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背景线索效应的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
葛列众  王松琴  何灿群 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1451-1452
背景线索效应(contextual cueing effect)是近年来场景知觉的一个研究热点。本文简要介绍了背景线索效应的发现及进展、理论解释和神经基础,并探讨了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

视觉环境中不变的空间布局信息能够引导观察者将注意快速指向特定的位置并促进对该位置上目标物体的识别,这种现象称为空间情境提示效应.在系统回顾以往研究的基础上,对空间情境提示效应的经典研究和实验范式,空间情境学习的性质、内容与过程,以及空间情境提示效应的产生机制和神经基础进行分析梳理.文章在最后总结了以往研究中存在的5个争议性的问题,并指出未来研究可以操纵研究材料和任务难度等关键变量来解决这些问题.  相似文献   

重复的画面布局能够促进观察者对目标项的搜索 (情境提示效应)。本研究采用双任务范式,分别在视觉搜索任务的学习阶段 (实验2a) 和测验阶段 (实验2b) 加入空间工作记忆任务, 并与单任务基线 (实验1)进行比较, 考察空间工作记忆负载对真实场景搜索中情境线索学习和情境提示效应表达的影响。结果发现: 空间负载会增大学习阶段的情境提示效应量, 同时削弱测验阶段的情境提示效应量, 而不影响情境线索的外显提取。由此可见, 真实场景中情境线索的学习和提示效应的表达均会受到有限的工作记忆资源的影响, 但情境线索提取的外显性不变。  相似文献   

以室内3D场景图为实验材料,采用眼动追踪技术,探讨背景线索对真实场景视觉搜索过程中的注意引导。结果发现:在室内场景目标搜索过程中存在背景线索效应,该效应基于对背景-目标共变关系的外显记忆;背景线索对搜索的启动和确认阶段无影响,对扫描阶段的注视行为有促进作用,有助于更有效地选择注视区域,将注视更直接地导向目标所在位置。  相似文献   

背景线索效应是由重复场景导致搜索效率提高的现象。以往研究发现三维场景下能获得背景线索效应,但对三维场景下深度知觉线索信息如何影响空间场景提供有效线索引导注意仍缺乏实证研究。本研究以矩阵刺激为材料,通过设置不同的刺激项目水平数探讨深度知觉线索对背景线索效应的影响模式。结果发现:(1)在场景布局由较少项目构成时,深度知觉线索提供目标与刺激项目的有效联结,获得背景线索效应;(2)当刺激项目水平达到一定程度时,深度知觉线索增加了背景线索任务的搜索难度,干扰了重复场景中的背景信息对注意的指导性加工,背景线索效应消失。研究结果为三维场景下深度信息对空间场景中注意引导加工的影响提供了证据。  相似文献   

背景线索效应揭示了个体在视觉搜索过程中对刺激之间具有的稳定空间关系(刺激间不变的相对空间位置)的学习能够提高搜索效率。本文基于经典背景线索效应在内隐习得空间布局的机制下结合真实场景视觉搜索的相关理论,对真实场景背景线索效应的实验范式、学习性质与内容进行归纳梳理,将真实场景视觉搜索中影响背景线索效应的视觉信息分为低水平物理特征及高水平语义信息两个维度进行论述。虽然当前研究涉及真实场景背景线索效应在不同场景维度信息的加工机制,但对于发挥作用的场景信息类别以及作用阶段还较少涉及,未来研究仍需进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

视空间注意线索效应的研究评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章回顾视空间注意理论及其线索效应研究的发展,总结了视空间注意的理论及现有的研究存在的问题:实验设计的任务过于单一化,大多研究集中于视觉搜索任务中的线索效应;研究多集中在二维空间中的研究,缺乏关于在三维立体空间中的研究。展望了其未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

情景线索效应是指个体在视觉搜索过程中通过学习重复不变的情景信息提高搜索效率的现象。本文从情景线索效应相关行为特征、眼动特征及大脑神经活动等三个方面探讨了情景线索效应与选择性注意机制的交互作用,发现现有研究中存在着许多互相冲突的现象,增加了理解注意机制的难度。未来研究应结合认知神经科学技术寻找更多的实证数据,探索注意机制对情景线索效应的影响,以进一步完善情景线索效应中的注意机制理论。  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the proposition of the elaboration explanation for contextual interference that more than one task is present in working memory when multiple tasks are practiced in a random schedule but that only one task is present in working memory when multiple tasks are practiced in a blocked schedule. Three motor tasks were performed as fast as possible in either a random or blocked practice schedule. At the end of practice, a reminder trial for each task was either given or not given. Acquisition performance was slower for the random practice conditions than for the blocked practice conditions. Retention performance was faster for the random practice conditions than for the blocked practice condition that did not receive a reminder trial for each task. Importantly, performance differences were not found between the random practice conditions and the blocked practice condition that did receive a reminder trial for each task. A blocked practice condition with a beneficial acquisition and reminder task order pairing performed faster during both acquisition and retention than a comparable random practice condition. Reminder trials can facilitate detailing of task characteristics, and their effectiveness is determined by the elapsed time and number of intervening tasks during acquisition and retention.  相似文献   

作为多媒体学习中一种重要的指导性教学设计形式, 线索能否引导学习者的注意并促进学习效果, 目前结论尚不一致。研究运用元分析技术, 分别以保持测验、迁移测验的成绩作为学习效果的结果变量, 以线索区的注视时间、注视次数作为注意引导的结果变量, 探讨多媒体环境中的线索对学习效果和注意引导的影响, 并通过调节效应检验考察线索效应的边界条件。采用严格标准进行文献检索和筛选后, 共获取43篇符合元分析的文献。在保持测验成绩和迁移测验成绩上, 分别生成了44个(3910人)和41个(3906人)独立效应量; 在对线索区的注视时间和注视次数上, 分别生成了14个(938人)和11个(816人)独立效应量。结果发现, 线索的加入显著提高了保持测验成绩(g = 0.53)和迁移测验成绩(g = 0.36), 同时也增加了学习者对线索区的注视时间(g = 0.50)和注视次数(g = 0.70)。调节效应分析发现:在保持测验成绩上, 静态学习材料、陈述性知识、理工科条件下的线索效应分别高于动态学习材料、程序性知识和文科; 在迁移测验成绩上, 时空线索、静态学习材料、陈述性知识条件下的线索效应分别高于物理线索、动态学习材料和程序性知识; 而在眼动指标上, 线索对注意的引导主要受线索类型的调节, 物理线索条件下学习者对线索区的注视时间和注视次数均高于时空线索。结论认为, 线索的加入确实促进了学习者对学习材料的识记和理解效果, 同时也引导了学习者的注意分配; 但线索效应一定程度上受线索类型、学习材料动态性、知识类型、学科属性等因素的调节。未来研究需进一步考察线索效应的其他边界条件。  相似文献   

Different theoretical contentions on gender differences in loneliness exist, often including the emergence of gender differences in particular developmental periods. To explain those ideas, the current meta‐analysis synthesizes the available evidence on gender differences in loneliness across the lifespan. Three‐level meta‐analyses were conducted with 751 effect sizes, covering 399,798 individuals (45.56% males). Results showed a close‐to‐zero overall effect (g = 0.07). Most examined moderators were non‐significant, except for age, the scope of the sampling area, and year of publication. Most importantly, all effects were small, suggesting that across the lifespan mean levels of loneliness are similar for males and females.  相似文献   

In visual search, detection of a target is faster when a layout of nontarget items is repeatedly encountered, suggesting that contextual invariances can guide attention. Moreover, contextual cueing can also adapt to environmental changes. For instance, when the target undergoes a predictable (i.e., learnable) location change, then contextual cueing remains effective even after the change, suggesting that a learned context is “remapped” and adjusted to novel requirements. Here, we explored the stability of contextual remapping: Four experiments demonstrated that target location changes are only effectively remapped when both the initial and the future target positions remain predictable across the entire experiment. Otherwise, contextual remapping fails. In sum, this pattern of results suggests that multiple, predictable target locations can be associated with a given repeated context, allowing the flexible adaptation of previously learned contingencies to novel task demands.  相似文献   

线索在多媒体学习中作为一种重要的教学设计形式,具有引导注意、组织和整合信息的功能。综述已有研究发现,线索具有引导学习者加工特定位置信息、忽视无关信息干扰的功能;在特定条件下帮助学习者整合图-文信息,并且提高学习者的学习效果;但对于线索信息组织功能尚缺少充分而有力的证据。关于线索对学习效果的影响,大部分研究证实线索能够促进学习。但是由于线索的多样性以及学习材料的复杂性,线索能否有效地提高学习效果仍然存在争议。从认知负荷理论视角综述发现,线索加入并没有明显降低学习者感知到的主观认知负荷;从知觉加工视角而言,线索作为突显的刺激会吸引学习者的注意,从而简化学习者在知觉加工阶段的视觉搜索。未来研究仍然需要关注以下问题:(1)线索是否真的被学习者所注意和加工?(2)重视学习材料多样性比较和不同线索类型差异探讨,(3)关注学习者经验影响,(4)如何在教学设计上保证线索的有效性。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined whether visual context can be learned through a dynamic display and whether it can facilitate sustained attentional tracking by combining a multiple object tracking (MOT) task and a contextual cueing procedure. The trajectories of the targets and distractors in the MOT task were made invariant by repeatedly presenting them. The results revealed that when the targets were repeatedly displayed, tracking performance implicitly improved, and this effect was enhanced when the unattended distractors in the displays were also repeated. However, the repetition of the distractors alone did not produce any effect. Interestingly, when the targets and distractors were switched in a display in which the distractors had been previously repeated, the tracking performance was impaired as compared with that in the case of nonrepeated displays. We concluded that the contextual information in a dynamic display facilitates attentional tracking and that different types of contextual modulations occurred in MOT processes, such as facilitation for attended targets and inhibition for ignored distractors.  相似文献   

The acquisition of complex motor, cognitive, and social skills, like playing a musical instrument or mastering sports or a language, is generally associated with implicit skill learning (SL). Although it is a general view that SL is most effective in childhood, and such skills are best acquired if learning starts early, this idea has rarely been tested by systematic empirical studies on the developmental pathways of SL from childhood to old age. In this paper, we challenge the view that childhood and early school years are the prime time for skill learning by tracking age‐related changes in performance in three different paradigms of SL. We collected data from participants between 7 and 87 years for (1) a Serial Reaction Time Task (SRT) testing the learning of motor sequences, (2) an Artificial Grammar Learning (AGL) task testing the extraction of regularities from auditory sequences, and (3) Probabilistic Category Learning in the Weather Prediction task (WP), a non‐sequential categorization task. Results on all three tasks show that adolescence and adulthood are the most efficient periods for skill learning, since instead of becoming less and less effective with age, SL improves from childhood into adulthood and then later declines with aging.  相似文献   

连续和同时线索化条件下的返回抑制容量   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
周建中 《心理科学》2001,24(3):269-272,268
利用线索-靶子模式进行了返回抑制容量的两个实验。实验一对外周数个位置连续线索化,实验二对外周数个位置同时线索化。结果表明:(1)在连续线索化条件下,当线索化位置是相邻时,返回抑制容量可以达到4个,当线索化位置是间隔时,返回抑制容量只有1个。(2)在同时线索化条件下.当线索化位置是相邻时,返回抑制容量可以达到3个,当线索化位置是间隔时.返回抑制容量只有1个。结果支持认为存在着两种不同的返回抑制的观点,即一种是弥散性的,其容量较大;另一种是集中性的,其容量只有一个。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of semantic cues provided at encoding and during retention for older adults' memory. For the California Verbal Learning Test-II, participants received semantic or nonsemantic cues that were varied across groups at encoding and during the retention interval. Provision of a semantic cue at encoding led to greater semantic clustering at learning, but not increased recall performance. Providing a semantic cue during the retention interval led to better delayed free recall and greater semantic clustering. No group differences in recall or semantic clustering were found at delayed cued recall. The current findings suggest that semantic cues can be beneficial for recalling unstructured information when administered during the retention interval.  相似文献   


Domestic abuse has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Occupational therapists working in many different settings will encounter children, adults, elders and individuals with disabilities who have experienced intimate violence and abuse. This article presents common definitions and illustrative examples of each type of violence. Issues related to the difficulty inherent in identifying victims of abuse are discussed with an elaboration of indicators that are likely to be seen by an occupational therapist in the clinical setting. Risk factors for becoming a victim or an abuser for each population group and the effects of violence on victims are presented. A brief discussion of the legal and ethical implications of identifying and treating abuse victims concludes the article.  相似文献   

在场景中加工物体信息时, 与物体相伴随的背景会影响对物体的加工。这种物体加工的背景效应在很多的研究中得到了证实。场景知觉中的背景效应有不同的表现, 对于场景中物体识别和背景的关系, 研究者从功能独立、相互作用和背景引导等理论角度给予了解释。其次, 自然场景材料和非自然场景材料所提供的背景信息不同, 研究者从不同的刺激水平探讨了这二者之间的背景效应存在的差异。同时, 随着技术的进步, 研究者也在探讨场景知觉过程中物体加工背景效应的生理机制, 并发现了一些与物体识别的背景效应有关的脑区定位。这些相关的研究为深入了解人是如何知觉和加工真实而复杂的环境提供了新的研究内容和视角。  相似文献   

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