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口碑两极分化的产品, 指那些被许多消费者评价好的同时又被其他许多消费者评价不好的产品。随着个性化消费时代的到来, 满足个性化需求的产品遭受褒贬不一的口碑越来越普遍。当面临口碑两极分化的产品, 消费者如何认知? 哪些因素会影响消费者对口碑两极分化产品的偏好? 其中间机制与边界条件是什么? 回答这些问题对企业有效开展营销具有重要意义。口碑两极分化会提高消费者的购物风险感知, 引发“冲突”联想, 同时还可能使得消费者对目标产品产生感知独特性。这些特征契合了自我建构理论中独立型自我建构与依存型自我建构个体在独特性需求、冲突解决风格与调节定向方面的行为差异, 因而自我建构是影响口碑两极分化产品偏好的重要前因变量, 且独特性需求、冲突解决风格与调节定向是三条中介路径。购物风险水平、购物任务情境、消费场合公开性以及产品类型是以上中介效应的边界条件。  相似文献   

本文通过3个实验探究了地位感知变化对消费者地位消费行为的影响。研究发现,无论在感知到地位提升还是地位威胁的情况下,消费者对地位商品的购买意愿均会提升,然而两者却有着不同的作用机制。对于感知地位提升的消费者,自我提升动机在地位感知对地位商品购买意愿的影响中起中介作用;而对于感知地位威胁的消费者,自我补偿动机同时在地位感知对地位商品和非地位商品购买意愿的影响中起中介作用。在感知地位威胁的情境下,自我实现的新兴价值观具有强化消费者地位消费行为的作用,而谦卑的传统价值观具有弱化消费者地位消费行为的作用。  相似文献   

基于自我建构理论和情绪理论, 本文探讨了自我建构与广告诉求对品牌认同的交互作用、影响机制及边界条件。通过3个实验, 我们发现对于独立自我建构的消费者来说, 能力广告诉求更能提高品牌认同感, 而对于相依自我建构的消费者来说, 热情广告诉求则更有效; 同时我们也验证了广告诉求到愉悦感到品牌认同最终到购买意向的因果链模型, 并确定了企业类型对该机制的调节作用。  相似文献   

顾客为什么参与创造? ——消费者参与创造的动机研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
徐岚 《心理学报》2007,39(2):343-354
从消费者参与企业价值创造的角度研究了消费者创造动机与创造意愿之间的关系,结果说明,一般创造性理论所证实的认知需求并未对消费者创造意愿产生显著影响,而独特性产品需求、独特性体验需求以及创造激励对消费者创造意愿产生了显著的正面影响研究还发现,信任和创造激励分别调节了独特性产品需求和独特性体验需求与创造意愿之间的关系  相似文献   

消费者自我构念、独特性需求与品牌标识形状偏好   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场上品牌标识形状各具形态,它们已成为吸引消费者眼球的重要品牌要素,如何设计出科学实效的品牌标识形状已成为营销策略中基础而又关键的内容。什么形状的品牌标识更能获得目标群体的偏爱?本文从自我构念的水平视角出发,推论认为不同自我构念的个体在"独特性需求"上具有显著差异,由此形成对多角和圆润的品牌标识形状的偏好差异,独特性需求在自我构念与品牌标识形状偏好之间起中介作用。文章通过4个实验,一致证实独立型自我构念的消费者独特性需求更高,偏爱多角的品牌标识;相依型自我构念的消费者,独特性需求更低,偏爱圆润的品牌标识。但上述效应只存在于公开产品购买情境,当消费者购买和使用私人产品时,无论个体的自我构念是独立型还是相依型,他们对品牌标识多角与圆润的偏好没有显著差异。本文推进了自我构念、独特性需求、品牌标识形状等领域的理论研究,为企业在设计、调整品牌标识形状及制定配套营销策略方面提供了丰富的战略启示。  相似文献   

本研究基于解释水平理论视角,检验了消费者在群体购买情境中的冲动性购买行为.研究1采用2(解释水平:高vs.低)×2(自我建构:独立vs.互依)组间因子设计,用来检验解释水平是否调节自我建构类型对冲动性购买的影响;研究2采用2(解释水平:高vs.低)×2(认知模式:感知vs.模拟)组间因子设计,检验认知模式和解释水平对冲动性购买的联合影响.实验结果表明:群体购买情境下,消费者自我建构类别不同,冲动性购买意愿也不同,且受到解释水平的调节影响;群体购买情境下,消费者对他人认知模式的不同,对自身冲动性购买的影响也不同,解释水平在其中也起到了调节作用.  相似文献   

江红艳  王海忠  何云  朱力 《心理学报》2016,48(1):95-105
由于消费者和品牌之间的关系与人际关系存在许多相似之处, 反映人际感知的刻板印象内容模型为品牌感知研究提供了全新的视角。然而, 以往研究多关注品牌感知两大维度--“感知能力”和“感知温情”二者之间的作用关系, 鲜有研究同时基于公司层面和产品层面考察品牌感知不同维度的前因变量及其交互作用机理。鉴于此, 本文实验1考察了公司形象/产品属性超越的不同维度与“感知能力”和“感知温情”的对应关系, 在此基础上进一步发现公司形象和产品属性超越对购买意愿的协同效应。具体而言, 当公司形象为能力型时, 产品享乐性(相对于功能性)属性超越下消费者的购买意愿更高; 当公司形象为诚信型时, 产品功能性(相对于享乐性)属性超越下消费者的购买意愿更高。而且, 品牌赞赏感在上述协同效应中发挥中介作用。实验2探究感知风险调节公司形象和产品属性超越对购买意愿的协同影响。文章最后讨论了本文的理论贡献, 对企业如何实现公司形象策略和产品属性策略的协同促进等方面的营销启示, 以及未来研究方向。  相似文献   

以往有研究指出在线评论的不一致性会给企业带来负面影响,也有研究发现存在正面影响。之所以会存在两种截然相反的结论是因为,以往研究没有深入分析评论内容,忽略了造成不一致性的根源所在。通过引入产品属性及消费者调节定向,力图解释以往两种看似冲突的结论。结果表明:评论不一致性会通过影响消费者对产品的风险和独特性感知进而影响其购买意向;垂直属性评论(水平属性)不一致性越高,越会激发消费者的风险感知(独特性感知),进而降低(提高)购买意向;并且消费者调节定向对产品属性的调节作用会进一步调节。  相似文献   

本研究从消费者社会需求层面,探讨在中国新奢侈品会给哪些人带来优越感,什么样的产品可以带来优越感,以及为何会带来优越感等问题。本研究使用一个混合设计的实验,结果发现:(1)相比较非社会排斥状态,社会排斥状态增加了消费者的身份消费需求。(2)在产品炫耀性大时,相比较传统大众产品和奢侈品,社会排斥增加了消费者对新奢侈品的购买意愿。而在产品炫耀性小时,社会排斥的影响不显著;(3)社会排斥、产品种类和产品炫耀性三者的交互作用影响消费者购买意愿的中介变量是消费者感知的产品身份价格比。结论表明,相比较传统大众产品和奢侈品,炫耀性新奢侈品以相对低的价格满足了社会排斥消费者的身份消费需求,为他们提供了一个获得优越感的渠道。  相似文献   

王财玉 《心理科学》2005,(6):1416-1421
绿色消费虽然备受关注但消费者积极性却不高,这可能和个体差异性有关。为了考察绿色消费的积极性,本研究从个体差异的视角出发,引入购买时间距离这一变量,以揭示面对绿色产品的矛盾性消费者究竟更愿现在购买还是将来,决策模式是否会存在个体差异。研究发现,时间距离调节绿色消费观与产品购买意愿的关系,而产品价值感知部分中介了该调节作用。具体来说,绿色消费者不会受到时间框定的影响,而非绿色消费者则表现出时间框定效应即更倾向于在将来而不是现在购买绿色产品;这是因为绿色消费观以自上而下的方式影响绿色消费者动机加工,使绿色产品的价值感知较为稳定,而非绿色消费者的价值感知则根据购买时间距离的不同而变化。研究结果说明在生态文明建设日益紧迫的当下培育个体绿色消费观具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

姚卿  陈荣  段苏桓 《心理学报》2013,45(2):206-216
基于享乐品-实用品有关研究及购物冲量效应, 考察产品类型对购物冲量效应的调节作用及其内在机制。实验一通过现场研究验证购买实用品提高后续购买概率, 购买享乐品降低其概率; 实验二为实验室实验, 再次验证该调节作用, 并验证内在原因:购买享乐品更可能激发内疚感、花钱的痛苦甚至负面自我形象和高层次目标, 导致理由性思维占主导, 前次购买引发的应用思维定式受到削弱。相比于实用品, 购买享乐品引发购物冲量效应的可能性更低。  相似文献   

Mental accounting is the set of cognitive operations used by individuals and households to organize, evaluate, and keep track of financial activities. Mental accounting proposes that people utilize a set of cognitive labels to evaluate their financial activities, each of which is associated with different preferences to consume (Levav & McGraw, 2009; Kahneman & Tversky 1984; Thaler 1985, 1990). Mental accounting researchers have shown that windfall gains are spent more readily and frivolously than ordinary income. Consumers prefer to spend their windfall gains on hedonic consumptions but spend their ordinary incomes on utilitarian consumptions. Levav and McGraw (2009) suggested that emotional accounting, including people’s feelings about money, also influences consumer choices. When people have negative feelings toward windfall, they opt to make utilitarian expenditures. However, the process of how cognitive (windfall or ordinary income) and affective (positive or negative emotion) tags interact in consumer behavior was not explored. This study proposes that both cognitive tag and affective tags in mental accounting affect consumer decision making. The objective of this study is to explore the interactive effect of cognitive and affective tags in mental accounting on consumer decision through four studies. In studies 1a and 1b, the effect of cognitive and affective tags in mental accounting on consumer decision making behavior was measured. Study 1a showed that the positive tag of windfall income is preferred for hedonic consumption, whereas the negative tag of windfall income is preferred for utilitarian consumption. Both positive and negative tags of ordinary income are preferred for utilitarian consumption. Study1b utilized a field study to examine actual consumption behavior. The results showed that when people received 15 Yuan RMB as ordinary income, they prefer to spend it on utilitarian consumption regardless of the positive or negative emotion they feel. However, they receive 15 Yuan RMB as windfall income, they prefer to use it for hedonic consumption in the positive emotion and for utilitarian consumption in the negative emotion. Studies 2a and 2b attempted to explore the reason of negative emotion can make windfall income turn from hedonic to utilitarian consumption. Study2a found that when people expect to feel guilty about spending windfall income on hedonic consumption, they would avoid hedonic consumption. Study2b found that when people felt guilty about windfall income, they tend to avoid hedonic consumption. Compared with the low guilt level group, the high guilt level group prefers to use windfall income for utilitarian consumption. These results suggest that cognitive and affective tags influence consumer behavior. The influence of cognitive tag on consumer decision presents the “cognition match effect”, whereas the influence of affective tag on consumer decision presents the “affect match effect”. Both tags also have an interaction effect on consumer decision. Guilt may be a mechanism that results in the negative tag of windfall being preferred for utilitarian consumption.  相似文献   

Abstract The use of online video games as an advertising channel has become an integrated part of branding for many marketers in an increasingly fractured media environment. The primary question motivating this research is whether the use of an animated spokes-character embedded in online game affects the persuasiveness of advertising. Specifically, this study looks at how product types moderate the magnitude of such effects. The results show a significant interaction effect between character presence and product type on both brand attitude and purchase intention. The effects of an animated spokes-character on brand evaluation and purchase intention were more pronounced for utilitarian products than for hedonic products.  相似文献   

This article analyzes impulsive buying behavior in scenarios where the consumer's negative or positive mood, oriented by emotional situations, stimulates an uncontrolled instinct in relation to the purchase. Four experimental studies were carried out to evaluate the influence of the mood state on impulsivity in different scenarios of consumption: online versus face-to-face shopping (Study 1); product characteristics – hedonic versus utilitarian product types in online environments (Study 2); the individual characteristic of self-control in relation to the online purchase (Study 3a); and the individual characteristic of social value in relation to online consumption (Study 3b). The results demonstrate that consumers have greater impulsiveness within the online environment when they are in a positive mood, and that the positive mood maintains greater purchasing impulsiveness when the product is utilitarian, and when the consumer has low self-control and/or high social value individually.  相似文献   

Disrupting the concept of ownership in the digital space, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have created unprecedented market opportunities and captivated millions of investors. Characterized by artificial scarcity and ensured authenticity, the technical implementation establishes novel parameters for digital ownership and collecting, underscoring a research gap where the determinants of consumer behavior are yet to be studied. This paper presents a research model based on the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model to investigate consumers' purchase intention of NFT-based collectibles (NFTC) for the first time. To develop our model, we identified distinctive NFTC features (functionality, scarcity, aesthetics, and price value) and blockchain characteristics (security and privacy) affecting the utilitarian and hedonic attitude towards NFTC and finally shape NFTC purchase intention. For empirical validation, we conducted an online survey among an NFT-interested target group (N = 356) and analyzed the results by structural equation modeling with SPSS Amos. Findings indicate that the utilitarian attitude toward NFTC is affected by perceived functionality and price value from the product side, and perceived blockchain security and privacy from the technology side. The hedonistic attitude toward NFTC is shaped by perceived functionality, scarcity, and aesthetics. Both attitudes, utilitarian and hedonistic, demonstrate a significant impact on purchase intention. A subsequent mediation analysis confirms that NFTC and blockchain characteristics have an indirect effect on purchase intention. In the under-investigated interface of blockchain technology, digital ownership, and consumer behavior, this work enriches the digital ownership discourse by demonstrating how NFTC create consumer value through product and technology features.  相似文献   

Queue wait is a prevalent daily experience, with most prior research documenting its negative consequences on consumer outcomes. Recent research has suggested otherwise, revealing potential positive effects of queue wait. However, studies on the positive queue effects are rather limited and have largely neglected the role of consumers' affective experience in driving potential favorable consumer outcomes. Expanding this stream of research, in this article, we build on the queue wait literature and the curiosity literature to propose that the presence of queue waits generates feelings of curiosity and more importantly such curious feelings influence consumers' decision-making in fashions that enhance their purchase intentions. The boundary condition for this effect was also examined. Five studies provided empirical evidence: the presence versus absence of queue wait enhances participants' purchase intentions that carry real consequences (Study 1); this effect is mediated by participants' feelings of curiosity after accounting for quality (Study 2) or after controlling for quality (Studies 1, 3–5), and is stronger among participants with hedonic versus utilitarian consumption motivation (Studies 4 and 5). By documenting the curiosity account for the positive effect of queue wait on consumers' purchase intentions, this research adds to extant research on positive queue effects and expands the curiosity literature into the queue wait context. The observed moderating effect of hedonic versus utilitarian consumption motivation echoes with the curiosity account. Practical implications for marketers were discussed.  相似文献   

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