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This study investigated whether retrieval of a noun's grammatical gender benefits from having retrieved that information recently. In response to picture stimuli, participants produced gender-marked pronouns under various priming conditions. The primes differed in that they either necessitated retrieval of grammatical gender (indefinite noun phrase/pronoun) or did not (noun); when they required gender retrieval, they varied in whether they involved access to the same morpheme (pronoun) or a different morpheme (indefinite noun phrase). Relative to an unprimed condition, faster responses were obtained in each condition. Pronoun primes facilitated pronoun naming more than the other prime types, but no difference was observed between noun primes and indefinite noun phrase primes. Thus, although the experiment was sensitive to priming processes, there was no evidence for morpheme-independent gender priming.  相似文献   

This study investigated the hypothesis that discrepant results regarding the recency effect in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients are due to the different scoring procedures used by various authors and/or to the different number of terminal items attributed to the recency part of the curve. Our results indicate that the last two processed words are available to AD patients for recall, just as they are to controls. Words processed slightly earlier are less available to AD patients than to controls, presumably because of the accelerated forgetting rate in demented patients.  相似文献   

首因效应向近因效应转换的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
刘爱伦  周丽华 《心理科学》2002,25(6):664-667
实验1以汉字与英文字母为材料,考察了自由回忆中学习与测验之间不同时间间隔(Os与10s)条件下的成绩,发现了首因效应向近因效应的转换,且它不受材料意义的影响。实验2对首因向近因效应转换的机制作了初步的探讨,排除了由于两种时间间隔被试采用不同顺序的提取策略造成首因向近因转换的可能性。  相似文献   

Six previous studies of the variables affecting anagram solution are re-examined for the evidence that number of syllables contributes to solution difficulty. It was shown that the number of syllables in a solution word was confounded with imagery for one study and with diagram frequency for another. More importantly it was shown that the number of syllables has a large effect on anagram solution difficulty in the re-analysis of the results from the other four studies. In these studies, the number of syllables was either more important than the principal variable examined in the experiment or the second most important variable. Overall the effect size for the number of syllables was large, d = 1.14. The results are discussed in the light of other research and it is suggested that anagram solution may have more in common with other word identification and reading processes than has been previously thought.  相似文献   

A Bayesian network (BN) is a graphical model of uncertainty that is especially well suited to legal arguments. It enables us to visualize and model dependencies between different hypotheses and pieces of evidence and to calculate the revised probability beliefs about all uncertain factors when any piece of new evidence is presented. Although BNs have been widely discussed and recently used in the context of legal arguments, there is no systematic, repeatable method for modeling legal arguments as BNs. Hence, where BNs have been used in the legal context, they are presented as completed pieces of work, with no insights into the reasoning and working that must have gone into their construction. This means the process of building BNs for legal arguments is ad hoc, with little possibility for learning and process improvement. This article directly addresses this problem by describing a method for building useful legal arguments in a consistent and repeatable way. The method complements and extends recent work by Hepler, Dawid, and Leucari (2007) on object‐oriented BNs for complex legal arguments and is based on the recognition that such arguments can be built up from a small number of basic causal structures (referred to as idioms). We present a number of examples that demonstrate the practicality and usefulness of the method.  相似文献   

This study examined the Chinese name-pronunciation effect. The easy-to-pronounce and difficult-to-pronounce Chinese names were created using the same characters in order to control for visual perceptual and conceptual fluency. In Experiment 1, participants rated each name in terms of liking, electability as a state leader, income level, and baby name preference. An additional rating of prevalence was used to estimate familiarity. In Experiment 2, participants did not read the name aloud before rating and performed intentional recall and recognition tests. In both experiments, the easy-to-pronounce names were rated higher than difficult-to-pronounce names on liking. This effect generalized to judgments of electability and baby name preference but not to prevalence and income level. There were no differences in memory performances between the two types of names. Results are discussed in terms of the boundary condition of the name-pronunciation effect and the advantage of using Chinese names to study this effect.  相似文献   

Internal and external features dominate familiar and unfamiliar face recognition, respectively. However, this finding is not universal; Egyptians showed a robust internal‐feature advantage for processing unfamiliar faces (Megreya & Bindemann, 2009). This bias was speculatively attributed to their long‐term experiences for individuating female faces with headscarves, which completely cover the external features. Here, we provided an empirical test for this suggestion. Participants from Egypt and UK were presented with a staged crime, which was committed by an own‐race woman with or without a headscarf. All participants were then asked to identify the culprit from a line‐up involving 10 faces with or without headscarves. British participants showed an advantage when the culprit left her hair uncovered. In contrast, Egyptian observers showed an advantage when the culprit wore a headscarf. This Egyptian headscarf effect was also replicated using British faces, suggesting that it reflects a specific characteristic of participant nationality rather than face nationality. These results therefore provide evidence for how culture influences cognition. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Proponents of unconscious-thought theory assert that letting the unconscious "mull it over" can enhance decisions. In a series of recent studies, researchers demonstrated that participants whose attention was focused on solving a complex problem (i.e., those using conscious thought) made poorer choices, decisions, and judgments than participants whose attention was distracted from the problem (i.e., those purportedly using unconscious thought). We argue that this finding, rather than establishing the existence of a deliberation-without-attention effect, is explained more compellingly in terms of the well-established distinction between on-line and memory-based judgments. In Experiment 1 , we reversed the recent finding by simply changing participants' on-line processing goal from impression formation to memorization. Experiment 2 provided a replication and further established that some cognitive effort appears necessary to produce both the original pattern of results and its reversal, suggesting that such judgments are ultimately a product of conscious, rather than unconscious, thinking.  相似文献   

情绪Stroop效应:来自汉字的证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钟毅平  孙羽中  张杰 《心理科学》2007,30(4):778-781
通过颜色命名和词汇阅读两种作业任务,采用情绪词、中性词两类刺激材料,探索情绪Stroop效应中Stroop加工的特点和机制。结果发现:(1)两种作业任务都发现明显的情绪Stroop效应;(2)两种作业任务中情绪Stroop效应不受情绪词的抽象性影响。它说明情绪stroop效应与经典的Stroop效应是两种独立的现象,前者的加工过程是由于情绪词所产生的情绪威胁而导致反应延迟,而不是经典Stroop效应的选择性注意机制。  相似文献   

听觉掩蔽的机制是解决嘈杂声学环境下对特定目标声音进行加工, 即“鸡尾酒会”问题的关键。听觉掩蔽可以分为能量掩蔽和信息掩蔽两种类型。前者是因为目标和掩蔽声音在听觉外周在时间和频率上的重叠所造成的, 而后者被认为是掩蔽声音在听觉中枢和目标声音竞争加工资源所造成的。长久以来, 信息掩蔽一直被当作一种单一成分的现象, 这一概念框架已经成为制约对其机制进行深入研究的一个瓶颈。信息掩蔽中至少包含有知觉信息掩蔽和认知信息掩蔽两种亚成分, 它们源于不同的中枢机制。多个说话人声音掩蔽的条件下, 总体掩蔽量是能量掩蔽、知觉信息掩蔽和认知信息掩蔽等成分总和的结果。操纵掩蔽和目标声音的知觉空间分离、掩蔽声音的可懂度以及掩蔽和目标声音的知觉相似度, 可以实现对两种信息掩蔽亚成分的双重分离。应用功能性核磁共振成像技术可以发现两者有不同的神经机制。  相似文献   

采用2(注意负荷:高、低)单因素被试内实验设计,以18名在校大学生为被试,运用行为实验及事件相关电位技术,对内隐序列学习是否需要注意负荷的参与进行实验研究。结果发现:(1)在高、低注意负荷条件下都出现了内隐序列学习效应;(2)高注意负荷序列探测刺激诱发的P1、N1波幅显著大于低注意负荷序列探测刺激诱发的,表明高注意负荷条件下需要更多的注意;(3)高、低注意负荷序列内隐序列学习量差异不显著,表明内隐序列学习不受注意负荷影响。  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - This study examines the effect of defense spending on individual Subjective Well-Being (SWB). While other types of public spending have been examined for their...  相似文献   

Legal decision‐making studies often demonstrate context effects: People's initial beliefs about a suspect's guilt influence their evaluation of subsequent evidence. We examine three potential moderators of these context effects: Order of evidence presentation, ability to ruminate, and valence of the initial belief (innocence or guilt). College students (n = 382) were presented with DNA evidence (incriminating or exonerating) and an ambiguous alibi in one of two orders (or just the alibi), and then evaluated how strongly the alibi incriminated the suspect and the suspect's likelihood of guilt. Results indicated that alibi evaluation exhibited context effects when (i) initial beliefs were of guilt (but not of innocence) and when (ii) evaluating subsequent evidence (but not when retroactively evaluating prior evidence). Rumination failed to moderate any effects. The integration of evidence exhibited recency effects: DNA had a greater impact on participants' beliefs in the suspect's guilt when presented last rather than first. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冷英  何秀丽 《心理科学》2012,35(2):299-303
以汉语中的叠词为实验材料,对重复知盲产生机制的类型标记个体化理论和建构理论进行检验。采用RSVP研究范式,在两个实验中让178名被试口头报告列表中出现的所有汉字(全部报告)或列表中最后两个字(部分报告)。结果发现:(1)在呈现速率为128ms和198ms时,完全重复的汉字在全部报告和部分报告任务中均存在RB效应,但在部分报告任务下出现的RB相比全部报告任务的减少了,符合建构理论的假设。(2)在全部报告条件下,不仅重复刺激的正确报告率会降低,而且与重复刺激相关的非重复刺激的正确报告率也会降低。研究表明建构理论比类型标记个体化理论更能解释RB效应的产生机制。  相似文献   

重复知盲是在快速系列视觉呈现任务中对第二个重复刺激的加工缺陷。以汉语中反义字和成语为实验材料,采用全部报告任务,探讨刺激的语义关联性对重复知盲的影响。实验1以汉语单字为材料,采用单因素三水平(目标刺激之间的语义关系:无关、相同、相反)被试内设计,结果是重复字产生重复知盲效应,反义字产生语义启动效应。实验2以成语为材料,采用2(目标刺激之间的语义关系:相同、无关)×2(位置:前位置、后位置)设计,结果是语义关联性消解了重复知盲效应。结果表明:(1)反义字不产生重复知盲效应。(2)语义关联性消解成语中重复字的重复知盲效应。(3)实验结果支持竞争假设。  相似文献   

Individuals have many life experiences (e.g., work and vacations) that consist of a series of interconnected episodes (i.e., temporal sequences). Assessments of such experiences are integral to daily life in that they facilitate future planning and behaviors for individuals. Therefore, these experiences often culminate in evaluations of their global affect. Past work has shown that retrospective, affective evaluations of these sequences generally exhibit an “end effect,” whereby a sequence's end intensity—but not its start intensity—is disproportionately weighted. Yet, researchers have largely investigated experiences that occur alone. In contrast, many real‐world experiences vary in their extent of social connection to others (e.g., working in an office with others versus alone in a cubicle). The present work fills this gap by showing the moderating role of social connection on how episodes are weighted in global affective ratings. Five studies involving two autobiographical experiences spanning several days each (workweek and spring break) and two brief simulated experiences show that high social connection leads to greater (lesser) weighting of the first (last) episode. To our knowledge, we are the first to demonstrate that these effects persist across different forms of social connection (i.e., interpersonal interaction versus semantic priming tasks) and are supported regardless of whether social connection occurs at encoding or retrieval of an experience. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In response to the risk of serious further offences, an evidence‐based approach is needed in risk management. A recent joint prison–probation inspection of the management of life sentence prisoners in six U.K. prisons found that the quality of assessment and plans to manage risk of harm to others was insufficient, with too much focus on the offender's verbal account. The present paper discusses observations of regular prisoner behaviour as the basis for predictions, and summarizes results of an evaluation of this methodology based on a sample of high‐risk category prisoners released into the community. Prison behaviour has not traditionally been seen as a valid risk marker for violent recidivism, which may be because typically only conspicuous high‐level behaviours are considered by risk management panels. Our research suggests that we are neglecting a valuable source of information on risk by failing to observe on‐going and consistent pre‐release behaviour. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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