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Direct and Indirect Aggression: Relationships as Social Context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The studies reported in this paper examined the effect of social context—target gender and target relationship—on reports of direct and indirect aggression. In Study 1, participants completed the Richardson Conflict Response Questionnaire (RCRQ; Richardson & Green, 2003 ), which measured their direct and indirect aggression behavior in response to anger. Participants also selected a relationship partner to complete the RCRQ with reference to their own (i.e., participants') behavior. In Study 2, participants completed the RCRQ with reference to their behavior in response to anger with a romantic partner, a same-sex friend, and an opposite-sex friend. In both studies, relationship with aggression target was an important determinant of aggression, with more direct aggression occurring in romantic relationships, and more indirect aggression occurring in friendship relationships.  相似文献   

四巧板问题解决中关键启发信息激活的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢强  黄伟东  张庆林 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1389-1391
本研究采用四巧板问题为材料,通过操作源问题中的关键启发信息形成不同型的多个源问题,来探讨关键启发信息激活在顿悟问题解决中的作用。结果表明:原型事件中关键启发信息的激活是顿悟问题解决的关键机制;顿悟问题的解决是一个无意识的自动加工过程。  相似文献   

Young sexual minority men might cope with early stigma by strongly investing in achievement-related success. Sexual minority men (n = 136) reported deriving their self-worth from academics (d = 0.33), appearance (d = 0.33), and competition (d = 0.35) more so than heterosexual men (n = 56). Length of early sexual orientation concealment predicted investment in these domains (β = 0.19, 0.22, 0.24) and an objective measure of stigma predicted the degree to which young sexual minority men sought self-worth through competition (β = 0.26). A nine-day experience sampling approach confirmed that investment in achievement-related domains exacts negative health consequences for young sexual minority men.  相似文献   

This study examines some antecedents and consequences of social identification in military units. Data were collected from 2 samples in each unit: staff members and soldiers. It was found that identification with the unit was related to 3 categories of leader behavior: an emphasis on collective identity, an emphasis on shared values, and inclusive behaviors. Some of the effects of leader behaviors on members' social identification were mediated by their effects on unit culture. Some of the effects of leader behaviors on the social identification of more distant subordinates (soldiers) were mediated by their effects on the social identification of closer subordinates (staff members). Differential effects of leader behaviors on the 2 levels of subordinates were also discovered.  相似文献   

According to ‘Fitting Attitude’ (FA) analyses of value, for an object to be valuable is for that object to have properties—other than its being valuable—that make it a fitting object of certain responses. In short, if an object is positively valuable it is fitting to favour it; if an object is negatively valuable it is fitting to disfavour it. There are several variants of FA analyses. Some hold that for an object to be valuable is for it to be such that it ought to be favoured; others hold that value is analyzable in terms of reasons or requirements to favour. All these variants of the FA analysis are subject to a partiality challenge: there are circumstances in which some agents have reasons to favour or disfavour some object—due to the personal relations in which they stand to the object—without this having any bearing on the value of the object. A. C. Ewing was one of the first philosophers to draw attention to the partiality challenge for FA analyses. In this paper I explain the challenge and consider Ewing's responses, one of which is preferable to the other, but none of which is entirely satisfactory. I go on to develop an alternative Brentano-inspired response that Ewing could have offered and that may well be preferable to the responses Ewing actually did offer.
Jonas OlsonEmail:

Attention is given to a background idea that is often invoked in discussions about reasonable partiality: the idea of a moral division of labour. It is not only a right, but also a duty for professionals to attend (almost) exclusively to the interests of their own clients, because their partial activities are part of an impartial scheme providing for an allocation of professional help to all clients. To clarify that idea, a difference is made between two kinds of division of labour, a technical one and a social one. In order to assess the applicability of the idea of a moral division of labour to professional ethics, journalism is contrasted with other professions.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether patriotism and other forms of group partiality can be justified and what are the moral limits on actions performed to benefit countries and other groups. In particular, I ask whether partiality toward one’s country (or other groups) can justify attacking enemy civilians to achieve victory or other political goals. Using a rule utilitarian approach, I then (a) defend the legitimacy of “moderate” patriotic partiality but (b) argue that noncombatant immunity imposes an absolute constraint on what may be done to promote the interests of a country or other group involved in warfare or other forms of violent conflict.  相似文献   

Grit, passion and perseverance for long-term goals, is strongly related to success in goal attainment even under challenging circumstances. We investigated how grit relates to three aspects of well-being: psychological well-being (PWB), satisfaction with life, and harmony in life. This relationship is approached through organismic valuing theory, which proposes that people are naturally motivated to grow towards their highest potential; grit is proposed as being akin to such growth motivation. In two studies (Study 1 with 196 university students, and Study 2 with 396 non-students), direct and indirect (mediating) effects between grit and well-being were investigated. Sense of coherence (SOC) and authenticity were used as mediators, and gender as a moderator. Grit was positively related to all well-being factors, and SOC and authenticity were significant mediators (complementary for PWB and indirect-only for satisfaction with life and harmony in life). This suggests that grittiness in goal pursuits requires both a sense that the world is coherent and an authentic connection with the self in order for it to fully benefit well-being. No gender moderation was found.  相似文献   

Book Information Purple Haze: The Puzzle of Consciousness. Purple Haze: The Puzzle of Consciousness Levine Joseph New York Oxford University Press 2001 204 Hardback £22.50 By Levine Joseph. Oxford University Press. New York. Pp. 204. Hardback:£22.50,  相似文献   

生物医学工程引入新的人文问题。其认识主体、认识角度和学科范围都是基于工程的,实质是工程对医学的改造。"医学工程共同体"改变了医师结构和群体,使"医患关系"复杂化。"机器"思维使医学有变为"机器医学"的危险。生物医学工程加剧以"身心二分"为特点的当代医学人文困惑。  相似文献   

Sound-symbolism is the idea that the relationship between word sounds and word meaning is not arbitrary for all words, but rather that there are subsets of words in the world’s languages for which sounds and their symbols have some degree of correspondence. The present research investigates sound-symbolism as a possible route to the learning of an unknown word’s meaning. Three studies compared the guesses that adult participants made regarding the potential meanings of sound-symbolic and non-sound symbolic obsolete words. In each study, participants were able to generate better definitions for sound-symbolic words when compared to non-sound symbolic words. Participants were also more likely to recognize the meanings of sound symbolic words. The superior performance on sound-symbolic words held even when definitions generated on the basis of sound association were eliminated. It is concluded that sound symbolism is a word property that influences word learning.  相似文献   

Strahan, Robert. More on JCP publication: Single versus multiple authorship. Atkinson, Donald; Furlong, Michael; and Wampold, Bruce. Statistical significance, reviewer evaluations, and the scientific process: Is there a (statistically) significant relationship?  相似文献   

现代医学将治未病的理想变成了现实。对疾病危险因素的控制, 癌症前期病变的基因检测, ECT等高清晰度的影像技术对人体微细病变的勾画, 以及生命的正常过程、个人和社交问题的医疗化, 疾病诊断标准不停歇的放宽, 使得健康与疾病的界线愈来愈模糊, 医学进步到没有健康人了。区分生命正常过程与疾病的不同, 明确医学的边界, 避免医学对人体过度的破坏性的干预, 杜绝对医疗资源的浪费, 是当今医学迫需努力解决的课题。  相似文献   

生物医学工程引入新的人文问题.其认识主体、认识角度和学科范围都是基于工程的,实质是工程对医学的改造."医学工程共同体"改变了医师结构和群体,使"医惠关系"复杂化."机器"思维使医学有变为"机器医学"的危险.生物医学工程加剧以"身心二分"为特点的当代医学人文困惑.  相似文献   

Andrea Iacona 《Philosophia》2016,44(1):137-142
In the intriguing article The puzzle of the changing past, Barlassina and Del Prete (Analysis 75:59–67, 2015) argue that, if one grants a platitude about truth and accepts a simple story that they tell, one is forced to conclude that the past has changed. I will suggest that there is a coherent way to resist that conclusion. The platitude about truth is in fact a platitude, but the story is not exactly as they tell it.  相似文献   

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