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采用Olweus欺负问卷和同伴提名测验,以1089名小学和初中学生为被试,考察欺负者、受欺负者与欺负-受欺负者的同伴关系特点.研究发现:(1)小学生的欺负者/受欺负者显著高于初中生;(2)男生中的期负者显著多于女生;(3)欺负者的同伴拒绝水平高于受欺负者、欺负-受欺负者和未参与者,但同伴接纳水平与未参与者无显著差异;(4)受欺负者、欺负-受欺负者的同伴拒绝水平高于、同伴接纳水平低于未参与者.在男性受欺负者中被拒绝的比例显著高于男性非受欺负者,但女性受欺负者中被拒绝的比例与女性非受欺负者之间无显著差异.  相似文献   

Young infants have been reported to perceive the unity of a center-occluded object when the visible ends of the object are aligned and undergo common motion but not when the edges of the object are misaligned (Johnson & Aslin, 1996). Using a recognition-based paradigm, the authors investigated the possibility that past research failed to provide sufficiently sensitive assessments of infants' perception of the unity of misaligned edges in partial occlusion displays. Positive evidence was obtained in 4-month-olds for veridical perception of the motion and location of a hidden region but not its orientation, whereas 7-month-olds, in contrast to the younger infants, appeared to respond to the orientation of the hidden region. Overall, the results suggest that habituation designs tapping recognition processes may be particularly efficacious in revealing infants' perceptual organization. In addition, the findings provide corroborative evidence for the importance of both motion and orientation in young infants' object segregation and for the difficulty in achieving percepts of the global form of a partly occluded object.  相似文献   

合作与竞争人格倾向测量   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
该研究从人格的角度,采取定性与定量两种分析手段,对合作与竞争人格倾向进行了深入探讨,并编制了测量个体合作与竞争人格倾向的量表。研究者首先在深度访谈的基础上,编制合作与竞争人格倾向测量量表并进行指标验证。探索性因素分析发现,合作与竞争倾向是两个独立的维度,并分别包含三个子因子,构成合作与竞争倾向的二维度三因子模型。研究者随后对模型的验证性分析以及多重效度检验,结果显示量表的信效度与结构模型的拟合指标均达到可接受的标准  相似文献   

We examined both the reliability of infant‐controlled habituation and patterns of responding in a group of high‐risk infants (mean age 16 mos). Good test–retest reliability was found for mean, total, and baseline looking time for one of the stimuli. Classification of infants' pattern of performance yielded two groups: linear (57%) and non‐linear (29%) responders; 14% of cases could not be classified because of cross‐session inconsistencies in performance. Linear responders had shorter total looking times, fewer trials to criterion, and showed more habituation than non‐linear responders, thus validating the linear/non‐linear distinction. Our findings indicate that the infant‐controlled habituation task can be used reliably with infants who are at high risk for developmental disorders. Indeed, we provide evidence that this task is not only reliable, but may also provide meaningful distinctions between infants within the high‐risk population. Discussion focuses on the role of attention in distinguishing between short (linear) and long (non‐linear) lookers. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study was motivated by a concern with the cognitive processes that infants bring to bear on stimulation offered by adults. As previous studies have highlighted the importance of parental stimulation with objects, this study consisted of an experimental investigation of this context of stimulation. It was hypothesized that adults' actions that demonstrate the functions of toys activate a comparator process in 9-month-old infants. It was predicted that prior exposure to the toy in a stationary state would increase attention to a demonstrative action, as the comparator process requires time over and above the local processing of an event. This prediction was borne out: 9-month-olds infants' attention to the demonstration of the functions of a toy was augmented by immediate prior exposure to the toy in a stationary state. By contrast, attention to other actions which did not demonstrate specific functions was either significantly reduced by prior exposure to the toy, or unaffected. Moreover, 16-month-olds who are better able to perform a broad range of actions with objects, did not show increased attention to a demonstration of functions when prior exposure to the toy was provided. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relation between two medical complications associated with prematurity (intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)) and visual attention skills of very low birth-weight (VLBW) infants were examined. Fourteen preterm VLBW infants with IVH and RDS, 9 preterms with RDS and no IVH, and 10 full-term infants matched on SES, sex, and race were assessed at 7 months of age (after correction for prematurity) for their ability to show a decremental response to a familiar visual stimulus and an increment in response to a novel visual stimulus. Measures of attention getting (turning toward a stimulus) and attention holding (sustained fixation on the stimulus after turning) were taken. On the attention-getting measures, IVH-RDS preterms had longer latencies than both the RDS-no-IVH preterm group and the full-term group. There were no group differences on attention-holding measures. The three groups did not differ in habituation to the familiar visual stimulus or discrimination of the novel stimulus. This study indicates that the early visual attention skills of preterm infants are differentially affected by specific types of prenatal complications.  相似文献   

The authors explored implications of Big Five traits and proximal factors for the observed leadership potential of personnel in newly formed teams. Big Five traits were designated as distal factors having indirect links to observed leadership potential via three proximal factors: individual perception of team cohesion, team‐oriented proactivity, and teamwork knowledge. Drawing from implicit personality theory, the authors introduced a team‐leader personality profile as a higher‐order construct for explaining covariation among extraversion, conscientiousness, and emotional stability. A structural analysis of data from 472 personnel supported hypothesized relationships. Specific findings included validation of a team‐leader personality profile and preliminary support for the measure of team‐oriented proactivity that was developed for this study. Implications of the various findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims at examining observed aggression in team sports as a function of gender, competitive level, and sport type. It was hypothesized that (a) male players display more aggressive behaviors than female players, (b) aggressive behaviors increase when competitive level rises, and (c) gender difference in observed aggression is depending on sport type. One hundred and eighty games, equally shared among males and females, soccer and handball, and departmental, regional, and national competitive levels were recorded on videotapes and observed using a grid to differ instrumental from hostile aggressive behaviors. The results revealed that male players always display more aggressive behaviors than female players, whatever the sport, the competitive level or the nature of the observed aggression; instrumental aggressive behaviors increase and hostile aggressive behaviors decrease when competitive level rises; and the gender difference appears larger in handball than in soccer.  相似文献   

为了探究合作与竞争行为及其不同的行为结果对自我参照效应的影响,采用三个实验:实验一让被试阅读合作或竞争故事,测量其自我参照效应,结果发现,阅读竞争故事的被试表现出明显的自我参照效应,而阅读合作故事的被试表现出了他人参照效应;实验二让被试完成真实的合作或竞争游戏,结果发现,完成竞争游戏的被试表现出明显的自我参照效应,而完成合作游戏的被试没有表现出自我参照效应;实验三操作合作或竞争游戏的结果(成功或失败),结果发现,不论是合作行为还是竞争行为,被试在失败的结果下表现出的自我参照效应比成功时更明显。整个研究表明,人际间的行为互动模式(合作或竞争)及其行为结果(成功或失败)对自我参照效应有一定的影响。  相似文献   

Observational data were used to examine the interactional styles of bullies and victims while they participated in 2 different games: 1 cooperative and 1 competitive. Participants included 17 bullies, 18 victims, and 35 controls (all aged 8-11 years) selected through a peer nomination questionnaire. Bullies and victims were observed 4 times in total: twice during the cooperative game and twice during the competitive game, each time paired with a partner of opposite status or control status. Results indicated that when bullies and victims interacted together, bullies showed a dominant style in the dyad, often regulating and opposing victims' initiatives. Victims, on the other hand, complied with bullies' requests and presented a submissive style of interaction. However, interactions involving control partners indicated that (a) bullies opposed those partners' initiatives less frequently and (b) victims tended to affirm themselves by asking for help and explanations. These data provide evidence for an interactional model in explaining the dynamics between bullies and victims.  相似文献   

An important aspect of human individual face recognition is the ability to discriminate unfamiliar individual. Since many general processes contribute to explicit behavioural performance in individual face discrimination tasks, isolating a measure of unfamiliar individual face discrimination ability in humans is challenging. In recent years, a fast periodic visual stimulation approach (FPVS) has provided objective (frequency-locked) implicit electrophysiological indices of individual face discrimination that are highly sensitive at the individual level within a few minutes of testing. Here we evaluate the test-retest reliability of this response across scalp electroencephalographic (EEG) recording sessions separated by more than two months, in the same 30 individuals. We found no test-retest difference overall across sessions in terms of amplitude and spatial distribution of the EEG individual face discrimination response. Moreover, with only 4 stimulation sequences corresponding to 4 min of recordings per session, the individual face discrimination response was highly reliable in terms of amplitude, spatial distribution, and shape. Together with previous observations, these results strengthen the diagnostic value of FPVS-EEG as an objective and rapid flag for specific difficulties at individual face recognition in the human population.  相似文献   

The present research validated the construct and criterion validities of the Cooperative and Competitive Personality Scale (CCPS) in a social dilemma context. The results from three studies supported the notion that cooperativeness and competitiveness are two independent dimensions, challenging the traditional view that they are two ends of a single continuum. First, confirmatory factor analyses revealed that a two‐factor structure fit the data significantly better than a one‐factor structure. Moreover, cooperativeness and competitiveness were either not significantly correlated (Studies 1 and 3) or only moderately positively correlated (Study 2). Second, cooperativeness and competitiveness were differentially associated with Schwartz's Personal Values. These results further supported the idea that cooperativeness and competitiveness are two distinct constructs. Specifically, the individuals who were highly cooperative emphasized self‐transcendent values (i.e., universalism and benevolence) more, whereas the individuals who were highly competitive emphasized self‐enhancement values (i.e., power and achievement) more. Finally, the CCPS, which adheres to the trait perspective of personality, was found to be a useful supplement to more prevalent social motive measures (i.e., social value orientation) in predicting cooperative behaviors. Specifically, in Study 2, when social value orientation was controlled for, the CCPS significantly predicted cooperative behaviors in a public goods dilemma (individuals who score higher on cooperativeness scale contributed more to the public goods). In Study 3, when social value orientation was controlled for, the CCPS significantly predicted cooperative behaviors in commons dilemmas (individuals who score higher on cooperativeness scale requested fewer resources from the common resource pool). The practical implications of the CCPS in conflict resolution, as well as in recruitment and selection settings, are discussed.  相似文献   

使用中性视频游戏和亲社会视频游戏,采用单次双人给予倾向困境任务和辣酱范式分别测量被试的合作倾向和攻击倾向,旨在探究竞争性视频游戏情境对玩家合作倾向和攻击倾向的影响。结果发现:(1)在对合作倾向的影响上,无论是玩中性视频游戏还是亲社会视频游戏,竞争情境相比单人情境均能显著降低玩家的合作倾向;(2)在对攻击倾向的影响上,玩中性视频游戏,竞争情境相比单人情境能显著提高玩家的攻击倾向;但玩亲社会视频游戏,竞争情境与单人情境对玩家攻击倾向的影响差异不显著。本研究表明,游戏情境是影响玩家行为倾向的重要因素之一,在非暴力视频游戏中竞争情境对玩家行为倾向会产生消极影响,亲社会视频游戏在一定程度上能抑制竞争情境的消极效应。  相似文献   

采用整体检测的变化察觉范式,探讨客体的相似性对客体—空间型认知方式个体视觉工作记忆表征的影响。行为结果显示,在不相似客体的视觉工作记忆表征任务中,客体型者在长延时条件的成绩优于空间型者,而在相似客体的视觉工作记忆表征任务中,两者无差异;ERP结果显示,在不相似客体视觉工作记忆表征任务中,与客体型者相比,空间型者在大脑皮层诱发出更大的负SP。以上结果表明,客体型者比空间型者对不相似客体视觉工作记忆加工具有优势,其潜在机制可能在于,客体型者对不相似客体视觉工作记忆表征时的神经活动效能更高。  相似文献   

采用整体检测的变化察觉范式,探讨客体的相似性对客体—空间型认知方式个体视觉工作记忆表征的影响。行为结果显示,在不相似客体的视觉工作记忆表征任务中,客体型者在长延时条件的成绩优于空间型者,而在相似客体的视觉工作记忆表征任务中,两者无差异;ERP结果显示,在不相似客体视觉工作记忆表征任务中,与客体型者相比,空间型者在大脑皮层诱发出更大的负SP。以上结果表明,客体型者比空间型者对不相似客体视觉工作记忆加工具有优势,其潜在机制可能在于,客体型者对不相似客体视觉工作记忆表征时的神经活动效能更高。  相似文献   

If each mouse killed by a rat is removed from the rat's home cage and replaced immediately by another live mouse, the rate of killing declines within 1- and 3-hr sessions. Muricide could not then be dishabituated by either a “nonspecific” stimulus (a loud noise) or a specific change in target characteristics (a frog substituted for the mouse). By systematically varying intersession intervals, we found that 1 hr of ad lib killing produced a monotonically decreasing suppression of muricide over the succeeding 96 hr. Subjects performed an interesting kind of forward didng which was influenced by both dishabituating stimuli and killing; this may be a form of die placement behavior.  相似文献   

Treatment integrity has been shown to be of critical importance in behavioral programming. The extent to which tasks are completed as designed often has a direct effect on the quality of care provided to clients. Most research on treatment integrity has focused on implementation of interventions. The current study used a multiple baseline design across behaviors to evaluate the effects of public posting of team performance data and goal setting on data collection by direct‐care staff. Results of the current study suggest that public posting and goal setting may be effective strategies to improve staff data collection. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1-2):145-153
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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