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Previous studies consistently found that trait self-compassion is positively associated with health-promoting behaviours, and perceived stress mediates the relationship. The current study primarily aimed at examining whether state self-compassion varying from day to day (daily self-compassion) played the same role as trait self-compassion in improving health-promoting behaviours and whether or not perceived stress would be the mediator in this relationship. Eighty-nine Chinese employees were recruited to finish demographic information and the trait measure of self-compassion first, and then finish daily diaries for seven consecutive days. Daily diary measures included daily self-compassion, perceived stress and health-promoting behaviours including both eating behaviours and exercise behaviours. The results of 1-1-1 multilevel mediation analyses showed that, at both the within- and between-person level, daily self-compassion could positively predict daily eating behaviour through the reduction of perceived stress. However, daily self-compassion did not influence exercise behaviour at both levels. The results of 2-1-1 multilevel mediation analyses cross-validated the between-person relationships in the 1-1-1 multilevel mediation models. These results suggest that, both short-term interventions aiming at increasing state self-compassion and long-term interventions aiming at increasing trait self-compassion can benefit one's eating behaviours through the reduction of stress.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that self-compassion is related to numerous facets of mental health, but the role of cognitions in this relationship remains unknown. To examine the mediating role of cognitions in the relationship between self-compassion and anxiety, depression, and life satisfaction when controlling for self-esteem in Japanese people, we conducted two studies. Study 1 (N = 231) examined the relationship between self-compassion and affect by modeling negative automatic thoughts as a mediator; Study 2 (N = 233) tested whether positive and negative automatic thoughts meditate this relationship. Results suggested that both self-compassion and self-esteem increased positive automatic thoughts and decreased trait anxiety, whereas only self-esteem increased life satisfaction and decreased depression directly. Positive automatic thoughts increased life satisfaction and decreased depression and trait anxiety, and positive automatic thoughts mediated the relationship between self-compassion and negative affect. These findings suggest that both positive and negative automatic thoughts mediate the relationship between self-compassion and affect in Japanese people.  相似文献   

Social mentality theory suggests that the ability to be reassuring and compassionate to oneself relies on the activation of care-seeking and caregiving mentalities. In this experimental study, college students were randomly assigned to recall memories of care-seeking, caregiving, a combination of care-seeking and caregiving, having fun (active control group), or a no-treatment control group. Participants completed the memory recall task twice per day for four days and were assessed on pre- and post-test levels of self-reassurance. Findings showed a moderating effect of individual differences in trait care-seeking and perceived stress. In response to the caregiving interventions, high care-seekers exhibited increased self-reassurance whereas low care-seekers exhibited decreased self-reassurance. In response to the care-seeking interventions, highly stressed individuals showed increased self-reassurance. Findings suggest that fostering self-compassion/reassurance can be achieved for certain individuals by activating the interpersonal processes involved in care-seeking and caregiving with others.  相似文献   

IntroductionDespite well-established evidence on the relationship between social support and posttraumatic growth (PTG), there remains a paucity of evidence regarding the mechanism that underlie this relationship.ObjectiveThis study examined the relationship between social support and PTG, while exploring self-compassion as an intermediatory factor in this association.MethodA cross-sectional study with 447 college students was conducted in Trabzon, Turkey. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).ResultsResults indicated that perceived social support and self-compassion were associated with PTG. Furthermore, a significant indirect effect between social support and PTG via self-compassion emerged.ConclusionBased on the study findings, tailored intervention programs targeting self-compassion and perceived social support in trauma-exposed young adults may be useful for promoting posttraumatic growth.  相似文献   

This study examined the relation of self-compassion to positive psychological health and the five factor model of personality. Self-compassion entails being kind toward oneself in instances of pain or failure; perceiving one’s experiences as part of the larger human experience; and holding painful thoughts and feelings in balanced awareness. Participants were 177 undergraduates (68% female, 32% male). Using a correlational design, the study found that self-compassion had a significant positive association with self-reported measures of happiness, optimism, positive affect, wisdom, personal initiative, curiosity and exploration, agreeableness, extroversion, and conscientiousness. It also had a significant negative association with negative affect and neuroticism. Self-compassion predicted significant variance in positive psychological health beyond that attributable to personality.  相似文献   


The effects of perceived stress (PS) on the relationship between adaptive and maladaptive forms of perfectionism and burnout were examined. Smith's (1986) stress appraisal model and Kelley, Eklund, and Ritter-Taylor's (1999) model of coach burnout were used to test two models of burnout in a sample of college coaches (N=177). The results indicated that there is an indirect effect of self-evaluative perfectionism (i.e., maladaptive form of perfectionism) on burnout through PS as well as a significant direct link to burnout, accounting for 56% of its variance. In contrast, conscientious perfectionism (CP) (i.e., adaptive perfectionism) did not directly impact burnout, nor was there an indirect effect through PS. Based on Lazarus's (1999) ideas about stress appraisal, the results suggested that maladaptive forms of perfectionism resulted in more threatening perceptions of stress, thus, potentially leading to the experience of burnout. However, adaptive forms of perfectionism did not seem to result in increased appraisals of stress or result in burnout. The results did indicate a significant correlation between the two forms of perfectionism, which may explain why CP did not significantly impact PS or burnout.  相似文献   

This study examined the longitudinal and bidirectional association between parenting stress and relationship quality, and whether the associations differed between married and cohabiting couples, using cross‐lagged panel models (CLPM) and random‐intercept cross‐lagged panel models (RI‐CLPM). Using data from the Fragile Families and Child Well‐being Study, the findings indicated that the RI‐CLPM model provided a better fit to the data compared to the CLPM model for mothers and fathers. The RI‐CLPM results showed high levels of stability in parenting stress and relationship quality over time, that parenting stress was associated with higher levels of relationship quality for both parents, and that the between‐person effect was similar for married and cohabiting couples. This study highlighted the importance of accounting for between‐ and within‐person variability.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether brooding and reflection moderated the relationship between perceived stress and suicide ideation. It was hypothesized that brooding, but not reflection, would strengthen the effect of perceived stress on suicide ideation above and beyond depression symptoms. Hypotheses were supported. Results suggest the assessment of a brooding response style may help identify clients who are more likely to contemplate suicide when confronted with life stress.  相似文献   


Background: Acute psychological stress elicits increases in heart rate (HR) and anxiety. Theories propose associations between HR, perceived HR, and anxiety during stress. However, anxiety is often measured as a unidimensional construct which limits a comprehensive understanding of these relationships.

Objectives: This research explored whether HR reactivity or perceived HR change was more closely associated with cognitive and somatic anxiety during acute psychological stress.

Design: Two laboratory-based studies were conducted.

Methods: In a single laboratory session, healthy male (N?=?71; study 1) and female (N?=?70; study 2) university students completed three laboratory psychological stress tasks (counterbalanced), each with a preceding baseline. Heart rate, perceived HR change, and cognitive and somatic anxiety intensity and interpretation of anxiety symptoms were assessed immediately following each task. Data were aggregated across tasks.

Results: Actual HR change was unrelated to anxiety intensity, but was associated with more debilitative interpretations of anxiety (study 2). Perceptions of HR change were consistently associated with greater intensity of cognitive (study 1) and somatic (study 1 and 2) anxiety.

Conclusions: Perceived HR rather than actual HR is more closely associated with anxiety intensity during psychological stress. The findings have implications for stress management and the clinical treatment of anxiety symptoms.  相似文献   

The present study longitudinally explored sports coaches' psychological well-being (positive affect and integration of coaching with one's sense of self) and ill-being (negative affect and devaluation of coaching) as predictors of their perceived autonomy supportive and controlling interpersonal styles towards individuals under their instruction. Participants were 195 sport coaches who completed questionnaire measures at three time points across an eleven-month period. Controlling for social desirability, multilevel analyses revealed that within-person increases and individual differences in positive affect and integration were positively associated with autonomy support. Conversely, within-person increases and individual differences in negative affect, but not devaluation, were associated with increased use of interpersonal control. The indicators of well-being did not predict interpersonal control and the indicators of ill-being did not predict autonomy support. In their entirety, the present findings suggest that autonomy supportive and controlling interpersonal styles have unique correlates, and affective determinants may play a particularly central role in controlling interpersonal styles. Supporting the psychological health of coaches may lead them to create an adaptive interpersonal environment for their athletes.  相似文献   

Low self-esteem is usually linked to negative outcomes such as poor mental health, but is this always the case? Based on a contextual behavioural model, we reasoned that self-compassion would weaken the link between low self-esteem and low mental health. Self-compassion involves accepting self-doubt, negative self-evaluations and adversity as part of the human condition. In a longitudinal study of 2448 Australian adolescents, we assessed how self-esteem interacted with self-compassion in Grade 9 to predict changes in mental health over the next year. As hypothesized, self-compassion moderated the influence of self-esteem on mental health. Amongst those high in self-compassion, low self-esteem had little effect on mental health, suggesting a potentially potent buffering affect. We discuss the possibility that fostering self-compassion among adolescents can reduce their need for self-esteem in situations that elicit self-doubt.  相似文献   

基于当前抑郁的实证和理论研究现状,对大学生抑郁的形成过程进行探究。采用大学生生活事件量表、流调中心用抑郁量表、自尊量表、多维度多归因因果量表、大五人格神经质分量表,以882名大学生为被试展开调查。结果发现:(1)大学生生活事件、自尊、抑郁、神经质、归因方式等两两显著相关;(2)大学生抑郁的形成过程是多路径的,多层次的,既有生活事件对抑郁的直接作用,又有生活事件对抑郁的间接作用;既有归因方式的简单中间作用,又有归因方式和自尊的链式中介作用,并且神经质在自尊到抑郁的路径中起调节作用。结果表明,大学生生活事件对抑郁的影响是有调节的中介作用,对此进行有针对性的干预可以减少抑郁的发生。  相似文献   

Background: Athletic burnout is common when demands of the sport exceed the rewards. Individuals with certain personality dispositions, such as perfectionism, are at increased risk of experiencing perceived stress and subsequent burnout (Fender, L. K. (1989). Athlete burnout: Potential for research and intervention strategies. The Sport Psychologist, 3, 63–71. doi:10.1123/tsp.3.1.63; Gould, D., Tuffey, S., Udry, E., &; Loehr, J. (1996). Burnout in competitive junior tennis players: I. A quantitative psychological assessment. The Sport Psychologist, 10, 322–340. doi:10.1123/tsp.10.4.322; Stoeber, J. (2011). The dual nature of perfectionism in sports: Relationships with emotion, motivation, and performance. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4, 128–145. doi:10.1080/1750984x.2011.604789). Perfectionism has both adaptive and maladaptive dimensions, with the more maladaptive qualities leading to greater perceived stress (Hamachek, D. E. (1978). Psychodynamics of normal and neurotic perfectionism. Psychology, 15, 27–33.; Rice, K. G., &; Van Arsdale, A. C. (2010). Perfectionism, perceived stress, drinking to cope, and alcohol-related problems among college students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 57, 439–450. doi:10.1037/a0020221).

Objectives: This study examined the influence of perfectionistic strivings and concerns on burnout, and perceived stress as a mediator of this relationship in Division II and III specialized and multiple-sport athletes (N?=?351).

Design: Cross-Sectional.

Methods: Participants completed a demographic questionnaire and online measures of perfectionism, stress, and burnout during the latter part of the competitive season.

Results: Results showed a positive, direct effect of perfectionistic concerns on burnout. Stress partially mediated this relationship. Additionally, perfectionistic strivings had a negative direct effect on burnout for specialized athletes.

Conclusion: The relationship between perfectionistic concerns and burnout is partially explained by stress. Multiple sport athletes showed lower levels of stress compared to specialized ones. Finally, perfectionistic strivings are associated with lower levels of burnout for specialized athletes.  相似文献   

Research has documented the contribution of spirituality on overall health and mental health among college students. However, very few studies have explored the impact of cultural and ethnic differences on the effect of spirituality on mental health outcomes in this population. The aims of this study were to examine the relationships among spirituality, depressive symptom severity, psychosocial functioning impairment, and quality of life in a large multi-ethnic sample of college students and explore the impact of age, gender, and ethnicity on these relationships. The sample consisted of Latino, African-American, Caucasian, and Caribbean/West Indian college students. Findings indicated that spirituality, believing in God's presence, age, gender, and ethnicity were significantly related to depressive symptoms. These factors were also associated with impairment in psychosocial functioning and quality of life related to depression.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to investigate whether there are relationships between perceived partner responsiveness (PPR), co-regulation of negative affect between romantic partners and binge eating. Data were collected from 148 opposite-sex romantic partners (18–61 years old) with the mean relationship duration being 8.04 years. Dyadic data were analysed through the actor–partner interdependence model framework. We proposed a model where co-regulation between partners has indirect effects on the relationship between PPR and binge eating. Results showed that there was no direct association between PPR and binge eating scores of the participants. However, significant direct associations were found regarding both actor and partner effects of PPR on co-regulation between romantic partners. In addition, there were four significant indirect effects: Women's co-regulation had an indirect effect on the link between PPR and women's binge eating scores. Similarly, women's co-regulation had also a significant indirect effect on the link between PPR and men's binge eating. These findings are the first to illustrate a relationship between PPR and binge eating. This study is the first attempt to examine binge eating in terms of co-regulation processes.  相似文献   

Self-compassion (SC) facilitates healthy responses to stressful events among athletes. Existing findings are predominantly retrospective, however, and questions remain about the role of SC in college athletes’ daily emotion regulation and sport performance. Sixty-seven college athletes completed daily diaries for 14 consecutive days during their competitive seasons. We tested whether SC predicted 1) emotion regulation strategy use and effectiveness following negative events and 2) sport performance rebound following subjectively poor performances the previous day. We also compared the effects of SC with grit, sport-specific hope, and sport-related self-confidence, each in separate models. Results showed that SC and sport-specific hope predicted greater use of cognitive reappraisal in response to negative events. Interestingly, social support seeking was associated with higher negative emotions on average. However, higher levels of SC, grit, and sport-specific hope (but not sport self-confidence) mitigated this association. When athletes’ subjective performance during practice fell 1 SD below their two-week mean, SC, grit, and sport-specific hope predicted improved subjective performance during the next day’s practice by 7.8–10.9%. Sport confidence had no effect, suggesting that coaches and sport psychology consultants might consider shifting their focus toward cultivating SC instead.  相似文献   


This paper presents a survey of the relationships among multiple indicators of perceived occupational stress, trait negative affectivity, and later mental and physical health symptoms, among 157 Australian public servants during organisational restructuring. It was hypothesised that individual differences in negative affectivity would inflate the relationships between perceived stress and later strain as assessed by health symptoms in the follow-up phase. The possible role of negative affectivity in moderating the stress-strain relationships was also investigated. Multiple regression analyses conducted with depressive and physical health outcomes separately indicate that the only significant predictors of depressive symptoms were negative affectivity and role insufficiency, whereas the significant predictors of physical health symptoms were role ambiguity, physical environment, and negative affectivity. None of the interaction terms involving occupational stress and negative affectivity was found to be significant Implications of the findings are discussed in the context of the research literature on work stress, particularly the role of negative affectivity in inflating the stress-strain relationship and indications for future research.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: Workplace ostracism research has examined numerous underlying mechanisms to understand the link between workplace ostracism and behavioral outcomes. Ostracism has been suggested to be an interpersonal stressor; however, research has not investigated workplace ostracism from a stress perspective. Therefore, the study investigated the mediating effect of perceived stress for the relationships between workplace ostracism and helping behavior, voicing behavior, and task performance. The study also investigated the moderating effect of psychological empowerment for the relationships between perceived stress and behavioral outcomes.

Design: The study design was a three-wave self-reported questionnaire.

Method: The study sampled 225 full-time employees in South Korea and regression analyses with bootstrapping were conducted to test the moderated mediation models.

Results: The bootstrapped 95% CI around the indirect effects did not contain zero; therefore, perceived stress mediated the relationship between workplace ostracism and helping behavior (–.06), voicing behavior (–.07), and task performance (–.07). Further, the moderated mediation analyses found perceived stress mediated the relationships between workplace ostracism and behavioral outcomes only when individuals perceived low levels of psychological empowerment.

Conclusion: The findings suggest that workplace ostracism is a stressor and psychological empowerment can mitigate the negative effects of ostracism on behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

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