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Since most studies which employ sociometric measures have either ignored the sensitivity of these measures to changes in group structure or have failed to indicate the relative sensitivity of the different types of measures across time and at different age levels, a way to categorize sociometric responses according to the usefulness in reflecting changes both across time and at various age levels was hypothesized. A total of 607 students in grades four through eight responded to a sociometric questionnaire. These responses were analyzed by obtaining test-retest correlations for choices given, choices received, and reciprocal choices. The results indicate that reciprocal choices are less affected by age and time changes than all other ways of interpreting sociometric data.  相似文献   

A partial replication and extension of the semantic differential was used to test the effects of modified middle interval instructions on rotated factor loadings derived from Ss' responses. The partial replication is in good agreement with the findings published by Osgood et al. (5). However, the results from Ss responding to the modified middle interval instructions differ markedly from those in published and control conditions, yielding an interpretable fourth factor suggesting the achievement of more subtle nuance of meaning.  相似文献   

Preferences often fluctuate as a result of transient changes in hunger and other visceral states. When current decisions have delayed consequences, the preferences that should be relevant are those that will prevail when the consequences occur. However, consistent with the notion of an intrapersonal empathy gap (Loewenstein, 1996) we find that an individual's current state of appetite has a significant effect on choices that apply to the future. Participants in our study made advance choices between healthy and unhealthy snacks (i.e., fruit and junk food) that they would receive in 1 week when they were either hungry (late in the afternoon) or satisfied (immediately after lunch). In 1 week, at the appointed time, they made an immediate choice, an opportunity to change their advance choice. Our main predictions were strongly confirmed. First, advance choices were influenced by current hunger as well as future hunger: hungry participants chose more unhealthy snacks than did satisfied ones. Second, participants were dynamically inconsistent: they chose far more unhealthy snacks for immediate choice than for advance choice. An additional hypothesis related to gender differences was also confirmed.  相似文献   

采用学习——测查的范式,以陌生视觉单词(韩字)为材料,考察了学习方法对陌生语言字形学习效果的影响。在学习阶段,材料分别以连续重复(集中学习)和间隔重复(分散学习)方式呈现6遍,在学习之后半小时、1天以及1个星期之后,分别进行再认记忆测查。结果发现,虽然随着测查间隔时间的增长,两种学习条件的成绩都显著降低,但是在三次测查中,分散学习的成绩都明显好于集中学习。这一结果说明在排除语音、语义等其他言语元素的干扰之后,以分散学习的方式学习新字形的效果好于集中学习。  相似文献   

采用经典的色词Stroop任务和天气预报任务范式,探讨反馈学习和观察学习两种方式以及不同抑制能力对概率类别学习的影响。实验采用2(学习方式)x2(抑制能力)被试间设计,随机选取204名大学生被试。结果显示:反馈学习的成绩显著高于观察学习;高抑制能力者的成绩显著高于低抑制能力者;反馈学习的成绩与意识知识出现分离。这表明,学习方式影响概率类别学习,反馈学习的效果优于观察学习;抑制能力影响概率类别学习,高抑制能力者的学习效果更佳;概率类别学习中同时存在内隐和外显两种学习系统。  相似文献   

The present study examined whether a set of demographic variables and stereotype threat could explain African-American/White mean differences in cognitive ability test performance. African Americans and Whites were found to significantly differ in stereotype threat and educational attainment of participants' fathers (i.e., father education). In moderate support of our study hypothesis, stereotype threat and father education partially mediated race differences in cognitive ability test scores. Implications for study findings are discussed, and limitations of the study are noted.  相似文献   



The 21st century work environment calls for team members to be more engaged in their work and exhibit more creativity in completing their job tasks. The purpose of this study was to examine whether team performance pressure and individual goal orientation would moderate the relationships between individual autonomy in teams and individual engagement and creativity.


A sample consisting of 209 team members and 45 team managers from 45 work teams in 14 companies completed survey measures. To test our hypotheses, we used multilevel modeling with random intercepts and slopes because the individual-level data were nested within the team-level data.


Hierarchical linear modeling showed that team-level performance pressure attenuated the positive relations between job autonomy and three dimensions of engagement. There were also 3-way interactions between job autonomy, psychological performance pressure, and learning goal orientation in predicting three dimensions of engagement and creativity.


This study highlights the importance of exploring the moderating effect of team-level task characteristics and individual differences on the relationships between job autonomy and individual engagement and creativity. Organizations need to carefully consider both individual learning goals and performance pressure when empowering team members with job autonomy.


This is one of the first studies to explore the association between individual job autonomy in teams and individual outcomes in a contingency model. We first introduced team performance pressure as a moderator of job autonomy and examined the 3-way interaction effects of performance pressure, individual job autonomy, and learning goal orientation.

Previous research has concluded that presenting individuals with the opportunity to choose is a viable treatment for escape‐maintained behavior. Considering that food refusal behavior has been generally described as avoidant behavior, the present study aimed to evaluate the role of choice between nonpreferred foods on the food consumption and problematic mealtime behavior of two children with food selectivity. Each participant was allowed to choose between four nonpreferred foods in the choice condition and was not allowed to choose in the no‐choice condition. Further, the role of choice as an antecedent manipulation in mediating extinction‐induced responding was evaluated when choice alone was demonstrated to be ineffective in increasing consumption and a nonremoval of the spoon procedure was introduced. Results indicated that providing choices was effective in increasing the food consumption of one participant and was advantageous in decreasing emotional responding when a nonremoval of the spoon procedure was introduced for the second participant. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

触屏学习是通过触屏软硬件设备呈现学习内容,并以手势触屏交互方式获取知识或技能的过程。目前触屏学习基础性研究处于探索阶段,在有效性上,研究发现触屏学习本身可能是有效的,但在相对优势上结果具有较大异质性;在学习后效上,触屏学习有助于提高学习动机,但没有稳定地促进知识保持、知识理解以及二维到三维的学习迁移。针对触屏学习的促进或阻碍作用,以往研究分别从具身认知或认知负荷等理论视角给予解释。学习者、学习材料、学习环境等可能是影响触屏学习效果的重要因素。广泛地将触屏设备应用于学习或课堂场景为时尚早,呼吁未来研究从理论建构、影响因素、特点分析及行为/神经机制角度考察触屏学习的作用。  相似文献   

序列学习中的内隐学习效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
付秋芳  刘永芳 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1107-1111
该研究采用较为复杂的包含图形出现的位置规则和顺序规则的实验材料,通过对比被试直接测验和间接测验、内隐学习和外显学习成绩的异同,考察了序列学习中的内隐学习效应,并探讨了规则特点对内隐学习效应的影响。结果表明,在图形位置的序列学习中存在内隐学习效应,内隐学习效应的大小受规则特点的影响。  相似文献   

视觉统计学习是指个体依据视觉刺激之间的转接概率来掌握统计规律的过程。本研究通过5个实验探讨了个体基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行视觉统计学习的加工机制。每个实验均包括熟悉(学习)和测试两个阶段:在熟悉阶段, 让被试观看名人面孔并完成重复图片探测的无关任务; 在测试阶段, 让被试进行二选一迫选任务。其中, 实验1和2分别考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息的视觉统计学习效果; 实验3分别考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息视觉进行统计学习的精确性; 实验4进一步考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行视觉统计学习的时间特征; 实验5验证基于名人面孔视觉特征的视觉统计学习具有面孔特异性。结果表明:个体能同时基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行精确的视觉统计学习; 基于正立名人面孔的视觉统计学习效果显著高于基于倒置名人面孔的视觉统计学习效果; 虽然基于视觉特征和语义信息的统计加工都具有一致的精确性, 但后者需要更多的加工时间。这提示:基于名人面孔视觉特征的视觉统计学习具有面孔特异性, 个体基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息的视觉统计学习过程是分离的, 统计运算发生于面孔特征加工完成之后。  相似文献   

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