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This study explored perceived pleasantness of auditory projective stimuli as related to three aspects of the projective response; emotional tone, RT and length of stories. Thirty blind and 30 sighted males, comparable in age and intelligence, told stories in response to eight selected auditory stimuli and rated them for pleasantness. Emotional tone varied significantly with pleasantness for 5 out of 8 sounds. Pleasantness was not significantly related to story length nor to RT, except for the sound of weeping. Blind Ss told longer stories than the sighted. Apparent consistent individual differences in response to the auditory projective method were observed. This technique seems useful in the study of personality, perception and cognition of sighted and blind persons.  相似文献   

How do competing social influences shape individual partisanship over the course of the life cycle? People enter and exit a host of environments over the course of the lifespan, and these environments provide social pressures that can conflict or reinforce early socialized attitudes. Socialization could be an agent for either opinion change or opinion stability. Using the Youth‐Parent Socialization Study and constructing partisan environmental measures at the county level, I explore this question. The findings demonstrate that environments exert significant socializing influence over the lifespan, moderating the persistence of early forces. This helps us understand when early socialized pressures persist and when they do not. When environments throughout life provide reinforcing social pressures, parental influence endures over time. However, when early socialized influence is challenged over time by the political environment that citizens reside in, the influence of early parental socialization is offset and nullified.  相似文献   

One can observe, in many Ss, relatively consistent, unidirectional, conjugate lateral eye movements (CLEM) occuring in relation to reflective thought. Some studies have suggested an affinity between CLEM catagories (Right Lookers, Left Lookers) and catagories in other personality typologies (e.g., William James). An attempt was made to test this notion and determine cognitive and perceptual correlates of CLEM, employing the Rorschach. Hypotheses predicted a diffuse, “tender-minded” cognition for Left Lookers and a focused “tough-mindedness” for Right Lookers. Results were marginal for all instruments with the exception that sample extremes differed in Form-level and organization.  相似文献   

红色是自然界和人类社会最常见的颜色之一,它对人类心理与行为的影响受到心理学家的关注.2005年发表在Nature上关于红色队服增强奥运选手竞赛成绩的研究报告,引发了一系列红色心理效应研究.本文从生理指标、行为观察、认知、语言文化、情绪、态度等多个角度综述了红色心理效应的现象和机制,并提出“情境假说”来解释红色对心理与行为的影响.综述表明,红色的心理效应缘于其在不同情境下联结着不同的心理意义.这些联结受先天遗传和后天环境的共同影响.红色与心理意义的联结诱发了特定的心理状态,从而影响个体的心理与行为.颜色对心理的影响及其机制,已经成为颜色科学基础与应用研究的前沿领域之一.  相似文献   

通过3个实验探讨红色和蓝色对中国汉族大学生的情绪意义。实验1采用限制联想法考察红色和蓝色的情绪意义。实验2、实验3采用启动范式, 分别考察在知觉水平和概念水平上红色和蓝色对情绪的启动效应。结果发现:(1)知觉水平:在唤醒度和优势度上, 红色知觉引发了高唤醒、高优势情绪, 蓝色知觉引发了低唤醒、低优势情绪, 这与国外研究基本一致; 但在愉悦度上, 红色知觉既能引发高愉悦情绪, 也能引发低愉悦情绪, 而蓝色知觉只引发了高愉悦情绪, 这体现出本土化特点。(2)概念水平:在唤醒度和愉悦度上, 红色概念引发了高唤醒、高优势情绪, 蓝色概念引发了低唤醒、低优势情绪, 这与知觉水平基本一致; 但在愉悦度上, 红色概念只启动了高愉悦情绪, 而蓝色概念同时启动了高愉悦和低愉悦的情绪, 这与知觉水平不一致。本研究表明:(1)红色和蓝色对中国汉族大学生情绪引发的特点主要表现在愉悦度上; (2)颜色知觉和颜色概念对情绪的引发机制可能具有如下特点:颜色知觉对情绪的三维度具有直接的引发作用; 而颜色概念对情绪唤醒度和优势度的引发是以颜色知觉为中介, 对愉悦度的引发则是以社会文化为原因。本研究探讨了红色和蓝色对中国汉族大学生情绪的作用, 对红色和蓝色在中国社会环境中的应用具有一定的实际价值; 同时, 直接比较并剖析了颜色知觉与概念对情绪的引发特点, 对于揭示二者对情绪引发的内部机制具有一定的理论意义。  相似文献   

The present study aimed at examining how the colors red, blue, and green were affectively judged through three variables: dominance, arousal, and pleasure. All participants were exposed to red, blue, green, and white (control condition), which were created using the hue–saturation–value color model. Then, participants were invited to rate their perceptions using the self‐assessment manikin. Results showed that (a) red was strongly associated with dominance and arousal; (b) blue was moderately and slightly associated with dominance and arousal, respectively; (c) green was slightly associated with arousal; and (d) blue and green were slightly more pleasurable than red. These results provide initial insights into how people perceive colors through the notions of dominance, arousal, and pleasure. Important practical implications for the use of colors are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relation between spontaneous color choices and ratings of the prototypicality, conspicuousness, and pleasantness of colors was studied in a sample of Dutch college students. Pleasantness, not prototypicality or conspicuousness, determined the four most frequent spontaneous choices--red, blue, green, and purple. Subjects considered blue the most pleasant of the 12 colors studied, which suggests a pleasantness explanation for the "blue phenomenon" found in some countries. The predominance of red as a spontaneous choice replicated the results of previous studies in the Netherlands. Red also was rated highest in prototypicality but was not rated higher by red choosers than by choosers of other colors, so that a simple prototypicality explanation was rejected. Further analysis showed that the predominance of red as the spontaneous choice of Dutch subjects can be explained by an interaction between prototypicality and pleasantness: Subjects tended to choose red when they rated it highly on both variables.  相似文献   

2003年暑假,我们对湖北某些地区农村迷信活动进行了一次调查,结果发现农村现在虽然是科学进步了,生产力提高了,人民生活改善了,但却刮起了一股与当今崇尚科学、全力建设小康生活与先进文化的时代节奏不合拍的逆风,那就是各村村民热衷于修庙拜神,对此是慷慨解囊和乐此而不疲。 在与当地的一些村民交谈中发现这种现象主要归“功”于一些所谓“德高望重”的长老,甚至是一些曾经参加过农村基层领导工作的老党员和老干部,正是在这些颇具影响力的人物带动下,农村村民积极地投身到这种和当今精神文明建设很不和谐的活动之中。为此。下文我们将主要对这些始作俑者的心理动机作简要的分析。  相似文献   


There has been growing criticism of the established practice of automatically including control variables into analyses, especially with survey studies. Several authors have explained the pitfalls of improper use and have provided some best practice advice. I build upon this foundation in suggesting a programmatic approach to the use of control variables that can provide evidence to support or refute feasible explanations for why two or more variables are related. The hierarchical iterative control (HIC) approach begins by establishing a connection between two or more variables and then hierarchically adds control variables to rule in or out their possible influence. The HIC approach involves conducting a series of studies to iteratively test relationships among target variables, utilizing a variety of control variable strategies involving multiple methods. A 7-step programmatic approach is described beginning with development of the research question and background literature review and then conducting empirical tests in a hierarchical (within a study) and iterative (across studies) manner.


因明学史研究目前仍是学术界的一个薄弱环节,很多问题一直没有得到解决,甚至有以讹传讹之处。本文对因明学何时传入汉地的问题、刘勰《文心雕龙》与因明学的关系、因明学在唐代佛道之争中的作用等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

现已证明无复流现象的发生会明显降低经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)效果,影响患者近、远期预后。应用综合思维探讨无复流现象发生的机理、制定预防策略至关重要。  相似文献   

The theory of planned behavior presents clear operational definitions of attitudes, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and each of their corresponding belief-based measures. Theoretically, the direct and indirect measures of a given construct must be closely correlated. Empirical results, however, indicate that this is not always the case. In the present study, 2 of the factors that could be responsible for this situation-namely, the scaling of the variables defining each belief-based construct and the adequacy of using an expectancy-value model within the belief-based measures-were verified among a data set of 16 studies concerned with the application of the theory of planned behavior to the field of health. The results indicate that the scaling method used affected the correlation coefficients between indirect and direct measures. However, the face validity of these scaling methods must be demonstrated. The results also support the idea that, in most cases, using the expectancy-value model is no better than using only one arm of the belief-based measure.  相似文献   

现已证明无复流现象的发生会明显降低经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)效果,影响患者近、远期预后.应用综合思维探讨无复流现象发生的机理、制定预防策略至关重要.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to assess the ability of a decision making model to correctly predict subjects' preferences for one of two alternatives; one alternative was highly valued but risky, whereas the other was less valuable but more certain. The model was based on the assumption that an additive relationship exists among self-efficacy, self-worth, and parental expectations in influencing subjects' propensity to take risks. The results suggested that the model did not work as expected. Rather, self-efficacy emerged as the principle variable influencing the risk-taking and risk-avoiding decision-making behaviors of subjects when a variety of resources were involved.  相似文献   

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