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Children who experienced autism, mental retardation, and language disorders; and, children in a clinical control group were shown photographs of human female, orangutan, and canine (boxer) faces expressing happiness, sadness, anger, surprise and a neutral expression. For each species of faces, children were asked to identify the happy, sad, angry, or surprised expressions. In Experiment 1, error patterns suggested that children who experienced autism were attending to features of the lower face when making judgements about emotional expressions. Experiment 2 supported this impression. When recognizing facial emotion, children without autism performed better when viewing the full face, compared to the upper and lower face alone. Children with autism performed no better when viewing the full face than they did when viewing partial faces; and, performed no better than chance when viewing the upper face alone. The results are discussed with respect to differences in the manner that children with and without autism process social information communicated by the face.  相似文献   

Perception and Emotion: How We Recognize Facial Expressions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT— Perception and emotion interact, as is borne out by studies of how people recognize emotion from facial expressions. Psychological and neurological research has elucidated the processes, and the brain structures, that participate in facial emotion recognition. Studies have shown that emotional reactions to viewing faces can be very rapid and that these reactions may, in turn, be used to judge the emotion shown in the face. Recent experiments have argued that people actively explore facial expressions in order to recognize the emotion, a mechanism that emphasizes the instrumental nature of social cognition.  相似文献   

This study reported on mean risk magnitude judgments expressed by French participants aged 8 to 75 years, on a set of 91 hazardous activities, substances, and technologies. It then systematically analyzed the effects of the age factor on the judgments. Between elderly people and young and mature adults, few notable differences were detected. The most important result was that a considerable proportion of the children were able to estimate the risk associated with most items of the present study, and that the linear association between children's ratings and adults' ratings was very high. This finding supports the view that the learning of the risk associated with various technologies, common in society, is a fast process, depending probably much more on exposure to media information and family discussions (socialization) than on exposure to everyday reality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The authors investigated the association of traditional and cyber forms of bullying and victimization with emotion perception accuracy and emotion perception bias. Four basic emotions were considered (i.e., happiness, sadness, anger, and fear); 526 middle school students (280 females; M age = 12.58 years, SD = 1.16 years) were recruited, and emotionality was controlled. Results indicated no significant findings for girls. Boys with higher levels of traditional bullying did not show any deficit in perception accuracy of emotions, but they were prone to identify happiness and fear in faces when a different emotion was expressed; in addition, male cyberbullying was related to greater accuracy in recognizing fear. In terms of the victims, cyber victims had a global problem in recognizing emotions and a specific problem in processing anger and fear. It was concluded that emotion perception accuracy and bias were associated with bullying and victimization for boys not only in traditional settings but also in the electronic ones. Implications of these findings for possible intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

以103名大学生为对象,在正性、负性两种情绪状态下,用句子整理任务引发被试抑制情绪或表达情绪两种情绪调节方式,采用信号检测论测得正、负性表情的表情知觉敏感性。结果表明:(1)表情知觉敏感性存在情绪一致性效应,在负性情绪状态下,人们对负性表情更敏感,差异显著(p=0.002);在正性情绪状态下,人们对正性表情更敏感,虽然只是边缘显著(p=0.700)。(2)自动抑制情绪会降低人们的情绪体验,并且会影响表情知觉敏感性的情绪一致性效应。在自动抑制启动的状态下,人们对正、负性表情都不太敏感。  相似文献   

Visual adaptation is known to bias perception away from the properties of the adapting stimuli, toward opposite properties, resulting in perceptual aftereffects. For example, prolonged exposure to a face has been shown to produce an identity aftereffect, biasing perception of a subsequent face toward the opposite identity. Such repulsive aftereffects have been observed for both visually perceived and visually imagined faces, suggesting that both perception and imagery yield typical aftereffects. However, recent studies have reported opposite patterns of aftereffects for perception and imagery of face gender. In these studies, visually perceived faces produced typical effects in which perception of androgynous faces was biased away from the gender of the adaptor, whereas imagery of the same stimuli produced atypical aftereffects, biasing the perceived gender of androgynous faces toward the gender of the adaptor. These findings are highly unusual and warrant further research. The present study aimed to gather new evidence on the direction of gender aftereffects following perception and imagery of faces. Experiment 1 had participants view and imagine female and male faces of famous and non-famous individuals. To determine the effect of concomitant visual stimulation on imagery and adaptation, participants visualized faces both in the presence and in the absence of a visual input. In Experiment 2, participants were adapted to perceived and imagined faces of famous and non-famous actors matched on gender typicality. This manipulation allowed us to determine the effect of face familiarity on the magnitude of gender aftereffects. Contrary to evidence from previous studies, our results demonstrated that both perception and imagery produced typical aftereffects, biasing the perceived gender of androgynous faces in the opposite direction to the gender of the adaptor. Famous faces yielded largest adaptation effects across tasks. Experiment 2 confirmed that these effects depended on familiarity rather than on sexual dimorphism. In both experiments, this effect was greater for perception than imagery. Additionally, imagery of famous faces produced strongest aftereffects when it was performed in the absence of visual stimulation. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

听觉掩蔽的机制是解决嘈杂声学环境下对特定目标声音进行加工, 即“鸡尾酒会”问题的关键。听觉掩蔽可以分为能量掩蔽和信息掩蔽两种类型。前者是因为目标和掩蔽声音在听觉外周在时间和频率上的重叠所造成的, 而后者被认为是掩蔽声音在听觉中枢和目标声音竞争加工资源所造成的。长久以来, 信息掩蔽一直被当作一种单一成分的现象, 这一概念框架已经成为制约对其机制进行深入研究的一个瓶颈。信息掩蔽中至少包含有知觉信息掩蔽和认知信息掩蔽两种亚成分, 它们源于不同的中枢机制。多个说话人声音掩蔽的条件下, 总体掩蔽量是能量掩蔽、知觉信息掩蔽和认知信息掩蔽等成分总和的结果。操纵掩蔽和目标声音的知觉空间分离、掩蔽声音的可懂度以及掩蔽和目标声音的知觉相似度, 可以实现对两种信息掩蔽亚成分的双重分离。应用功能性核磁共振成像技术可以发现两者有不同的神经机制。  相似文献   

王沛  霍鹏飞  王灵慧 《心理学报》2012,44(9):1138-1148
Dehaene等(1998)和Greenwald等(1996)的研究通过在方法上的完善, 为阈下知觉的存在提供了确凿的证据。但是阈下知觉可以达到什么样的深度这一问题尚仍然存在争议, 有研究者认为阈下知觉可以达到语义加工的水平, 而有的研究者认为阈下知觉只是对刺激视觉特征的一种浅层加工, 并形成了一些非语义加工的假说。在以往研究的基础上, 本研究通过完善实验范式, 分别采用图片、字词作为实验材料对阈下知觉的深度和影响因素进行探讨。实验1和实验2立据于阈下非语义加工的各种理论, 为阈下语义加工的存在提供了证据。同时实验2表明, 阈下知觉达到的水平取决于靶子集的大小, 更确切的说取决于被试对靶刺激进行了何种水平的加工。  相似文献   

A large body of research has suggested that anxiety sensitivity (AS) acts as a specific vulnerability factor in the development of anxiety pathology. More recently, attention has turned to the etiology of AS per se. The present study tested several related etiological hypotheses derived from Expectancy theory. S. Reiss and R. J. McNally (1985) originally proposed that greater physiological reactivity would increase risk for developing heightened AS. Reactive individuals are believed to have greater opportunity to perceive unpleasant bodily perturbations, thereby increasing the likelihood that concerns and fears could be attached to the sensations. Nonclinical participants (N = 86) completed physical (e.g., orthostatic) and biological (e.g., 35% CO2) challenges and a heart beat perception task. AS was not related to heart beat perception but was related to greater tonic heart rate and greater diastolic blood pressure (DBP) reactivity to both the challenges. Higher DBP and higher heart beat accuracy interacted to predict higher AS.  相似文献   

张馨  蒋重清 《心理科学进展》2015,23(8):1340-1347
人们在比较长时间地知觉加工面孔中的性别、表情、种族、年龄等信息时, 会产生适应现象, 即对这些信息的变化更加敏感, 甚至因过度敏感而产生面孔知觉错觉。研究者创设了适应范式(adaptation paradigm)用于面孔知觉研究, 大多集中于探讨面孔各个维度知觉上怎样出现适应效应, 发现面孔适应效应受制于多种因素, 最近几年研究焦点转向了对面孔属性间关系的探索。未来研究尚需要加强面孔知觉适应的过程研究以及提高面孔适应研究的生态效度等。  相似文献   

在安静、语音型噪音、语音调制型噪音三种背景下测量了汉语母语者、汉语中、高水平的韩语母语者感知汉语元音和声调的正确率。安静背景下,三组人的语音感知类似,而在语音型噪音背景下,汉语母语者的感知正确率显著高于中水平二语者。进一步的检验表明中水平二语者在语音型噪音背景下的感知难度较大是由于其受到的语音型噪音中能量掩蔽的影响比母语被试要大,而其受到的信息掩蔽的干扰和另外两组被试相近。  相似文献   

日常言语交流常常会遇到各种噪音的干扰。研究表明, 噪音所产生的能量掩蔽和信息掩蔽会给语音感知带来较大影响。在感知地道的二语语音时, 二语者在各种噪音条件下所受干扰通常比母语者更大, 其表现随噪音类型、水平和目标音位特征的不同而变化; 同时, 二语者的感知也存在较大个体差异, 这是多种因素影响的结果。在噪音下感知带有各种外国腔的二语口音时, 母语者的表现差于其对地道母语语音的感知; 二语经历贫乏的二语者则对与自己口音类似的外国腔感知较好, 但二语经历较长的二语者在感知中却表现出较大灵活性。  相似文献   

本研究采用事件相关电位技术,通过参数设计考察了大脑加工面孔生命性时的神经电活动动态进程。结果显示:非生命性面孔比生命性面孔在中央顶区诱发了更大的LPP波幅;生命性和非生命性面孔诱发的LPP波幅均显著大于中间等级(60%)面孔,提示随生命性信息增强,LPP波幅呈“U”型变化。P1和N170未表现出面孔类别差异。结果表明LPP是探测面孔生命性加工的有效成分,支持面孔生命性加工位于面孔加工的晚期阶段的观点。  相似文献   

The current study examined the relationship between childhood anxiety and threat perception abnormalities. Children (N = 105) were exposed to stories reflecting three types of anxiety: social anxiety, separation anxiety, and generalized anxiety. From children's reactions to the stories, a number of threat perception indices were derived. Children's level of anxiety was assessed by means of questionnaires and a structured diagnostic interview. Results indicated that high levels of anxiety, as measured by questionnaires and interview, were accompanied by a high frequency of threat perception, high ratings of threat, a high frequency of threatening interpretations, high levels of negative feelings and cognitions, and an early detection of threat. Furthermore, results seemed to suggest that threat perception abnormalities were mediated by children's general level of anxiety rather than by levels of specific anxiety symptoms.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to assess whether interpersonal closeness facilitates earlier emotion detection as the emotional expression unfolds. Female undergraduate participants were either paired with a close friend or an acquaintance (n = 92 pairs). Participants viewed morphed movies of their partner and a stranger gradually shifting from a neutral to either a sad, angry, or happy expression. As predicted, findings indicate a closeness advantage. Close friends detected the onset of their partners’ angry and sad expressions earlier than acquaintances. Additionally, close friends were more accurate than acquaintances in identifying angry and sad expressions at the onset, particularly in non-vignette conditions when these expressions were void of context. These findings suggest that closeness does indeed facilitate emotional perception, particularly in ambiguous situations for negative emotions.  相似文献   

Component theory (C. Smith & H. Scott, 1997) predicts that presence of component movements (action units) alters the decoded meaning of a basic emotional expression. We tested whether the meaning of the basic expression of anger varied when different components were present in the expression. Participants were asked to label variants of anger from Ekman and Friesen's Pictures of Facial Affect using 15 anger terms, and invariance of labeling was tested by manipulating the judgment task. Data were analyzed using consensus analysis, multidimensional scaling, and numerical scaling. Components did not result in consensus about fine distinctions in the meanings of the anger expressions. Varying the type of task strongly affected results. We believe this occurred because language elicits different categorization processes than evaluation of facial expressions nonverbally.  相似文献   

新近研究结合日趋成熟的标量计时模型及神经学相关依据提出,情绪诱发的生理唤醒会加长主观时距,而注意唤醒会缩短主观时距,且各自有不同的发生特点。本研究选取3、5、8岁被试,系统探讨了800~3200ms范围内,儿童在高兴和生气两种面孔表情刺激下的时距知觉特点,并以中性面孔表情作为参照。研究发现:(1)3~8岁儿童都已具备明显的时距知觉,但时间敏感度随年龄的增加而提高;(2)3~8岁儿童时距判断均会受到情绪的干扰,情绪刺激下的主观时距长于中性刺激下的主观时距;(3)3~8岁儿童生气表情下的主观时距长于高兴表情下的主观时距,生理唤醒效应作用更为明显。  相似文献   

适应范式为考察各种心理现象或心理过程的机制提供了一条重要的途径。本文在简要介绍传统适应范式和功能性磁共振适应范式的基础上,重点回顾了它们在人脸知觉研究中的应用,提出人脸适应后效除源于尺寸和朝向等低、中水平物理信息的编码加工外,更多地基于身份和性别等高水平社会信息的编码,且其效应量依赖于高水平的基于标准的竞争性编码加工机制。对人脸类别属性的编码标准和时效性等问题仍有待进一步分析。  相似文献   

This study examined whether children with and without imaginary companions differed in their attributions of agency to inanimate objects. In Study 1, preschool children were shown animation movies in which two geometric figures moved with systematic interaction or randomly. Then, children were asked about biological, emotional and cognitive properties of the figures. The results revealed that children with imaginary companions were more likely to attribute biological properties to the geometric figures that moved randomly compared to children without imaginary companions, but children with and without imaginary companions did not differ in their attributions of cognitive and emotional properties. In Study 2, children were asked about the biological, psychological and perceptual properties of a puppet and a human. Results showed that children with and without imaginary companions did not show the differences in the biological and psychological attributions. Results are discussed in terms of children's agent perception systems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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