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The association between stress and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk is becoming established. A mechanistic link clarifying the intermediate steps between the experience of stress and the development of CVD would support this association. We sought to examine the role of perceived stress as a factor associated with disturbed sleep with the goal of providing an explanation for the stress-CVD connection. We performed a cross-sectional analysis of data recorded by subjects at entry to our CVD prevention program. Data collection included questionnaire surveys, anthropometrics, and a CVD-relevant laboratory panel. Of 350 consecutively enrolled subjects (mean age 54.4 ± 12.4 [SD] years, 138 men, 39%), 165 (47%) scored above the mean for stress measures. These high-stress subjects displayed an increased cardiovascular risk profile including elevated body mass index (mean ± SD 31.1 ± 5.9 vs. 29.0 ± 5.9, r(s) = 0.175), increased waist circumference (102 ± 17 cm vs. 98 ± 14, r(s) = 0.135), and elevated high-sensitivity serum C-reactive protein (0.384 mg/dl vs. 0.356, r(s) = 0.109). High-stress subjects also demonstrated greater daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale: 10.4 ± 5.0 vs. 7.8 ± 4.8, r(s) < 0.316), greater fatigue (fatigue scale: 5.4 ± 2.2 vs. 3.4 ± 2.4, r(s) = 0.484), poorer sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: 8.5 ± 4.4 vs. 5.9 ± 4.0, r(s) = 0.416), and shorter sleep duration (20 min less/24 h, r(s) = negative 0.177) with a higher risk for sleep apnea (60% at high risk vs. 40%, p = 0.003) than low-stress subjects. High stress was associated with significant disturbances in sleep duration and sleep quality. Stress levels also correlated with daytime consequences of disturbed sleep. The stress-sleep connection may be an important mechanistic mediator of the association between stress and CVD.  相似文献   

Social system responses to Huntington disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Huntington disease (HD) is an adultonset, genetic disorder with major psychosocial implications. Although many of the psychiatric symptoms of the disorder have been attributed to the HD gene, systems factors may also account for the disorder's manifestations. Three illustrative issues--patient preselection, the denial of symptom onset, and suicide induction--are discussed from the vantage point of family systems thinking. Recently developed capacity for presymptomatic testing of HD despite the current absence of treatment or cure makes it likely that family therapists increasingly will be involved in clinical work with individuals and families in which HD occurs.  相似文献   

Perceived stress and diabetes control in adolescents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies of diabetes control have traditionally focused on patients' regulation of insulin, diet, and exercise. Although psychosocial stress may also influence blood glucose, researchers have infrequently accounted for the three primary physiological factors when estimating the effects of stress. In addition, few investigators have considered the influence of everyday minor stressors on health outcome. The Tennessee Camp for Diabetic Children provided an opportunity to monitor insulin administration, dietary intake, and exercise levels and to obtain measures of blood glucose and perceived minor stressors. The best index of stress was one in which number and magnitude of negative stressors were combined into a cumulative stress measure. Negative cumulative stress significantly correlated with blood glucose levels after controlling for the effects of insulin, diet, and exercise. In addition, diabetes control tended to be better when adolescents, particularly boys, adjusted well to negative stress. These findings suggest that minor stressors can influence health outcome, but positive and negative stress need to be assessed independently.  相似文献   

Huntington’s disease (HD), an autosomal-dominant genetic disorder, has historically been viewed as a degenerative movement disorder but it also includes psychiatric symptoms and progressive cognitive decline. There has been a lack of consensus in the literature about whether or not cognitive signs can be detected in carriers before clinical (motor) onset of the disease, i.e., prodromal HD. However, recently validated mathematical formulas to estimate age of clinical onset, refined over the past 5–7 years, have allowed researchers to overcome the methodological limitation of treating all prodromal carriers as a homogenous high-risk group (i.e., whether they may be 2 or 15 years from diagnosis). Here we review 23 articles on the HD prodrome, all of which related cognition to a biological marker of disease burden (i.e., genetic load, neuroimaging). All studies found at least one cognitive domain was associated with disease burden in prodromal HD participants. There was greater variability in both the detection and cognitive domain affected in those farther from onset (or those with less pathology) while most studies reliably found declines in visuomotor performance and working memory in those closer to onset. These findings indicate that cognitive signs can be reliably detected in the HD prodrome when comparing cognition to additional disease markers, however, there continues to be significant variability on cognitive findings among large and methodologically rigorous studies. This may reflect true heterogeneity in the prodromal HD phenotype which must be further explored by analyzing intra-individual variance, determining demographic risk factors associated with decline/protection, and examining if particular HD families exhibit distinct cognitive profiles. These and additional future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

We use a population-based representative sample of older Taiwanese to investigate links between respondents' perceived levels of stress and a broad set of biological measures. These biomarkers were collected at a single time (2000) and reflect sympathetic nervous system (SNS)-activity, hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-activity, immune function, cardiovascular function, and metabolic pathways. We model the relationship between perceived stress and (1) extreme values for each of 16 individual biological indicators; and (2) a measure of cumulative physiological dysregulation based on the full set of biomarkers. We consider two measures of perceived stress, one derived from the 2000 interview and the second based on data from three interviews (1996-2000). Age and sex-adjusted models reveal significant associations between measures of perceived stress and extreme values of cortisol, triglycerides, interleukin-6 (IL-6), dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) and fasting glucose. Examined individually, numerous biomarkers, including those pertaining to blood pressure and obesity, are not significantly related to perceived stress. Jointly, however, the measure of cumulative physiological dysregulation is associated with both the level of perceived stress at a given time and to a longitudinal measure of perceived stress. Some results suggest that the relationship between level of perceived stress and physiological response is stronger for women than men.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to survey certified high school basketball officials during midseason to assess whether the sources and magnitude of perceived psychological stress would be consistent with previous studies of officials in other sports. The sources and magnitude of perceived psychological stress were measured among 324 high school basketball officials (N=324; 312 men, 12 women) using a revised version of the Ontario Soccer Officials Survey. The mean age was 37.6 yr. (SD= 9.4), and the mean years of basketball refereeing experience was 11.7 yr. (SD=8.3). A random sample (N=498) of all basketball officials in a midwestern state (N=1,011) was used, and 324 of the surveys were returned (65%). The overall variance accounted for with the four factors was 84.7%. The magnitude of stress for these factors ranged from below mild to moderate.  相似文献   

Perceived stress, quitting smoking, and smoking relapse   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Assessed perceptions of stress prior to quitting and at 1, 3, and 6 months following quit date. Self-reported smoking status was augmented by a bogus pipeline procedure at each interview, and abstinence at 6 months was verified by carbon monoxide and saliva cotinine. The analyses provide strong evidence for a relation between changes in stress levels and changes in smoking status. Those who failed to quit smoking for more than 24 hr maintained a relatively high and consistent level of stress over the entire 6-month period. For those remaining continuously abstinent over the course of the study, stress decreased as duration of abstinence increased. Increases in stress with relapse were found across all three panel lags (prequit to 1 month, 1 to 3 months, and 3 to 6 months), and decreases in stress with quitting were found across the two lags where that comparison was possible. The possibility that the relation between smoking and stress is bidirectional is discussed as a possible interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

Perceived sources and levels of stress were assessed with a rating scale describing the experience of stressors and stress responses and an unstructured self-report about the reasons of such ratings in 60 nursing students in their first and final year of hospital training. The results, which show a significantly higher report of stress in the latter group, also point to identifiable sources of stressors in hospital-based nursing training procedures. Several recommendations to alleviate these conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article we present a temporal model for understanding the relations between perceived control and posttraumatic distress. Although perceived control generally is seen as adaptive, a review of the research using a temporal framework reveals that the relations between different types of control and distress vary greatly. Specifically, present and future control tend to be associated with better adjustment and fewer posttraumatic stress disoorder (PTSD) symptoms, whereas past control tends to be unrelated to distress or associated with more distress. Following this review, we outline an agenda for future research on past, future, and present control and posttraumatic distress using our temporal framework and discuss general methodological issues that need to be addressed in future research.  相似文献   

Nearly two centuries ago, first observed that a particular pattern of speech changes occur in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD). Numerous studies have documented these changes using a wide variety of acoustic measures, and yet few studies have attempted to quantify any such changes longitudinally, through the early course of the disease. Moreover, no attempt has been made to determine if speech changes are evident during the prodromal period, prior to the onset of clinically noticeable symptoms. This case-control pilot study is a first attempt to determine if changes in fundamental frequency variability during speech, an acoustic measure known to be affected later in the course of the disease, are evident during the prodromal period. A retrospective analysis of videotape footage recorded and made available by a leading national television news service. Videotape samples were obtained for a single individual (and a well-matched control subject) over an 11-year period of this individual's life (7 years prior to diagnosis of PD, and 3 years post-diagnosis). Results suggest that changes in F0 variability can be detected as early as 5 years prior to diagnosis (consistent with findings from other laboratories that have relied on cross-sectional study approaches). This pilot study supports the utility of such a design approach, and these results warrant continued effort to better understand the onset of PD and sensitivity of measurement of voice acoustical changes during the prodromal period.  相似文献   

Predictive testing for Huntington disease is presently offered in a select few medical genetics centers in the United States. This is in part due to the labor intensive counseling and psychological testing suggested by the research protocols. We discuss some specific suggestions for establishing programs for Huntington disease predictive testing within pre-existing medical genetics clinics to encourage more centers to offer presymptomatic testing. This will allow more at risk individuals the opportunity to consider predictive testing and cut down the expenses of traveling to the few predictive testing centers that currently exist. The counseling principals will remain similar to those discussed here, even following the identification of the Huntington disease mutation.  相似文献   


Memory complaints among older adults are often influenced by depression and anxiety, but the association of stress to memory complaints has received little attention. We examined the associations of perceived stress, life events, and activity level to everyday memory complaints among healthy older women, while controlling for the influence of depression and anxiety. Participants (N=54) completed self-report questionnaires on memory complaints, perceived stress, recent life events, activity level, depression, and anxiety. Partial correlation analyses indicated that higher levels of perceived stress were associated with higher levels of memory complaints when controlling for the influence of depression and anxiety, but that life events and activity level were not related to memory complaints. This study highlights that perceived stress, like depression and anxiety, is a psychological factor that influences the appraisal of cognitive ability; however, larger and more heterogeneous samples will be needed to better understand the multifactorial nature of memory complaints in older adulthood.  相似文献   

The paper considers a case of acute paranoid-hallucinatory psychosis that made its appearance in the fifth year after the manifestation of hereditary chorea. A brief account of the problems involved in psychoses when hereditary chorea is present is given. These psychoses are taken to be functional psychoses as according to Wieck.  相似文献   

A sample of 457 (177 men, 280 women) undergraduate students were surveyed regarding perceived level of stress. Women were more likely than men to report an unacceptable stress level. To reduce stress, women were more likely to indicate a need to limit commitments, exercise, and worry less. Reasons for not reducing stress were lack of time and lack of self-discipline, both of which were reported significantly more often by women. The present data suggest health education interventions are needed to assist students in coping with the stress they experience.  相似文献   

This study evaluated cardiovascular responses (CVR) to an active speech task with blatantly discriminatory (BRC) versus neutral (NRC) stimuli and an anger recall task in a sample of Black men (N = 73; age 18 to 47). Diastolic blood pressure scores were higher for NRC versus BRC stimuli during anger recall (p = .05). Moreover, persons in the NRC group who perceived high levels of racism (vs. no racism or BRC group) during active speech showed larger increases in blood pressure across postspeech rest, anger recall, and subsequent rest (p = .03). The notable elevation in CVR in response to an ambiguous event extends current models of racism suggesting that subtle racism is a psychosocial stressor that erodes health through chronically elevated CVR.  相似文献   

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