Some tendencies in modern education—the stress on ‘performativity’, for instance, and ‘celebration of difference’—threaten the value traditionally placed on truthful teaching. In this paper, truthfulness is mainly understood, following Bernard Williams, as a disposition to ‘Accuracy’ and ‘Sincerity’—hence as a virtue. It is to be distinguished from truth (a property of beliefs), and current debates about the nature of truth are not relevant to the issue of the value of truthfulness. This issue devolves into the question of whether truthfulness is a distinctive virtue of teachers, which they have a special obligation to exercise in the face of competing aims. This paper defends the idea of distinctive professional duties and considers two conceptions of teaching which ascribe a central place to truthfulness. The first conceives of teaching as a personal relationship within which trust, and hence, it is claimed, truthfulness, are paramount. This claim is challenged, and the paper concludes by sympathetically considering a second conception of teaching, articulated by Oakeshott and Heidegger. In this conception, teaching is a ‘releasement’ from ‘the daily flux’ of pupils’ lives through a truthful initiation into the alternatives to this ‘daily flux’ found within ‘the civilized inheritance of mankind’.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT To what extent is honesty or truthfulness morally obligatory in trade and advertising practices? It is argued here what while we have a general right, in business as elsewhere, not to be lied to, we have no general right, either in our business or other pursuits, not to be deliberately deceived. Certain restrictions on deceptive practices in trade and advertising, even unintentionally deceptive practices, are, even so, morally defensible: viz. where the practice would mislead reasonable people to a material degree or where it would mislead especially vulnerable people who are predictably unreasonable. It is suggested that a code of practice for trade and advertising which exaggerates the degree of truthfulness which is morally obligatory may actually be corrupting in effect.  相似文献   

This study investigated the reliability and validity of the Norwegian version of the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire. Three samples were used: (a) 344 male military recruits; (b) 142 psychiatric outpatients; and (c) 41 healthy controls. The Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire was found to have high internal consistency and satisfactory temporal stability. It correlated positively with the Beck Depression Inventory and was found to discriminate significantly between clinically depressed and non-depressed psychiatric patients and healthy controls. In general the results are satisfactory, suggesting that the Norwegian version of the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire has adequate reliability and validity properties. The Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire was shown to be a useful measure of frequency of automatic negative thoughts in both clinical and non-clinical populations.  相似文献   

A. D. M. Walker 《Ratio》1993,6(1):44-60
The paper examines a single, apparently simple argument for the existence of incompatibilities between the virtues as traits of character. This argument appeals not to empirical truths about human psychology or human nature but to the possibility of conflict between the exercise of different virtues in action. There are, for example, situations in which we can exercise the virtue of truthfulness only at the expense of not exercising the virtue of tact, as when we are asked a question to which the straightforward answer will pain our questioner. The person who in these situations would give a straightforward answer possesses the virtue of truthfulness to a higher degree than the person who would respond more evasively, whereas the latter person possesses the virtue of tact to a higher degree than the former. But since the two responses are mutually exclusive, it follows that the degree to which we possess the virtue of truthfulness must, at least in some measure, correlate inversely with the degree to which we possess the virtue of tact. And similarly for many other pairs of virtues. My paper focusses on the two cardinal assumptions of this argument, viz., (i) that sometimes the exercise of one virtue can conflict with the exercise of another, and (ii) that the degree to which a person possesses a virtue correlates directly with the extent of its exercise, and defends both assumptions against a variety of objections which allege that, in different ways, they are insensitive to the complexity of the virtues.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of a child passing or failing the UK truth and lies discussion (TLD) compared with the Canadian promise to tell the truth on mock jurors' decisions regarding witness credibility and truthfulness and defendant guilt. Ninety-two participants read a vignette that described a child witnessing his father physically attacking his mother. The vignette was manipulated for witness age (age 4 years and age 8 years) and TLD performance/promise. Supporting the hypotheses, participants rated the witness's credibility and truthfulness significantly higher after a witness passed a TLD and after promising to tell the truth. The age of the child witness did not significantly affect jurors' decision making. The results are discussed in relation to arguments regarding the abolition of the UK's TLD in favour of introducing a promise to tell the truth.  相似文献   

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