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探讨新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)住院患儿家属的心理状况及影响因素。采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)及自行设计的调查问卷对190名NICU住院患儿家属进行调查。结果显示患儿家属表现出不同程度的焦虑,与全国常模(29.78±0.46)相比,其焦虑情绪标准分49.54±1.07,高于常模组(P〈O.05)。影响因素主要包括文化水平、家庭人均收入及患儿病情严重程度等。患儿父母关注的主要问题包括:病情严重程度、预后、医护人员解释病情满意度及病房探视制度。笔者认为医护人员应加强与患儿家属的有效沟通,满足其心理需求,提高医疗护理质量,促进医患关系和谐。  相似文献   

Fifty-six mothers of premature infants who participated in a study to reduce symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) completed the Brief COPE, a self-report inventory of coping mechanisms, the Stanford Acute Stress Reaction Questionnaire to assess acute stress disorder (ASD) and the Davidson Trauma Scale to assess PTSD. 18 % of mothers had baseline ASD while 30 % of mothers met the criteria for PTSD at the 1-month follow-up. Dysfunctional coping as measured by the Brief COPE was positively associated with elevated risk of PTSD in these mothers (RR = 1.09, 95 % CI 1.02–1.15; p = .008). Maternal education was positively associated with PTSD; each year increase in education was associated with a 17 % increase in the relative risk of PTSD at 1 month follow-up (RR = 1.17, 95 % CI 1.02–1.35; p = .03). Results suggest that dysfunctional coping is an important issue to consider in the development of PTSD in parents of premature infants.  相似文献   




对于新生儿重症监护室中的一部分危重新生儿,虽然可以借助高新尖的医疗技术挽留他们的性命,但却不能避免其出现影响远期生存质量的后遗症。因此患儿家属和医务人员陷入了是否对这些危重新生儿实施放弃治疗的两难困境。对NICU中放弃治疗的对象、伦理学依据、伦理学意义以及如何实施放弃治疗的问题加以讨论,为NICU医务人员提供有益参考。  相似文献   

对于新生儿重症监护室中的一部分危重新生儿,虽然可以借助高新尖的医疗技术挽留他们的性命,但却不能避免其出现影响远期生存质量的后遗症.因此患儿家属和医务人员陷入了是否对这些危重新生儿实施放弃治疗的两难困境.对NICU中放弃治疗的对象、伦理学依据、伦理学意义以及如何实施放弃治疗的问题加以讨论,为NICU医务人员提供有益参考.  相似文献   

ICU实行的基本是封闭式管理,这不仅带来了一些伦理问题,也容易引发医疗纠纷,从伦理学的需要、预防医疗纠纷、改善医患关系等方面探讨ICU向患者家属开放的必要性,分析开放存在的问题,论证了ICU向患者家属开放的可行性.  相似文献   

ICU实行的基本是封闭式管理,这不仅带来了一些伦理问题,也容易引发医疗纠纷,从伦理学的需要、预防医疗纠纷、改善医患关系等方面探讨ICU向患者家属开放的必要性,分析开放存在的问题,论证了ICU向患者家属开放的可行性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence and correlates of acute stress disorder (ASD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in mothers and fathers, and postpartum depression (PPD) in mothers, of infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). 86 mothers and 41 fathers completed measures of ASD and of parent perception of infant medical severity 3–5 days after the infant’s NICU admission (T1), and measures of PTSD and PPD 30 days later (T2). 35% of mothers and 24% of fathers met ASD diagnostic criteria at T1, and 15% of mothers and 8% of fathers met PTSD diagnostic criteria at T2. PTSD symptom severity was correlated with concurrent stressors and family history of anxiety and depression. Rates of ASD/PTSD in parents of hospitalized infants are consistent with rates in other acute illness and injury populations, suggesting relevance of traumatic stress in characterizing parent experience during and after the NICU.  相似文献   

Investigators argue that it is essential to consider why parents select non-parental child care arrangements in studying the effects of that care on a child’s development. Existing investigations explore family economic and demographic characteristics as determinants of child care choice. The present investigation examined a wide array of parents’ beliefs about characteristics of child care arrangements with the goal of determining if these could be reduced to coherent dimensions. The emergent belief sets were examined in relation to maternal and child characteristics as potential correlates. Two hundred and twenty respondents with children in non-parental care completed surveys. These individuals represent diverse ethnic and economic groups. Ratings of the importance of characteristics were factor analyzed resulting in a six factor solution: Practical Concerns, Institutional Structure, Curriculum, Scheduling, Child Centered Orientation and School Readiness. The latter factor, or program components promoting social skills and classroom behaviors associated with succeeding in school, was identified as the most important dimension. Parents describing their children as more difficult temperamentally and as less developmentally advanced tended to describe school readiness and curriculum issues as less important. Child characteristics accounted for unique variance above and beyond mothers’ characteristics in predicting to parental beliefs. Results suggest that parents as consumers possess coherent belief sets and are sensitive to children’s developmental needs in evaluating care arrangements.  相似文献   

The intensive care unit is one of the most stressful and demanding work sites of the pediatric psychologist. The rapid changes in health status that necessitate stays on the intensive care unit often constitute an emotional roller coaster ride for both family members and the staff caring for their child. The Medical Crisis Counseling (MCC) intervention model is a useful approach to providing psychological support in the pediatric intensive care setting. A representative year's worth of consultation requests from the multidisciplinary intensive care unit of a large urban pediatric hospital is described and discussed in the context of the MCC model.  相似文献   

Parental imprisonment, and more recently other close family imprisonment, has been associated with long-term harms to children. A number of researchers have proposed that parenting stress caused by family imprisonment could impact on caregivers’ ability to offer a secure parent–child relationship after a close family member is imprisoned. Such relationship problems might then mediate further harms to children. The Family Stress-Proximal Process (FSPP) model conceptualises family imprisonment as an ongoing stressor that influences relational processes in families. Using HILDA, a nationally-representative Australian survey, we test key aspects of this theoretical model for women affected by close family imprisonment. We demonstrate that recent close family imprisonment does indeed significantly increase risks of high maternal parenting stress. Women affected by this high parenting stress are also significantly more likely to report feeling less satisfied with their relationship with their child one year later. Nonetheless, only a third of women experiences high parenting stress after close family imprisonment. And, women who experience close family imprisonment without high parenting stress do not have a greater risk of subsequent relationship dissatisfaction. We conclude that the prevention or reduction of parenting stress in families affected by close family imprisonment could have a protective effect on subsequent mother-child relationships.  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺在危重患者中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谷氨酰胺(Glutamine,Gln)是体内最为丰富的条件必须氨基酸,危重症患者体内Gln严重缺乏,研究认为适当补充Gln可起到促进肠道黏膜屏障功能恢复、调节细胞免疫等作用,从而降低危重症患者感染性并发症、缩短住院时间及减少ICU费用等,本文就这些方面做一综述。  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3):55-60
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of an exploration of the relationship of adult attachment dimensions (closeness, dependence, and anxiety) and world view assumptions (benevolence, meaningfulness, and worthiness) to psychological distress and psychological well-being in 142 parents (71 couples) of newborns recently hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit. The results of the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, hierarchical multiple regression, and mediation analyses showed that parents who were more comfortable with attachment-dependence and parents who held more positive beliefs about benevolence and worthiness had less psychological distress and more well-being. In addition, parents with partners who were more comfortable with attachment-dependence had less psychological distress and more well-being. Attachment-dependence partially mediated the relationships of benevolence and worthiness with psychological distress and the relationship of benevolence with psychological well-being, whereas worthiness had a direct relationship with psychological well-being.  相似文献   

基于目前我国医疗压力较大,过度治疗现象突出等问题,站在现代医学观念和辩证思维角度来思考如何合理且有效地利用现有的医疗资源,减少不必要且增加患者痛苦的治疗,减轻患者家庭负担,让患者有尊严地离开。同时,借鉴国外经验结合我国文化背景对预立医疗照护计划的可行性和必要性进行阐述,对国内外预立医疗照护计划实施的现状进行对比,并分析国内外预立医疗照护计划实施差异的原因,提出针对性的措施,以期为我国重症医学科推行预立医疗照护计划提供建议,促进安宁疗护的进一步发展。  相似文献   

筛查大连地区ICU患者早期低钙血症发生率,并分析其危险因素.选择自2010年9月14日至2010年9月30日新入大连市8家三级医院ICU的患者.入选44例患者中低钙血症患者20例,低钙血症发生率为45.4%.入选患者中全身性感染低钙血症发生率最高为61.1%,随后依次为其他疾病、心血管疾病、创伤和神经系统疾病.低钙血症的危险因素为蛋白水平、血磷水平、乳酸水平以及日照时间长短.  相似文献   

Although the role of imagination in moral reasoning is often neglected, recent literature, mostly of pragmatist signature, points to imagination as one of its central elements. In this article we develop some of their arguments by looking at the moral role of imagination in practice, in particular the practice of neonatal intensive care. Drawing on empirical research, we analyze a decision-making process in various stages: delivery, staff meeting, and reflection afterwards. We show how imagination aids medical practitioners demarcating moral categories, tuning their actions, and exploring long-range consequences of decisions. We argue that imagination helps to bring about at least four kinds of integration in the moral decision-making process: personal integration by creating a moral self-image in moments of reflection; social integration by aiding the conciliation of the diverging perspectives of the people involved; temporal integration by facilitating the parties to transcend the present moment and connect past, present, and future; and epistemological integration by helping to combine the various forms of knowledge and experience needed to make moral decisions. Furthermore, we argue that the role of imagination in these moral decision-processes is limited in several significant ways. Rather than being a solution itself, it is merely an aid and cannot replace the decision itself. Finally, there are also limits to the practical relevance of this theoretical reflection. In the end, it is up to care professionals as reflective practitioners to re-imagine the practice of intensive care and make the right decisions with hope and imagination.
Mark CoeckelberghEmail:

分析急诊ICU患者出现谵妄症状的原因以及处理对策.分析总结我院急诊ICU 3年间所有患者的资料,发现20.2%的患者出现谵妄症状,原因为:(1)疾病相关;(2)药物相关;(3)监护环境等多种因素作用结果.经过调整治疗方案、加强心理护理后,需要镇静药物的仅为谵妄患者的19.7%.因此寻找谵妄原因很重要,治疗重点在于去除谵妄原因以及相关促发因素.  相似文献   

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