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This study investigated the relationships among attachment, personality style, and family interaction patterns. The results revealed that avoidant attachment style was associated with indirect affect expression as measured by somatic complaints, social isolation, family disengagement, and family conflict avoidance. Anxious/ambivalent style was associated with more overt expression of depression and anxiety. Family factors were not significantly related to either the anxious/ambivalent or secure styles. The implications and potential therapy benefits for use of attachment theory in family therapy and directions for future research are also addressed. Marci Leveridge, PhD, is a Licensed Health Service Provider and private practitioner in Oklahoma City. Cal Stoltenberg, PhD, is Professor, Counseling Psychology Program, University of Oklahoma, Department of Educational Psychology, 820 Van Vleet Oval, Room 321, Norman, OK 73019-2041 (cstoltenberg@ou.edu). Denise Beesley, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Counseling Psychology Program at the University of Oklahoma.  相似文献   

Parasocial interaction and parasocial relationship are often conflated conceptually and methodologically, leaving researchers unclear as to which concept is being tapped. This research clarifies these concepts and experimentally compares the most common measure of parasocial interaction, the Parasocial Interaction Scale (PSI‐Scale), with a newer measure, the Experience of Parasocial Interaction Scale (EPSI‐Scale). Participants (N = 383) viewed a brief videorecording of a woman who either bodily addressed the viewer or not, then completed a questionnaire. The EPSI‐Scale was a better measure of parasocial interaction, understood as a within‐viewing experience of mutual awareness, whereas the PSI‐Scale may measure short‐ or long‐term liking, or something else. To avoid conceptual and empirical confusion, researchers must choose measures with greater care.  相似文献   

Relationships between young people with anxiety and their non-affected siblings are important for both individuals in the dyad, and for family dynamics throughout the lifespan; however, these relationships are not well understood. This study examined the experience of growing up with an anxious sibling from the sibling without anxiety’s point of view. We measured psychosocial factors associated with sibling relationship quality in 64 young adults with an anxious sibling. Overall, participants with anxious siblings were resilient, reporting comparable sibling relationship quality, anxiety symptoms, and psychological functioning relative to peers without anxious siblings. The contributions of caregiver burden and attributions about the causes of the sibling’s anxiety-related behavior accounted for significant variance in both sibling relationship warmth/closeness and conflict, with responsibility attributions emerging as an individual predictor of conflict. Clinical and research implications for understanding sibling relationships in the context of anxiety, and for the role of attributions in family relationships are considered.  相似文献   

Whereas socialization influences in early childhood have been linked to children's emerging internalizing problems and prosocial behavior, relatively few studies have examined how NE might moderate such associations in both advantageous and maladaptive ways. Furthermore, more research is needed to evaluate the impact of sibling relationships as an influential socialization influence on these child outcomes. In the current study we examined how NE might differentially moderate the associations between quality of relationships with siblings and both internalizing problems and social skills at school entry. NE moderated the effects of positive and destructive sibling relationship quality on child internalizing problems. Specifically, for boys high on NE, more positive sibling relationship quality predicted fewer internalizing problems, but more destructive sibling conflict predicted more internalizing problems. NE also moderated the effects of destructive sibling conflict on child social skills. For boys high on NE, destructive sibling conflict predicted fewer social skills. Boys high on NE appear to show greater susceptibility to the effects of sibling socialization on child outcomes, relative to boys low on NE. The implications of these interactions are discussed with respect to differential susceptibility theory.  相似文献   

Research examining antecedents to sibling relationship quality have explored factors such as parenting and temperament (Brody, 1998); however, there has been no previous research on the topic of the current study. The present study used a cross‐informant approach to examine parent–child and marital relationships as potential mediators of links between parents' gendered attitudes and behaviours and sibling relationship quality. One hundred and twenty‐four families with older (M = 7.4 years) and younger (M = 5.2 years) siblings were assessed. Parents reported on division of household labour, gender‐role attitudes and marital satisfaction. Each child reported on sibling relationship quality and parental warmth and hostility. Results revealed a link between more egalitarian division of household labour and more positive sibling relationship quality. Furthermore, this association was not mediated by the marital nor parent–child relationship. We conclude that families with a more egalitarian division of household labour may model positive interactions for siblings. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

师生认知方式与藏族双语儿童学业成绩关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万明钢  邢强 《心理科学》2002,25(3):328-331
以藏族双语儿童和任课教师为被试,采用北师大心理系编制的CSFT工具,测查了师生认知方式相互作用对双语儿童学业成绩的影响,研究结果表明:师生认知方式的相互关系对学生的学业成绩有显著的影响,这种影响与学科性质、学习任务有关;双语儿童的认知方式是影响其汉语文、数学成绩的重要因素;不周性别师生认知方式的相互匹配对其汉语文的学习有显著影响;师生认知方式的相互作用对双语儿童学习成绩的影响并非是线性的,师生间性别、认知方式相互作用都是影响双语儿童学业成绩的重要变量。  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between sibling structure variables (i.e., gender, number of sisters, number of brothers, sibling spacing, number of siblings, and birth order, all men, and all women siblings) and current relationships with parents and spouse/partners. Participants included 519 adults between the ages of 19 and 59 years. Two separate canonical correlations were conducted. The results for men indicated that being a younger man with an all‐male sibling group was related to more intimacy with parents and more intimidation by parents. For women, being an older woman with more brothers and more siblings was related to less intimidation by parents and less intimacy with parents and spouses/partners.  相似文献   

近来有关归类和概念结构的研究与理论出现了两个方面的转变。第一个方面是从概念定义属性的假设 (经典观 )到概念表征属性的观点 (概率观 ) ;第二个方面是从概念以相似性组织的观点到概念围绕理论而组织的观点。本文综合概述了基于相似性和理论驱动的归类理论。  相似文献   

大学生思维方式与应对方式的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
运用思维方式问卷和应对方式问卷对663名大学生进行测试,旨在从文化视角探讨大学生思维方式的特点及其与应对方式的关系。结果表明:(1)大学生思维方式在专业、地域、年级等人口统计变量上存在显著差异:文科生思维的整体性显著高于理工科和艺术类;南方人思维的变化性显著高于北方人;大二学生思维的整体性显著高于大一和大三,大一思维的变化性显著高于大四年级。(2)思维方式对应对方式具有显著的预测作用。其中,协变性对积极应对正向作用显著、对消极应对中的自责和合理化负向作用显著;矛盾性对积极应对负向作用显著、对消极应对正向作用显著。思维的整体性和变化性针对性较强:整体性有助于解决问题的积极应对,变化性可有效避免自责、幻想、合理化的消极应对方式。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between negative attitudes towards homosexuals and two traditional ideologies: religiosity and nationalism, and explored the link with attachment style. An Internet survey yielded 290 participants, of highly diverse ages, nationalities, and religious backgrounds. The participants provided demographic details, and completed measures of adult attachment, nationalism, religiosity, and both explicit and implicit measures of homonegativity. The results indicated that both nationalism and religiosity were highly significant predictors of homonegativity. In the religious group, homonegativity and religiosity were positively related. This finding was greater for less securely attached individuals. Avoidance moderated the relationship in religious females, while anxiety moderated the relationship in religious males. No significant attachment moderation was found between the nationalism–homonegativity relationships.  相似文献   

目前,关于如何建立有效的医患关系凸显重要,从参与合作式的医患模式着手,分析这一模式的双面性.运用依恋理论的观点,分别探讨了患者的四种依恋模式和就诊心理,以及不同依恋模式的医生和患者在就诊过程中形成互动医患关系,为进一步促使医患关系的和谐发展提供了理论基础和现实依据.  相似文献   

A total of 249 primarily middle-class, Caucasian college students (141 females, 108 males) completed the Knowing Styles Inventory (KSI) (Knight, Elfenbein, & Messina, 1995) to measure Connected and Separate Knowing and the Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) (Buri, 1991), used to measure different parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive parenting). Authoritative parenting style of the mother was positively associated with Connected Knowing, while authoritative parenting style of the father was negatively related to Separate Knowing for both the female and male participants of the study. For the female participants only, permissive parenting style of the father was positively related to Separate Knowing. It was also found that first-born college students scored significantly higher on Separate Knowing than later-born students. The results suggest that family experiences may be precursors to the epistemologies of college students.  相似文献   

以河南省某市四所幼儿园大、中、小班共196名学前儿童及其父母和教师为研究对象,基于家庭系统理论,采用父、母填写的父母感知协同教养量表和亲子关系量表、母亲填写的儿童早期同胞关系质量问卷和幼儿教师报告的儿童行为量表探讨亲子关系、同胞关系在父母感知协同教养与学前儿童社会行为之间的中介作用。结果发现:(1)母子冲突和母子亲密分别在母亲感知协同教养与同胞冲突和同胞温暖间起部分中介作用;父子冲突和父子亲密分别在父亲感知协同教养与同胞冲突和同胞温暖间起完全中介作用;(2)父/母子冲突和同胞冲突在母亲感知协同教养和儿童攻击行为间起链式中介作用;父子冲突和同胞冲突在父亲感知协同教养和儿童攻击行为间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

本研究通过亲子互动游戏观察来考查亲子游戏参与方式、情感交流与儿童心理理论发展的关系。实验结果如下:第一,控制了年龄因素后,儿童的亲子游戏参与方式中的主动参与和建议游戏两种方式与儿童心理理论发展之间存在显著的相关;而对于母亲来说,指导游戏的参与方式和儿童心理理论发展存在显著相关。第二,控制了年龄因素之后,儿童情感交流方面的分享积极情感和心理理论发展之间存在显著相关。而母亲这方面的指标和儿童心理理论发展没有显著相关。文章对上述结果进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

The present paper analyzes how the semantic and pragmatic functions of closed class categories, or grammatical morphemes (i.e., inflections and function words), organize discourse processing. Grammatical morphemes tend to express a small set of conceptual distinctions that organize a wide range of objects and relations, usually expressed by content or open class words (i.e., nouns and verbs), into situations anchored to a discourse context. Therefore, grammatical morphemes and content words cooperate in guiding the construction of a situation model during discourse comprehension by specifying complementary aspects of described situations. The paper reviews and extends analytical and empirical evidence for this grammatical-conceptual correspondence, and suggests that the correspondence developed in response to the cognitive demands of discourse processing. Thus the distinction between open and closed linguistic categories is interpreted in terms of a fundamental correspondence between conceptual and linguistic structure that helps organize discourse processing.  相似文献   

Many factors influence the quality of a romantic relationship, and there has been increasing evidence that early attachment plays a vital role in adult bonds, including romantic relationships. However, most of the literature has focused on the role of parent–child and peer attachments with little focus on sibling attachments. Using the Sibling Relationship Questionnaire, we asked a sample of New Zealand university students to retrospectively rate the relationship they had with a significant sibling during their adolescence, and to rate their current romantic relationship quality using the Relationship Assessment Scale. We found no significant correlations between the subscales of the Sibling Relationship Questionnaire and the Relationship Assessment Scale. However, further analysis uncovered a significant association between the Relationship Assessment Scale, birth order, and relationship length.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and postformal thought ability and to test the comparability of three methods of testing for postformal thought. In a sample of 119 participants, postformal thought levels and attachment styles were assessed using postformal thought questionnaires and an attachment style scale. It was predicted that individuals with secure attachment styles would exhibit higher levels of postformal thought ability than individuals with anxious–ambivalent or avoidant attachment styles. It was also predicted that the three postformal tests would have equivalent results. Results indicated that attachment and postformal thought were not related and that the three measures of postformal thought were equivalent. Results are discussed in terms of the relationship between attachment styles and individuals’ abilities to perform complex problem-solving tasks and/or dilemmas.  相似文献   

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