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In the course of the past decade, I have found himself looking as much to poets and the experience of reading poetry as to the work of other analysts in my ongoing effort to become a psychoanalyst. Both the poet and the psychoanalyst are individuals whose life's work is that of making “raid[s] [on] the inarticulate” (Eliot, 1940, p. 128) in their effort to delve as deeply as possible into what it is to be human and to render that experience in the medium of language. To this end, I offer a reading of Seamus Heaney's (1987) “Clearances,” an elegy Heaney wrote for his mother soon after her death. I explore the ways in which the experience of mourning—whether in a poem or in an analytic experience—is not simply “conveyed” (as if illuminating something already there) but created in the very act of writing/saying the poem or of bringing feelings to life in words in an analytic session.

I begin by presenting a brief biographical account of Heaney not to “explain” his poetry in analytic terms but to allow the reader to create a more imaginative, more human reading of the poem as he or she enters into the conversation between the life of the man and the life of the poetry. Then I discuss the ways in which “Clearances” comes to life as a variety of coexisting forms of love that together shape an experience of grief.  相似文献   


This article surveys the missiology promoted in the writings of the Protestant missionary Karl Kumm during the first decades of the twentieth century. Kumm was famous as a missionary explorer. He was the first European to successfully cross the region known as the Sudan, from the Niger bend to the Nile. He was also notable because he founded two different missions in two different places in Africa, both aimed at evangelizing the peoples of the Sudan. Lastly, Kumm was significant for having constructed in his various writings a highly influential case against the evangelization of Muslims and for the evangelization of traditionalist people. Kumm, his ideas and actions helped shape government policy towards Christian missions and Christian–Muslim relations in colonial Northern Nigeria.  相似文献   

In his recent book, The Metaphysicians of Meaning (2000), Gideon Makin argues that in the so-called "Gray's Elegy " argument (the GEA) in "On Denoting", Russell provides decisive arguments against not only his own theory of denoting concepts but also Frege's theory of sense. I argue that by failing to recognize fundamental differences between the two theories, Makin fails to recognize that the GEA has less force against Frege's theory than against Russell's own earlier theory. While I agree with many aspects of Makin's interpretation of the GEA, I differ with him regarding some significant details and present an interpretation according to which the GEA emerges as simpler, stronger, and more integrated.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the religious conversion of the migrant Filipina domestic helpers in Hong Kong from Christianity to Islam. Religious conversion is found to result primarily from their romantic involvement or inter-marriage with Pakistani men. Their conversion behavior is analyzed in the light of the socio-political situation of their respective countries and the religious and cultural expectations of their community. Rambo's stage model of conversion is used to understand and explain the conversion processes.  相似文献   

早就听闻吴中越溪有座道教名山城皇山,山名有点像旧时皇家围苑狩猎之所,据传有此一说。九月中旬,我匆匆来到城皇山脚下,远见道院黄墙青瓦,连绵于城皇山巅,其时偶有薄云浮动,更使道院若隐若现,凭添肃穆。而天光已晚,错过机缘一次。而我心有不甘。十月,恰逢苏州市文联张君询我有无清静雅致之所小憩?心中窃喜,答曰:城皇山道院。遂借此成行。翌日,苏州市道教协会副会长、吴中区道教协会会长徐金泉道长很早地便在山门殿迎接我们,他手执拂尘,青衣白袜,一派道骨仙风。据载,城皇山道院始建于南宋淳熙年间,兴于清朝乾隆时期,毁于民初。期间,几度兴废,…  相似文献   

论学习型城市与城市文明的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要论述了学习型城市的理论溯源与基本内涵 ,并阐述了学习型城市与城市文明的关系。  相似文献   

生态园林与城市建设——以淮安市的城市建设为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态园林不同于传统的园林,而是一种现代园林,它重视因地制宜,关注城市与自然的谐和,是大众共享的而不是小众独享的,它不一定具有普适性,其意义只在于提醒人们,在现在城市的建设中,不能只讲技术,从而使千城一律,而应因地制宜,拯救(自然与文化的)差异,使建筑更适宜人"去居住".  相似文献   

In a between-subjects design, a Precautionary Measures Scale was developed to assess the extent to which 121 participants would endorse 19 precautionary behaviors if visiting a small town, a small city, or a metropolis. Results indicated high internal consistency for the scale, and a significant main effect for location. The effect for gender approached significance. Participants in the metropolis condition had significantly higher scores than did those in the small-town condition, and women tended to have significantly higher precautionary scale scores than did men. Further, participants classified as feminine on the Bem (1981) Sex-Role Inventory tended to have significantly higher scores across locations that did those classified as masculine.  相似文献   

城市伦理研究城市社会的道德问题。城市伦理研究所运用的是结构—功能分析、城市和乡村社会结构的比较、辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义等方法。环境的高度人工化、社会交往和联系的普遍性、职业分工的扩张趋势、价值主体的多元化构成了城市社会的道德机制。由此形成了城市道德的基本特征 :道德形成的共识性、价值的终极指向性、职业道德的社会化、功能上的整合性、适用的普世性、内容上的开放性。传统道德对当代城市道德既有消极阻碍的作用又有积极的构成作用。  相似文献   

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