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The effects of friendship and collaboration on memory retrieval were investigated in two experiments. The net negative effect of collaboration in memory retrieval and the effect of friendship were studied within a cueing framework. The aim of the study was to investigate the reduced cue effectiveness hypothesis. In Experiment 1, dyadic retrieval was compared to that of a nominal group (a pooled score from two individuals working individually). The task was to encode and retrieve 90 words individually or dyadically. The retrieval phase was supported by cues produced by others or produced by the participants themselves (individually or dyadically). In Experiment 2, friends were compared to non-friends in a memory retrieval phase. All participants retrieved alone in Experiment 2. The results of Experiment 1 revealed that dyadic retrieval suffered compared to nominal group retrieval and that no such discrepancies were found for retrieval with cues produced by others. In Experiment 2, friends could help each other towards successful retrieval to a greater extent than non-friends, and “for others” instructions increased retrieval performance as well. These findings replicate previous studies by Andersson and Ronnberg (1995, 1996), and advance the understanding of collaborative memory; that is, net negative effects of collaboration can be explained in terms of the reduced cue effectiveness hypothesis.  相似文献   

The literature is unclear about the relative contributions of environmental supporting conditions to younger and older adults’ episodic memory performance. The work reported addresses the conditions under which different support patterns are obtained. In three experiments, younger and older adults learned picture-word pairs and were then tested with a cued-recall task. Supportive conditions included semantic relations between the pair members (all experiments), and first-letter cues for the target words at retrieval (Experiments 2 and 3). Results of the three experiments indicated different patterns of support for younger and older adults, depending on the number and location of the supporting conditions used. These different patterns are in line with the suggestion that whereas younger adults benefit substantially from support at encoding only, older adults require support at both encoding and retrieval. Alternative accounts of the results are also discussed.  相似文献   

After a single presentation of a word list, normal subjects exhibited better retention when prompted with semantic cues than with rhyme or letter cues. Alcoholic Korsakoff patients, patients receiving electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and the patient N.A. exhibited impaired retention and, unlike control subjects, did not exhibit an advantage of semantic cues over letter and rhyme cues. Two experimental manipulations designed to equate the level of performance of amnesics and controls indicated that these amnesias could be understood as a reflection of weak memory strength that results from deficiencies in initial learning and retention. In addition, alcoholic Korsakoff patients appeared to have greater difficulty utilizing semantic cues than patients receiving ECT or patient N.A.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a concurrent-chains schedule. The initial links were concurrent variable-interval schedules arranged on two side keys. Each terminal link was a fixed-interval schedule arranged on the center key. In cued conditions, different center-key colors signaled the two terminal-link schedules. In uncued conditions, the same center-key color appeared for both terminal links. Experiment 1 arranged unequal initial links and equal terminal links. Preference for the shorter initial-link schedule was greater when the terminal links were uncued. Experiment 2 arranged equal initial links and unequal terminal links. Preference for the shorter terminal-link schedule was greater when the terminal links were cued. Although the results of Experiment 2 successfully replicated previous research, the results of Experiment 1 are not easily reconciled with conditioned-reinforcement or discriminative-stimulus accounts of the role of terminal-link cues. Rather, terminal-link cues appear to decrease sensitivity to initial-link contingencies.  相似文献   

Implicit learning tasks usually involve the learning of complex rules. While this does reduce the likelihood of subjects becoming aware of the relationship to be learned, it also raises the possibility of explaining improved performance in terms of explicit processes. The current experiments are an attempt to develop a task which shows evidence of implicit learning, but which involves the learning of a very simple rule and so avoids these alternative explanations. In two experiments, we exposed subjects to learning trials in which a target letter (or shape) was immediately preceded by a cue letter (or shape) in otherwise random nine-letter (or 15-shape) sequences. In a test phase, subjects responded more quickly to cued than uncued targets if the learning phase had involved reliable cue–target pairings, but not following random control pairings. This was true of subjects who were classified as aware and those classified as unaware of the cue–target relationship.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine some of the factors that contribute to developmental differences in using cues to retrieve specific memories. Second- and fifth-grade children and college adults were shown adjective noun-noun word stimulus events (e.g., bloody axe-sword), in which the adjectives strongly modified event meaning, and asked acquisition orienting questions that amplified (specific questions) or diluted (category questions) event specification. In addition, the stimuli were presented once only (one trial) or there was a repeated presentation with a constant or varied orienting question on the second presentation. At retrieval, orienting questions were asked of the retrieval cues that were the same as the acquisition questions, semantically related to the acquisition questions, or no questions were asked, and the retrieval cues reinstated the acquisition context (adjective noun cues) or represented the nominal type of event that was experienced (noun cues). The one-trial results showed that the children had less success than the adults using in the adjective noun retrieval cues for no questions and the related questions, relative to same questions, and also that the children used the noun cues particularly ineffectively. The event repetitions modified these patterns in predictable ways. The results suggest that type information may mediate the use of cues to retrieve specific memory tokens, and type information seems more salient in adult than in child event representations in memory.  相似文献   

Memory assessment is a key element in neuropsychological testing. Gold standard evaluation is based on updated normative data, but in many small countries (e.g. in Scandinavia) such data are sparse. In Denmark, reference data exist for non‐verbal memory tests and list‐learning tests but there is no normative data for memory tests which capture narrative recall and cued recall. In a nation‐wide study, Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test (FCSRT ), WMS ‐III Logical Memory (LM ) and a newly developed test Category Cued Memory Test (CCMT ‐48) were applied in 131 cognitively intact persons (aged 60–96 years). Regression‐based reference data for Danish versions of FCSRT , CCMT ‐48 and LM adjusted for age, education and gender are provided. Gender and age‐group had a significant impact on the expected scores, whereas the effect of education had a limited effect on expected scores. Test performances were significantly correlated in the range 0.21–0.51. Based on these findings and previous results it may be relevant to assess both free recall, cued recall and recognition to tap the earliest changes associated with neurodegeneration, and this study therefore provides an important supplement to existing Danish normative data. Future studies should investigate the discriminative validity of the tests and the clinical utility of the presented reference data.  相似文献   

It is known that deaf individuals usually outperform normal hearing subjects in speechreading; however, the underlying reasons remain unclear. In the present study, speechreading performance was assessed in normal hearing participants (NH), deaf participants who had been exposed to the Cued Speech (CS) system early and intensively, and deaf participants exposed to oral language without Cued Speech (NCS). Results show a gradation in performance with highest performance in CS, then in NCS, and finally NH participants. Moreover, error analysis suggests that speechreading processing is more accurate in the CS group than in the other groups. Given that early and intensive CS has been shown to promote development of accurate phonological processing, we propose that the higher speechreading results in Cued Speech users are linked to a better capacity in phonological decoding of visual articulators.  相似文献   

Two macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were trained to perform 3 self-directed behaviors on signal and to repeat behaviors after a 'repeat' signal. The cognitive processes underlying the monkeys' repeat performance were evaluated via multiple repetitions of the repeat signal, extended delay periods between target behavior and repeat signal, and by transferring the repeat signal to novel behaviors. The monkeys seemed to use representations of their own past behaviors as a basis for repetition performance, but they mostly failed to correctly repeat target behaviors after extended delays and during transfer tasks. Implications for episodic memory abilities are discussed.  相似文献   

Miroiu  Adrian 《Studia Logica》1999,63(3):311-330
Some logical properties of modal languages in which actuality is expressible are investigated. It is argued that, if a sentence like 'Actually, Quine is a distinguished philosopher' is understood as a special case of world-indexed sentences (the index being the actual world), then actuality can be expressed only under strong modal assumptions. Some rival rigid and indexical approaches to actuality are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

I discuss what I call practical Moore sentences: sentences like ‘You must close your door, but I don't know whether you will’, which combine an order together with an avowal of agnosticism about whether the order will be obeyed. I show that practical Moore sentences are generally infelicitous. But this infelicity is surprising: it seems like there should be nothing wrong with giving someone an order while acknowledging that you do not know whether it will obeyed. I suggest that this infelicity points to a striking psychological fact, with potentially broad ramifications concerning the structure of norms of speech acts: namely, when giving an order, we must act as if we believe we will be obeyed.  相似文献   

Does visual attention spread from the cued end of an occluded object to locations occupied by inferred portions of that object? We investigated this question by using a probe detection paradigm with two-dimensional (2-D) displays of occluded objects. Probes could appear in occluded or nonoccluded locations on either a cued or noncued object. Participants responded faster to probes appearing within the region of space occupied by the cued object. This was true not only when the probe appeared in positions separated from the cued location by an occluder (as demonstrated by Moore, Yantis, & Vaughan, 1998), but also when it appeared in positions on the occluder itself. Thus, results suggest that cued facilitation spreads to regions of noncued occluding objects that overlap cued occluded objects in 2-D space.  相似文献   

Interference is frequently observed during bimanual movements if the two hands perform nonsymmetric actions. We examined the source of bimanual interference in two experiments in which we compared conditions involving symmetric movements with conditions in which the movements were of different amplitudes or different directions. The target movements were cued either symbolically by letters or directly by the onset of the target locations. With symbolic cues, reaction times were longer when the movements of the two hands were not symmetric. With direct cues, reaction times were the same for symmetric and nonsymmetric movements. These results indicate that directly cued actions can be programmed in parallel for the two hands. Our results challenge the hypothesis that the cost to initiate nonsymmetric movements is due to spatial interference in a motor-programming stage. Rather, the cost appears to be caused by stimulus identification, response-selection processes connected to the processing of symbolic cues, or both.  相似文献   

采用句子-图形验证任务初步探讨了不同汉语水平的印尼留学生理解汉语主动句、被动句所形成的命题表征中的项目顺序特点。结果表明,初级汉语水平印尼留学生理解汉语主动句、被动句后所建构的命题表征中项目顺序均为“受事→施事”;中级汉语水平印尼留学生理解汉语主动句所形成的命题表征项目顺序为“施事→受事”,而其理解汉语被动句所形成的命题表征项目顺序为“受事→施事”。母语主动句、被动句的理解特点影响印尼留学生汉语主动句、被动句命题表征项目顺序;这种影响作用与其汉语水平有一定的关系。  相似文献   

Subjects were asked to recall the names of the fifty United States under varied conditions. These conditions included free recall and cued recall. The recall of the fifty United States was poorer than expected for college students. The average recall was approximately 41 out of 50 states. When subjects were asked to fill in the names of the states on a blank map, recall dropped to approximately 32 out of 50 states. It appears that subjects can recall some states better than others. For example, recall is better for states in close proximity to a subject’s current residence. Perhaps subjects have a geographic bubble when it comes to recalling the names of the states.  相似文献   

Modée  Johan 《Synthese》2000,124(2):221-238
The aim of this paper is to examine W. V.Quine's theory of infants' early acquisition oflanguage, with a narrow focus on Quine's theory ofobservation sentences. Intersubjectivity and sensoryexperiences, the two features that characterise thenotion, receive the most attention. It is argued,following a suggestion from Donald Davidson, thatQuine favours a proximal theory of languageacquisition, i.e., a theory which is focused onprivate experiences as ultimate sources ofstimulation, contrary to a distal theory, where thestimulus source is located in externally observableobjects and events. I use the philosophical criticismof Donald Davidson, Dagfinn Føllesdal and CharlesTaylor to suggest an alternative account of languageacquisition, which emphasises the primacy ofparticipation and joint attention to external stimuli.I argue that such an alternative theory is moreconsistent with recent studies in child developmentand language acquisition.  相似文献   

Ellipsis refers to an element that is absent from the input but whose meaning can nonetheless be recovered from context. In this cross-modal priming study, we examined the online processing of Sluicing, an ellipsis whose antecedent is an entire clause: The handyman threw a book to the programmer but I don’t know which book the handyman threw to the programmerellipsis. To understand such an elliptical construction, the listener arguably must ‘fill in’ the missing material (“the handyman threw___ to the programmer”) based on that which occurs in the antecedent clause. We aimed to determine the point in time in which reconstruction of the sluiced sentence is attempted and whether such a complex antecedent is re-accessed by the ellipsis. Out of the two antecedent constituents for which we probed, only the Object (programmer) was found active in the elliptical clause, confirming that an antecedent is attributed to the sluice in real time. Possible reasons for the non-observation of the Subject (handyman) are considered. We also suggest that ellipses are detected earlier in coordinated than subordinated sentences.  相似文献   

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